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    My Special Aflac Duck海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? Aflac最新的创新高达11英寸,穿着白色羽毛,这并不意味着销售保险。它甚至不是出售的。 这是一款社交机器人,旨在安慰患有癌症的儿童,这是该公司23年来对儿童癌症事业的承诺的一部分。Aflac的发明重新定义了品牌吉祥物作为一种向善的力量的作用,同时通过技术推动了PR和品牌传播的界限。 Aflac的颠覆性技术获得了全世界的关注,并且已经为每年15,000名新诊断患有癌症的美国儿童中的许多人促进了更多的健康,舒适和快乐。 背景 在为儿童癌症事业投入23年和1.23亿美元支持后,Aflac意识到这个领域的创新已经成熟。随着儿童存活时间的延长,研究显示,人们对情感支持以及药物的治疗没有得到满足,平均需要1,000天。 技术可以在情感护理方面提供一种高影响力、具有成本效益的创新,在全国范围内易于扩展。吸引人们对令人痛苦的事业的关注还需要一个振奋人心的、有形的想法 -- 一个体现阿法拉克的关怀创新的品牌原型。该简报还需要一种创新,该创新将是可拥有的,品牌一致的,可扩展的,常青的和相关的在全国范围内。 公关目标: -吸引主要受众; -提升阿法拉克的声誉; -将品牌与创新联系起来; -可衡量地支持面临儿童癌症的儿童; 以及 -将Aflac定位为全国对话建设支持该事业的主要声音。 描述创作想法 (20% 的选票) 儿童癌症患者平均面临1,000天的治疗-以及持久的身体和情绪影响。他们需要的不仅仅是药物。研究表明,游戏对于生病的孩子来说是非常宝贵的,他们经常用玩具来表演治疗,熟悉压力疗法和控制感。 我的Special Aflac Duck是一种体验,而不是玩具; 是仿照Aflac品牌图标的创新社交机器人。随着四项专利的申请,它有助于培育医疗游戏: 用户喂养,洗澡,管理治疗,并使用呼吸练习来平静他们的鸭子。它具有逼真的运动 (nuzzling,呼吸,移动到音乐),情感 (点击表情卡的鸭子,它表达的感觉),医疗配件,和一个混合现实的应用程序,鼓励孩子们玩和交流。 这种企业社会责任创新在全国范围内是有形的、情感上令人信服的、可拥有的、与品牌一致的、可扩展的和相关的。Aflac的目标是向每名美国儿童癌症患者捐赠一名,年龄为3岁以上。 描述公关策略 (三成选票) 洞察: 兴趣将完全通过公关产生 (该计划背后没有广告),因此在消费电子展上的一个意想不到的背景下,成功的揭幕是关键。在发布前一天确保美联社的报道提前曝光,吸引了人群和媒体的关注,导致在CES上获得了20亿多的媒体印象。全国医院的送鸭活动和强大的社交媒体、奖项和演讲项目继续推动整个2018年和2019年媒体关注的稳定鼓点。 关键信息: Aflac认为儿童需要的不仅仅是药物来应对癌症。 目标受众: 医疗保健提供者和医疗团体,倡导团体,儿童癌症协会和患者,雇员和公众。 额外资产: 全国城市上空的视频、活动甚至鸭形探照灯。 公关计划: 把儿童、鸭子和它的发明者放在中心,然后让专家联系起来,争取可信度和影响力。 描述公关执行力 (20% 选票) 我的特制阿法拉克鸭自已。其创新的技术,周到的以儿童为中心的设计,阿弗拉克品牌的清晰表达和捐赠成分,使我的特别阿弗拉克鸭子具有新闻价值。因此,公关专注于建立机器人作为癌症治疗期间使用的工具的可信度-而不是玩具。 为了关注正在申请专利的技术,我们从2018年消费电子展开始,赢得了Tech for a a Better World和最意想不到的产品奖。 一场为期一年的战略性公关活动在全国范围内建立了势头: -为媒体,儿科癌症专家,问题影响者进行演示; -委托在亚特兰大儿童医疗机构进行医疗影响研究; -制作了一个短片,展示了我的特别阿福拉克鸭对儿童的影响; -在健康、技术和企业社会责任会议上提出 -- 例如,儿童生活专业人士协会会议、社会创新峰会、WSJ万物未来; -与儿童肿瘤学组,儿童奇迹网络医院和其他人合作,以扩大范围。 列出结果 (得票率的30%) – 必须至少包括以下两级: 媒体输出: -25亿媒体印象Ns; -794个赚的故事; -27个奖项,包括2018年时代杂志最佳发明。 目标受众: -订购3100多只鸭子; 143家医院覆盖88% 的美国。 医疗影响: -69% 的儿童报告压力减轻。 -82% 的父母建议: “[它]…… 让他觉得他有一个伙伴经历了同样的事情…… 作为父母,这是无价的。” 业务成果: -14% 的国民对我的特殊阿福拉克鸭的认识; 购买产品的倾向上升了11%。 -相应的3.2% 的销售额提升至16亿美元。 -内部调查显示,86% 的员工感到自豪Aflac是一家有爱心的公司。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Eleven inches tall and sporting white feathers, Aflac’s latest innovation isn’t meant to sell insurance. It’s not even for sale. It’s a social robot designed to comfort children with cancer, part of the company’s 23-year commitment to the childhood cancer cause. Aflac’s invention redefines the role of brand mascots as a force for good, while pushing the boundaries of PR and branded communications through technology. Aflac’s disruptive technology gained massive worldwide attention and is already promoting greater wellbeing, comfort, and joy for many of the 15,000 U.S. children newly-diagnosed with cancer each year. Background After investing 23 years and $123 million in support of the childhood cancer cause, Aflac realized the field was ripe for innovation. With children surviving longer, research revealed an unmet need for emotional support alongside medicine to cope with cancer treatment, which averages 1,000 days. Technology could provide a high-impact, cost-effective innovation in emotional care, one easily scalable nationwide. Attracting attention to the gut-wrenching cause also required an uplifting, tangible idea – one embodying Aflac’s brand archetype of caring innovation. The brief also required an innovation that would be ownable, brand-aligned, scalable, evergreen and relevant nationwide. PR objectives: - Engage key audiences; - Enhance Aflac’s reputation; - Associate the brand with innovation; - Measurably support children facing childhood cancer; and - Position Aflac as a leading voice in a national conversation building support for the cause. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Childhood cancer patients face an average 1,000 days of treatment – and lasting physical and emotional impacts. They need more than medicine. Studies show play is invaluable for ill children, who often act out their treatment with toys, gaining familiarity with stressful regimens and a sense of control. My Special Aflac Duck is an experience, not a toy; an innovative social robot modeled on Aflac’s brand icon. With four patents pending, it facilitates nurturing medical play: users feed, bathe, administer treatments to, and use breathing exercises to calm their duck. It features lifelike movement (nuzzling, breathing, moving to music), emotions (tap emoji cards to the duck and it expresses the feeling), medical accessories, and a mixed-reality app that encourages children to play and communicate. This CSR innovation is tangible, emotionally compelling, ownable, brand-aligned, scalable and relevant nationwide. Aflac aims to donate one to every U.S. childhood cancer patient, aged 3+. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Insight: Interest would be generated entirely through PR (there was no advertising behind the program), so a successful unveiling – in an unexpected context at the Consumer Electronics Show – was key. Securing an Associated Press story the day prior to launch delivered advance exposure, drawing crowds and media attention, leading to 2 billion+ earned media impressions at CES. Duck delivery events at hospitals nationwide and a robust social media, awards, and speaking program continues to drive a steady drumbeat of media attention throughout 2018 and 2019. Key Message: Aflac believes children need more than medicine to cope with cancer. Target Audience: Healthcare providers and medical community, advocacy groups, childhood cancer associations and patients, employees and the general public. Additional assets: Video, events and even duck-shaped searchlights over cities nationwide. The PR plan: Put children, the duck and its inventors at the center, then engage experts for credibility and reach. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) My Special Aflac Duck quacks for itself. Its innovative technology, thoughtful child-centered design, clear expression of Aflac’s brand and donation component made My Special Aflac Duck newsworthy. So, PR focused on building the robot’s credibility as a tool used during cancer treatments – not a toy. To spotlight patent-pending technology, we started at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, winning Tech for a Better World and Most Unexpected Product awards. A strategic, year-long PR campaign built nationwide momentum: - Conducted demos for media, pediatric cancer experts, issue influencers; - Commissioned a medical impact study at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; - Created a short film demonstrating My Special Aflac Duck’s impact on children; - Presented at health, technology and CSR conferences – e.g., Association of Child Life Professionals Conference, Social Innovation Summit, WSJ Future of Everything; - Partnered with Children’s Oncology Group, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and others to amplify reach. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Media outputs: - 2.5 billion media impressions; - 794 earned stories; - 27 awards, including 2018 Time Magazine Best Invention. Target audience: - 3,100+ ducks ordered; 143 hospitals covering 88% of U.S. Medical impact: - 69% children reported reduced stress. - 82% parents recommend: “[It]...made him feel he had a buddy going through the same thing...As a parent, that’s invaluable.” Business outcomes: - 14% national awareness of My Special Aflac Duck; propensity to buy products up 11%. - Corresponding 3.2% sales lift to $1.6 billion. - In-house survey revealed 86% of employees are proud Aflac is a caring company.

    My Special Aflac Duck

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? Aflac最新的创新高达11英寸,穿着白色羽毛,这并不意味着销售保险。它甚至不是出售的。 这是一款社交机器人,旨在安慰患有癌症的儿童,这是该公司23年来对儿童癌症事业的承诺的一部分。Aflac的发明重新定义了品牌吉祥物作为一种向善的力量的作用,同时通过技术推动了PR和品牌传播的界限。 Aflac的颠覆性技术获得了全世界的关注,并且已经为每年15,000名新诊断患有癌症的美国儿童中的许多人促进了更多的健康,舒适和快乐。 背景 在为儿童癌症事业投入23年和1.23亿美元支持后,Aflac意识到这个领域的创新已经成熟。随着儿童存活时间的延长,研究显示,人们对情感支持以及药物的治疗没有得到满足,平均需要1,000天。 技术可以在情感护理方面提供一种高影响力、具有成本效益的创新,在全国范围内易于扩展。吸引人们对令人痛苦的事业的关注还需要一个振奋人心的、有形的想法 -- 一个体现阿法拉克的关怀创新的品牌原型。该简报还需要一种创新,该创新将是可拥有的,品牌一致的,可扩展的,常青的和相关的在全国范围内。 公关目标: -吸引主要受众; -提升阿法拉克的声誉; -将品牌与创新联系起来; -可衡量地支持面临儿童癌症的儿童; 以及 -将Aflac定位为全国对话建设支持该事业的主要声音。 描述创作想法 (20% 的选票) 儿童癌症患者平均面临1,000天的治疗-以及持久的身体和情绪影响。他们需要的不仅仅是药物。研究表明,游戏对于生病的孩子来说是非常宝贵的,他们经常用玩具来表演治疗,熟悉压力疗法和控制感。 我的Special Aflac Duck是一种体验,而不是玩具; 是仿照Aflac品牌图标的创新社交机器人。随着四项专利的申请,它有助于培育医疗游戏: 用户喂养,洗澡,管理治疗,并使用呼吸练习来平静他们的鸭子。它具有逼真的运动 (nuzzling,呼吸,移动到音乐),情感 (点击表情卡的鸭子,它表达的感觉),医疗配件,和一个混合现实的应用程序,鼓励孩子们玩和交流。 这种企业社会责任创新在全国范围内是有形的、情感上令人信服的、可拥有的、与品牌一致的、可扩展的和相关的。Aflac的目标是向每名美国儿童癌症患者捐赠一名,年龄为3岁以上。 描述公关策略 (三成选票) 洞察: 兴趣将完全通过公关产生 (该计划背后没有广告),因此在消费电子展上的一个意想不到的背景下,成功的揭幕是关键。在发布前一天确保美联社的报道提前曝光,吸引了人群和媒体的关注,导致在CES上获得了20亿多的媒体印象。全国医院的送鸭活动和强大的社交媒体、奖项和演讲项目继续推动整个2018年和2019年媒体关注的稳定鼓点。 关键信息: Aflac认为儿童需要的不仅仅是药物来应对癌症。 目标受众: 医疗保健提供者和医疗团体,倡导团体,儿童癌症协会和患者,雇员和公众。 额外资产: 全国城市上空的视频、活动甚至鸭形探照灯。 公关计划: 把儿童、鸭子和它的发明者放在中心,然后让专家联系起来,争取可信度和影响力。 描述公关执行力 (20% 选票) 我的特制阿法拉克鸭自已。其创新的技术,周到的以儿童为中心的设计,阿弗拉克品牌的清晰表达和捐赠成分,使我的特别阿弗拉克鸭子具有新闻价值。因此,公关专注于建立机器人作为癌症治疗期间使用的工具的可信度-而不是玩具。 为了关注正在申请专利的技术,我们从2018年消费电子展开始,赢得了Tech for a a Better World和最意想不到的产品奖。 一场为期一年的战略性公关活动在全国范围内建立了势头: -为媒体,儿科癌症专家,问题影响者进行演示; -委托在亚特兰大儿童医疗机构进行医疗影响研究; -制作了一个短片,展示了我的特别阿福拉克鸭对儿童的影响; -在健康、技术和企业社会责任会议上提出 -- 例如,儿童生活专业人士协会会议、社会创新峰会、WSJ万物未来; -与儿童肿瘤学组,儿童奇迹网络医院和其他人合作,以扩大范围。 列出结果 (得票率的30%) – 必须至少包括以下两级: 媒体输出: -25亿媒体印象Ns; -794个赚的故事; -27个奖项,包括2018年时代杂志最佳发明。 目标受众: -订购3100多只鸭子; 143家医院覆盖88% 的美国。 医疗影响: -69% 的儿童报告压力减轻。 -82% 的父母建议: “[它]…… 让他觉得他有一个伙伴经历了同样的事情…… 作为父母,这是无价的。” 业务成果: -14% 的国民对我的特殊阿福拉克鸭的认识; 购买产品的倾向上升了11%。 -相应的3.2% 的销售额提升至16亿美元。 -内部调查显示,86% 的员工感到自豪Aflac是一家有爱心的公司。

    My Special Aflac Duck

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Eleven inches tall and sporting white feathers, Aflac’s latest innovation isn’t meant to sell insurance. It’s not even for sale. It’s a social robot designed to comfort children with cancer, part of the company’s 23-year commitment to the childhood cancer cause. Aflac’s invention redefines the role of brand mascots as a force for good, while pushing the boundaries of PR and branded communications through technology. Aflac’s disruptive technology gained massive worldwide attention and is already promoting greater wellbeing, comfort, and joy for many of the 15,000 U.S. children newly-diagnosed with cancer each year. Background After investing 23 years and $123 million in support of the childhood cancer cause, Aflac realized the field was ripe for innovation. With children surviving longer, research revealed an unmet need for emotional support alongside medicine to cope with cancer treatment, which averages 1,000 days. Technology could provide a high-impact, cost-effective innovation in emotional care, one easily scalable nationwide. Attracting attention to the gut-wrenching cause also required an uplifting, tangible idea – one embodying Aflac’s brand archetype of caring innovation. The brief also required an innovation that would be ownable, brand-aligned, scalable, evergreen and relevant nationwide. PR objectives: - Engage key audiences; - Enhance Aflac’s reputation; - Associate the brand with innovation; - Measurably support children facing childhood cancer; and - Position Aflac as a leading voice in a national conversation building support for the cause. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Childhood cancer patients face an average 1,000 days of treatment – and lasting physical and emotional impacts. They need more than medicine. Studies show play is invaluable for ill children, who often act out their treatment with toys, gaining familiarity with stressful regimens and a sense of control. My Special Aflac Duck is an experience, not a toy; an innovative social robot modeled on Aflac’s brand icon. With four patents pending, it facilitates nurturing medical play: users feed, bathe, administer treatments to, and use breathing exercises to calm their duck. It features lifelike movement (nuzzling, breathing, moving to music), emotions (tap emoji cards to the duck and it expresses the feeling), medical accessories, and a mixed-reality app that encourages children to play and communicate. This CSR innovation is tangible, emotionally compelling, ownable, brand-aligned, scalable and relevant nationwide. Aflac aims to donate one to every U.S. childhood cancer patient, aged 3+. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Insight: Interest would be generated entirely through PR (there was no advertising behind the program), so a successful unveiling – in an unexpected context at the Consumer Electronics Show – was key. Securing an Associated Press story the day prior to launch delivered advance exposure, drawing crowds and media attention, leading to 2 billion+ earned media impressions at CES. Duck delivery events at hospitals nationwide and a robust social media, awards, and speaking program continues to drive a steady drumbeat of media attention throughout 2018 and 2019. Key Message: Aflac believes children need more than medicine to cope with cancer. Target Audience: Healthcare providers and medical community, advocacy groups, childhood cancer associations and patients, employees and the general public. Additional assets: Video, events and even duck-shaped searchlights over cities nationwide. The PR plan: Put children, the duck and its inventors at the center, then engage experts for credibility and reach. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) My Special Aflac Duck quacks for itself. Its innovative technology, thoughtful child-centered design, clear expression of Aflac’s brand and donation component made My Special Aflac Duck newsworthy. So, PR focused on building the robot’s credibility as a tool used during cancer treatments – not a toy. To spotlight patent-pending technology, we started at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, winning Tech for a Better World and Most Unexpected Product awards. A strategic, year-long PR campaign built nationwide momentum: - Conducted demos for media, pediatric cancer experts, issue influencers; - Commissioned a medical impact study at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; - Created a short film demonstrating My Special Aflac Duck’s impact on children; - Presented at health, technology and CSR conferences – e.g., Association of Child Life Professionals Conference, Social Innovation Summit, WSJ Future of Everything; - Partnered with Children’s Oncology Group, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and others to amplify reach. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Media outputs: - 2.5 billion media impressions; - 794 earned stories; - 27 awards, including 2018 Time Magazine Best Invention. Target audience: - 3,100+ ducks ordered; 143 hospitals covering 88% of U.S. Medical impact: - 69% children reported reduced stress. - 82% parents recommend: “[It]...made him feel he had a buddy going through the same thing...As a parent, that’s invaluable.” Business outcomes: - 14% national awareness of My Special Aflac Duck; propensity to buy products up 11%. - Corresponding 3.2% sales lift to $1.6 billion. - In-house survey revealed 86% of employees are proud Aflac is a caring company.



    My Special Aflac Duck










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