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    Hangar 1 Fog Point短视频广告营销案例



    机库 1 雾点

    案例简介:执行 我们与水利组织 Fog Quest 合作。和他们一起,我们在海湾地区的几个战略位置放置了 “雾捕”。这些捕手中的每一个每天可以收集多达 4 升的水,然后可以过滤以保证质量。为了推出雾点伏特加,国家生活方式和烈酒媒体被邀请参观酒厂,看看自己捕捉雾的过程。他们看到了这项技术是如何工作的,并且能够品尝构成世界上第一个伏特加的每种元素。制作了一部纪录片来帮助产品创作的独特故事方面,海湾地区的内容创作者被选中与他们的追随者分享伏特加的创新性和独特风味。为了继续 POS 的势头,米娅在纽约选择了酒吧,SF 和 LA 为他们的菜单制作了雾点马丁尼。 结果 1 号机库突破了美国的伏特加和烈酒市场,让全世界的人谈论这个品牌长达 14 周。该产品在两周内售罄,人们参观阿拉米达的酿酒厂,要求品尝雾点伏特加。纪录片达到 600 K有机 YouTube 视图。 · 所有 50 个州的广播媒体报道超过 600万次。跨国家和国际标题的 400 多个完整的专题报道,如时代杂志、快速公司、 Mashable 、 VICE 、《每日邮报》、《独立报》和《今日美国》,超过 2 个十亿媒体印象。机库 1 雾点改变了加州人们对雾的看法: 不仅仅是把它视为天气, 许多科学家继续探索如何将雾用作替代和创新的水源,以帮助克服这一环境挑战。 活动描述 经过几个月的研究和与环保主义者、当地农民、酿酒厂 (他们使用旱作方法) 和水利组织的交谈, 该团队在当地海湾地区的氛围图标上发现了伏特加生产的一个惊人的替代方案: 雾。通过研究发现,这种薄雾物质的每立方米含有高达 0.5 克的 h2。这导致了一个突破性的问题: 1 号机库可以用雾制造伏特加吗? 概要 1 号机库是加州当地的伏特加品牌 (在阿拉米达 CA 有一家酒厂),2016年有一个主要目标: 突破饱和的伏特加市场,通过在其产品和蒸馏过程中传递当地工艺的信息来获得国家品牌意识。与此同时,加州经历了历史上最大的干旱,这是一个直接影响各级人民、生态系统和生产线的巨大问题。这意味着伏特加的主要成分 (水) 供应非常短缺 (1 号机库使用 60% 的水、 40% 的酒精和需要水生长的成分)。我们的首席酿酒师,Caley Shoemaker,以她新鲜和创新的蒸馏方法而自豪,所以她不仅要适应产品的过程, 但是这个问题为她提供了一个与当地组织合作的机会,为伏特加的生产找到一种可持续的方式。 战略 机库 1 雾点成为世界上第一个使用雾捕获的水制造的伏特加,使用一种辉煌和可持续的方式来捕捉遍布海湾地区的丰富的雾。 相关性 Hangar1 Fog Point 是第一款由旧金山雾制成的伏特加, 这是加州干旱的充分解决方案,也是推出超本土品牌的独特方式,该品牌希望突破饱和的伏特加市场,获得全国品牌知名度。

    机库 1 雾点

    案例简介:Execution We partnered with Fog Quest, a water conservancy organization. With them, we placed ‘fog catchers’ at several strategic locations around the Bay Area. Each one of these catchers could collect up to 4 liters of water per day, which could then be filtered for quality assurance. To launch Fog Point Vodka, national lifestyle and spirits media were invited to visit the distillery and see the process of catching fog for themselves. They saw how the technology worked, and could taste each element making up the world’s-first vodka. A documentary film was produced to aid in the unique storytelling aspect of the product creation, with content creators in the Bay Area selected to share the innovative nature of the vodka and unique flavor with their followers.To continue the momentum at POS, bars were selected in NY, MIA, SF and LA to create a Fog Point Martini for their menu. Outcome •Hangar 1 broke through the vodka and spirits market in the United States and made people talk about the brand all over the world for 14 weeks.•The product sold-out within 2 weeks with people visiting the distillery in Alameda asking to taste the Fog Point Vodka.•Documentary film achieved 600K organic YouTube views.•Broadcast media coverage in all 50 states with over 6 million broadcast impressions.•More than 400 full-length feature stories across national and international titles such as TIME Magazine, Fast Company, Mashable, VICE, Daily Mail, The Independent and USA Today with more than 2 billion media impressions.Hangar 1 Fog Point changed the way people in California think about fog: Instead of only looking at it as weather, many scientists continue to explore how fog can be used as an alternative and innovative water source that can help overcome this environmental challenge. CampaignDescription After months of research and by talking with environmentalists, local farmers, wineries (who were using dry-farming methods) and water conservancy organizations, the team found an amazing alternative for vodka production in a local Bay Area atmosphere icon: Fog. Through research it was discovered that each cubic meter of this misty substance can contain up to 0.5grams of H20.Which led to a groundbreaking question: Could Hangar 1 make vodka out of fog? Synopsis Hangar 1 is a local Californian vodka brand (with a distillery based in Alameda CA) that had one main objective in 2016: Break through the saturated vodka market and gain national brand awareness by delivering a message of local crafting in its products and distillation processes. At the same time California experienced the biggest drought in its history, a huge problem that directly affects people, ecosystems and production lines at every level. That means vodka’s main ingredient (water) is in a very short supply (Hangar 1 uses 60% water, 40% alcohol and ingredients that need water to grow). Our Head Distiller, Caley Shoemaker, prides herself on her fresh and innovative approach to distilling, so she has been challenged not only to adapt the process of her product, but the issue has offered her an opportunity to work with local organizations to find a sustainable way for vodka production. Strategy Hangar 1 Fog Point became the first vodka in the world made using fog-caught water, using a brilliant and sustainable way to capture the abundant fog that rolls iconically throughout the Bay Area. Relevancy Hangar1 Fog Point is the first vodka ever made from San Francisco's fog, an adequate solution for California's drought and a unique way of launching a hyper-local brand that wanted to break through the saturated vodka market and gain national brand awareness.

    Hangar 1 Fog Point

    案例简介:执行 我们与水利组织 Fog Quest 合作。和他们一起,我们在海湾地区的几个战略位置放置了 “雾捕”。这些捕手中的每一个每天可以收集多达 4 升的水,然后可以过滤以保证质量。为了推出雾点伏特加,国家生活方式和烈酒媒体被邀请参观酒厂,看看自己捕捉雾的过程。他们看到了这项技术是如何工作的,并且能够品尝构成世界上第一个伏特加的每种元素。制作了一部纪录片来帮助产品创作的独特故事方面,海湾地区的内容创作者被选中与他们的追随者分享伏特加的创新性和独特风味。为了继续 POS 的势头,米娅在纽约选择了酒吧,SF 和 LA 为他们的菜单制作了雾点马丁尼。 结果 1 号机库突破了美国的伏特加和烈酒市场,让全世界的人谈论这个品牌长达 14 周。该产品在两周内售罄,人们参观阿拉米达的酿酒厂,要求品尝雾点伏特加。纪录片达到 600 K有机 YouTube 视图。 · 所有 50 个州的广播媒体报道超过 600万次。跨国家和国际标题的 400 多个完整的专题报道,如时代杂志、快速公司、 Mashable 、 VICE 、《每日邮报》、《独立报》和《今日美国》,超过 2 个十亿媒体印象。机库 1 雾点改变了加州人们对雾的看法: 不仅仅是把它视为天气, 许多科学家继续探索如何将雾用作替代和创新的水源,以帮助克服这一环境挑战。 活动描述 经过几个月的研究和与环保主义者、当地农民、酿酒厂 (他们使用旱作方法) 和水利组织的交谈, 该团队在当地海湾地区的氛围图标上发现了伏特加生产的一个惊人的替代方案: 雾。通过研究发现,这种薄雾物质的每立方米含有高达 0.5 克的 h2。这导致了一个突破性的问题: 1 号机库可以用雾制造伏特加吗? 概要 1 号机库是加州当地的伏特加品牌 (在阿拉米达 CA 有一家酒厂),2016年有一个主要目标: 突破饱和的伏特加市场,通过在其产品和蒸馏过程中传递当地工艺的信息来获得国家品牌意识。与此同时,加州经历了历史上最大的干旱,这是一个直接影响各级人民、生态系统和生产线的巨大问题。这意味着伏特加的主要成分 (水) 供应非常短缺 (1 号机库使用 60% 的水、 40% 的酒精和需要水生长的成分)。我们的首席酿酒师,Caley Shoemaker,以她新鲜和创新的蒸馏方法而自豪,所以她不仅要适应产品的过程, 但是这个问题为她提供了一个与当地组织合作的机会,为伏特加的生产找到一种可持续的方式。 战略 机库 1 雾点成为世界上第一个使用雾捕获的水制造的伏特加,使用一种辉煌和可持续的方式来捕捉遍布海湾地区的丰富的雾。 相关性 Hangar1 Fog Point 是第一款由旧金山雾制成的伏特加, 这是加州干旱的充分解决方案,也是推出超本土品牌的独特方式,该品牌希望突破饱和的伏特加市场,获得全国品牌知名度。

    Hangar 1 Fog Point

    案例简介:Execution We partnered with Fog Quest, a water conservancy organization. With them, we placed ‘fog catchers’ at several strategic locations around the Bay Area. Each one of these catchers could collect up to 4 liters of water per day, which could then be filtered for quality assurance. To launch Fog Point Vodka, national lifestyle and spirits media were invited to visit the distillery and see the process of catching fog for themselves. They saw how the technology worked, and could taste each element making up the world’s-first vodka. A documentary film was produced to aid in the unique storytelling aspect of the product creation, with content creators in the Bay Area selected to share the innovative nature of the vodka and unique flavor with their followers.To continue the momentum at POS, bars were selected in NY, MIA, SF and LA to create a Fog Point Martini for their menu. Outcome •Hangar 1 broke through the vodka and spirits market in the United States and made people talk about the brand all over the world for 14 weeks.•The product sold-out within 2 weeks with people visiting the distillery in Alameda asking to taste the Fog Point Vodka.•Documentary film achieved 600K organic YouTube views.•Broadcast media coverage in all 50 states with over 6 million broadcast impressions.•More than 400 full-length feature stories across national and international titles such as TIME Magazine, Fast Company, Mashable, VICE, Daily Mail, The Independent and USA Today with more than 2 billion media impressions.Hangar 1 Fog Point changed the way people in California think about fog: Instead of only looking at it as weather, many scientists continue to explore how fog can be used as an alternative and innovative water source that can help overcome this environmental challenge. CampaignDescription After months of research and by talking with environmentalists, local farmers, wineries (who were using dry-farming methods) and water conservancy organizations, the team found an amazing alternative for vodka production in a local Bay Area atmosphere icon: Fog. Through research it was discovered that each cubic meter of this misty substance can contain up to 0.5grams of H20.Which led to a groundbreaking question: Could Hangar 1 make vodka out of fog? Synopsis Hangar 1 is a local Californian vodka brand (with a distillery based in Alameda CA) that had one main objective in 2016: Break through the saturated vodka market and gain national brand awareness by delivering a message of local crafting in its products and distillation processes. At the same time California experienced the biggest drought in its history, a huge problem that directly affects people, ecosystems and production lines at every level. That means vodka’s main ingredient (water) is in a very short supply (Hangar 1 uses 60% water, 40% alcohol and ingredients that need water to grow). Our Head Distiller, Caley Shoemaker, prides herself on her fresh and innovative approach to distilling, so she has been challenged not only to adapt the process of her product, but the issue has offered her an opportunity to work with local organizations to find a sustainable way for vodka production. Strategy Hangar 1 Fog Point became the first vodka in the world made using fog-caught water, using a brilliant and sustainable way to capture the abundant fog that rolls iconically throughout the Bay Area. Relevancy Hangar1 Fog Point is the first vodka ever made from San Francisco's fog, an adequate solution for California's drought and a unique way of launching a hyper-local brand that wanted to break through the saturated vodka market and gain national brand awareness.

    机库 1 雾点


    Hangar 1 Fog Point










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