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    Miniature Worlds短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 联想要求我们为他们在沃尔玛 “由你选择” 活动中的摊位开发一个概念,沃尔玛邀请消费者查看即将到来的假期的最新商品。事件评估者 (沃尔玛高管) 观察事件,并判断每个公司摊位提供的经验。在沃尔玛 300 美元的假日媒体购买中,最受消费者关注、排名最高的摊位都有自己的产品。我们的挑战是吸引消费者到联想展台,展示瑜伽书的最佳产品功能,该产品将在活动后两个月推出。目标是在沃尔玛的假日媒体购买中被选择和推荐。这意味着我们必须设计一个创新的概念,吸引与会者在活动中了解更多关于瑜伽书的信息,并为即将发行的瑜伽书营造兴奋。 活动描述 贸易展通常被视为品牌做大事和浮华的机会。联想采取了相反的方法。他们没有变大,而是变小了。非常小。联想瑜伽书是一种高科技、灵活的产品,可以让你用更少的时间工作和创造。我们通过围绕产品的微型世界展示了产品的功能。四本瑜伽书籍展示了展示关键产品功能的独特场景。电影世界 (帐篷模式): 一个围绕瑜伽书播放电影的微型剧院。写作世界 (绘画模式): 当笔被微型人举起时,瑜伽书处于开放的位置。泳池世界 (折叠模式):折叠瑜伽书显示移动的水与雕像游泳和 lounging 由设备。迪斯科世界 (站立模式): 微型舞者和 DJ 炫耀背光光环键盘作为迪斯科球在屏幕上播放。 战略 联想作为一个品牌认为与众不同是更好的。因此,在一个贸易展的环境中,其他品牌制作花哨的显示器来制造尽可能多的噪音,联想恰恰相反。他们没有变大,而是变小了。这么小,它不禁引起了人们的注意。每个设置都展示了瑜伽书的功能,并将产品定位为不仅仅是平板电脑,这对年轻的学生和年轻的移动专业人士来说很重要。一代 “天生的移动” 需要一种更流畅的产品,用于他们的职业和个人生活。我们的展示展示了产品的多功能性,以及技术如何让你能够尽最大努力工作,无论你在哪里或者你想做什么。 执行 展示的是一套由四本瑜伽书籍包围的自己的 “世界”,展示了产品的多模式特征。制作精美的套装由手工制作的微型雕像和其他工具组成,这些工具围绕这些设备创造了小场景。每个展览都吸引了活动参与者,并将他们吸引到展台上。每个设备都有自己的故事,说明了四种模式中的一种,并展示了产品的多功能性。整个项目是在没有任何文字的情况下创建的,所以所有背景的观众都能够快速理解产品是如何运作的,没有任何语言障碍。这反过来又允许该产品在欧洲和亚洲实际发布期间在不同市场复制该设置。 结果 这个概念通过成功地在沃尔玛假日媒体购买中获得一席之地来实现其使命。联想在技术类别中排名第二,平均评分为 5 分中的 4.74,并在活动中获得了第二多的评论。高收视率使得该产品能够在价值 300 美元的沃尔玛媒体购买中亮相,这有助于该产品在假日季节的销售。我们遇到了传达产品灵活性、四合一生产率、两用手写笔 (带或不带墨水) 、 halo 键盘 (背光键盘) 、并通过小规模显示创建数字油漆垫。我们把复杂的技术功能变成了一个简单有趣的故事。联想对这项工作印象深刻,因此启发了 IFA 推出的同一概念的第二阶段。这次活动在柏林举行,是产品上市时的官方发布。


    案例简介:Synopsis Lenovo asked us to develop a concept for their booth at the Walmart “Chosen By You” event, where Walmart invites consumers to view the latest items for the upcoming holiday season. Event evaluators (Walmart Executives) observe the event and judge the experience provided by each company’s booth. The booths that get the most attention from consumers and the highest ranking have their products featured in Walmart’s $300M holiday media buy.Our challenge was to attract consumers to the Lenovo booth and display the Yoga Book’s best product features, which would be launching two months after the event. The goal was to be selected and featured in Walmart’s holiday media buy. That meant we had to design an innovative concept that would attract attendees at the event to learn more about the Yoga Book and build excitement for its upcoming release of the Yoga Book. CampaignDescription Trade shows are usually seen as an opportunity for brands to do something big and flashy. Lenovo took the opposite approach. Instead of going big, they went small. Really small.The Lenovo Yoga Book is a high tech, flexible product that lets you work and create, with less. We showed the product’s functionality through miniature worlds set around the product. Four Yoga Books were laid out with unique scenes that displayed key product features.Cinema World (Tent Mode): A miniature theater built around the Yoga Book as it played a film.Writing World (Drawing Mode): The Yoga Book in an open position as the stylus is held up by miniature people.Pool World (Folded Mode): Folded Yoga book displaying moving water with figurines swimming and lounging by the device.Disco World (Standing Mode): Miniature dancers and DJ showing off the backlit halo keyboard as a disco ball plays on screen. Strategy Lenovo as a brand believes that different is better. So in a trade show setting where other brands create garish displays to make as much noise as possible, Lenovo did the opposite. Instead of going big, they went small. So small it couldn’t help but draw attention.Each setup displayed the Yoga Book’s features and positioned the product as something that is more than a tablet, which is important for a younger demographic of students and young professionals on the move. A generation that’s “born mobile” needs a product with more fluidity of use for both their professional and personal lives. Our displays showed the products versatility as well as how the technology empowers you to do your best work, no matter where you are or what you’re trying to do. Execution The display was a set of four Yoga Books surrounded by their own “worlds,” showcasing the multi-mode features of the product. The beautifully crafted sets consisted of handcrafted miniature figurines and other paraphernalia that created small scenes around the devices. Each display was engaging to event attendees and drew them into the booth. Every device had its own story, illustrating one of the four modes and showing the product’s versatility. The entire project was created without any writing, so viewers of all backgrounds were able to quickly understand how the products functioned without any language barrier. This in turn allowed the setup to be replicated in various markets during the product’s actual launch in Europe and Asia. Outcome The concept achieved its mission by successfully securing a spot in the Walmart Holiday media buy. Lenovo was placed second in the technology category with an average rating of 4.74 out of 5 and received the second most reviews at the event. The high ratings allowed the product to be featured in the $300M Walmart media buy, which helped sales of the product during the holiday season.We met the challenge of communicating the product’s flexibility, 4-in-1 productivity, dual use stylus (with or without ink), halo keyboard (backlit keyboard), and create pad for digital paint through the small scale display. We turned complicated technology features into a simple, entertaining story. Lenovo was so impressed with the work that it inspired a second phase of the same concept that was rolled out at IFA. Held in Berlin, this event was the official release for when the products went on sale.

    Miniature Worlds

    案例简介:概要 联想要求我们为他们在沃尔玛 “由你选择” 活动中的摊位开发一个概念,沃尔玛邀请消费者查看即将到来的假期的最新商品。事件评估者 (沃尔玛高管) 观察事件,并判断每个公司摊位提供的经验。在沃尔玛 300 美元的假日媒体购买中,最受消费者关注、排名最高的摊位都有自己的产品。我们的挑战是吸引消费者到联想展台,展示瑜伽书的最佳产品功能,该产品将在活动后两个月推出。目标是在沃尔玛的假日媒体购买中被选择和推荐。这意味着我们必须设计一个创新的概念,吸引与会者在活动中了解更多关于瑜伽书的信息,并为即将发行的瑜伽书营造兴奋。 活动描述 贸易展通常被视为品牌做大事和浮华的机会。联想采取了相反的方法。他们没有变大,而是变小了。非常小。联想瑜伽书是一种高科技、灵活的产品,可以让你用更少的时间工作和创造。我们通过围绕产品的微型世界展示了产品的功能。四本瑜伽书籍展示了展示关键产品功能的独特场景。电影世界 (帐篷模式): 一个围绕瑜伽书播放电影的微型剧院。写作世界 (绘画模式): 当笔被微型人举起时,瑜伽书处于开放的位置。泳池世界 (折叠模式):折叠瑜伽书显示移动的水与雕像游泳和 lounging 由设备。迪斯科世界 (站立模式): 微型舞者和 DJ 炫耀背光光环键盘作为迪斯科球在屏幕上播放。 战略 联想作为一个品牌认为与众不同是更好的。因此,在一个贸易展的环境中,其他品牌制作花哨的显示器来制造尽可能多的噪音,联想恰恰相反。他们没有变大,而是变小了。这么小,它不禁引起了人们的注意。每个设置都展示了瑜伽书的功能,并将产品定位为不仅仅是平板电脑,这对年轻的学生和年轻的移动专业人士来说很重要。一代 “天生的移动” 需要一种更流畅的产品,用于他们的职业和个人生活。我们的展示展示了产品的多功能性,以及技术如何让你能够尽最大努力工作,无论你在哪里或者你想做什么。 执行 展示的是一套由四本瑜伽书籍包围的自己的 “世界”,展示了产品的多模式特征。制作精美的套装由手工制作的微型雕像和其他工具组成,这些工具围绕这些设备创造了小场景。每个展览都吸引了活动参与者,并将他们吸引到展台上。每个设备都有自己的故事,说明了四种模式中的一种,并展示了产品的多功能性。整个项目是在没有任何文字的情况下创建的,所以所有背景的观众都能够快速理解产品是如何运作的,没有任何语言障碍。这反过来又允许该产品在欧洲和亚洲实际发布期间在不同市场复制该设置。 结果 这个概念通过成功地在沃尔玛假日媒体购买中获得一席之地来实现其使命。联想在技术类别中排名第二,平均评分为 5 分中的 4.74,并在活动中获得了第二多的评论。高收视率使得该产品能够在价值 300 美元的沃尔玛媒体购买中亮相,这有助于该产品在假日季节的销售。我们遇到了传达产品灵活性、四合一生产率、两用手写笔 (带或不带墨水) 、 halo 键盘 (背光键盘) 、并通过小规模显示创建数字油漆垫。我们把复杂的技术功能变成了一个简单有趣的故事。联想对这项工作印象深刻,因此启发了 IFA 推出的同一概念的第二阶段。这次活动在柏林举行,是产品上市时的官方发布。

    Miniature Worlds

    案例简介:Synopsis Lenovo asked us to develop a concept for their booth at the Walmart “Chosen By You” event, where Walmart invites consumers to view the latest items for the upcoming holiday season. Event evaluators (Walmart Executives) observe the event and judge the experience provided by each company’s booth. The booths that get the most attention from consumers and the highest ranking have their products featured in Walmart’s $300M holiday media buy.Our challenge was to attract consumers to the Lenovo booth and display the Yoga Book’s best product features, which would be launching two months after the event. The goal was to be selected and featured in Walmart’s holiday media buy. That meant we had to design an innovative concept that would attract attendees at the event to learn more about the Yoga Book and build excitement for its upcoming release of the Yoga Book. CampaignDescription Trade shows are usually seen as an opportunity for brands to do something big and flashy. Lenovo took the opposite approach. Instead of going big, they went small. Really small.The Lenovo Yoga Book is a high tech, flexible product that lets you work and create, with less. We showed the product’s functionality through miniature worlds set around the product. Four Yoga Books were laid out with unique scenes that displayed key product features.Cinema World (Tent Mode): A miniature theater built around the Yoga Book as it played a film.Writing World (Drawing Mode): The Yoga Book in an open position as the stylus is held up by miniature people.Pool World (Folded Mode): Folded Yoga book displaying moving water with figurines swimming and lounging by the device.Disco World (Standing Mode): Miniature dancers and DJ showing off the backlit halo keyboard as a disco ball plays on screen. Strategy Lenovo as a brand believes that different is better. So in a trade show setting where other brands create garish displays to make as much noise as possible, Lenovo did the opposite. Instead of going big, they went small. So small it couldn’t help but draw attention.Each setup displayed the Yoga Book’s features and positioned the product as something that is more than a tablet, which is important for a younger demographic of students and young professionals on the move. A generation that’s “born mobile” needs a product with more fluidity of use for both their professional and personal lives. Our displays showed the products versatility as well as how the technology empowers you to do your best work, no matter where you are or what you’re trying to do. Execution The display was a set of four Yoga Books surrounded by their own “worlds,” showcasing the multi-mode features of the product. The beautifully crafted sets consisted of handcrafted miniature figurines and other paraphernalia that created small scenes around the devices. Each display was engaging to event attendees and drew them into the booth. Every device had its own story, illustrating one of the four modes and showing the product’s versatility. The entire project was created without any writing, so viewers of all backgrounds were able to quickly understand how the products functioned without any language barrier. This in turn allowed the setup to be replicated in various markets during the product’s actual launch in Europe and Asia. Outcome The concept achieved its mission by successfully securing a spot in the Walmart Holiday media buy. Lenovo was placed second in the technology category with an average rating of 4.74 out of 5 and received the second most reviews at the event. The high ratings allowed the product to be featured in the $300M Walmart media buy, which helped sales of the product during the holiday season.We met the challenge of communicating the product’s flexibility, 4-in-1 productivity, dual use stylus (with or without ink), halo keyboard (backlit keyboard), and create pad for digital paint through the small scale display. We turned complicated technology features into a simple, entertaining story. Lenovo was so impressed with the work that it inspired a second phase of the same concept that was rolled out at IFA. Held in Berlin, this event was the official release for when the products went on sale.



    Miniature Worlds






    广告公司: 奥美 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Phillips Nuveen




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