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    Coins of Hope短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们创建了一个每日提醒,以确保失踪儿童永远不会被遗忘,并设计了 100万枚 2 欧元的硬币,上面有失踪儿童的脸,而不是我们国王的脸。每枚硬币都显示了网站上所有失踪儿童的信息。我们甚至使用了一个实时数据库: 根据你所在的国家,首先会显示最相关的案例。支持运动要求人们通过花钱来传播希望。我们用 # CoinsofHope 让人们分享一张照片,把我们的 100万硬币变成了无数的虚拟硬币。或者,如果他们还没有希望的硬币,通过在竞选网站上与任何其他硬币进行 “硬币交换”。 概要 在欧洲,每两分钟就有一名儿童失踪。其中一些人很快被发现,但另一些人仍然失踪多年。数据显示,对年龄较大的失踪儿童案件的关注显著下降。失踪的海报和社交帖子已经成为旧新闻。这是不公正的,因为以前的案例已经证明,即使几年后,正确的信息仍然可以提供突破。比利时失踪儿童中心儿童焦点从未放弃希望。他们尽一切努力帮助寻找他们的家庭,并让其他人参与进来。该运动的目标是表达儿童焦点对所有失踪儿童的希望,并让每个人再次谈论他们。我们想给予这些孩子应有的关注。 结果 媒体对所有失踪儿童的关注导致一名记者甚至设法找到了我们竞选中的一名儿童: 曼苏尔 · 萨菲,他已经失踪了将近一年。 € 2200万获得 media180 万媒体印象 + 7000万的社交影响力 + 56% 的儿童焦点帖子分享率 + 203% 的 Facebook 页面参与度 执行 我们需要国王的批准来取代他的肖像,但也需要皇家造币厂、财政部长和欧元区 19 国政府的批准。然后,我们委托欧元共同面的设计师吕克 · 卢克克斯将利亚姆丢失的海报变成一枚硬币的 3D 设计。在国际失踪儿童节,儿童焦点在与财政部长的新闻发布会上推出了希望硬币。为了确保在全国范围内的快速传播,100万枚硬币被随机分配到比利时的银行。支持活动同时发起。鼓励人们在与 # CoinsofHope 分享照片后快速消费硬币。或者在竞选网站上做一个 “硬币交换”: 将我们的设计放在每一枚硬币上。把我们的百万希望变成无数的虚拟硬币。 战略 数据显示,对年龄较大的失踪儿童案件的关注显著下降。我们想为所有失踪的孩子创造一个永久的提醒。让人们查看他们地区的失踪儿童报告,并分享运动。虽然我们几乎没有预算,但我们希望接触所有比利时人,最好是跨越国界的人,因为任何小费都可以带来突破。我们创造了 100万枚 2 欧元硬币,脸上有一个失踪的孩子: 利亚姆 · 范登 · 布兰登,他已经失踪 20 年了。每枚硬币也显示了所有失踪儿童的网站。我们使用了一个实时数据库: 根据你所在的国家,首先显示最相关的案例。支持运动要求人们通过花钱来传播希望。有了希望的硬币,我们创造了一个新的媒体,有无限的印象,因为它们不断地在欧洲各地传播。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription We created a daily reminder to make sure missing children are never forgotten, and designed 1 million 2 Euro coins with the face of a missing child, instead of that of our king. Each coin also showed the website with information on all missing children. We even used a live database: depending on which country you’re in, the most relevant cases are shown first. The supporting campaign asked people to spread hope by spending the coins. And we turned our 1 million coins into countless virtual ones, by asking people to share a picture, using #CoinsofHope. Or, if they didn’t have a Coin of Hope yet, by doing a ‘coin swap’ with any other coin on the campaign website. Synopsis In Europe, every two minutes a child is reported missing. Some of them are found quickly, but others remain missing for years. Data showed that attention for older missing children’s cases had dropped significantly. The missing posters and social posts have become old news. Unjustly so, because previous cases have proven that even after years the right information can still provide a breakthrough. Child Focus, the Belgian Center for Missing Children, never gives up hope. They do everything it takes to help the families in their search and to get others involved. The objectives of the campaign were to express Child Focus’ hope for all missing children and to get everyone talking about them again. We wanted to give these children the attention they deserve. Outcome The media attention for all missing children resulted in one journalist who even managed to locate one of the children in our campaign: Mansour Safi, who had been missing for almost a year.€22 million earned media180 million media impressions+70 million social reach+56% share rate of Child Focus posts+203% engagement on Facebook page Execution We needed the King’s approval to replace his portrait, but also that of the Royal Mint, the Secretary of Finance and the 19 governments of the Eurozone. We then commissioned the designer of the common side of the Euro, Luc Luyckx, to turn Liam’s missing poster into a 3D design for a coin.On International Missing Children’s Day, Child Focus launched the Coins of Hope during a press conference with the secretary of Finance. To insure a fast spread across the country, the 1 million coins were randomly divided across banks in Belgium.The supporting campaign was launched at the same time. Encouraging people to quickly spend the coins after sharing a picture with #CoinsofHope. Or doing a ‘coin swap’ on the campaign website: placing our design onto every other coin. Turning our million Coins of Hope into countless virtual ones. Strategy Data showed that attention for older missing children’s cases had dropped significantly. We wanted to create a permanent reminder for all missing children. Get people to look at the missing children reports in their region and share the campaign. Although we had little budget, we wanted to reach all Belgians, and preferably people across borders too as any tip can lead to a breakthrough. We created 1 million 2 euro coins with the face of a missing child: Liam Vanden Branden, who has been missing for 20 years. Each coin also shows the website with all missing children. We used a live database: depending on which country you’re in, the most relevant cases are shown first. The supporting campaign asked people to spread hope by spending the coins. With Coins of Hope we created a new medium with infinite impressions as they’re continually spread from hand to hand across Europe.

    Coins of Hope

    案例简介:活动描述 我们创建了一个每日提醒,以确保失踪儿童永远不会被遗忘,并设计了 100万枚 2 欧元的硬币,上面有失踪儿童的脸,而不是我们国王的脸。每枚硬币都显示了网站上所有失踪儿童的信息。我们甚至使用了一个实时数据库: 根据你所在的国家,首先会显示最相关的案例。支持运动要求人们通过花钱来传播希望。我们用 # CoinsofHope 让人们分享一张照片,把我们的 100万硬币变成了无数的虚拟硬币。或者,如果他们还没有希望的硬币,通过在竞选网站上与任何其他硬币进行 “硬币交换”。 概要 在欧洲,每两分钟就有一名儿童失踪。其中一些人很快被发现,但另一些人仍然失踪多年。数据显示,对年龄较大的失踪儿童案件的关注显著下降。失踪的海报和社交帖子已经成为旧新闻。这是不公正的,因为以前的案例已经证明,即使几年后,正确的信息仍然可以提供突破。比利时失踪儿童中心儿童焦点从未放弃希望。他们尽一切努力帮助寻找他们的家庭,并让其他人参与进来。该运动的目标是表达儿童焦点对所有失踪儿童的希望,并让每个人再次谈论他们。我们想给予这些孩子应有的关注。 结果 媒体对所有失踪儿童的关注导致一名记者甚至设法找到了我们竞选中的一名儿童: 曼苏尔 · 萨菲,他已经失踪了将近一年。 € 2200万获得 media180 万媒体印象 + 7000万的社交影响力 + 56% 的儿童焦点帖子分享率 + 203% 的 Facebook 页面参与度 执行 我们需要国王的批准来取代他的肖像,但也需要皇家造币厂、财政部长和欧元区 19 国政府的批准。然后,我们委托欧元共同面的设计师吕克 · 卢克克斯将利亚姆丢失的海报变成一枚硬币的 3D 设计。在国际失踪儿童节,儿童焦点在与财政部长的新闻发布会上推出了希望硬币。为了确保在全国范围内的快速传播,100万枚硬币被随机分配到比利时的银行。支持活动同时发起。鼓励人们在与 # CoinsofHope 分享照片后快速消费硬币。或者在竞选网站上做一个 “硬币交换”: 将我们的设计放在每一枚硬币上。把我们的百万希望变成无数的虚拟硬币。 战略 数据显示,对年龄较大的失踪儿童案件的关注显著下降。我们想为所有失踪的孩子创造一个永久的提醒。让人们查看他们地区的失踪儿童报告,并分享运动。虽然我们几乎没有预算,但我们希望接触所有比利时人,最好是跨越国界的人,因为任何小费都可以带来突破。我们创造了 100万枚 2 欧元硬币,脸上有一个失踪的孩子: 利亚姆 · 范登 · 布兰登,他已经失踪 20 年了。每枚硬币也显示了所有失踪儿童的网站。我们使用了一个实时数据库: 根据你所在的国家,首先显示最相关的案例。支持运动要求人们通过花钱来传播希望。有了希望的硬币,我们创造了一个新的媒体,有无限的印象,因为它们不断地在欧洲各地传播。

    Coins of Hope

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We created a daily reminder to make sure missing children are never forgotten, and designed 1 million 2 Euro coins with the face of a missing child, instead of that of our king. Each coin also showed the website with information on all missing children. We even used a live database: depending on which country you’re in, the most relevant cases are shown first. The supporting campaign asked people to spread hope by spending the coins. And we turned our 1 million coins into countless virtual ones, by asking people to share a picture, using #CoinsofHope. Or, if they didn’t have a Coin of Hope yet, by doing a ‘coin swap’ with any other coin on the campaign website. Synopsis In Europe, every two minutes a child is reported missing. Some of them are found quickly, but others remain missing for years. Data showed that attention for older missing children’s cases had dropped significantly. The missing posters and social posts have become old news. Unjustly so, because previous cases have proven that even after years the right information can still provide a breakthrough. Child Focus, the Belgian Center for Missing Children, never gives up hope. They do everything it takes to help the families in their search and to get others involved. The objectives of the campaign were to express Child Focus’ hope for all missing children and to get everyone talking about them again. We wanted to give these children the attention they deserve. Outcome The media attention for all missing children resulted in one journalist who even managed to locate one of the children in our campaign: Mansour Safi, who had been missing for almost a year.€22 million earned media180 million media impressions+70 million social reach+56% share rate of Child Focus posts+203% engagement on Facebook page Execution We needed the King’s approval to replace his portrait, but also that of the Royal Mint, the Secretary of Finance and the 19 governments of the Eurozone. We then commissioned the designer of the common side of the Euro, Luc Luyckx, to turn Liam’s missing poster into a 3D design for a coin.On International Missing Children’s Day, Child Focus launched the Coins of Hope during a press conference with the secretary of Finance. To insure a fast spread across the country, the 1 million coins were randomly divided across banks in Belgium.The supporting campaign was launched at the same time. Encouraging people to quickly spend the coins after sharing a picture with #CoinsofHope. Or doing a ‘coin swap’ on the campaign website: placing our design onto every other coin. Turning our million Coins of Hope into countless virtual ones. Strategy Data showed that attention for older missing children’s cases had dropped significantly. We wanted to create a permanent reminder for all missing children. Get people to look at the missing children reports in their region and share the campaign. Although we had little budget, we wanted to reach all Belgians, and preferably people across borders too as any tip can lead to a breakthrough. We created 1 million 2 euro coins with the face of a missing child: Liam Vanden Branden, who has been missing for 20 years. Each coin also shows the website with all missing children. We used a live database: depending on which country you’re in, the most relevant cases are shown first. The supporting campaign asked people to spread hope by spending the coins. With Coins of Hope we created a new medium with infinite impressions as they’re continually spread from hand to hand across Europe.



    Coins of Hope





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