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    Waiting. For seven years.短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 德国有 12,000 人在等待拯救生命的器官捐赠。每天死三个人 一天。这一切都是因为我们很少有人有器官捐献者卡。 我们想提高对这个重要话题的认识。把它放在全国的公共场所更高。一个传统的运动不会为这个复杂而有争议的问题做这项工作,foundation 和基金会 “生命 don器官捐赠” 非常有限的财政资源。 因此,我们必须以强大、卓越和活跃的公关效果赢得媒体: 我们开发了一个极端的等待现场活动。在一个每个人都讨厌等待的火车站,我们遇到了 27 岁的透析患者迈克尔 · 斯塔夫,他已经等了 7 年的肾脏。 直接行动的数字广告牌: 只要拿一张器官捐献者卡。 这个故事没有让任何人被触动,并在即将到来的讨论中引发了一场风暴。 我们吸引了超过 7.12 人的注意力 (病毒、电视台报道、博客文章、推特、在线留言板)。 我们的竞选活动将只有 25 万英镑的小额预算变成了价值 557 英镑的媒体。此外,最重要的是,因为它是无价的: 在竞选期间获得 24.8% 的有序器官捐赠卡。 描述客户的简报 1。让人们意识到器官捐献卡太少和病人太多的问题 等待, 2。明确等待器官捐赠会有多艰难。 3。让 “器官捐赠” 这个话题在整个德国的议程上更高。 4。说服更多的人获得器官捐献者卡。 结果 迈克尔的故事没有被触动。超过 163,000 的人观看了病毒。他的故事出现在许多电视节目和报纸上。活动期间,网站访问量增加了 33%。下载了 16,000 多张器官捐献者卡和应用程序。 我们找到了一些你买不到的东西: 像迈克尔 · 斯塔夫这样的人有更高的机会继续生活。 意识/公共利益 预算只有 € 25,000,我们设法赚取了价值 982.557 英镑的媒体: YouTube 上有超过 144.000 的浏览量。 超过 229.000 推特粉丝。 超过 1.169.000 总在线印象。 2.122.000 人达到离线。 3.832.000 人获得电视报道。 竞选总规模为 7.124.274,预算仅为 25000 英镑。 2.动员 33% 更多的访问主页 fuers-leben.de。 在竞选期间,通过 fuers-leben.de 和基金会热线收到的捐赠者卡订单增加了 24,8% (与每月平均水平相比)。 器官捐献者应用程序的下载次数增加了 12,8%。 执行 我们不仅告诉人们器官捐赠的等待有多艰难,我们还让他们面对一个真正的透析患者: 27 岁的透析患者迈克尔 · 斯塔夫, 他已经等了 7 年的肾。在一个每个人都讨厌等待的地方: 火车站。 该平台上的一个数字广告牌呼吁采取行动,“我们中的一些人等待的时间更长。为了器官捐赠。帮助提供器官捐献者卡。Www.fuers-leben.de ”。 我们拍摄了现场直播,并传播了这个消息: 通过互联网,通过病毒传播,在电视台、博客和留言板以及德国数字广告牌上进行报道。 形势 让人们意识到在德国等待的 12,000 人的绝望处境 一个拯救生命的器官捐赠。每天死三个人!挑战: 我们没有营销 预算和收集一些硬币,因为所有其他基金会都不会解决这个问题。人 必须采取行动: 通过获取器官捐献者卡,作为应用程序下载,或者作为打印出来。另外: 他们 必须处理好自己,并决定他们是否会捐赠自己的器官 因事故死亡。 战略 我们需要让人们意识到医院里通常会发生的事情: 等待器官捐赠。洞察: 我们在研究中发现,只有 15% 的人 德国有器官捐献卡。但是 52% 更多的人会捐赠他们的器官 还没有捐赠卡。结果: 他们没有意识到他们行动的紧迫性。和 看不到病人的身体和精神痛苦。 所以,为了直接激活它们,我们在火车站面对人们,那里通常等待 就在几分钟前,dialysis 了一个等待肾脏 7 年的透析患者。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry 12,000 people in Germany are waiting for a life-saving organ donation. Three of them die every day. And all because too few of us have an organ donor card. We wanted to rise awareness for this important topic. Put it higher on the public aganda across the whole country. A traditional campaign wouldn't do the job for this complex and controversial issue – and the very limited financial resources of the foundation 'FOR LIFE – for organ donation' either. So we had to earn media with a strong, outstanding and activating PR effect: we developed an extreme waiting live-event. At a train station where everybody hates waiting, we confronted people with Michael Stapf, a 27 years old dialysis patient, who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years now. Digital billboards called directly to action: just get an organ donor card. The story left nobody untouched and raised a storm in an upcoming discussion. We caught the attention of over 7.12m people (viral, TV station reports, blog articles, tweets, online message boards). Our campaign turned a small budget of only €25.000 into media worth €982.557 . Plus most importantly, because it's priceless: getting 24.8% raise of ordered organ donor cards during the campaign period. Describe the brief from the client 1. Make people aware of the problem of too few organ donor cards and too many patients waiting, 2. Make clear how hard waiting for an organ donation can get. 3. Get the topic 'organ donation' higher on the agenda across German. 4. Convince more people to get an organ donor card. Results Michael’s story left nobody untouched. Over 163,000 watched the viral. His story was featured on many TV programs and newspapers. Website visits increased by 33% during the campaign. Over 16,000 organ donor cards and apps were downloaded. We reached something what you can’t buy: a higher chance for people like Michael Stapf to keep on living. 1.Awarenes/public interest With a budget of only €25,000 we managed to earn media worth €982.557: Over 144.000 views on YouTube. Over 229.000 twitter followers reached. Over 1.169.000 total online impressions. 2.122.000 people reached offline. 3.832.000 people reached with TV coverage. A total campaign reach of 7.124.274 with only €25.000 budget. 2.Mobilising 33 % more visits on the homepage fuers-leben.de. 24,8 % more donor card orders during the campaign period via fuers-leben.de and the fundation’s hotline (compared to the monthly average). 12,8 % more downloads of the organ donor app. Execution We did not only tell people how hard waiting can get for an organ donation, we confronted them with a real dialysis patient: Michael Stapf, a 27 years old dialysis patient, who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years. At a place where everybody hates waiting: a train station. A digital billboard at the platform called for action “Some of us are waiting longer. For an organ donation. Help with an organ donor card. www.fuers-leben.de”. We filmed the live-action and spread the word: through the internet with a viral, reports on TV-stations, blogs and discussions on message boards as well as on digital billboards across Germany. The Situation Make people aware of the desperate situation of 12,000 people in Germany who are waiting for a life-saving organ donation.Three of them die every day! The challenge: We had no marketing budget and collecting some coins as all other foundations do wouldn't solve the problem. People had to act: by getting an organ donor card, downloadable as an app, or as a print out. Plus: they had to deal with themselves and decide if they would donate their organs in case of their own death due to an accident. The Strategy We needed to create awareness for something that usually happens behind doors in hospitals: waiting for an organ donation. The insight: we found out in research that only 15% of people in Germany have an organ donor card. But 52% more would donate their organs, however they don't have an donor card yet. The result: they are not aware of the urgency of their action. And don't see the physical and mental pain of the patients. So, to activate them directly we confronted people at a train station – where the wait is normally just a few minutes – with a dialysis patient who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years.

    Waiting. For seven years.

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 德国有 12,000 人在等待拯救生命的器官捐赠。每天死三个人 一天。这一切都是因为我们很少有人有器官捐献者卡。 我们想提高对这个重要话题的认识。把它放在全国的公共场所更高。一个传统的运动不会为这个复杂而有争议的问题做这项工作,foundation 和基金会 “生命 don器官捐赠” 非常有限的财政资源。 因此,我们必须以强大、卓越和活跃的公关效果赢得媒体: 我们开发了一个极端的等待现场活动。在一个每个人都讨厌等待的火车站,我们遇到了 27 岁的透析患者迈克尔 · 斯塔夫,他已经等了 7 年的肾脏。 直接行动的数字广告牌: 只要拿一张器官捐献者卡。 这个故事没有让任何人被触动,并在即将到来的讨论中引发了一场风暴。 我们吸引了超过 7.12 人的注意力 (病毒、电视台报道、博客文章、推特、在线留言板)。 我们的竞选活动将只有 25 万英镑的小额预算变成了价值 557 英镑的媒体。此外,最重要的是,因为它是无价的: 在竞选期间获得 24.8% 的有序器官捐赠卡。 描述客户的简报 1。让人们意识到器官捐献卡太少和病人太多的问题 等待, 2。明确等待器官捐赠会有多艰难。 3。让 “器官捐赠” 这个话题在整个德国的议程上更高。 4。说服更多的人获得器官捐献者卡。 结果 迈克尔的故事没有被触动。超过 163,000 的人观看了病毒。他的故事出现在许多电视节目和报纸上。活动期间,网站访问量增加了 33%。下载了 16,000 多张器官捐献者卡和应用程序。 我们找到了一些你买不到的东西: 像迈克尔 · 斯塔夫这样的人有更高的机会继续生活。 意识/公共利益 预算只有 € 25,000,我们设法赚取了价值 982.557 英镑的媒体: YouTube 上有超过 144.000 的浏览量。 超过 229.000 推特粉丝。 超过 1.169.000 总在线印象。 2.122.000 人达到离线。 3.832.000 人获得电视报道。 竞选总规模为 7.124.274,预算仅为 25000 英镑。 2.动员 33% 更多的访问主页 fuers-leben.de。 在竞选期间,通过 fuers-leben.de 和基金会热线收到的捐赠者卡订单增加了 24,8% (与每月平均水平相比)。 器官捐献者应用程序的下载次数增加了 12,8%。 执行 我们不仅告诉人们器官捐赠的等待有多艰难,我们还让他们面对一个真正的透析患者: 27 岁的透析患者迈克尔 · 斯塔夫, 他已经等了 7 年的肾。在一个每个人都讨厌等待的地方: 火车站。 该平台上的一个数字广告牌呼吁采取行动,“我们中的一些人等待的时间更长。为了器官捐赠。帮助提供器官捐献者卡。Www.fuers-leben.de ”。 我们拍摄了现场直播,并传播了这个消息: 通过互联网,通过病毒传播,在电视台、博客和留言板以及德国数字广告牌上进行报道。 形势 让人们意识到在德国等待的 12,000 人的绝望处境 一个拯救生命的器官捐赠。每天死三个人!挑战: 我们没有营销 预算和收集一些硬币,因为所有其他基金会都不会解决这个问题。人 必须采取行动: 通过获取器官捐献者卡,作为应用程序下载,或者作为打印出来。另外: 他们 必须处理好自己,并决定他们是否会捐赠自己的器官 因事故死亡。 战略 我们需要让人们意识到医院里通常会发生的事情: 等待器官捐赠。洞察: 我们在研究中发现,只有 15% 的人 德国有器官捐献卡。但是 52% 更多的人会捐赠他们的器官 还没有捐赠卡。结果: 他们没有意识到他们行动的紧迫性。和 看不到病人的身体和精神痛苦。 所以,为了直接激活它们,我们在火车站面对人们,那里通常等待 就在几分钟前,dialysis 了一个等待肾脏 7 年的透析患者。

    Waiting. For seven years.

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry 12,000 people in Germany are waiting for a life-saving organ donation. Three of them die every day. And all because too few of us have an organ donor card. We wanted to rise awareness for this important topic. Put it higher on the public aganda across the whole country. A traditional campaign wouldn't do the job for this complex and controversial issue – and the very limited financial resources of the foundation 'FOR LIFE – for organ donation' either. So we had to earn media with a strong, outstanding and activating PR effect: we developed an extreme waiting live-event. At a train station where everybody hates waiting, we confronted people with Michael Stapf, a 27 years old dialysis patient, who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years now. Digital billboards called directly to action: just get an organ donor card. The story left nobody untouched and raised a storm in an upcoming discussion. We caught the attention of over 7.12m people (viral, TV station reports, blog articles, tweets, online message boards). Our campaign turned a small budget of only €25.000 into media worth €982.557 . Plus most importantly, because it's priceless: getting 24.8% raise of ordered organ donor cards during the campaign period. Describe the brief from the client 1. Make people aware of the problem of too few organ donor cards and too many patients waiting, 2. Make clear how hard waiting for an organ donation can get. 3. Get the topic 'organ donation' higher on the agenda across German. 4. Convince more people to get an organ donor card. Results Michael’s story left nobody untouched. Over 163,000 watched the viral. His story was featured on many TV programs and newspapers. Website visits increased by 33% during the campaign. Over 16,000 organ donor cards and apps were downloaded. We reached something what you can’t buy: a higher chance for people like Michael Stapf to keep on living. 1.Awarenes/public interest With a budget of only €25,000 we managed to earn media worth €982.557: Over 144.000 views on YouTube. Over 229.000 twitter followers reached. Over 1.169.000 total online impressions. 2.122.000 people reached offline. 3.832.000 people reached with TV coverage. A total campaign reach of 7.124.274 with only €25.000 budget. 2.Mobilising 33 % more visits on the homepage fuers-leben.de. 24,8 % more donor card orders during the campaign period via fuers-leben.de and the fundation’s hotline (compared to the monthly average). 12,8 % more downloads of the organ donor app. Execution We did not only tell people how hard waiting can get for an organ donation, we confronted them with a real dialysis patient: Michael Stapf, a 27 years old dialysis patient, who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years. At a place where everybody hates waiting: a train station. A digital billboard at the platform called for action “Some of us are waiting longer. For an organ donation. Help with an organ donor card. www.fuers-leben.de”. We filmed the live-action and spread the word: through the internet with a viral, reports on TV-stations, blogs and discussions on message boards as well as on digital billboards across Germany. The Situation Make people aware of the desperate situation of 12,000 people in Germany who are waiting for a life-saving organ donation.Three of them die every day! The challenge: We had no marketing budget and collecting some coins as all other foundations do wouldn't solve the problem. People had to act: by getting an organ donor card, downloadable as an app, or as a print out. Plus: they had to deal with themselves and decide if they would donate their organs in case of their own death due to an accident. The Strategy We needed to create awareness for something that usually happens behind doors in hospitals: waiting for an organ donation. The insight: we found out in research that only 15% of people in Germany have an organ donor card. But 52% more would donate their organs, however they don't have an donor card yet. The result: they are not aware of the urgency of their action. And don't see the physical and mental pain of the patients. So, to activate them directly we confronted people at a train station – where the wait is normally just a few minutes – with a dialysis patient who has been waiting for a kidney for 7 years.



    Waiting. For seven years.










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