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    Reindeer — Film微电影,短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? Sberbank 认为,技术必须保存和增加俄罗斯人民的文化和金融财富。据联合国教科文组织称,俄罗斯的 98 种土著语言将在未来 50 年内消失。他们中的一些人不到 10 个母语人士。他们中的大多数人不会留下任何书面文献。大多数俄罗斯人不知道这些语言的存在。“不朽” 项目允许数百万俄罗斯人第一次直接与这些语言互动。 背景 俄罗斯有 160 多个民族。但是他们的文化,他们的语言,他们的声音在媒体中得不到平等的代表。过去几十年的城市化对当地文化,特别是古代较小部落的文化产生了不利影响。年轻人认为他们祖先的语言不太有用,也不太有声望。电影、歌曲、书籍、 YouTube 频道、网站等大多讲俄语。从父母到孩子的口碑传播已经停止。这个过程不是俄罗斯独有的,土著语言正在世界各地消失。俄罗斯储蓄银行是俄罗斯最大的银行,其目标是保护和增加俄罗斯人民的财富: 金融和文化财富。土著语言是这种财富的重要组成部分。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们创造了一个人工智能,它已经学会了消失的语言,并且可以把它们教回给人们。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 俄罗斯储蓄银行是俄罗斯最大、技术最先进的银行,在最偏远的地方拥有数千家分行。这种规模的银行拥有巨大的技术力量,可以创造和保存金融财富。Sberbank 认为,技术必须保护和增加俄罗斯人民的文化和金融财富。这个项目利用世行的大量资源来保护俄罗斯的濒危语言,否则这些语言将在未来 50 年内消失得无影无踪。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 这个项目历时两年多。我们去了俄罗斯的偏远村庄,记录了数百个小时的当地人交谈。一个专门构建的人工智能分析了这种语言材料,以揭示语言的一般模式和逻辑。学习算法扩展了基于统计翻译方法的词典。一旦俄语和濒危语言之间的通信系统被创建,这种语言在人工智能中得到充分保护,将来任何说俄语的人都可以学习。神仙就是这样出现的。 2019年11月4日,民族团结日,俄罗斯会见了神仙。一部 1,5 分钟的电影在俄罗斯主要频道的新闻节目中介绍了这个项目。俄罗斯人可以在网上与神仙互动,发现恩加纳桑人、英格利亚人和乌里奇的独特世界。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 付费媒体已达 3500万人。社交媒体,新闻,电视节目和新闻增加了 7000万人。这个国家持续谈论消失的语言 9 周。在未来几年里,进一步的资金得到了保证。罕见的专业语言学家伸出援手,帮助教神仙其他正在消失的语言。AI 的核心现在可以用来拯救所有 98 种濒危语言。世界上有数百种正在消失的语言。这个 AI 可以用来保存所有的。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Sberbank believes that technology must preserve and multiply the cultural and financial wealth of Russian people. According to UNESCO, 98 indigenous languages in Russia will disappear in the next 50 years. Some of them have less than 10 native speakers. Most of them will leave no written literature behind. The majority of Russians didn't know these languages existed. Project "Immortals" allowed millions of Russian people to interact with these languages directly for the first time. Background Russia is home to over 160 nationalities. But their cultures, their languages, their voices don't get equal representation in the media. Urbanization of the past decades had a detrimental effect on the local cultures, especially those of smaller ancient tribes. Young people consider the languages of their ancestors less useful and less prestigious. Films, songs, books, YouTube channels, websites, etc. mostly speak Russian. Word of mouth transmission from parents to children has stopped. This process is not unique to Russia, indigenous languages are disappearing all over the world. Sberbank is the biggest bank of Russia, its goal is to preserve and multiply the wealth of Russian people: both financial and cultural. Indigenous languages are an essential part of that wealth. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We created an AI that has learned disappearing languages and can teach them back to people. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Sberbank is the biggest and the most technologically advanced bank of Russia, with thousands of branches in the most remote places. Banks of this size have enormous technological power that serves to generate and preserve financial wealth. Sberbank believes that technology must preserve and multiply both cultural and financial wealth of Russian people. This project used the bank's vast resources to preserve the endangered languages of Russia that would otherwise disappear without any trace in the next 50 years. Describe the execution (30% of vote) This project took over two years in the making. We went to remote villages of Russia and recorded hundreds of hours of natives talking. A specially built AI analyzed this linguistic material to reveal the general patterns and logic of the language. Learning algorithms expanded the lexicon based on statistical translation approach. Once the correspondence system between Russian and the endangered language was created, the language was fully preserved within the AI and could be learned by anyone who speaks Russian in the future. That’s how Immortals appeared. On the 4th of November 2019, National Unity Day, Russia met the Immortals. A 1,5 min film has introduced the project during the news program on Russia's main channel. Russians could interact with the Immortals online and discover the unique worlds of Nganasans, Ingrians, and Ulchi. List the results (30% of vote) Paid media has reached 35 million people. Social media, press, TV shows and news added 70 million people. The country kept talking about the disappearing languages for 9 weeks. Further funding was secured for several years to come. Rare specialized linguists have reached out to help teach the Immortals other disappearing languages. The core of the AI can be now used to save all 98 endangered languages. There’re hundreds of disappearing languages around the world. This AI can be used to preserve all of them.

    Reindeer — Film

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? Sberbank 认为,技术必须保存和增加俄罗斯人民的文化和金融财富。据联合国教科文组织称,俄罗斯的 98 种土著语言将在未来 50 年内消失。他们中的一些人不到 10 个母语人士。他们中的大多数人不会留下任何书面文献。大多数俄罗斯人不知道这些语言的存在。“不朽” 项目允许数百万俄罗斯人第一次直接与这些语言互动。 背景 俄罗斯有 160 多个民族。但是他们的文化,他们的语言,他们的声音在媒体中得不到平等的代表。过去几十年的城市化对当地文化,特别是古代较小部落的文化产生了不利影响。年轻人认为他们祖先的语言不太有用,也不太有声望。电影、歌曲、书籍、 YouTube 频道、网站等大多讲俄语。从父母到孩子的口碑传播已经停止。这个过程不是俄罗斯独有的,土著语言正在世界各地消失。俄罗斯储蓄银行是俄罗斯最大的银行,其目标是保护和增加俄罗斯人民的财富: 金融和文化财富。土著语言是这种财富的重要组成部分。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们创造了一个人工智能,它已经学会了消失的语言,并且可以把它们教回给人们。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 俄罗斯储蓄银行是俄罗斯最大、技术最先进的银行,在最偏远的地方拥有数千家分行。这种规模的银行拥有巨大的技术力量,可以创造和保存金融财富。Sberbank 认为,技术必须保护和增加俄罗斯人民的文化和金融财富。这个项目利用世行的大量资源来保护俄罗斯的濒危语言,否则这些语言将在未来 50 年内消失得无影无踪。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 这个项目历时两年多。我们去了俄罗斯的偏远村庄,记录了数百个小时的当地人交谈。一个专门构建的人工智能分析了这种语言材料,以揭示语言的一般模式和逻辑。学习算法扩展了基于统计翻译方法的词典。一旦俄语和濒危语言之间的通信系统被创建,这种语言在人工智能中得到充分保护,将来任何说俄语的人都可以学习。神仙就是这样出现的。 2019年11月4日,民族团结日,俄罗斯会见了神仙。一部 1,5 分钟的电影在俄罗斯主要频道的新闻节目中介绍了这个项目。俄罗斯人可以在网上与神仙互动,发现恩加纳桑人、英格利亚人和乌里奇的独特世界。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 付费媒体已达 3500万人。社交媒体,新闻,电视节目和新闻增加了 7000万人。这个国家持续谈论消失的语言 9 周。在未来几年里,进一步的资金得到了保证。罕见的专业语言学家伸出援手,帮助教神仙其他正在消失的语言。AI 的核心现在可以用来拯救所有 98 种濒危语言。世界上有数百种正在消失的语言。这个 AI 可以用来保存所有的。

    Reindeer — Film

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Sberbank believes that technology must preserve and multiply the cultural and financial wealth of Russian people. According to UNESCO, 98 indigenous languages in Russia will disappear in the next 50 years. Some of them have less than 10 native speakers. Most of them will leave no written literature behind. The majority of Russians didn't know these languages existed. Project "Immortals" allowed millions of Russian people to interact with these languages directly for the first time. Background Russia is home to over 160 nationalities. But their cultures, their languages, their voices don't get equal representation in the media. Urbanization of the past decades had a detrimental effect on the local cultures, especially those of smaller ancient tribes. Young people consider the languages of their ancestors less useful and less prestigious. Films, songs, books, YouTube channels, websites, etc. mostly speak Russian. Word of mouth transmission from parents to children has stopped. This process is not unique to Russia, indigenous languages are disappearing all over the world. Sberbank is the biggest bank of Russia, its goal is to preserve and multiply the wealth of Russian people: both financial and cultural. Indigenous languages are an essential part of that wealth. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We created an AI that has learned disappearing languages and can teach them back to people. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Sberbank is the biggest and the most technologically advanced bank of Russia, with thousands of branches in the most remote places. Banks of this size have enormous technological power that serves to generate and preserve financial wealth. Sberbank believes that technology must preserve and multiply both cultural and financial wealth of Russian people. This project used the bank's vast resources to preserve the endangered languages of Russia that would otherwise disappear without any trace in the next 50 years. Describe the execution (30% of vote) This project took over two years in the making. We went to remote villages of Russia and recorded hundreds of hours of natives talking. A specially built AI analyzed this linguistic material to reveal the general patterns and logic of the language. Learning algorithms expanded the lexicon based on statistical translation approach. Once the correspondence system between Russian and the endangered language was created, the language was fully preserved within the AI and could be learned by anyone who speaks Russian in the future. That’s how Immortals appeared. On the 4th of November 2019, National Unity Day, Russia met the Immortals. A 1,5 min film has introduced the project during the news program on Russia's main channel. Russians could interact with the Immortals online and discover the unique worlds of Nganasans, Ingrians, and Ulchi. List the results (30% of vote) Paid media has reached 35 million people. Social media, press, TV shows and news added 70 million people. The country kept talking about the disappearing languages for 9 weeks. Further funding was secured for several years to come. Rare specialized linguists have reached out to help teach the Immortals other disappearing languages. The core of the AI can be now used to save all 98 endangered languages. There’re hundreds of disappearing languages around the world. This AI can be used to preserve all of them.



    Reindeer — Film






    广告公司: Good (俄罗斯 莫斯科) 制作公司: Good




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