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    案例简介:战略 我们确定了四个需要成为目标的受众: 对技术感兴趣的人、 IT/业务决策者、 STEM 领域的影响者,顺便说一句,还有更广泛的公众。有了该活动的明星增强现实应用程序,我们知道考虑到我们的受众的多样性,围绕该应用程序的一刀切的营销方法是行不通的。通过 IBM 和 T Brand Studio handles 在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上的专门社交定位,我们可以在这些平台上接触对技术感兴趣的受众,并让他们接触核心活动信息。CES (消费电子展) 的出现,其关键业务/IT 领导者和 STEM 影响者的出席,让我们有机会让他们接触到以应用程序为中心的激活, 有针对性的社交帖子用来提高我们在活动中的知名度。最后,我们知道可以依靠大规模的媒体来向 CES 以外的更广泛的公众展示我们的应用。 执行 在三个多月的时间里,我们的运动分两个关键阶段展开 -- 首先是提高认识,其次是参与。随着围绕视频内容的社会推广,IBM 和隐藏数字之间的联系被拨通,我们首先寻求建立电影和 IBM 之间的关系。接下来,我们在《名利场》上进行了 8 页的插入,描述了一系列鼓舞人心的 STEM 明星,他们正在改变现在的世界。随着这部电影在美国各地上映。美国, T 品牌工作室 AR 应用程序推出 -- IBM 的 “超越隐藏” 体验作为首个内容 -- 为用户提供大约 10 个丰富的多媒体内容, STEM 历史上多样的 “隐藏人物”,并通过 AR 雕像以令人兴奋的方式庆祝这些新的榜样。 活动描述 20 世纪福克斯的一部电影《隐藏的人物》讲述了三个非裔美国人 “人类电脑” 在太空竞赛期间在美国宇航局幕后工作的真实故事。IBM 7090 数据处理系统也在历史上发挥了作用。但是,与其利用 IBM 与隐藏人物的合作关系来扩大品牌在历史上的地位, 我们利用这个机会揭示了更多历史隐藏的人物,以提供缺失的榜样,并帮助激发 STEM 更多样化的未来。我们与纽约时报的 T 品牌工作室开发了一个新的增强现实平台,并在美国各地的公共空间放置了增强现实雕像。这些 3D 纪念碑是互动的,附带视频内容、迷你播客和书面 bios。 概要 目前,女性占美国劳动力的近 50%,但在 STEM (科学、技术、工程和数学) 任职的人数不到 30%。自 1990年以来,仅在计算机科学领域,妇女在这一领域的比例就下降了 12%。非洲裔美国人和拉丁美洲人占劳动力的 30%,在这些领域的比例甚至更低 -- 每个领域的比例都低于 20%。与隐藏人物合作,我们试图利用 IBM 在电影中的角色,通过突出一组新的不同的 STEM 角色模型 -- 过去,激发围绕 STEM 多样性和包容性的对话现在和未来。我们希望展示 IBM 在这个问题上的领先立场,并重申其今天鼓励 STEM 内部更大多样性的承诺。IBM 承诺人类与机器合作来解决当今最大的问题,我们试图传达 IBM 的核心信念,即只有拥有不同的思维才能实现这一现实。 结果 在竞选过程中,我们产生了 2.59亿多份印刷、社交和数字印象,来自 30 多份出版物的皮卡,包括《精英日报》、《 Mashable 》、《福布斯》和《边缘》。T 品牌工作室 AR 应用在下载方面超过了 80% 的品牌应用, 仅在我们为期四天的 CES 激活中,就产生了 6,000 次约会,并在更广泛的应用使用趋势中展示了高于平均水平的使用情况。我们的名利场数字内容的平均平台参与时间是 2 倍,而推动我们活动核心信息的大部分社交内容超过了品牌基准,这表明核心受众群体的参与度很高。源于所有这些沟通接触点,这些接触点触及了我们所有的目标受众群体,我们记录了 265% 的谈话,将 IBM 与 STEM 的多样性联系起来, 60% 的活动调查受访者表示,由于 IBM 在这个问题上的立场,品牌好感度有所提高。


    案例简介:Strategy We identified four audiences that would need to be targeted: tech-interested people, IT/business decision makers, influencers in the STEM space and, incidentally, the broader public. With the campaign’s star augmented reality app, we knew that given the diverse nature of our audiences, a one-size-fits-all approach marketing approach around the app would not work. With specialized social targeting across Facebook and Twitter from IBM and T Brand Studio handles, we could reach tech-interested audiences across these platforms and expose them to core campaign messaging. A presence at CES (Consumer Electronics Show), with its key business/IT leader and STEM influencer attendance, afforded us the chance to expose them to an activation centered around the app, with geo-targeted social posts used to raise awareness for our presence at the event. Finally, we knew that earned media at scale could be relied on to demonstrate our app to the wider public beyond CES. Execution Over three months, our campaign rolled out in two key phases—centering first on awareness raising and next on engagement. With social promotion around video content dialing up the connection between IBM and Hidden Figures, we first sought to establish the relationship between the film and IBM. Next, we ran an 8-page insertion in Vanity Fair which profiled a diverse set of inspiring STEM stars who are changing the world here and now. As the film launched across the U.S., the T Brand Studio AR app launched—with IBM’s ‘outthink hidden’ experience serving as the inaugural content—providing users with rich, multi-media content around ten, diverse ‘hidden figures’ in the history of STEM, and celebrating these new role models in an exciting way through AR statues. CampaignDescription Hidden Figures, a 20th Century FOX film, tells the true story of three African-American ‘human computers’ who worked behind-the-scenes at NASA during the Space Race. The IBM 7090 Data Processing System played a role in history, too. But rather than using IBM’s partnership with Hidden Figures to amplify the brand’s place in history, we used this opportunity to reveal more of history’s hidden figures to provide missing role models and help inspire a more diverse future for STEM. We developed a new augmented reality platform with The New York Times’ T Brand Studio and placed augmented reality statues in public spaces across America. These 3D monuments were interactive, with accompanying video content, mini-podcasts and written bios. Synopsis Women currently make up nearly 50% of the U.S. workforce, though fewer than 30% hold positions in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). In computer science alone, the percentage of women in this field has decreased 12% since 1990. African-American and Latinos make up 30% of the workforce, and have even lower representation in these fields—below 20% in each. In partnership with Hidden Figures, we sought to use IBM’s role in the film to spur a conversation around diversity and inclusion in STEM through highlighting a new set of diverse STEM role models—past, present and future. We wanted to demonstrate IBM’s leading stance on this issue and reaffirm its commitment to encouraging greater diversity within STEM today. With IBM’s promise of humans working together with machines to solve today’s biggest problems, we sought to communicate IBM’s core belief that only with diverse minds can this reality be achieved. Outcome Over the course of campaign, we generated over 259 million print, social and digital impressions, with additional reach stemming from pickup by over 30 publications including Elite Daily, Mashable, Forbes and The Verge. The T Brand Studio AR App outperformed 80% of branded apps in terms of downloads, and generated 6,000 engagements within our four-day CES activation alone—and demonstrated higher-than-average levels of usage against wider app usage trends. Our Vanity Fair digital content saw 2x the average platform engagement time, while much of our social content driving our campaign’s core messages exceeded brand benchmarks, suggesting high levels of engagement across core audience groups. Stemming from all these communication touchpoints, which hit on all our intended audience groups, we recorded a 265% increase in conversation linking IBM with diversity in STEM, with 60% of campaign survey respondents citing increased brand favorability stemming from IBM’s stance on this issue.

    Hidden Figures

    案例简介:战略 我们确定了四个需要成为目标的受众: 对技术感兴趣的人、 IT/业务决策者、 STEM 领域的影响者,顺便说一句,还有更广泛的公众。有了该活动的明星增强现实应用程序,我们知道考虑到我们的受众的多样性,围绕该应用程序的一刀切的营销方法是行不通的。通过 IBM 和 T Brand Studio handles 在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上的专门社交定位,我们可以在这些平台上接触对技术感兴趣的受众,并让他们接触核心活动信息。CES (消费电子展) 的出现,其关键业务/IT 领导者和 STEM 影响者的出席,让我们有机会让他们接触到以应用程序为中心的激活, 有针对性的社交帖子用来提高我们在活动中的知名度。最后,我们知道可以依靠大规模的媒体来向 CES 以外的更广泛的公众展示我们的应用。 执行 在三个多月的时间里,我们的运动分两个关键阶段展开 -- 首先是提高认识,其次是参与。随着围绕视频内容的社会推广,IBM 和隐藏数字之间的联系被拨通,我们首先寻求建立电影和 IBM 之间的关系。接下来,我们在《名利场》上进行了 8 页的插入,描述了一系列鼓舞人心的 STEM 明星,他们正在改变现在的世界。随着这部电影在美国各地上映。美国, T 品牌工作室 AR 应用程序推出 -- IBM 的 “超越隐藏” 体验作为首个内容 -- 为用户提供大约 10 个丰富的多媒体内容, STEM 历史上多样的 “隐藏人物”,并通过 AR 雕像以令人兴奋的方式庆祝这些新的榜样。 活动描述 20 世纪福克斯的一部电影《隐藏的人物》讲述了三个非裔美国人 “人类电脑” 在太空竞赛期间在美国宇航局幕后工作的真实故事。IBM 7090 数据处理系统也在历史上发挥了作用。但是,与其利用 IBM 与隐藏人物的合作关系来扩大品牌在历史上的地位, 我们利用这个机会揭示了更多历史隐藏的人物,以提供缺失的榜样,并帮助激发 STEM 更多样化的未来。我们与纽约时报的 T 品牌工作室开发了一个新的增强现实平台,并在美国各地的公共空间放置了增强现实雕像。这些 3D 纪念碑是互动的,附带视频内容、迷你播客和书面 bios。 概要 目前,女性占美国劳动力的近 50%,但在 STEM (科学、技术、工程和数学) 任职的人数不到 30%。自 1990年以来,仅在计算机科学领域,妇女在这一领域的比例就下降了 12%。非洲裔美国人和拉丁美洲人占劳动力的 30%,在这些领域的比例甚至更低 -- 每个领域的比例都低于 20%。与隐藏人物合作,我们试图利用 IBM 在电影中的角色,通过突出一组新的不同的 STEM 角色模型 -- 过去,激发围绕 STEM 多样性和包容性的对话现在和未来。我们希望展示 IBM 在这个问题上的领先立场,并重申其今天鼓励 STEM 内部更大多样性的承诺。IBM 承诺人类与机器合作来解决当今最大的问题,我们试图传达 IBM 的核心信念,即只有拥有不同的思维才能实现这一现实。 结果 在竞选过程中,我们产生了 2.59亿多份印刷、社交和数字印象,来自 30 多份出版物的皮卡,包括《精英日报》、《 Mashable 》、《福布斯》和《边缘》。T 品牌工作室 AR 应用在下载方面超过了 80% 的品牌应用, 仅在我们为期四天的 CES 激活中,就产生了 6,000 次约会,并在更广泛的应用使用趋势中展示了高于平均水平的使用情况。我们的名利场数字内容的平均平台参与时间是 2 倍,而推动我们活动核心信息的大部分社交内容超过了品牌基准,这表明核心受众群体的参与度很高。源于所有这些沟通接触点,这些接触点触及了我们所有的目标受众群体,我们记录了 265% 的谈话,将 IBM 与 STEM 的多样性联系起来, 60% 的活动调查受访者表示,由于 IBM 在这个问题上的立场,品牌好感度有所提高。

    Hidden Figures

    案例简介:Strategy We identified four audiences that would need to be targeted: tech-interested people, IT/business decision makers, influencers in the STEM space and, incidentally, the broader public. With the campaign’s star augmented reality app, we knew that given the diverse nature of our audiences, a one-size-fits-all approach marketing approach around the app would not work. With specialized social targeting across Facebook and Twitter from IBM and T Brand Studio handles, we could reach tech-interested audiences across these platforms and expose them to core campaign messaging. A presence at CES (Consumer Electronics Show), with its key business/IT leader and STEM influencer attendance, afforded us the chance to expose them to an activation centered around the app, with geo-targeted social posts used to raise awareness for our presence at the event. Finally, we knew that earned media at scale could be relied on to demonstrate our app to the wider public beyond CES. Execution Over three months, our campaign rolled out in two key phases—centering first on awareness raising and next on engagement. With social promotion around video content dialing up the connection between IBM and Hidden Figures, we first sought to establish the relationship between the film and IBM. Next, we ran an 8-page insertion in Vanity Fair which profiled a diverse set of inspiring STEM stars who are changing the world here and now. As the film launched across the U.S., the T Brand Studio AR app launched—with IBM’s ‘outthink hidden’ experience serving as the inaugural content—providing users with rich, multi-media content around ten, diverse ‘hidden figures’ in the history of STEM, and celebrating these new role models in an exciting way through AR statues. CampaignDescription Hidden Figures, a 20th Century FOX film, tells the true story of three African-American ‘human computers’ who worked behind-the-scenes at NASA during the Space Race. The IBM 7090 Data Processing System played a role in history, too. But rather than using IBM’s partnership with Hidden Figures to amplify the brand’s place in history, we used this opportunity to reveal more of history’s hidden figures to provide missing role models and help inspire a more diverse future for STEM. We developed a new augmented reality platform with The New York Times’ T Brand Studio and placed augmented reality statues in public spaces across America. These 3D monuments were interactive, with accompanying video content, mini-podcasts and written bios. Synopsis Women currently make up nearly 50% of the U.S. workforce, though fewer than 30% hold positions in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). In computer science alone, the percentage of women in this field has decreased 12% since 1990. African-American and Latinos make up 30% of the workforce, and have even lower representation in these fields—below 20% in each. In partnership with Hidden Figures, we sought to use IBM’s role in the film to spur a conversation around diversity and inclusion in STEM through highlighting a new set of diverse STEM role models—past, present and future. We wanted to demonstrate IBM’s leading stance on this issue and reaffirm its commitment to encouraging greater diversity within STEM today. With IBM’s promise of humans working together with machines to solve today’s biggest problems, we sought to communicate IBM’s core belief that only with diverse minds can this reality be achieved. Outcome Over the course of campaign, we generated over 259 million print, social and digital impressions, with additional reach stemming from pickup by over 30 publications including Elite Daily, Mashable, Forbes and The Verge. The T Brand Studio AR App outperformed 80% of branded apps in terms of downloads, and generated 6,000 engagements within our four-day CES activation alone—and demonstrated higher-than-average levels of usage against wider app usage trends. Our Vanity Fair digital content saw 2x the average platform engagement time, while much of our social content driving our campaign’s core messages exceeded brand benchmarks, suggesting high levels of engagement across core audience groups. Stemming from all these communication touchpoints, which hit on all our intended audience groups, we recorded a 265% increase in conversation linking IBM with diversity in STEM, with 60% of campaign survey respondents citing increased brand favorability stemming from IBM’s stance on this issue.



    Hidden Figures










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