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    THE STRATOS JUMP 1:350短视频广告营销案例



    STRATOS 跳跃 1:350

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 总的来说,奥地利媒体格局由电视和印刷/在线媒体领域的少数主要参与者主导。 印刷/在线由两大出版集团主导,他们经营着最大的报纸和前 5 大在线门户网站中的 2 家。 在国家国有广播电台 TV ORF 中,该电台仍持有近 40% 的电视市场份额,并运营着奥地利人最强的在线门户网站,每年访问量超过 4400 万次。 电视产品投放/品牌内容投放 (ORF) 的规定受到非常严格的限制。只有在没有任何编辑内容链接的情况下,如果该节目仅用于娱乐目的 (没有新闻等),才允许品牌娱乐。) 并且不针对儿童。它必须被标记为植入式广告/广告,不应该包括任何购买电话。 然而,奥地利的在线渗透率非常高 -- 超过 90% 的人口定期使用互联网,超过 75% 的奥地利家庭可以使用 www。 这使得在线成为奥地利品牌娱乐的一个有吸引力的渠道。 结果 每年 10月在维也纳举行的国际模特展是最大的玩具和微型模特展之一。为了提高对交易会的认识,我们决定劫持红牛 Stratos 的官方项目,并为我们自己重新创造这个破纪录的跳跃。在正式跳跃开始前 8 小时,我们无畏的宇航员跳进了未知的世界。 这部记录我们令人难以置信的特技的电影是在全尺寸的费利克斯 · 鲍姆加特纳先生进入太空前几小时上映的。 红牛 Strator 项目可能是未来许多年品牌内容的完美例子。关于跳跃的故事积累了多年。 但是在非常关键的时刻,我们首先以完美的游击营销方式接管了整个项目。 我们通过脸谱网、推特、红牛官方网站和所有重要的新闻论坛宣布,跳跃已经向前推进,并启动了我们的病毒。当世界不耐烦地等待红牛队的图像时,我们的文件已经打破了所有的记录。 仅在第一周,我们就在 YouTube 上获得了超过 800万的浏览量。此外,世界媒体抢购了这个故事,产生了价值数百万的免费媒体报道。 美国红牛项目团队向我们表示祝贺,甚至费利克斯 · 鲍姆加特纳本人也在他的 Facebook 页面上形容我们的病毒式电影 “令人兴奋”。 两周后,模特展销会创下了新的游客人数记录,再以 6% 的速度超过前一年的记录。

    STRATOS 跳跃 1:350

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The Austrian media landscape in general is dominated by a few major players in the field of TV and Print/Online Media. Print/Online is dominated by two major publishing groups who are running the largest newspapers and 2 of the top 5 online portals. In TV ORF, the national state-owned broadcasting station, is still holding almost 40% of TV market share and is also running Austrias strongest online portal with more than 44m visits/year. Regulations for Product Placements/branded content placements in TV (ORF) are very restricted. Branded Entertainment is only allowed if there is no link to any editorial content, if the program is only for entertainment purpose (no news etc.) and does not address kids. It has to be labelled as product placement/advertising and should not include any call to purchase. However, the online penetration in Austria is very high - more than 90% of the population are using the internet on a regular basis, more than 75% of all Austrian households have access to the www. This makes online an attractive channel for branded entertainment in Austria. Results The international Model-Makers Fair, one of the largest Fairs for toys and miniature models, takes place in Vienna every October. In order to increase awareness about the Fair, we decided to hijack the official Red Bull Stratos project and recreate this record-breaking jump for ourselves. 8 hours before the official jump started, our fearless astronaut jumped out into the unknown. The film documenting our incredible stunt was launched hours before the full-size Mr Felix Baumgartner stepped out into space. The Red Bull Strator Project will probably be a perfect example for Branded Content for many years to come. The story about the jump was built up for years. But in the very crucial moment we were first and took over the whole project in perfect guerilla marketing ways. We announced via Facebook, Twitter, the official Red Bull website and all the important news forums that the jump had been moved forward and launched our Viral. And as the world was impatiently waiting for the images from the Red Bull team, our documentation had already broken all the records. Within the first week alone, we had more than 8 million views on YouTube. Additionally, the world press snapped up the story, generating free media coverage worth millions. The Red Bull Project Team in America congratulated us and even Felix Baumgartner himself discribed our viral film as being "Mind-blowing" on his Facebook page. Two weeks later, the Model-Makers Fair achieved a new visitor numbers record, topping the previous year's record by a further 6%.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 总的来说,奥地利媒体格局由电视和印刷/在线媒体领域的少数主要参与者主导。 印刷/在线由两大出版集团主导,他们经营着最大的报纸和前 5 大在线门户网站中的 2 家。 在国家国有广播电台 TV ORF 中,该电台仍持有近 40% 的电视市场份额,并运营着奥地利人最强的在线门户网站,每年访问量超过 4400 万次。 电视产品投放/品牌内容投放 (ORF) 的规定受到非常严格的限制。只有在没有任何编辑内容链接的情况下,如果该节目仅用于娱乐目的 (没有新闻等),才允许品牌娱乐。) 并且不针对儿童。它必须被标记为植入式广告/广告,不应该包括任何购买电话。 然而,奥地利的在线渗透率非常高 -- 超过 90% 的人口定期使用互联网,超过 75% 的奥地利家庭可以使用 www。 这使得在线成为奥地利品牌娱乐的一个有吸引力的渠道。 结果 每年 10月在维也纳举行的国际模特展是最大的玩具和微型模特展之一。为了提高对交易会的认识,我们决定劫持红牛 Stratos 的官方项目,并为我们自己重新创造这个破纪录的跳跃。在正式跳跃开始前 8 小时,我们无畏的宇航员跳进了未知的世界。 这部记录我们令人难以置信的特技的电影是在全尺寸的费利克斯 · 鲍姆加特纳先生进入太空前几小时上映的。 红牛 Strator 项目可能是未来许多年品牌内容的完美例子。关于跳跃的故事积累了多年。 但是在非常关键的时刻,我们首先以完美的游击营销方式接管了整个项目。 我们通过脸谱网、推特、红牛官方网站和所有重要的新闻论坛宣布,跳跃已经向前推进,并启动了我们的病毒。当世界不耐烦地等待红牛队的图像时,我们的文件已经打破了所有的记录。 仅在第一周,我们就在 YouTube 上获得了超过 800万的浏览量。此外,世界媒体抢购了这个故事,产生了价值数百万的免费媒体报道。 美国红牛项目团队向我们表示祝贺,甚至费利克斯 · 鲍姆加特纳本人也在他的 Facebook 页面上形容我们的病毒式电影 “令人兴奋”。 两周后,模特展销会创下了新的游客人数记录,再以 6% 的速度超过前一年的记录。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The Austrian media landscape in general is dominated by a few major players in the field of TV and Print/Online Media. Print/Online is dominated by two major publishing groups who are running the largest newspapers and 2 of the top 5 online portals. In TV ORF, the national state-owned broadcasting station, is still holding almost 40% of TV market share and is also running Austrias strongest online portal with more than 44m visits/year. Regulations for Product Placements/branded content placements in TV (ORF) are very restricted. Branded Entertainment is only allowed if there is no link to any editorial content, if the program is only for entertainment purpose (no news etc.) and does not address kids. It has to be labelled as product placement/advertising and should not include any call to purchase. However, the online penetration in Austria is very high - more than 90% of the population are using the internet on a regular basis, more than 75% of all Austrian households have access to the www. This makes online an attractive channel for branded entertainment in Austria. Results The international Model-Makers Fair, one of the largest Fairs for toys and miniature models, takes place in Vienna every October. In order to increase awareness about the Fair, we decided to hijack the official Red Bull Stratos project and recreate this record-breaking jump for ourselves. 8 hours before the official jump started, our fearless astronaut jumped out into the unknown. The film documenting our incredible stunt was launched hours before the full-size Mr Felix Baumgartner stepped out into space. The Red Bull Strator Project will probably be a perfect example for Branded Content for many years to come. The story about the jump was built up for years. But in the very crucial moment we were first and took over the whole project in perfect guerilla marketing ways. We announced via Facebook, Twitter, the official Red Bull website and all the important news forums that the jump had been moved forward and launched our Viral. And as the world was impatiently waiting for the images from the Red Bull team, our documentation had already broken all the records. Within the first week alone, we had more than 8 million views on YouTube. Additionally, the world press snapped up the story, generating free media coverage worth millions. The Red Bull Project Team in America congratulated us and even Felix Baumgartner himself discribed our viral film as being "Mind-blowing" on his Facebook page. Two weeks later, the Model-Makers Fair achieved a new visitor numbers record, topping the previous year's record by a further 6%.

    STRATOS 跳跃 1:350












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