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    案例简介:战略 该项目是几个品牌联合推出 NYT VR 并交付 130万款谷歌纸板耳机的结果,这是有史以来最大的虚拟现实技术单一分销。拥有包括 C-suite 高管和技术爱好者在内的广泛读者群,观众非常适合参与通用电气的工业互联网。我们希望讲述一个只有《时代》和通用电气才能讲述的故事,并使用虚拟现实技术,将我们的观众置于这个故事中。一个来自时代新闻本身的隐喻让我们以一种有机的方式欢迎读者进入虚拟现实的新世界。在这个过程中,他们发现了温暖和熟悉,也发现了自然界的兴奋,去沙漠或海底旅行。随着经验的继续,自然和通用电气技术之间的联系变得更加明显,将这些创新与虚拟现实本身的创新联系起来。 结果 不出所料,该执行在各个平台上都产生了巨大的影响。部分感谢 “自然激励着我们的数字未来”,NYT VR 取得了巨大成功:-130万 + 谷歌纸板分发。 -超过 500,000 次的 NYTVR 应用程序下载-NYT VR 内容浏览超过 150万次。 -6 分钟应用内参与时间。 -由于这个项目的成功,另外 300,000 个耳机将分发给选定的数字用户。 -3.5亿为 GE-40K 实时社交媒体赢得了印象。作为一个整体,执行看到了大量的新闻报道,登上了 2015年格言的最佳品牌内容合作伙伴关系,以及帮助 T 品牌工作室被评为广告周在 2015 年本地广告中最热门的广告。该付费帖子超过基准,超过 200,000 次页面浏览量和 1:46 的参与时间。 执行 执行的核心是 NYT VR 应用程序,再加上 130万多个 Google cardboard 的交付, 利用媒体中最大的分销系统之一,让更多的人能够访问虚拟现实。最终,我们花了六个多月的时间使用最新的 360 视频技术开发虚拟现实电影,并与一家屡获殊荣的特效公司合作。作为发起此次发布的三个品牌之一,通用电气的虚拟现实电影是 NYT VR 应用最初几周仅有的五部电影之一。它伴随着一个内容生态系统,包括一个最初报道的和互动的品牌内容,进一步深入到激发最新技术的自然原则。从这些元素中,我们创建了移动和桌面广告单元,嘲笑这部电影。在发布后的几天里,通用电气的虚拟现实电影帮助 NYT 虚拟现实应用迅速成为《纽约时报》采用最快的应用,到 4月,下载量超过 500,000 次, 包括 150万 + 视图的 NYT VR 内容。 活动描述 通用电气的工业互联网由一个名为 Predix 的创新平台驱动,该平台允许不同类型的机器交流和共享信息。该平台还创建了数字模拟,或数字双胞胎,可以帮助机器以最高效率运行。从丛林到大海,虚拟现实电影将通用电气的技术与激发它们的自然世界奇迹联系在一起。最近的研究发现,生态系统中的物种可以根据其他物种的召唤进行解释和行动,使它们能够避开捕食者或找到新的食物来源。这一自然现象来自《泰晤士报》新闻业本身,巧妙地隐喻了工业互联网在机器之间交流的力量。借助虚拟现实的力量,我们邀请读者真正进入报纸本身,进入一个纸质世界,看看这些创新是如何改善现代城市的能源支出的。 概要 《纽约时报》和通用电气有着共同的愿景: 提供历史上最大的虚拟技术发行。此次合作标志着 VR 新时代的一个突破性时刻。去年11月,130万《纽约时报》家庭用户发现谷歌纸板耳机与他们的《星期日泰晤士报》捆绑在一起,这给了通用电气一个平台,让读者能够使用尖端的讲故事工具。使用虚拟现实,我们展示了跨物种通信之间的联系,以及通用电气的工业互联网如何在我们的工厂、城市和家庭中引领一个更加互联的世界。这次经历的灵感来自《泰晤士报》的新闻本身,并与通过探索自然和技术之间的联系来宣传这部电影的原创品牌内容配对。观众走进《纽约时报》,发现了一个色彩缤纷、纸质风格的 3D 动画世界。沉浸在这个新的宇宙中,读者开始充分理解通用电气的技术及其自然灵感。


    案例简介:Strategy The project is the result of the alliance between several brands to launch NYT VR and deliver 1.3 million Google Cardboard headsets — the largest ever single distribution of VR technology. With a wide-reaching readership that includes C-suite executives and tech enthusiasts, the audience was ideal to engage with GE’s Industrial Internet.We looked to tell a story only the Times’ and GE could tell, and, using VR technology, place our audience within that story. A metaphor sourced from The Time’s journalism itself allowed us to welcome readers into the new world of VR in an organic fashion. They found warmth and familiarity but also the excitement of the natural world, traveling to the desert, or under the sea, in the process. As the experience continues, the links between nature and GE tech become more apparent, connecting those innovations with the innovations of VR itself. Outcome As expected, the execution had tremendous impact across platforms. Thanks in part to “Nature Is Inspiring Our Digital Future” NYT VR was a major success:-1.3 million+ Google Cardboards distributed.-Over 500,000 downloads of the NYTVR app-NYT VR content viewed more than 1.5 million times.-6 minutes in-app engagement time.-Due to the success of this project, a further 300,000 headsets will be distributed to select digital subscribers.-350 million earned impressions for GE-40K real-time social mentionsThe execution as a whole saw significant press coverage, landing on AdAge’s Best Branded Content Partnerships of 2015, as well as helping T Brand Studio to be named Ad Week’s Hottest in Native Advertising in 2015.The Paid Post exceeded benchmarks with more than 200,000 page views and an 1:46 engagement time. Execution At the core of the execution is the NYT VR app, coupled with the delivery of more than 1.3 million Google Cardboards, leveraging one of the largest distribution systems in media to make VR accessible to more people than ever. With this as the end result, we worked over six months to develop the VR film using the latest in 360 video technology and partnering with an award-winning effects company. One of three brands sponsoring the launch, GE’s VR film was one of just five featured in the NYT VR app during its first weeks.It was accompanied by an ecosystem of content, including an originally reported and interactive branded content piece further diving into natural principles that are inspiring the latest in technology. Sourcing from these elements, we created mobile and desktop ad units which teased the film.In the days following launch, GE's VR film helped the NYT VR app quickly become The New York Times most rapidly adopted app, and by April had more than 500,000 downloads, including 1.5 million+ views of NYT VR content. Campaign Description GE’s Industrial Internet is powered by an innovative platform, called Predix, that allows different types of machines to communicate and share information. This platform also creates digital simulations, or digital twins, that can help machines perform at maximum efficiency. From the jungle, to the sea, the VR film links GE’s technologies with miracles of the natural world that inspired them. Recent studies have found that species within an ecosystem can interpret and act upon the calls of other species, allowing them to avoid predators or find new sources of food. Drawn from The Times journalism itself, this natural phenomenon serves neatly as a metaphor for the Industrial Internet’s power of communication between machines. With the power of VR, we invited readers to literally step into the paper itself, entering an paper world that culminates with a look at how these innovations are improving energy disbursement in the modern city. Synopsis The New York Times and GE shared a common vision: to deliver the largest distribution of virtual technology in history. The partnership marked a breakthrough moment in the new era of VR. Last November, 1.3 million NYT home subscribers found Google Cardboard headsets bundled with their Sunday Times, giving GE the platform to engage readers with cutting-edge storytelling tools. Using VR we showed the connection between interspecies communication and how GE’s Industrial Internet is leading to a more connected world in our factories, cities and homes. The experience took inspiration from The Times’ journalism itself, and was paired with an original branded content piece promoting the film by exploring the connections between nature and technology. Viewers stepped inside The New York Times to discover a colorful, paper-inspired animated 3D world. Immersed in this new universe, readers came to fully understand GE’s technology and its natural inspiration.

    Ge/nyt - "nature Is Inspiring Our Industrial Future"

    案例简介:战略 该项目是几个品牌联合推出 NYT VR 并交付 130万款谷歌纸板耳机的结果,这是有史以来最大的虚拟现实技术单一分销。拥有包括 C-suite 高管和技术爱好者在内的广泛读者群,观众非常适合参与通用电气的工业互联网。我们希望讲述一个只有《时代》和通用电气才能讲述的故事,并使用虚拟现实技术,将我们的观众置于这个故事中。一个来自时代新闻本身的隐喻让我们以一种有机的方式欢迎读者进入虚拟现实的新世界。在这个过程中,他们发现了温暖和熟悉,也发现了自然界的兴奋,去沙漠或海底旅行。随着经验的继续,自然和通用电气技术之间的联系变得更加明显,将这些创新与虚拟现实本身的创新联系起来。 结果 不出所料,该执行在各个平台上都产生了巨大的影响。部分感谢 “自然激励着我们的数字未来”,NYT VR 取得了巨大成功:-130万 + 谷歌纸板分发。 -超过 500,000 次的 NYTVR 应用程序下载-NYT VR 内容浏览超过 150万次。 -6 分钟应用内参与时间。 -由于这个项目的成功,另外 300,000 个耳机将分发给选定的数字用户。 -3.5亿为 GE-40K 实时社交媒体赢得了印象。作为一个整体,执行看到了大量的新闻报道,登上了 2015年格言的最佳品牌内容合作伙伴关系,以及帮助 T 品牌工作室被评为广告周在 2015 年本地广告中最热门的广告。该付费帖子超过基准,超过 200,000 次页面浏览量和 1:46 的参与时间。 执行 执行的核心是 NYT VR 应用程序,再加上 130万多个 Google cardboard 的交付, 利用媒体中最大的分销系统之一,让更多的人能够访问虚拟现实。最终,我们花了六个多月的时间使用最新的 360 视频技术开发虚拟现实电影,并与一家屡获殊荣的特效公司合作。作为发起此次发布的三个品牌之一,通用电气的虚拟现实电影是 NYT VR 应用最初几周仅有的五部电影之一。它伴随着一个内容生态系统,包括一个最初报道的和互动的品牌内容,进一步深入到激发最新技术的自然原则。从这些元素中,我们创建了移动和桌面广告单元,嘲笑这部电影。在发布后的几天里,通用电气的虚拟现实电影帮助 NYT 虚拟现实应用迅速成为《纽约时报》采用最快的应用,到 4月,下载量超过 500,000 次, 包括 150万 + 视图的 NYT VR 内容。 活动描述 通用电气的工业互联网由一个名为 Predix 的创新平台驱动,该平台允许不同类型的机器交流和共享信息。该平台还创建了数字模拟,或数字双胞胎,可以帮助机器以最高效率运行。从丛林到大海,虚拟现实电影将通用电气的技术与激发它们的自然世界奇迹联系在一起。最近的研究发现,生态系统中的物种可以根据其他物种的召唤进行解释和行动,使它们能够避开捕食者或找到新的食物来源。这一自然现象来自《泰晤士报》新闻业本身,巧妙地隐喻了工业互联网在机器之间交流的力量。借助虚拟现实的力量,我们邀请读者真正进入报纸本身,进入一个纸质世界,看看这些创新是如何改善现代城市的能源支出的。 概要 《纽约时报》和通用电气有着共同的愿景: 提供历史上最大的虚拟技术发行。此次合作标志着 VR 新时代的一个突破性时刻。去年11月,130万《纽约时报》家庭用户发现谷歌纸板耳机与他们的《星期日泰晤士报》捆绑在一起,这给了通用电气一个平台,让读者能够使用尖端的讲故事工具。使用虚拟现实,我们展示了跨物种通信之间的联系,以及通用电气的工业互联网如何在我们的工厂、城市和家庭中引领一个更加互联的世界。这次经历的灵感来自《泰晤士报》的新闻本身,并与通过探索自然和技术之间的联系来宣传这部电影的原创品牌内容配对。观众走进《纽约时报》,发现了一个色彩缤纷、纸质风格的 3D 动画世界。沉浸在这个新的宇宙中,读者开始充分理解通用电气的技术及其自然灵感。

    Ge/nyt - "nature Is Inspiring Our Industrial Future"

    案例简介:Strategy The project is the result of the alliance between several brands to launch NYT VR and deliver 1.3 million Google Cardboard headsets — the largest ever single distribution of VR technology. With a wide-reaching readership that includes C-suite executives and tech enthusiasts, the audience was ideal to engage with GE’s Industrial Internet.We looked to tell a story only the Times’ and GE could tell, and, using VR technology, place our audience within that story. A metaphor sourced from The Time’s journalism itself allowed us to welcome readers into the new world of VR in an organic fashion. They found warmth and familiarity but also the excitement of the natural world, traveling to the desert, or under the sea, in the process. As the experience continues, the links between nature and GE tech become more apparent, connecting those innovations with the innovations of VR itself. Outcome As expected, the execution had tremendous impact across platforms. Thanks in part to “Nature Is Inspiring Our Digital Future” NYT VR was a major success:-1.3 million+ Google Cardboards distributed.-Over 500,000 downloads of the NYTVR app-NYT VR content viewed more than 1.5 million times.-6 minutes in-app engagement time.-Due to the success of this project, a further 300,000 headsets will be distributed to select digital subscribers.-350 million earned impressions for GE-40K real-time social mentionsThe execution as a whole saw significant press coverage, landing on AdAge’s Best Branded Content Partnerships of 2015, as well as helping T Brand Studio to be named Ad Week’s Hottest in Native Advertising in 2015.The Paid Post exceeded benchmarks with more than 200,000 page views and an 1:46 engagement time. Execution At the core of the execution is the NYT VR app, coupled with the delivery of more than 1.3 million Google Cardboards, leveraging one of the largest distribution systems in media to make VR accessible to more people than ever. With this as the end result, we worked over six months to develop the VR film using the latest in 360 video technology and partnering with an award-winning effects company. One of three brands sponsoring the launch, GE’s VR film was one of just five featured in the NYT VR app during its first weeks.It was accompanied by an ecosystem of content, including an originally reported and interactive branded content piece further diving into natural principles that are inspiring the latest in technology. Sourcing from these elements, we created mobile and desktop ad units which teased the film.In the days following launch, GE's VR film helped the NYT VR app quickly become The New York Times most rapidly adopted app, and by April had more than 500,000 downloads, including 1.5 million+ views of NYT VR content. Campaign Description GE’s Industrial Internet is powered by an innovative platform, called Predix, that allows different types of machines to communicate and share information. This platform also creates digital simulations, or digital twins, that can help machines perform at maximum efficiency. From the jungle, to the sea, the VR film links GE’s technologies with miracles of the natural world that inspired them. Recent studies have found that species within an ecosystem can interpret and act upon the calls of other species, allowing them to avoid predators or find new sources of food. Drawn from The Times journalism itself, this natural phenomenon serves neatly as a metaphor for the Industrial Internet’s power of communication between machines. With the power of VR, we invited readers to literally step into the paper itself, entering an paper world that culminates with a look at how these innovations are improving energy disbursement in the modern city. Synopsis The New York Times and GE shared a common vision: to deliver the largest distribution of virtual technology in history. The partnership marked a breakthrough moment in the new era of VR. Last November, 1.3 million NYT home subscribers found Google Cardboard headsets bundled with their Sunday Times, giving GE the platform to engage readers with cutting-edge storytelling tools. Using VR we showed the connection between interspecies communication and how GE’s Industrial Internet is leading to a more connected world in our factories, cities and homes. The experience took inspiration from The Times’ journalism itself, and was paired with an original branded content piece promoting the film by exploring the connections between nature and technology. Viewers stepped inside The New York Times to discover a colorful, paper-inspired animated 3D world. Immersed in this new universe, readers came to fully understand GE’s technology and its natural inspiration.



    Ge/nyt - "nature Is Inspiring Our Industrial Future"










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