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    Raising Eyebrows And Subscriptions短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:简要说明 修复不良广告活动造成的损害很容易。但是,您如何处理出色的作品所带来的意想不到的后果?过去二十年来,《经济学人》的标志性海报作品巩固了其作为众议院出版物的声誉,因为他想取得成功。它很聪明,受宠若惊。不幸的是,它运作得如此之好,以至于那些将自己视为这个封闭群体之外的人感到与品牌保持距离。整整一代人长大后认为《经济学人》与他们的生活无关。他们将标题称为 “公司精英手册”。随着传统前景基础的开发,流通开始趋于平稳,数字转换下降。我们必须做出彻底的改变。我们必须说服新的听众,《经济学人》与他们息息相关,特别是让他们举手,成为未来的可重定前景。他们必须看到我们的读者所看到的-体验忠实的读者所说的 “经济学家顿悟”。这个故事联系并展示了《经济学人》如何让您以不同的方式看待问题。我们的策略来自支撑出版物本身的见解-“没有什么比真相更具挑衅性了”-我们将其应用于三个任务: 1.激发智力上的好奇心。用量身定制的,挑衅性的标题来展示经济学人的智慧和智慧,使他们感到惊讶。2.展示经济学人的相关性。当他们最感兴趣的时候,和他们谈谈他们感兴趣的话题。3。给他们自己的 “经济学家顿悟”,让他们阅读更有针对性的内容,这样他们就可以体验自己的 “顿悟” 并订阅。这场很大程度上是数字展示活动的效果令人难以置信,而且出乎意料。我们直接激起了5.2万新人来探索《经济学人》的内容 -- 一个新的可寻址的受众群体正在继续转化为订阅者。我们已经将付费订阅基础增加了64,405 (只关注在广告费下降的时期,数字渠道的销售增长,报摊销售下降,定价和促销是静态的)。该活动已经负责提供5170万英镑的终生收入,并从我们一年的2.03万英镑支出中获得超过25:1的收入。这仅仅是开始。这些订阅者正是我们所寻求的 “进步” 受众 -- 比传统订阅者年轻得多,我们一直在解决历史上的性别失衡问题,通过这次活动为《经济学人》带来了更多的女性。我们改变了他们对《经济学人》的看法,通过跟踪显示,更多的人认为报纸是相关的和引人注目的。我们已经展示了即使是最具创造性的嘲笑渠道 -- 程序化展示 -- 当你充分利用其全部潜力 -- 内容、创造力和背景的综合力量 -- 时,它也能带来强大的、改变业务的品牌效应。扬眉吐气,提高订阅量。


    案例简介:Brief Explanation It’s easy to fix the damage wrought by a bad advertising campaign. But how do you handle the unintended consequences of a brilliant one?The Economist’s iconic poster work of the past two decades cemented its reputation as the house publication for the man that wants to get ahead. It was clever and flattered its readers’ intelligence.Unfortunately, it worked so well that people who saw themselves as outside this closed group felt distanced from the brand. A whole generation of people grew up thinking The Economist wasn’t relevant to their lives. They had dismissed the title as ‘a handbook for the corporate elite’. Circulation started to plateau and digital conversion declined as the traditional prospect base became tapped. We had to make a radical change. We had to persuade a new audience that The Economist was relevant to them and, specifically, get them to raise their hands and become retargetable prospects for the future. They had to see what our readers saw – experience what devoted readers term, the “Economist Epiphany”. The story that connects and shows how The Economist can make you see an issue differently.Our strategy came from an insight that underpins the publication itself – “There is nothing more provocative than the truth” – and we applied it to three tasks: 1.Provoke the intellectually curious. Surprise them with tailored, provocative headlines that showcase The Economist’s wit and intelligence.2.Demonstrate The Economist’s relevance. Speak to them about the topics they’ve shown an interest in – when they’re most interested.3.Give them their own ‘Economist epiphany’Nudge them to read more targeted content so they experience their own ‘epiphany’ and subscribe.The effect from this largely digital display campaign was incredible – and unanticipated. We directly provoked 5.2m new people into exploring The Economist content – a new addressable audience that is continuing to convert into subscribers.We have grown the paid subscription base by 64,405 (looking only at the uplift on sales from digital channels in a period when adspend was down, newsstand sales were down and pricing and promotions were static).The campaign is already responsible for delivering £51.7m in lifetime revenue and a revenue ROMI of over 25:1 from our year one spend of £2.03M.This is only the beginning. These subscribers are precisely the “Progressive” audience we were seeking – much younger than traditional subscribers and we’ve been addressing a historical gender imbalance, bringing more women to The Economist through this campaign.We’ve changed their perceptions of The Economist, with tracking showing more of them see the newspaper as relevant and compelling.And we’ve shown how even that most creatively derided channel – programmatic display – can deliver powerful, business-changing brand effects when you harness its full potential – the combined power of content, creativity and context. Raising eyebrows and raising subscriptions.

    Raising Eyebrows And Subscriptions

    案例简介:简要说明 修复不良广告活动造成的损害很容易。但是,您如何处理出色的作品所带来的意想不到的后果?过去二十年来,《经济学人》的标志性海报作品巩固了其作为众议院出版物的声誉,因为他想取得成功。它很聪明,受宠若惊。不幸的是,它运作得如此之好,以至于那些将自己视为这个封闭群体之外的人感到与品牌保持距离。整整一代人长大后认为《经济学人》与他们的生活无关。他们将标题称为 “公司精英手册”。随着传统前景基础的开发,流通开始趋于平稳,数字转换下降。我们必须做出彻底的改变。我们必须说服新的听众,《经济学人》与他们息息相关,特别是让他们举手,成为未来的可重定前景。他们必须看到我们的读者所看到的-体验忠实的读者所说的 “经济学家顿悟”。这个故事联系并展示了《经济学人》如何让您以不同的方式看待问题。我们的策略来自支撑出版物本身的见解-“没有什么比真相更具挑衅性了”-我们将其应用于三个任务: 1.激发智力上的好奇心。用量身定制的,挑衅性的标题来展示经济学人的智慧和智慧,使他们感到惊讶。2.展示经济学人的相关性。当他们最感兴趣的时候,和他们谈谈他们感兴趣的话题。3。给他们自己的 “经济学家顿悟”,让他们阅读更有针对性的内容,这样他们就可以体验自己的 “顿悟” 并订阅。这场很大程度上是数字展示活动的效果令人难以置信,而且出乎意料。我们直接激起了5.2万新人来探索《经济学人》的内容 -- 一个新的可寻址的受众群体正在继续转化为订阅者。我们已经将付费订阅基础增加了64,405 (只关注在广告费下降的时期,数字渠道的销售增长,报摊销售下降,定价和促销是静态的)。该活动已经负责提供5170万英镑的终生收入,并从我们一年的2.03万英镑支出中获得超过25:1的收入。这仅仅是开始。这些订阅者正是我们所寻求的 “进步” 受众 -- 比传统订阅者年轻得多,我们一直在解决历史上的性别失衡问题,通过这次活动为《经济学人》带来了更多的女性。我们改变了他们对《经济学人》的看法,通过跟踪显示,更多的人认为报纸是相关的和引人注目的。我们已经展示了即使是最具创造性的嘲笑渠道 -- 程序化展示 -- 当你充分利用其全部潜力 -- 内容、创造力和背景的综合力量 -- 时,它也能带来强大的、改变业务的品牌效应。扬眉吐气,提高订阅量。

    Raising Eyebrows And Subscriptions

    案例简介:Brief Explanation It’s easy to fix the damage wrought by a bad advertising campaign. But how do you handle the unintended consequences of a brilliant one?The Economist’s iconic poster work of the past two decades cemented its reputation as the house publication for the man that wants to get ahead. It was clever and flattered its readers’ intelligence.Unfortunately, it worked so well that people who saw themselves as outside this closed group felt distanced from the brand. A whole generation of people grew up thinking The Economist wasn’t relevant to their lives. They had dismissed the title as ‘a handbook for the corporate elite’. Circulation started to plateau and digital conversion declined as the traditional prospect base became tapped. We had to make a radical change. We had to persuade a new audience that The Economist was relevant to them and, specifically, get them to raise their hands and become retargetable prospects for the future. They had to see what our readers saw – experience what devoted readers term, the “Economist Epiphany”. The story that connects and shows how The Economist can make you see an issue differently.Our strategy came from an insight that underpins the publication itself – “There is nothing more provocative than the truth” – and we applied it to three tasks: 1.Provoke the intellectually curious. Surprise them with tailored, provocative headlines that showcase The Economist’s wit and intelligence.2.Demonstrate The Economist’s relevance. Speak to them about the topics they’ve shown an interest in – when they’re most interested.3.Give them their own ‘Economist epiphany’Nudge them to read more targeted content so they experience their own ‘epiphany’ and subscribe.The effect from this largely digital display campaign was incredible – and unanticipated. We directly provoked 5.2m new people into exploring The Economist content – a new addressable audience that is continuing to convert into subscribers.We have grown the paid subscription base by 64,405 (looking only at the uplift on sales from digital channels in a period when adspend was down, newsstand sales were down and pricing and promotions were static).The campaign is already responsible for delivering £51.7m in lifetime revenue and a revenue ROMI of over 25:1 from our year one spend of £2.03M.This is only the beginning. These subscribers are precisely the “Progressive” audience we were seeking – much younger than traditional subscribers and we’ve been addressing a historical gender imbalance, bringing more women to The Economist through this campaign.We’ve changed their perceptions of The Economist, with tracking showing more of them see the newspaper as relevant and compelling.And we’ve shown how even that most creatively derided channel – programmatic display – can deliver powerful, business-changing brand effects when you harness its full potential – the combined power of content, creativity and context. Raising eyebrows and raising subscriptions.



    Raising Eyebrows And Subscriptions










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