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    案例简介:实现 37% 的致命受害者是摩托车手,主要原因: 他们没有保持摩托车和前方车辆之间的最小安全距离。根据所有安全指南和移动专家的建议,我们为头盔制作了贴纸,我们选择了耐用性和可见性方面的材料;我们与哥伦比亚头盔的主要生产商合作,在他们的产品中加入生命线。我们使用 4 微米安全膜和精细丝网印刷来生产生命线,符合驾驶员的可见性和耐用性需求。 执行 生命线是位于头盔遮阳板上的贴纸,永久提醒您必须与前方车辆保持的最小距离。生命线标志着地平线上的一个点,线总是必须在摩托车前面的车辆轮胎下方,如果线在车辆轮胎上方,这意味着是减速或刹车的时候了。它是一条保持生与死距离的线。为了教育人们并提供解决方案,我们在街道和关键道路上安装了激活亭,小团队: 专家就安全驾驶提供建议,支持团队在司机头盔上安装生命线,解释它是如何工作的,提高对安全距离的认识。现在,我们与哥伦比亚头盔的主要生产商合作,将生命线纳入他们的产品和我们的网站www。lalineadevida.co将成为扩大解决方案的方式,并通过DIY下载提供更多生命线。 大纲 摩托车生产、进口和销售的增长响应了该国的经济和社会现实。它们用于日常交通,上班/回家和工作。该国 6% 以上的工作依赖于这种交通工具。拥有摩托车是拥有庞大交通系统的城市的一种解决方案,这些交通系统不覆盖需求和交通崩溃的路线,这就是为什么七分之一的哥伦比亚人使用摩托车。街上摩托车比汽车多。哥伦比亚国家道路安全局发起了年度预防运动,其坚定的目的是减少事故,其目标是: 提高认识、鼓励谨慎、交通规则教学法和制裁教学法。 活动描述 明确目标是降低摩托车手的事故率和死亡率,我们创建了一个低成本的计划来帮助摩托车手意识到在一天中的任何时候与其他车辆保持安全距离。我们需要离司机很近,几乎在他们眼前,让他们意识到这一点。我们创建了Life Line。Life Line是位于头盔遮阳板上的贴纸,永久提醒您必须与前方车辆保持的最小距离。生命线标志着地平线上的一个点,线总是必须在摩托车前面的车辆轮胎下方,如果线在车辆轮胎上方,这意味着是减速或刹车的时候了。它是一条保持生与死距离的线。 结果 摩托车手对这场运动反应积极,对激活点的兴趣很高,我们和一个关键盟友开始了大规模的实施。在最初的 30 天里,我们在激活点的司机头盔上安装了超过 5.200 条生命线,并进行了超过 3.000 次的DIY生命线下载。哥伦比亚领先的头盔品牌,Inducascos,加入了该计划,现在他们的所有产品,无论细分市场 (街道,xtreme,安全和其他)带着遮阳板上的生命线来。这使得我们的想法在全国范围内,并按照我们的计划,把信息放在前面或司机的眼睛,最重要的结果是拯救生命。去年同期比较: 交通事故减少 61% 37,交通事故死亡减少 7% 受伤人数减少 52%


    案例简介:Implementation 37% of the fatal victims are motorcyclists, the main cause: They do not maintain the minimum safety distance between the motorcycle and the vehicle in front.Under all the safety guidelines and advice of mobility experts, we created a sticker for helmets, we selected materials in terms of durability and visibility; And we partnered with the main producer of helmets in Colombia to include Life Line in their products.We used 4 micron safety film and a fine screen printing to produce the Life Lines, in compliance to visibility and durability needs for drivers. Execution Life Line is a sticker located on the visor of the helmet and reminds you permanently of the minimum distance you must maintain with the vehicle in front. Life Line marks a point on the horizon, the line always has to be below the tires of the vehicle in front of the motorcycle and if the line is above the tires of the vehicle it means is time to slow down or brake. It is a line that maintains the distance between life and death.To educate people and deliver the soliution we installed activation kiosks in streets and key roads with small teams: experts giving advise on safe driving and a support team putting Life Lines on drivers helmets, explaining how it works and raising awareness on safety distance.Now we partnered with the main producer of helmets in Colombia to include Life Line in their products and our website www.lalineadevida.co will become the way to amplify the solution and to deliver more Life Lines with a DIY download. Synopsis The growth in the production, import and sale of motorcycles responds to an economic and social reality of the country. They are used for daily transportation, to get to work/home and to produce work. More than 6% of jobs in the country depend on this kind of vehicle.Having a motorcycle is a solution in cities with massive transportation systems that do not cover demand and traffic collapsed routes, that is why 1 in 7 colombians use a motorcycle. There are more motorcycles than cars in the streets.The colombian National Road Safety Agency launched its annual prevention campaign with the firm purpose of reducing accidents and its objectives were: Promotion of awareness, encouragement of prudence, pedagogy of traffic rules and pedagogy of sanction. CampaignDescription With a clear objective to reduce the accident rate and deaths of motorcyclists, we created a low cost initiative to help motorcyclists to be aware of maintaining the safety distance with other vehicles at any time of the day. We needed to be very near to drivers, to almost be in front of their eyes to keep them aware. We created Life Line.Life Line is a sticker located on the visor of the helmet and reminds you permanently of the minimum distance you must maintain with the vehicle in front. Life Line marks a point on the horizon, the line always has to be below the tires of the vehicle in front of the motorcycle and if the line is above the tires of the vehicle it means is time to slow down or brake. It is a line that maintains the distance between life and death. Outcome The motorcyclists were positive in reaction to the campaign, interest was high on activation points and we started a massive implementation with a key ally. In the first 30 days we installed more than 5.200 Life Lines on drivers helmets in the activation points and more than 3.000 downloads of DIY Life Lines were made.The leading helmet brand in Colombia, Inducascos, joined the initiative and now of all their products regardless of the segment (street, xtreme, security and others) come with Line of Life in the visor. This makes our idea nationwide and puts the message in front or drivers eyes as we planned it.The most important results were saved lives. Comparing the same period of time in the last year we had:61% less traffic accidents 37,7% less deaths on traffic accidents52% less people injured

    Life Line

    案例简介:实现 37% 的致命受害者是摩托车手,主要原因: 他们没有保持摩托车和前方车辆之间的最小安全距离。根据所有安全指南和移动专家的建议,我们为头盔制作了贴纸,我们选择了耐用性和可见性方面的材料;我们与哥伦比亚头盔的主要生产商合作,在他们的产品中加入生命线。我们使用 4 微米安全膜和精细丝网印刷来生产生命线,符合驾驶员的可见性和耐用性需求。 执行 生命线是位于头盔遮阳板上的贴纸,永久提醒您必须与前方车辆保持的最小距离。生命线标志着地平线上的一个点,线总是必须在摩托车前面的车辆轮胎下方,如果线在车辆轮胎上方,这意味着是减速或刹车的时候了。它是一条保持生与死距离的线。为了教育人们并提供解决方案,我们在街道和关键道路上安装了激活亭,小团队: 专家就安全驾驶提供建议,支持团队在司机头盔上安装生命线,解释它是如何工作的,提高对安全距离的认识。现在,我们与哥伦比亚头盔的主要生产商合作,将生命线纳入他们的产品和我们的网站www。lalineadevida.co将成为扩大解决方案的方式,并通过DIY下载提供更多生命线。 大纲 摩托车生产、进口和销售的增长响应了该国的经济和社会现实。它们用于日常交通,上班/回家和工作。该国 6% 以上的工作依赖于这种交通工具。拥有摩托车是拥有庞大交通系统的城市的一种解决方案,这些交通系统不覆盖需求和交通崩溃的路线,这就是为什么七分之一的哥伦比亚人使用摩托车。街上摩托车比汽车多。哥伦比亚国家道路安全局发起了年度预防运动,其坚定的目的是减少事故,其目标是: 提高认识、鼓励谨慎、交通规则教学法和制裁教学法。 活动描述 明确目标是降低摩托车手的事故率和死亡率,我们创建了一个低成本的计划来帮助摩托车手意识到在一天中的任何时候与其他车辆保持安全距离。我们需要离司机很近,几乎在他们眼前,让他们意识到这一点。我们创建了Life Line。Life Line是位于头盔遮阳板上的贴纸,永久提醒您必须与前方车辆保持的最小距离。生命线标志着地平线上的一个点,线总是必须在摩托车前面的车辆轮胎下方,如果线在车辆轮胎上方,这意味着是减速或刹车的时候了。它是一条保持生与死距离的线。 结果 摩托车手对这场运动反应积极,对激活点的兴趣很高,我们和一个关键盟友开始了大规模的实施。在最初的 30 天里,我们在激活点的司机头盔上安装了超过 5.200 条生命线,并进行了超过 3.000 次的DIY生命线下载。哥伦比亚领先的头盔品牌,Inducascos,加入了该计划,现在他们的所有产品,无论细分市场 (街道,xtreme,安全和其他)带着遮阳板上的生命线来。这使得我们的想法在全国范围内,并按照我们的计划,把信息放在前面或司机的眼睛,最重要的结果是拯救生命。去年同期比较: 交通事故减少 61% 37,交通事故死亡减少 7% 受伤人数减少 52%

    Life Line

    案例简介:Implementation 37% of the fatal victims are motorcyclists, the main cause: They do not maintain the minimum safety distance between the motorcycle and the vehicle in front.Under all the safety guidelines and advice of mobility experts, we created a sticker for helmets, we selected materials in terms of durability and visibility; And we partnered with the main producer of helmets in Colombia to include Life Line in their products.We used 4 micron safety film and a fine screen printing to produce the Life Lines, in compliance to visibility and durability needs for drivers. Execution Life Line is a sticker located on the visor of the helmet and reminds you permanently of the minimum distance you must maintain with the vehicle in front. Life Line marks a point on the horizon, the line always has to be below the tires of the vehicle in front of the motorcycle and if the line is above the tires of the vehicle it means is time to slow down or brake. It is a line that maintains the distance between life and death.To educate people and deliver the soliution we installed activation kiosks in streets and key roads with small teams: experts giving advise on safe driving and a support team putting Life Lines on drivers helmets, explaining how it works and raising awareness on safety distance.Now we partnered with the main producer of helmets in Colombia to include Life Line in their products and our website www.lalineadevida.co will become the way to amplify the solution and to deliver more Life Lines with a DIY download. Synopsis The growth in the production, import and sale of motorcycles responds to an economic and social reality of the country. They are used for daily transportation, to get to work/home and to produce work. More than 6% of jobs in the country depend on this kind of vehicle.Having a motorcycle is a solution in cities with massive transportation systems that do not cover demand and traffic collapsed routes, that is why 1 in 7 colombians use a motorcycle. There are more motorcycles than cars in the streets.The colombian National Road Safety Agency launched its annual prevention campaign with the firm purpose of reducing accidents and its objectives were: Promotion of awareness, encouragement of prudence, pedagogy of traffic rules and pedagogy of sanction. CampaignDescription With a clear objective to reduce the accident rate and deaths of motorcyclists, we created a low cost initiative to help motorcyclists to be aware of maintaining the safety distance with other vehicles at any time of the day. We needed to be very near to drivers, to almost be in front of their eyes to keep them aware. We created Life Line.Life Line is a sticker located on the visor of the helmet and reminds you permanently of the minimum distance you must maintain with the vehicle in front. Life Line marks a point on the horizon, the line always has to be below the tires of the vehicle in front of the motorcycle and if the line is above the tires of the vehicle it means is time to slow down or brake. It is a line that maintains the distance between life and death. Outcome The motorcyclists were positive in reaction to the campaign, interest was high on activation points and we started a massive implementation with a key ally. In the first 30 days we installed more than 5.200 Life Lines on drivers helmets in the activation points and more than 3.000 downloads of DIY Life Lines were made.The leading helmet brand in Colombia, Inducascos, joined the initiative and now of all their products regardless of the segment (street, xtreme, security and others) come with Line of Life in the visor. This makes our idea nationwide and puts the message in front or drivers eyes as we planned it.The most important results were saved lives. Comparing the same period of time in the last year we had:61% less traffic accidents 37,7% less deaths on traffic accidents52% less people injured



    Life Line










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