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    Smarter, Bolder, Faster短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:牛肉片导演乔 · 沙克拍摄 21 世纪明星云集的超级碗现货 加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡 -- (2012年2月6日) 广告公司 Red Tettemer + Partners 呼吁牛肉电影导演乔 · 沙克为 2012 超级碗 XLVI 拍摄 21 世纪的生动活动。这个新的、高能量的地方,是整个多媒体活动的一部分,通过与美国橄榄球联盟巨星迪恩 · 桑德斯等主要球员的大交易,拥有 21 世纪房地产经纪人的创造性智慧, 美国奥运会速滑运动员阿波罗 · 奥诺和商业巨头唐纳德 · 特朗普。 要查看今年超级碗期间首次亮相的新地点,请访问这里: http://bit.ly/BeefFilmsCentury21 上周网上泄露了这个地方的戏谑,偷偷看了一下周五《今日秀》的 show。 星光熠熠、总部位于纽约的 21 世纪拍摄是迄今为止牛肉电影中最复杂和最具挑战性的拍摄,预告片发生在假期期间。在牛肉 EPs 阿什利 · 亚当斯、斯蒂芬 · 母鸡和 EP/Line 制片人约翰 · 马利纳的领导下,为 1月做好一切准备是一项了不起的壮举。马利纳指出: “这个项目最好的部分是看唐纳德 · 特朗普在镜头前是多么专业和与自己合拍。和这样的专业人士一起拍摄是一种真正的快乐。" 对于牛肉导演乔 · 沙克来说,再次与 Red Tettemer + Partners 的广告公司创意人员合作的机会,以及他们的新客户世纪 21 是令人兴奋的。加上导演一系列名人的组合,这是导演近年来掌握的一种天赋。沙克说: “我知道这是一个帮助代理商创意人员重塑 21 世纪品牌的大好机会,我很高兴能成为其中的一员。”。我与该机构有着长期的关系,很高兴看到他们作为客户登陆世纪 21。当我看到他们对这个地方的计划,并知道他们将在超级碗上公布它时,我认为这是一个大胆的离开。与名人合作是一个独特的挑战,因为名人非常清楚地理解他们是自己的品牌。作为一名导演,我的角色是对这一点保持敏感,平衡广告商的品牌和名人的品牌。我们在纽约拍摄的时候玩得很开心。看到它得到如此多的关注是一种验证。


    案例简介:BEEF FILMS’ Director Joe Schaak Shoots Century 21’s Star-Studded Super Bowl Spot Santa Monica, CA -- (February 6, 2012) – Ad agency Red Tettemer + Partners called on BEEF FILMS’ Director Joe Schaak to shoot Century 21’s lively campaign for the 2012 Super Bowl XLVI. The new, high-energy spot, part of an overall multimedia campaign, boasts the creative wits of Century 21 Realtors through big deals with major players such as NFL Superstar Deon Sanders, American Olympic speed skater Apolo Ohno, and business mogul Donald Trump. To view the new spot, which debuted during this year’s Super Bowl, go here: http://bit.ly/BeefFilmsCentury21 Teasers for the spot were leaked online last week with a sneak peek on “The Today Show” on Friday. The star-studded, New York-based shoot for Century 21 was the most complicated and challenging for BEEF Films to date, with the pre-pro happening in the midst of the holiday season. Getting everything prepped and ready for January was quite a feat, pulled off under the leadership of BEEF EPs Ashley Adams, Stephen Hens and EP/Line Producer John Malina. Notes Malina: "The best part of this project was watching how professional and in tune with himself Donald Trump is on-camera. It was a real pleasure working with such pros on the shoot." For BEEF Director Joe Schaak, the chance to work with the ad agency creatives at Red Tettemer + Partners again, and for their new client Century 21, was exciting. Add to the mix directing a series of celebrities, a talent the Director has mastered in recent years. “I knew that this was a big chance to help the agency creatives re-brand Century 21 and I was thrilled to be part of it,” says Schaak. “I have a long-standing relationship with the agency, and was excited to see them land Century 21 as a client. When I saw their plans for this spot and knew they were unveiling it at the Super Bowl, I thought it was a bold departure. Working with celebrities is a unique challenge because celebrities understand very clearly that they are their own brand. As a Director, my role is to be sensitive to that and balance the advertisers brand with that of the celebrity. We had a great time making this spot on our shoot in New York. It’s validating to see it get so much attention.”

    Smarter, Bolder, Faster

    案例简介:牛肉片导演乔 · 沙克拍摄 21 世纪明星云集的超级碗现货 加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡 -- (2012年2月6日) 广告公司 Red Tettemer + Partners 呼吁牛肉电影导演乔 · 沙克为 2012 超级碗 XLVI 拍摄 21 世纪的生动活动。这个新的、高能量的地方,是整个多媒体活动的一部分,通过与美国橄榄球联盟巨星迪恩 · 桑德斯等主要球员的大交易,拥有 21 世纪房地产经纪人的创造性智慧, 美国奥运会速滑运动员阿波罗 · 奥诺和商业巨头唐纳德 · 特朗普。 要查看今年超级碗期间首次亮相的新地点,请访问这里: http://bit.ly/BeefFilmsCentury21 上周网上泄露了这个地方的戏谑,偷偷看了一下周五《今日秀》的 show。 星光熠熠、总部位于纽约的 21 世纪拍摄是迄今为止牛肉电影中最复杂和最具挑战性的拍摄,预告片发生在假期期间。在牛肉 EPs 阿什利 · 亚当斯、斯蒂芬 · 母鸡和 EP/Line 制片人约翰 · 马利纳的领导下,为 1月做好一切准备是一项了不起的壮举。马利纳指出: “这个项目最好的部分是看唐纳德 · 特朗普在镜头前是多么专业和与自己合拍。和这样的专业人士一起拍摄是一种真正的快乐。" 对于牛肉导演乔 · 沙克来说,再次与 Red Tettemer + Partners 的广告公司创意人员合作的机会,以及他们的新客户世纪 21 是令人兴奋的。加上导演一系列名人的组合,这是导演近年来掌握的一种天赋。沙克说: “我知道这是一个帮助代理商创意人员重塑 21 世纪品牌的大好机会,我很高兴能成为其中的一员。”。我与该机构有着长期的关系,很高兴看到他们作为客户登陆世纪 21。当我看到他们对这个地方的计划,并知道他们将在超级碗上公布它时,我认为这是一个大胆的离开。与名人合作是一个独特的挑战,因为名人非常清楚地理解他们是自己的品牌。作为一名导演,我的角色是对这一点保持敏感,平衡广告商的品牌和名人的品牌。我们在纽约拍摄的时候玩得很开心。看到它得到如此多的关注是一种验证。

    Smarter, Bolder, Faster

    案例简介:BEEF FILMS’ Director Joe Schaak Shoots Century 21’s Star-Studded Super Bowl Spot Santa Monica, CA -- (February 6, 2012) – Ad agency Red Tettemer + Partners called on BEEF FILMS’ Director Joe Schaak to shoot Century 21’s lively campaign for the 2012 Super Bowl XLVI. The new, high-energy spot, part of an overall multimedia campaign, boasts the creative wits of Century 21 Realtors through big deals with major players such as NFL Superstar Deon Sanders, American Olympic speed skater Apolo Ohno, and business mogul Donald Trump. To view the new spot, which debuted during this year’s Super Bowl, go here: http://bit.ly/BeefFilmsCentury21 Teasers for the spot were leaked online last week with a sneak peek on “The Today Show” on Friday. The star-studded, New York-based shoot for Century 21 was the most complicated and challenging for BEEF Films to date, with the pre-pro happening in the midst of the holiday season. Getting everything prepped and ready for January was quite a feat, pulled off under the leadership of BEEF EPs Ashley Adams, Stephen Hens and EP/Line Producer John Malina. Notes Malina: "The best part of this project was watching how professional and in tune with himself Donald Trump is on-camera. It was a real pleasure working with such pros on the shoot." For BEEF Director Joe Schaak, the chance to work with the ad agency creatives at Red Tettemer + Partners again, and for their new client Century 21, was exciting. Add to the mix directing a series of celebrities, a talent the Director has mastered in recent years. “I knew that this was a big chance to help the agency creatives re-brand Century 21 and I was thrilled to be part of it,” says Schaak. “I have a long-standing relationship with the agency, and was excited to see them land Century 21 as a client. When I saw their plans for this spot and knew they were unveiling it at the Super Bowl, I thought it was a bold departure. Working with celebrities is a unique challenge because celebrities understand very clearly that they are their own brand. As a Director, my role is to be sensitive to that and balance the advertisers brand with that of the celebrity. We had a great time making this spot on our shoot in New York. It’s validating to see it get so much attention.”



    Smarter, Bolder, Faster






    广告公司: Red Tettemer + Partners 制作公司: Beef Films




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