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    Fuel the Fire短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 实施: 我们通过 GIO 页面发起了我们的活动,并得到了新南威尔士州 GIO 团队的广告支持, triple M 的网站在 Triple M 网络电台上有额外的位置,包括节目赞助和现场阅读,呼吁人们导航到 # fuelthefire 并提交他们的支持信息。时间表: 5月5日推出,两周后,新南威尔士州的球队宣布,视频呼吁球迷为球队传递他们的激励信息。结束 5月27日,当我们的团队谈话视频在第一场比赛前在体育场播放。位置: 这项运动主要以新南威尔士州橄榄球联盟的球迷为目标,他们主要在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上,作为我们基于起源的对话的主要社交中心。所有内容都起源于 GIO 页面,然后由我们的大使马克 “MG” Geyer 、新南威尔士州团队和 Triple M 有机分享规模: 获得媒体报道 220万美元。 3600万总印象 47k 累积独特用户 851 独特粉丝演讲。 结果 澳大利亚赞助新闻的一项研究显示,GIO 是第七个与原产地关系最密切的品牌。这一成功是由运动期间大量的标记和分享所推动的,几乎 60% 的印象来自这种类型的接触。 reach-2710万总印象内容分享率增加 368% 160。参与率增加 9% 基于 0.01 美元支出的每次观看成本 1,200 美元 GIO 有机印象增加 1030%。 概要 起源国是新南威尔士州体育日历上最大的事件 -- 以部落般的热情主导着所有媒体的对话。GIO 想利用他们赞助新南威尔士州团队创造的机会,增加他们的知名度和与新南威尔士州球迷的接触,为他们提供真正的实用工具来证明我们不仅仅是一个被动的人, 自私自利的赞助商。简介: 为了克服人们对 GIO 的最少参与和兴趣,并反对对 GIO 参与围绕原籍国的对话的玩世不恭, 粉丝们越来越意识到品牌试图以不真实的方式利用文化意义重大的事件。目标: 与粉丝建立更多的情感联系,作为一个群体,他们由现有和潜在的客户组成,以鼓舞人心、相关和有意义的方式克服这种犬儒主义。我们需要证明我们在帮助新南威尔士州方面发挥了作用。 战略 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织): 我们的目标受众是新南威尔士州橄榄球联盟的球迷,他们非常关注原籍国以及现有和潜在的 GIO 客户, 即有其他保险公司的人或年轻人寻找他们的第一个保险公司。媒体规划: 通过 Facebook 和 Twitter 瞄准吉奥客户和更广泛的橄榄球联盟观众,我们还与澳大利亚排名第一的橄榄球联盟广播网络 (Triple M) 合作。赞助网络的大型橄榄球联盟节目以及额外的广播节目帮助推动球迷参与 GIO 的 # fuelthefire。方法: GIO 直接与新南威尔士州球迷联系 -- 通过这个社交渠道提供一个独特的机会,让他们直接向团队发送鼓舞人心的信息,让他们与他们热爱的新南威尔士州团队联系起来。从这些信息中,我们建立了我们的团队对话,由前起源国传奇人物马克 · 格耶传递。 相关性 为了提高新南威尔士州球迷的知名度和参与程度,我们的媒体策略是放大该品牌如何利用其对新南威尔士州团队的赞助,给粉丝一个他们以前从未有过的机会另一个媒体挑战是在活动中切断其他赞助信息,同时绕过保险公司参与围绕原籍国的对话的愤世嫉俗。及时、有机地增强新南威尔士州球迷的想法,并与他们的环境接触是成功的关键。 活动描述 我们创造了火种; 一场使用 Facebook 和 Twitter 直接针对新南威尔士州粉丝的运动。我们给了他们机会向 GIO 发送他们的支持信息,这些信息将被制作成一个团队谈话,并在团队公告上代表他们传达给新南威尔士州的球员。我们招募了一位前新南威尔士州球员和起源传奇人物马克 · 格耶作为我们的竞选大使,给了我们即时的信誉和形象。他的角色是呼吁球迷们向吉奥发送他们的激励信息,并在官方团队公告上向球员们传达由这些信息精心制作的团队谈话。


    案例简介:Execution Implementation:We launched our campaign through our GIO pages and supported by advertising on the GIO, NSW State Of Origin team, and Triple M’s websites with additional spots on Triple M Network radio including program sponsorship and live reads calling on people to navigate to #fuelthefire and submit their message of support.Timeline:Launched May 5th, two weeks out from the NSW team announcement, led by a video calling on fans to send in their motivational messages for the team. Concluding May 27th, when our team talk video was played at the stadium before Game 1.Placement:The campaign targeted NSW rugby league fans primarily on Facebook and Twitter as our main social hubs for Origin based conversations. All content originated on the GIO pages, before being shared organically by our ambassador Mark “MG” Geyer, the NSW team, and Triple M. Scale:•$2.2 million earned media coverage•2.36 million total impressions•47k cumulative unique users•851 unique fan speeches. Outcome A study from Australian Sponsorship News revealed that GIO was the 7th most highly associated brand with State of Origin. This success was driven by the vast amount of tagging and sharing during the campaign with almost 60% of the impressions coming from this type of reach.•Reach – 27.1 million Total Impressions•368% increase in content share rate•160.9% increase in engagement rate•$0.01 cost per view based on $1,200 spend•1030% increase in GIO organic impressions. Synopsis State of Origin is the biggest event on New South Wales sporting calendar – dominating conversations across all media with a tribal like passion. GIO wanted to use the opportunities created by their sponsorship of the NSW team to increase their visibility and engagement with NSW fans in a way that offered them real utility to prove we weren’t just a passive, self-serving sponsor. Brief:To overcome people’s minimal engagement with and interest in GIO and counter cynicism about it’s involvement in the conversation around State of Origin, where fans are increasingly conscious of brands trying to piggyback on culturally significant events in inauthentic ways. Objectives:Create a more emotional connection with fans who, as a group, comprised of existing and potential customers in a inspiring, relevant and meaningful way to overcome this cynicism. We needed to show that we had a role to play in helping NSW. Strategy Target Audience(consumer demographic/individuals/organisations):Our target audience was NSW rugby league fans, who are extremely engaged with State of Origin and existing & prospective GIO customers, i.e. people with other insurers or young adults looking for their first insurer. Media Planning:Targeting GIO customers and the wider rugby league audience through Facebook and Twitter, we also partnered with Australia’s #1 rugby league radio network (Triple M). Sponsoring the networks’ marquee Rugby League shows together with additional radio spots helped drive fans to get involved with GIO’s #fuelthefire. Approach:GIO directly connected with NSW fans - by connecting them with the NSW team they love by providing a unique chance through this social channel that allowed them to send their inspiring messages directly to the team. From these messages we built our team talk, delivered by former State of Origin legend, Mark ‘MG’ Geyer. Relevancy With the objective of increasing visibility and engagement with GIO among NSW fans, our Media strategy was to amplify how the brand was using its sponsorship of the NSW team in a way that gave fans an opportunity they’d never had before - a chance to directly motivate the players.Another media challenge was to cut-through other sponsorship messages around the event, while bypassing cynicism around an insurance company’s involvement in the conversation around State of Origin. Enhancing the idea and engaging with NSW fans in their environment in a timely and organic fashion was key to success. Campaign Description We created Fuel the Fire; a campaign using Facebook and Twitter directly targeting NSW fans. We gave them the chance to send GIO their messages of support, which would be crafted into a single team talk and delivered on their behalf to the NSW players at the team announcement. We enlisted a former NSW player and Origin legend, Mark ‘MG’ Geyer, as our campaign ambassador, giving us immediate credibility and profile. His role was to call on fans to send GIO their motivational messages and be there to deliver the team talk, crafted from these messages, to the players at the official team announcement.

    Fuel the Fire

    案例简介:执行 实施: 我们通过 GIO 页面发起了我们的活动,并得到了新南威尔士州 GIO 团队的广告支持, triple M 的网站在 Triple M 网络电台上有额外的位置,包括节目赞助和现场阅读,呼吁人们导航到 # fuelthefire 并提交他们的支持信息。时间表: 5月5日推出,两周后,新南威尔士州的球队宣布,视频呼吁球迷为球队传递他们的激励信息。结束 5月27日,当我们的团队谈话视频在第一场比赛前在体育场播放。位置: 这项运动主要以新南威尔士州橄榄球联盟的球迷为目标,他们主要在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上,作为我们基于起源的对话的主要社交中心。所有内容都起源于 GIO 页面,然后由我们的大使马克 “MG” Geyer 、新南威尔士州团队和 Triple M 有机分享规模: 获得媒体报道 220万美元。 3600万总印象 47k 累积独特用户 851 独特粉丝演讲。 结果 澳大利亚赞助新闻的一项研究显示,GIO 是第七个与原产地关系最密切的品牌。这一成功是由运动期间大量的标记和分享所推动的,几乎 60% 的印象来自这种类型的接触。 reach-2710万总印象内容分享率增加 368% 160。参与率增加 9% 基于 0.01 美元支出的每次观看成本 1,200 美元 GIO 有机印象增加 1030%。 概要 起源国是新南威尔士州体育日历上最大的事件 -- 以部落般的热情主导着所有媒体的对话。GIO 想利用他们赞助新南威尔士州团队创造的机会,增加他们的知名度和与新南威尔士州球迷的接触,为他们提供真正的实用工具来证明我们不仅仅是一个被动的人, 自私自利的赞助商。简介: 为了克服人们对 GIO 的最少参与和兴趣,并反对对 GIO 参与围绕原籍国的对话的玩世不恭, 粉丝们越来越意识到品牌试图以不真实的方式利用文化意义重大的事件。目标: 与粉丝建立更多的情感联系,作为一个群体,他们由现有和潜在的客户组成,以鼓舞人心、相关和有意义的方式克服这种犬儒主义。我们需要证明我们在帮助新南威尔士州方面发挥了作用。 战略 目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织): 我们的目标受众是新南威尔士州橄榄球联盟的球迷,他们非常关注原籍国以及现有和潜在的 GIO 客户, 即有其他保险公司的人或年轻人寻找他们的第一个保险公司。媒体规划: 通过 Facebook 和 Twitter 瞄准吉奥客户和更广泛的橄榄球联盟观众,我们还与澳大利亚排名第一的橄榄球联盟广播网络 (Triple M) 合作。赞助网络的大型橄榄球联盟节目以及额外的广播节目帮助推动球迷参与 GIO 的 # fuelthefire。方法: GIO 直接与新南威尔士州球迷联系 -- 通过这个社交渠道提供一个独特的机会,让他们直接向团队发送鼓舞人心的信息,让他们与他们热爱的新南威尔士州团队联系起来。从这些信息中,我们建立了我们的团队对话,由前起源国传奇人物马克 · 格耶传递。 相关性 为了提高新南威尔士州球迷的知名度和参与程度,我们的媒体策略是放大该品牌如何利用其对新南威尔士州团队的赞助,给粉丝一个他们以前从未有过的机会另一个媒体挑战是在活动中切断其他赞助信息,同时绕过保险公司参与围绕原籍国的对话的愤世嫉俗。及时、有机地增强新南威尔士州球迷的想法,并与他们的环境接触是成功的关键。 活动描述 我们创造了火种; 一场使用 Facebook 和 Twitter 直接针对新南威尔士州粉丝的运动。我们给了他们机会向 GIO 发送他们的支持信息,这些信息将被制作成一个团队谈话,并在团队公告上代表他们传达给新南威尔士州的球员。我们招募了一位前新南威尔士州球员和起源传奇人物马克 · 格耶作为我们的竞选大使,给了我们即时的信誉和形象。他的角色是呼吁球迷们向吉奥发送他们的激励信息,并在官方团队公告上向球员们传达由这些信息精心制作的团队谈话。

    Fuel the Fire

    案例简介:Execution Implementation:We launched our campaign through our GIO pages and supported by advertising on the GIO, NSW State Of Origin team, and Triple M’s websites with additional spots on Triple M Network radio including program sponsorship and live reads calling on people to navigate to #fuelthefire and submit their message of support.Timeline:Launched May 5th, two weeks out from the NSW team announcement, led by a video calling on fans to send in their motivational messages for the team. Concluding May 27th, when our team talk video was played at the stadium before Game 1.Placement:The campaign targeted NSW rugby league fans primarily on Facebook and Twitter as our main social hubs for Origin based conversations. All content originated on the GIO pages, before being shared organically by our ambassador Mark “MG” Geyer, the NSW team, and Triple M. Scale:•$2.2 million earned media coverage•2.36 million total impressions•47k cumulative unique users•851 unique fan speeches. Outcome A study from Australian Sponsorship News revealed that GIO was the 7th most highly associated brand with State of Origin. This success was driven by the vast amount of tagging and sharing during the campaign with almost 60% of the impressions coming from this type of reach.•Reach – 27.1 million Total Impressions•368% increase in content share rate•160.9% increase in engagement rate•$0.01 cost per view based on $1,200 spend•1030% increase in GIO organic impressions. Synopsis State of Origin is the biggest event on New South Wales sporting calendar – dominating conversations across all media with a tribal like passion. GIO wanted to use the opportunities created by their sponsorship of the NSW team to increase their visibility and engagement with NSW fans in a way that offered them real utility to prove we weren’t just a passive, self-serving sponsor. Brief:To overcome people’s minimal engagement with and interest in GIO and counter cynicism about it’s involvement in the conversation around State of Origin, where fans are increasingly conscious of brands trying to piggyback on culturally significant events in inauthentic ways. Objectives:Create a more emotional connection with fans who, as a group, comprised of existing and potential customers in a inspiring, relevant and meaningful way to overcome this cynicism. We needed to show that we had a role to play in helping NSW. Strategy Target Audience(consumer demographic/individuals/organisations):Our target audience was NSW rugby league fans, who are extremely engaged with State of Origin and existing & prospective GIO customers, i.e. people with other insurers or young adults looking for their first insurer. Media Planning:Targeting GIO customers and the wider rugby league audience through Facebook and Twitter, we also partnered with Australia’s #1 rugby league radio network (Triple M). Sponsoring the networks’ marquee Rugby League shows together with additional radio spots helped drive fans to get involved with GIO’s #fuelthefire. Approach:GIO directly connected with NSW fans - by connecting them with the NSW team they love by providing a unique chance through this social channel that allowed them to send their inspiring messages directly to the team. From these messages we built our team talk, delivered by former State of Origin legend, Mark ‘MG’ Geyer. Relevancy With the objective of increasing visibility and engagement with GIO among NSW fans, our Media strategy was to amplify how the brand was using its sponsorship of the NSW team in a way that gave fans an opportunity they’d never had before - a chance to directly motivate the players.Another media challenge was to cut-through other sponsorship messages around the event, while bypassing cynicism around an insurance company’s involvement in the conversation around State of Origin. Enhancing the idea and engaging with NSW fans in their environment in a timely and organic fashion was key to success. Campaign Description We created Fuel the Fire; a campaign using Facebook and Twitter directly targeting NSW fans. We gave them the chance to send GIO their messages of support, which would be crafted into a single team talk and delivered on their behalf to the NSW players at the team announcement. We enlisted a former NSW player and Origin legend, Mark ‘MG’ Geyer, as our campaign ambassador, giving us immediate credibility and profile. His role was to call on fans to send GIO their motivational messages and be there to deliver the team talk, crafted from these messages, to the players at the official team announcement.



    Fuel the Fire










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