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    L’Eau De Chris短视频广告营销案例



    L 'eau De Chris

    案例简介:简介; 作为一个鲜为人知的英国慈善机构,致力于提高人们对男性福利问题的认识,平静想在世界精神健康日站出来,发起一场运动,提高人们对自杀仍然是 45 岁以下英国年轻人最大的杀手的认识。; 关键目标是为平静及其核心信息而成名 -- 鼓励男性自由谈论抑郁、焦虑和自杀想法。; 然而,2017年,精神健康被列为国家议程上的重点,全年都有一些引人注目的运动,从一流的名人到皇室成员都有。男性自杀的统计数据并不新鲜。; 我们面临的挑战是开展一场高影响力的运动,并对这个问题采取新的方法,而不会迷失在背景对话中,也不会被视为过于认真或有价值, 这将提供全国媒体报道、社交媒体对话,并增加对平静网站的访问。; 战略; 与冷静合作,我们需要在世界心理健康日以一种不被预测或震惊的方式让平静的年轻男性观众产生共鸣。我们需要第三条路。; 就其本身而言,无论统计数据多么令人印象深刻,它们都可能令人印象深刻,尤其是当如此多的崇高事业争相获得关注时。; 所以我们的策略是把幽默,社会对名人的关注,社交媒体破坏的力量。; 当托普曼 -- 平静的长期支持者 -- 签署了《爱岛》的观众最喜欢克里斯 · 休斯时,明星们结盟了。克里斯因不怕流泪而受到观众的钦佩,并坦率地谈到了他个人与焦虑的斗争。; 我们知道他会是一个理想的大使,以年轻观众和主流国家媒体的方式,将高度敏感的自杀问题列入议程,愿意接受。; 相关性; 利用主流媒体的力量和影响力 (以及他们对名人的兴趣)是这场大胆的平静运动的核心。; 一个精心设计的 “挑逗和揭露” 公关活动利用了真人秀明星克里斯 · 休斯的名声,让全国相信名人文化已经从注入眼泪的瓶装水中获利。; 完全有针对性的预简报确保媒体提供Headlines 难以置信的头条新闻。; 故意避开克里斯主持的传统新闻发布会的视频,有力地揭示了 # dontbottleitup -- 真正的运动 -- 推动了前所未有的 1,800% 网络流量提升。; 结果; 克里斯改写了精神健康慈善机构的行为规则,以便与年轻男性接触英国。多亏了克里斯 · 休斯,平静关于男性自杀的信息引领了世界精神健康日的新闻议程和社交媒体对话。它还打破了所有访问平静网站的记录,在那里男人可以寻求帮助。; 破坏性的挑逗和揭露活动超出了所有的预期,将年轻男性心理健康纳入了国家新闻,补充剂和名人生活方式标题 -- 讨论男性自杀的新领域。; 从 10月9日起,该运动提供了前所未有的主流媒体报道,我们知道这些报道将与我们的目标受众年轻人接触; 89 篇国家和生活方式文章; 14 个国家广播新闻特写; 前 48 小时 120 米的社交印象; 5 米有机视频视图; 1.3 米脸谱网印象; 推特上 35,000 的提及 -- 平静的 Instagram feed 上 58% 的追随者增加 -- 94% 的积极情绪; 最重要的是, 这使得 18 岁至 24 岁的访问平静网站的人数增加了前所未有的 1,800%, 有 95% 名首次访客 -- 鉴于冷静认为,如果男人觉得能够寻求帮助,数百人自杀可能会数百名家庭和朋友以这种方式避免了失去亲人的难以想象的悲伤。; 这场令人难以置信的运动证明了公关的力量,能够带来我们本可以期望的最重要的结果: 危机中的弱势年轻人开启了新的生活。; 处决; 10月9日星期一,克里斯,一款瓶装水 “注入了真正的克里斯 · 休斯眼泪”,推出了恶搞视觉效果,展示了克里斯穿着托普曼平角短裤摆姿势,手里拿着一瓶他的新水品牌, 眼泪顺着他的脸颊流下来。; 包括《太阳报》、《入围名单》和《夜晚》在内的顶级全国性标题的媒体报道; 标准令人怀疑: 名人的荒谬肯定已经达到新的水平。但是他们; 我们在行动中。; 第二天,国家媒体被邀请参加克里斯的发布会,在 Facebook 上直播。在这里,克里斯透露了他自己与抑郁症的斗争,并宣布这不是克里斯,而是鲁迪-克罗斯。; 可笑的是,自杀仍然是英国年轻人最大的杀手,因为男人 “抑制” 了他们的情绪。在一次情感演讲中,克里斯敦促他的观众使用 # DontBottleItUp 标签加入对话。; 活动描述; 与 CA 一起我们委托进行的研究显示,84% 的英国男性 “抑制” 了他们的情绪。冷静想要挑战的正是这些冲动,阻止人们寻求帮助的潜规则。; 事实上,这种 “装瓶” 情绪的想法激发了我们的中心思想 -- 扮演克里斯 · 休斯的名人地位,也颠覆了名人文化的肤浅世界。; 该运动将在世界精神健康日三天前发起,当克里斯在他的 Instagram 上发布一系列挑逗的图片,达到 1.9 粉丝时,简单地宣布: “发布 10.10.17”。; 前一天,我们发起了一项新瓶装水的运动:L 'eau de Chris “注入了真正的克里斯 · 休斯眼泪”,专门从主要时尚零售商托普曼那里获得,以吸引主流媒体的关注。; 10 日,透露: 自杀仍然是年轻人最大的杀手,实际上是 “鲁迪-克劳斯”。# DontBottleItUp。

    L 'eau De Chris

    案例简介:Synopsis;As a little-known UK charity working to raise awareness of men’s welfare issues, CALM wanted to stand out on World Mental Health Day with a campaign to raise awareness that suicide remains the biggest killer of young British men aged under 45.;The key objective was to drive fame for CALM and its core message – encouraging men to speak freely about depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.;However, in 2017 mental health had emphatically arrived on the national agenda, with a number of high-profile campaigns running across the year, featuring everyone from A-list celebrities to royalty. And the male suicide statistic was not new.;Our challenge was to deliver a high-impact campaign and a fresh approach to the issue without getting lost in the background conversation or being seen as over-earnest or worthy, that would deliver national media coverage, social media conversation and boost visits to the CALM website.;Strategy;Working in partnership with CALM, we needed to cut through on World Mental Health Day in a way that would resonate CALM’s young male audience, without being predictable or shocking. We needed a third way.;By themselves, however impressive they are, statistics can be underwhelming, especially when so many noble causes are competing for attention.;So our strategy was to bring together humour, society’s preoccupation with celebrity, and the power of social media to disrupt.;The stars aligned when TOPMAN – a longterm supporter of CALM – signed Love Island audience favourite Chris Hughes. Chris had inspired admiration among viewers for not being afraid to shed a tear, and had talked candidly about his personal struggles with anxiety.;We knew he’d be an ideal ambassador to put the highly sensitive subject of suicide on the agenda in a way that younger audiences, and mainstream national media, would be receptive to.;Relevancy;Harnessing the power and influence of mainstream media (and their appetite for celebrity) was at the heart of this bold campaign for CALM.;An immaculately choreographed ‘tease and reveal’ PR campaign capitalised on reality TV star Chris Hughes’ fame to convince the nation that celebrity culture had gone so far as to profit from bottled water infused with his tears.;Perfectly targeted pre-briefings ensured media delivered the requisite incredulous headlines.;And deliberately eschewing video for a traditional press conference hosted by Chris created a powerful reveal of #dontbottleitup – the real campaign – driving an unprecedented 1,800% web traffic uplift.;Outcome;L’Eau de Chris rewrote the rules about how mental health charities behave in order to engage with young men in the UK. Thanks to Chris Hughes, CALM’s message about male suicide led the news agenda and social media conversation on World Mental Health Day. It also broke all records for visits to the CALM website, where men can seek help.;The disruptive tease and reveal campaign exceeded all expectations, taking young male mental health into national news, supplements and celebrity lifestyle titles – new territory for discussion about male suicide.;From 9th October the campaign delivered the unprecedented mainstream media coverage that we knew would engage with our target audience of young men;• 89 national and lifestyle articles;• 14 national broadcast news features;• 120m social impressions in the first 48 hours;• 5m organic video views;• 1.3m Facebook impressions;• 35,000 mentions on Twitter – 58% follower increase on CALM’s Instagram feed – 94% positive sentiment;Most importantly, it drove an unprecedented 1,800% increase in 18- to 24-year-olds visiting the CALM website, with 95% first-time visitors – powerful figures given that CALM believes that if men feel able to seek help, hundreds of suicides could be prevented, and hundreds of families and friends spared the unimaginable sadness of losing a loved-one in this way.;This incredible campaign proved the power of PR to deliver the most vital outcome we could have wished for: vulnerable young men in crisis opening up to a fresh shot at life.;Execution;On Monday 9 October, L’Eau de Chris, a bottled water “infused with a genuine Chris Hughes tear”, was launched with spoof visuals showing Chris posing in TOPMAN boxer shorts holding a bottle of his new water brand, with a tear running down his cheek.;Media coverage in top-tier national titles including The Sun, Shortlist and Evening;Standard was incredulous: celebrity absurdity had surely reached new levels. But they;were in on the act.;The following day, national media were invited to a L’Eau de Chris launch event, streamed live on Facebook. Here Chris revealed his own struggles with depression and announced that it was not L’Eau de Chris, but Lu-Di-Crous.;Ludicrous that suicide remained the biggest killer of young men in the UK, because men “bottle up” their emotions. In an emotional talk, Chris urged his audience to join the conversation using the #DontBottleItUp hashtag.;Campaign Description;Together with CALM we commissioned research that revealed that 84% of men in the UK “bottle up” their emotions. It was precisely these impulses that CALM wanted to challenge, the unspoken rules that stop men asking for help.;Indeed, this idea of “bottling up” emotions inspired our central idea – playing on Chris Hughes’ celebrity status and also subverting the often-shallow world of celebrity culture.;The campaign would launch three days before World Mental Health Day, when Chris would post a sequence of teaser images on his Instagram reaching 1.9m followers, announcing simply: ‘Launches 10.10.17’.;The day before, we launched a campaign for new bottled water: L’Eau de Chris “infused with a genuine Chris Hughes tear” available exclusively from major fashion retailer TOPMAN to drive a spike in mainstream media attention.;And on the 10th, the reveal: it’s actually ‘lu-di-crous’ that suicide remains the biggest killer of young men. #DontBottleItUp.

    L’Eau De Chris

    案例简介:简介; 作为一个鲜为人知的英国慈善机构,致力于提高人们对男性福利问题的认识,平静想在世界精神健康日站出来,发起一场运动,提高人们对自杀仍然是 45 岁以下英国年轻人最大的杀手的认识。; 关键目标是为平静及其核心信息而成名 -- 鼓励男性自由谈论抑郁、焦虑和自杀想法。; 然而,2017年,精神健康被列为国家议程上的重点,全年都有一些引人注目的运动,从一流的名人到皇室成员都有。男性自杀的统计数据并不新鲜。; 我们面临的挑战是开展一场高影响力的运动,并对这个问题采取新的方法,而不会迷失在背景对话中,也不会被视为过于认真或有价值, 这将提供全国媒体报道、社交媒体对话,并增加对平静网站的访问。; 战略; 与冷静合作,我们需要在世界心理健康日以一种不被预测或震惊的方式让平静的年轻男性观众产生共鸣。我们需要第三条路。; 就其本身而言,无论统计数据多么令人印象深刻,它们都可能令人印象深刻,尤其是当如此多的崇高事业争相获得关注时。; 所以我们的策略是把幽默,社会对名人的关注,社交媒体破坏的力量。; 当托普曼 -- 平静的长期支持者 -- 签署了《爱岛》的观众最喜欢克里斯 · 休斯时,明星们结盟了。克里斯因不怕流泪而受到观众的钦佩,并坦率地谈到了他个人与焦虑的斗争。; 我们知道他会是一个理想的大使,以年轻观众和主流国家媒体的方式,将高度敏感的自杀问题列入议程,愿意接受。; 相关性; 利用主流媒体的力量和影响力 (以及他们对名人的兴趣)是这场大胆的平静运动的核心。; 一个精心设计的 “挑逗和揭露” 公关活动利用了真人秀明星克里斯 · 休斯的名声,让全国相信名人文化已经从注入眼泪的瓶装水中获利。; 完全有针对性的预简报确保媒体提供Headlines 难以置信的头条新闻。; 故意避开克里斯主持的传统新闻发布会的视频,有力地揭示了 # dontbottleitup -- 真正的运动 -- 推动了前所未有的 1,800% 网络流量提升。; 结果; 克里斯改写了精神健康慈善机构的行为规则,以便与年轻男性接触英国。多亏了克里斯 · 休斯,平静关于男性自杀的信息引领了世界精神健康日的新闻议程和社交媒体对话。它还打破了所有访问平静网站的记录,在那里男人可以寻求帮助。; 破坏性的挑逗和揭露活动超出了所有的预期,将年轻男性心理健康纳入了国家新闻,补充剂和名人生活方式标题 -- 讨论男性自杀的新领域。; 从 10月9日起,该运动提供了前所未有的主流媒体报道,我们知道这些报道将与我们的目标受众年轻人接触; 89 篇国家和生活方式文章; 14 个国家广播新闻特写; 前 48 小时 120 米的社交印象; 5 米有机视频视图; 1.3 米脸谱网印象; 推特上 35,000 的提及 -- 平静的 Instagram feed 上 58% 的追随者增加 -- 94% 的积极情绪; 最重要的是, 这使得 18 岁至 24 岁的访问平静网站的人数增加了前所未有的 1,800%, 有 95% 名首次访客 -- 鉴于冷静认为,如果男人觉得能够寻求帮助,数百人自杀可能会数百名家庭和朋友以这种方式避免了失去亲人的难以想象的悲伤。; 这场令人难以置信的运动证明了公关的力量,能够带来我们本可以期望的最重要的结果: 危机中的弱势年轻人开启了新的生活。; 处决; 10月9日星期一,克里斯,一款瓶装水 “注入了真正的克里斯 · 休斯眼泪”,推出了恶搞视觉效果,展示了克里斯穿着托普曼平角短裤摆姿势,手里拿着一瓶他的新水品牌, 眼泪顺着他的脸颊流下来。; 包括《太阳报》、《入围名单》和《夜晚》在内的顶级全国性标题的媒体报道; 标准令人怀疑: 名人的荒谬肯定已经达到新的水平。但是他们; 我们在行动中。; 第二天,国家媒体被邀请参加克里斯的发布会,在 Facebook 上直播。在这里,克里斯透露了他自己与抑郁症的斗争,并宣布这不是克里斯,而是鲁迪-克罗斯。; 可笑的是,自杀仍然是英国年轻人最大的杀手,因为男人 “抑制” 了他们的情绪。在一次情感演讲中,克里斯敦促他的观众使用 # DontBottleItUp 标签加入对话。; 活动描述; 与 CA 一起我们委托进行的研究显示,84% 的英国男性 “抑制” 了他们的情绪。冷静想要挑战的正是这些冲动,阻止人们寻求帮助的潜规则。; 事实上,这种 “装瓶” 情绪的想法激发了我们的中心思想 -- 扮演克里斯 · 休斯的名人地位,也颠覆了名人文化的肤浅世界。; 该运动将在世界精神健康日三天前发起,当克里斯在他的 Instagram 上发布一系列挑逗的图片,达到 1.9 粉丝时,简单地宣布: “发布 10.10.17”。; 前一天,我们发起了一项新瓶装水的运动:L 'eau de Chris “注入了真正的克里斯 · 休斯眼泪”,专门从主要时尚零售商托普曼那里获得,以吸引主流媒体的关注。; 10 日,透露: 自杀仍然是年轻人最大的杀手,实际上是 “鲁迪-克劳斯”。# DontBottleItUp。

    L’Eau De Chris

    案例简介:Synopsis;As a little-known UK charity working to raise awareness of men’s welfare issues, CALM wanted to stand out on World Mental Health Day with a campaign to raise awareness that suicide remains the biggest killer of young British men aged under 45.;The key objective was to drive fame for CALM and its core message – encouraging men to speak freely about depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.;However, in 2017 mental health had emphatically arrived on the national agenda, with a number of high-profile campaigns running across the year, featuring everyone from A-list celebrities to royalty. And the male suicide statistic was not new.;Our challenge was to deliver a high-impact campaign and a fresh approach to the issue without getting lost in the background conversation or being seen as over-earnest or worthy, that would deliver national media coverage, social media conversation and boost visits to the CALM website.;Strategy;Working in partnership with CALM, we needed to cut through on World Mental Health Day in a way that would resonate CALM’s young male audience, without being predictable or shocking. We needed a third way.;By themselves, however impressive they are, statistics can be underwhelming, especially when so many noble causes are competing for attention.;So our strategy was to bring together humour, society’s preoccupation with celebrity, and the power of social media to disrupt.;The stars aligned when TOPMAN – a longterm supporter of CALM – signed Love Island audience favourite Chris Hughes. Chris had inspired admiration among viewers for not being afraid to shed a tear, and had talked candidly about his personal struggles with anxiety.;We knew he’d be an ideal ambassador to put the highly sensitive subject of suicide on the agenda in a way that younger audiences, and mainstream national media, would be receptive to.;Relevancy;Harnessing the power and influence of mainstream media (and their appetite for celebrity) was at the heart of this bold campaign for CALM.;An immaculately choreographed ‘tease and reveal’ PR campaign capitalised on reality TV star Chris Hughes’ fame to convince the nation that celebrity culture had gone so far as to profit from bottled water infused with his tears.;Perfectly targeted pre-briefings ensured media delivered the requisite incredulous headlines.;And deliberately eschewing video for a traditional press conference hosted by Chris created a powerful reveal of #dontbottleitup – the real campaign – driving an unprecedented 1,800% web traffic uplift.;Outcome;L’Eau de Chris rewrote the rules about how mental health charities behave in order to engage with young men in the UK. Thanks to Chris Hughes, CALM’s message about male suicide led the news agenda and social media conversation on World Mental Health Day. It also broke all records for visits to the CALM website, where men can seek help.;The disruptive tease and reveal campaign exceeded all expectations, taking young male mental health into national news, supplements and celebrity lifestyle titles – new territory for discussion about male suicide.;From 9th October the campaign delivered the unprecedented mainstream media coverage that we knew would engage with our target audience of young men;• 89 national and lifestyle articles;• 14 national broadcast news features;• 120m social impressions in the first 48 hours;• 5m organic video views;• 1.3m Facebook impressions;• 35,000 mentions on Twitter – 58% follower increase on CALM’s Instagram feed – 94% positive sentiment;Most importantly, it drove an unprecedented 1,800% increase in 18- to 24-year-olds visiting the CALM website, with 95% first-time visitors – powerful figures given that CALM believes that if men feel able to seek help, hundreds of suicides could be prevented, and hundreds of families and friends spared the unimaginable sadness of losing a loved-one in this way.;This incredible campaign proved the power of PR to deliver the most vital outcome we could have wished for: vulnerable young men in crisis opening up to a fresh shot at life.;Execution;On Monday 9 October, L’Eau de Chris, a bottled water “infused with a genuine Chris Hughes tear”, was launched with spoof visuals showing Chris posing in TOPMAN boxer shorts holding a bottle of his new water brand, with a tear running down his cheek.;Media coverage in top-tier national titles including The Sun, Shortlist and Evening;Standard was incredulous: celebrity absurdity had surely reached new levels. But they;were in on the act.;The following day, national media were invited to a L’Eau de Chris launch event, streamed live on Facebook. Here Chris revealed his own struggles with depression and announced that it was not L’Eau de Chris, but Lu-Di-Crous.;Ludicrous that suicide remained the biggest killer of young men in the UK, because men “bottle up” their emotions. In an emotional talk, Chris urged his audience to join the conversation using the #DontBottleItUp hashtag.;Campaign Description;Together with CALM we commissioned research that revealed that 84% of men in the UK “bottle up” their emotions. It was precisely these impulses that CALM wanted to challenge, the unspoken rules that stop men asking for help.;Indeed, this idea of “bottling up” emotions inspired our central idea – playing on Chris Hughes’ celebrity status and also subverting the often-shallow world of celebrity culture.;The campaign would launch three days before World Mental Health Day, when Chris would post a sequence of teaser images on his Instagram reaching 1.9m followers, announcing simply: ‘Launches 10.10.17’.;The day before, we launched a campaign for new bottled water: L’Eau de Chris “infused with a genuine Chris Hughes tear” available exclusively from major fashion retailer TOPMAN to drive a spike in mainstream media attention.;And on the 10th, the reveal: it’s actually ‘lu-di-crous’ that suicide remains the biggest killer of young men. #DontBottleItUp.

    L 'eau De Chris


    L’Eau De Chris










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