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    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand短视频广告营销案例



    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙

    案例简介:概要 在过去的几个世纪里,人类致力于操纵地球。不是因为我们邪恶,而是因为它让我们赚钱。资本主义正在扼杀世界。所以拯救地球的唯一方法是让拯救地球有利可图。在 2016 年,喜力公司推出了 Brewtroleum -- 一种由剩余的酿造废料制成的生物燃料。这导致了前所未有的啤酒销售和创纪录的利润。你可以喝啤酒并帮助地球的想法不仅吸引了我们的客户,还吸引了喜力的股东。所以我们的简报是利用啤酒饮用者的集体力量来进一步帮助地球。虽然 Brewtroleum 继续在全国范围内进行,并开始在全球范围内实施,但啤酒厂想看看是否可以解决另一个问题。我们的目标是提高认识,为新西兰的环境问题提供有意义的解决方案。通过这样做,增加啤酒销售。 战略 25-34 岁的男性是新西兰和全球最大的啤酒消费者。这种人群通常被描绘成以自我为中心的博客,容易出现愚蠢和短视的时刻。但是我们对核心目标市场的研究发现了一些比通常的陈词滥调更高贵的特征。我们发现这些人想有所作为。他们想在世界上留下自己的印记,他们对环境的投资比我们给他们的信用还要多。当然,他们仍然经常是 blokey。仍然容易出现愚蠢的时刻,但潜在的性格特征给了我们一个很好的方式。在我们所有的工作中,简单的行动呼吁 -- 饮料 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩 -- 创造了一个关于啤酒饮用的乐趣。这让一直远离啤酒类别的新西兰男性对自己选择我们感到满意。 结果 很少有新西兰人意识到全球沙子短缺。这个问题缺乏对其他原因的描述,因此缺乏解决这个问题的精力、意愿和资金。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子让这个话题成为了一个全国性的话题,投入了 300万美元的媒体支出,并在一个只有 4800万人的国家获得了 500万的印象。这种意识通过瓶装信息得到了进一步的帮助,3200万次将沙子短缺问题交到消费者手中。这种意识的提升不仅仅限于我们的消费者,在商业部门也可以看到。许多依赖海滩砂的行业已经开始试点并转换为玻璃砂替代品。在这场运动之前,Visy (我们的回收伙伴) 被迫将多余的碎玻璃倾倒到垃圾填埋场。 执行 我们的综合运动鼓励新西兰人采取行动。电视、户外、数字 -- 甚至瓶子上的标签 -- 一切都指示饮酒者采取一个简单的行动: 清空一瓶 DB 出口。我们的空瓶子越多,我们就能创造出越多的沙子替代品。这些机器在全国各地的酒吧和活动中巡回演出。每台机器将一瓶 DB 出口在 5 秒钟内变成沙子。当瓶子被粉碎时,真空系统会去除塑料标签等污染物,留下 200 克沙子替代品。然后,我们与新西兰最大的回收公司合作,通过将我们的空瓶子与不可回收的玻璃组合起来用于垃圾填埋,创造出商业数量的沙子。新西兰每售出 12 包啤酒,就有 3 瓶被填埋。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子把海滩上的沙子和玻璃都填埋了出来。 活动描述 世界上的沙子快用完了。沙子被用于从建筑到制药的一切,因此世界上 3分之2 的海滩都在撤退。沙漠沙子太细了,不能用于建筑,使得海滩沙子的需求飙升。数十亿美元的黑市导致从塞拉利昂到新加坡的沙子非法开采。沙子是地球上第二大被开采的自然资源,需要数百年来再生。与此同时,全球主流啤酒消费正在下降。所以我们制造了把空啤酒瓶变成沙子替代品的机器。为了拯救他们的海滩,我们要求新西兰人清空一瓶 DB 出口。由沙漠沙子制成,每瓶可制成 200 克沙子替代品。为了有所作为,我们需要新西兰人清空尽可能多的 DB 出口瓶子! BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 二十年来,新西兰一直以 “100% 纯” 的身份向世界推销自己。由生态旅游驱动的旅游业是该国国内生产总值的最大贡献者。但在营销口号的背后,新西兰的环境正遭受着与世界其他地区相同的困境。随着人口的增长,该国自然资源的压力也在增加。喂养、住房和运输这些不断增长的人口对水的纯度、空气质量和沿海沙量造成了损害。虽然新西兰人有一个 hei他们提高了对全球变暖和森林砍伐等全球环境原因的认识和亲和力,对自己后院的问题非常无知。多年来,我们告诉世界我们的 “环境是纯净的” 已经制造了一种雾,阻止我们看到自己的缺点。我们需要一个否认的国家接受他们有问题,并采取行动。

    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙

    案例简介:Synopsis For the past few centuries, mankind has dedicated themselves to screwing the planet. Not because we’re evil, but because it makes us money. Capitalism is killing the world. So the only way to save the planet, is to make saving the planet profitable. In 2016, Heineken launched Brewtroleum – a biofuel made from leftover brewing waste. It resulted in unprecedented beer sales and record profits. The idea that you can drink beer and help the planet didn’t just appeal to our customers, it appealed to Heineken shareholders. So our brief was to use the collective power of beer drinkers to further help the planet. While Brewtroleum continued nationally and began being implemented globally, the brewery wanted to see if another issue could be addressed. Our objective was to raise awareness and provide a meaningful solution to an environmental issue in New Zealand. And, through doing this, increase beer sales. Strategy Men aged 25-34 are the biggest beer consumers both in New Zealand, and worldwide. This demographic is often painted as self-centred, blokey, and prone to moments of stupidity and short-sightedness. But our research into our core target market unearthed some more noble traits than the usual clichés suggest. We discovered that these men want to make a difference. They want to make their mark on the world and are more invested in their environment than we give them credit for. Sure, they’re still often blokey. Still prone to moments of stupidity but with underlying character traits that gave us a great way in. The simple call to action across all of our work – drink DB Export, save our beaches – created a fun permissibility around beer drinking. It allowed NZ men, who had been turning away from the beer category to feel good about themselves for choosing us. Outcome Very few New Zealanders were aware of the global sand shortage. The issue lacked the profile of other causes, and therefore lacked the energy, will and funding to address it. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand made the topic a national talking point, dedicating $3 million dollars of media spend and achieving 48 million impressions in a country of just 5 million. This awareness was further helped with on-bottle messaging, putting the sand shortage issue into the hands of consumers 32 million times. This lift in awareness was not just restricted to our consumers, it was also seen in the commercial sector, too. Many industries dependent on beach-derived sand have begun piloting and converting to a glass sand alternative. Prior to the campaign, Visy (our recycling partner) was forced to dump excess crushed glass into landfill. Execution Our integrated campaign encouraged New Zealanders to take action. TV, outdoor, digital – even the labels on the bottles – everything directed drinkers to take one simple action: empty a bottle of DB Export. The more empty bottles we had, the more sand substitute we could create. The machines toured bars and events all over the country. Each machine turns a bottle of DB Export into sand in just 5 seconds. As the bottle is pulverised a vacuum system removes contaminants like plastic labels, leaving behind 200 grams of sand substitute. We then partnered with New Zealand’s largest recycling company to create commercial quantities of our sand by combining our empty bottles with non-recyclable glass destined for landfill. For every 12 pack of beer sold in New Zealand, 3 bottles end up in landfill. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand kept both sand on the beaches, and glass out of landfill. CampaignDescription The world is running out of sand. Sand is used in everything from construction to pharmaceuticals, and as result two thirds of the world’s beaches are retreating. Desert sand is too fine to be used in construction, sending the demand for beach sand soaring. A billion-dollar black market has resulted in the illegal extraction of sand from Sierra Leone to Singapore. Sand is the second most exploited natural resource on the planet and takes hundreds of thousands of years to regenerate. At the same time, global mainstream beer consumption is in decline. So we built machines that turn empty beer bottles into a sand substitute. To save their beaches, we asked New Zealanders to empty a bottle of DB Export. Made from desert sand, each bottle makes 200 grams of sand substitute. To make a difference we needed New Zealanders to empty as many DB Export bottles as possible! BriefWithProjectedOutcomes For two decades, New Zealand has marketed itself to the world as ‘100% Pure’. Tourism, driven by Eco-Tourism, is the country’s greatest contributor to GDP. But behind the marketing slogan, New Zealand’s environment is suffering from the same woes as the rest of the world. As the population has grown, so too has the strain on the natural resources of the country. Feeding, housing and transporting this ever-growing population has taken its toll on water purity, air quality and coastal sand volumes. And while New Zealanders have a heightened awareness and affinity for global environmental causes such as global warming and deforestation, they’re remarkably ignorant to the problems in their own backyard. Years of telling the world our ‘environment is pure’ has created a fog that prevents us from seeing our own faults. We needed a country in denial to accept they had a problem, and take action.

    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand

    案例简介:概要 在过去的几个世纪里,人类致力于操纵地球。不是因为我们邪恶,而是因为它让我们赚钱。资本主义正在扼杀世界。所以拯救地球的唯一方法是让拯救地球有利可图。在 2016 年,喜力公司推出了 Brewtroleum -- 一种由剩余的酿造废料制成的生物燃料。这导致了前所未有的啤酒销售和创纪录的利润。你可以喝啤酒并帮助地球的想法不仅吸引了我们的客户,还吸引了喜力的股东。所以我们的简报是利用啤酒饮用者的集体力量来进一步帮助地球。虽然 Brewtroleum 继续在全国范围内进行,并开始在全球范围内实施,但啤酒厂想看看是否可以解决另一个问题。我们的目标是提高认识,为新西兰的环境问题提供有意义的解决方案。通过这样做,增加啤酒销售。 战略 25-34 岁的男性是新西兰和全球最大的啤酒消费者。这种人群通常被描绘成以自我为中心的博客,容易出现愚蠢和短视的时刻。但是我们对核心目标市场的研究发现了一些比通常的陈词滥调更高贵的特征。我们发现这些人想有所作为。他们想在世界上留下自己的印记,他们对环境的投资比我们给他们的信用还要多。当然,他们仍然经常是 blokey。仍然容易出现愚蠢的时刻,但潜在的性格特征给了我们一个很好的方式。在我们所有的工作中,简单的行动呼吁 -- 饮料 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩 -- 创造了一个关于啤酒饮用的乐趣。这让一直远离啤酒类别的新西兰男性对自己选择我们感到满意。 结果 很少有新西兰人意识到全球沙子短缺。这个问题缺乏对其他原因的描述,因此缺乏解决这个问题的精力、意愿和资金。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子让这个话题成为了一个全国性的话题,投入了 300万美元的媒体支出,并在一个只有 4800万人的国家获得了 500万的印象。这种意识通过瓶装信息得到了进一步的帮助,3200万次将沙子短缺问题交到消费者手中。这种意识的提升不仅仅限于我们的消费者,在商业部门也可以看到。许多依赖海滩砂的行业已经开始试点并转换为玻璃砂替代品。在这场运动之前,Visy (我们的回收伙伴) 被迫将多余的碎玻璃倾倒到垃圾填埋场。 执行 我们的综合运动鼓励新西兰人采取行动。电视、户外、数字 -- 甚至瓶子上的标签 -- 一切都指示饮酒者采取一个简单的行动: 清空一瓶 DB 出口。我们的空瓶子越多,我们就能创造出越多的沙子替代品。这些机器在全国各地的酒吧和活动中巡回演出。每台机器将一瓶 DB 出口在 5 秒钟内变成沙子。当瓶子被粉碎时,真空系统会去除塑料标签等污染物,留下 200 克沙子替代品。然后,我们与新西兰最大的回收公司合作,通过将我们的空瓶子与不可回收的玻璃组合起来用于垃圾填埋,创造出商业数量的沙子。新西兰每售出 12 包啤酒,就有 3 瓶被填埋。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子把海滩上的沙子和玻璃都填埋了出来。 活动描述 世界上的沙子快用完了。沙子被用于从建筑到制药的一切,因此世界上 3分之2 的海滩都在撤退。沙漠沙子太细了,不能用于建筑,使得海滩沙子的需求飙升。数十亿美元的黑市导致从塞拉利昂到新加坡的沙子非法开采。沙子是地球上第二大被开采的自然资源,需要数百年来再生。与此同时,全球主流啤酒消费正在下降。所以我们制造了把空啤酒瓶变成沙子替代品的机器。为了拯救他们的海滩,我们要求新西兰人清空一瓶 DB 出口。由沙漠沙子制成,每瓶可制成 200 克沙子替代品。为了有所作为,我们需要新西兰人清空尽可能多的 DB 出口瓶子! BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 二十年来,新西兰一直以 “100% 纯” 的身份向世界推销自己。由生态旅游驱动的旅游业是该国国内生产总值的最大贡献者。但在营销口号的背后,新西兰的环境正遭受着与世界其他地区相同的困境。随着人口的增长,该国自然资源的压力也在增加。喂养、住房和运输这些不断增长的人口对水的纯度、空气质量和沿海沙量造成了损害。虽然新西兰人有一个 hei他们提高了对全球变暖和森林砍伐等全球环境原因的认识和亲和力,对自己后院的问题非常无知。多年来,我们告诉世界我们的 “环境是纯净的” 已经制造了一种雾,阻止我们看到自己的缺点。我们需要一个否认的国家接受他们有问题,并采取行动。

    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand

    案例简介:Synopsis For the past few centuries, mankind has dedicated themselves to screwing the planet. Not because we’re evil, but because it makes us money. Capitalism is killing the world. So the only way to save the planet, is to make saving the planet profitable. In 2016, Heineken launched Brewtroleum – a biofuel made from leftover brewing waste. It resulted in unprecedented beer sales and record profits. The idea that you can drink beer and help the planet didn’t just appeal to our customers, it appealed to Heineken shareholders. So our brief was to use the collective power of beer drinkers to further help the planet. While Brewtroleum continued nationally and began being implemented globally, the brewery wanted to see if another issue could be addressed. Our objective was to raise awareness and provide a meaningful solution to an environmental issue in New Zealand. And, through doing this, increase beer sales. Strategy Men aged 25-34 are the biggest beer consumers both in New Zealand, and worldwide. This demographic is often painted as self-centred, blokey, and prone to moments of stupidity and short-sightedness. But our research into our core target market unearthed some more noble traits than the usual clichés suggest. We discovered that these men want to make a difference. They want to make their mark on the world and are more invested in their environment than we give them credit for. Sure, they’re still often blokey. Still prone to moments of stupidity but with underlying character traits that gave us a great way in. The simple call to action across all of our work – drink DB Export, save our beaches – created a fun permissibility around beer drinking. It allowed NZ men, who had been turning away from the beer category to feel good about themselves for choosing us. Outcome Very few New Zealanders were aware of the global sand shortage. The issue lacked the profile of other causes, and therefore lacked the energy, will and funding to address it. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand made the topic a national talking point, dedicating $3 million dollars of media spend and achieving 48 million impressions in a country of just 5 million. This awareness was further helped with on-bottle messaging, putting the sand shortage issue into the hands of consumers 32 million times. This lift in awareness was not just restricted to our consumers, it was also seen in the commercial sector, too. Many industries dependent on beach-derived sand have begun piloting and converting to a glass sand alternative. Prior to the campaign, Visy (our recycling partner) was forced to dump excess crushed glass into landfill. Execution Our integrated campaign encouraged New Zealanders to take action. TV, outdoor, digital – even the labels on the bottles – everything directed drinkers to take one simple action: empty a bottle of DB Export. The more empty bottles we had, the more sand substitute we could create. The machines toured bars and events all over the country. Each machine turns a bottle of DB Export into sand in just 5 seconds. As the bottle is pulverised a vacuum system removes contaminants like plastic labels, leaving behind 200 grams of sand substitute. We then partnered with New Zealand’s largest recycling company to create commercial quantities of our sand by combining our empty bottles with non-recyclable glass destined for landfill. For every 12 pack of beer sold in New Zealand, 3 bottles end up in landfill. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand kept both sand on the beaches, and glass out of landfill. CampaignDescription The world is running out of sand. Sand is used in everything from construction to pharmaceuticals, and as result two thirds of the world’s beaches are retreating. Desert sand is too fine to be used in construction, sending the demand for beach sand soaring. A billion-dollar black market has resulted in the illegal extraction of sand from Sierra Leone to Singapore. Sand is the second most exploited natural resource on the planet and takes hundreds of thousands of years to regenerate. At the same time, global mainstream beer consumption is in decline. So we built machines that turn empty beer bottles into a sand substitute. To save their beaches, we asked New Zealanders to empty a bottle of DB Export. Made from desert sand, each bottle makes 200 grams of sand substitute. To make a difference we needed New Zealanders to empty as many DB Export bottles as possible! BriefWithProjectedOutcomes For two decades, New Zealand has marketed itself to the world as ‘100% Pure’. Tourism, driven by Eco-Tourism, is the country’s greatest contributor to GDP. But behind the marketing slogan, New Zealand’s environment is suffering from the same woes as the rest of the world. As the population has grown, so too has the strain on the natural resources of the country. Feeding, housing and transporting this ever-growing population has taken its toll on water purity, air quality and coastal sand volumes. And while New Zealanders have a heightened awareness and affinity for global environmental causes such as global warming and deforestation, they’re remarkably ignorant to the problems in their own backyard. Years of telling the world our ‘environment is pure’ has created a fog that prevents us from seeing our own faults. We needed a country in denial to accept they had a problem, and take action.

    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙


    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand










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