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    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand短视频广告营销案例



    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙

    案例简介:结果 我们的饮酒者倒空了 1300万瓶 -- 帮助 DB 出口成为唯一价值和销量增长的主流啤酒。在下降 6% 的类别中,DB 出口销售额增长了 9%。啤酒瓶沙子被供应给全国各地的建筑公司、道路项目、高尔夫球场和排水层。一项为期两年的向 Drymix (新西兰最大的混凝土生产商) 供应啤酒瓶沙子的协议让我们创建了自己的生态混凝土品牌, 通过全国最大的家居装修连锁店 (104 家商店) 出售给消费者。每个袋子都印有一盒 DB 出口啤酒 4 美元的优惠券,开车送人们回去购买,并确保我们的空瓶供应永远不会用完。成千上万的用户生成的视频从机器上分享,我们的机器视频获得了 5300万的浏览量。 战略 25-34 岁的男性是新西兰和全球最大的啤酒消费者。这种人群通常被描绘成以自我为中心的博客,容易出现愚蠢和短视的时刻。但是我们对核心目标市场的研究发现了一些比通常的陈词滥调更高贵的特征。我们发现这些人想有所作为。他们想在世界上留下自己的印记,他们对环境的投资比我们给他们的信用还要多。当然,他们仍然经常是 blokey。仍然容易出现愚蠢的时刻,但潜在的性格特征给了我们一个很好的方式。在我们所有的工作中,简单的行动呼吁 -- 饮料 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩 -- 创造了一个关于啤酒饮用的乐趣。这让一直远离啤酒类别的新西兰男性对自己选择我们感到满意。 相关性 尽管这项活动具有创新性,但它的核心是一种简单、直接的回应方法 -- 要求消费者做一些非常具体的事情,然后给他们一个充分的理由。随着主流啤酒市场的衰落,我们面临着推动消费者行为难以置信的直接改变的需要 -- 喝更多的啤酒。如果没有消费者的反应和清空我们的一瓶啤酒,我们将无法生产 DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子。这给了我们运动的每一个元素一个清晰而简单的行动号召: 喝 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩。 活动描述 世界上的沙子快用完了。沙子被用于从建筑到制药的一切,因此世界上 3分之2 的海滩都在撤退。沙漠沙子太细了,不能用于建筑,使得海滩沙子的需求飙升。数十亿美元的黑市导致从塞拉利昂到新加坡的沙子非法开采。沙子是地球上第二大被开采的自然资源,需要数百年来再生。与此同时,全球主流啤酒消费正在下降。所以我们制造了把空啤酒瓶变成沙子替代品的机器。为了拯救他们的海滩,我们要求新西兰人清空一瓶 DB 出口。由沙漠沙子制成,每瓶可制成 200 克沙子替代品。为了有所作为,我们需要新西兰人清空尽可能多的 DB 出口瓶子! 概要 全球主流啤酒消费急剧下降,新西兰更是如此,新西兰是二战以来的最低水平。新西兰人不需要另一个陈词滥调的啤酒广告。他们需要的是多喝啤酒的绝妙理由。这就是我们给他们的。我们开始创造一种方法,人们可以通过做他们喜欢的事情来拯救地球,这种方法可以帮助人们通过把饮酒变成一种无私的可持续发展行为来证明喝更多啤酒是合理的。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子。在这样做的时候,我们围绕 DB 的产品创建了一个全新的允许层。 执行 我们的直销活动鼓励新西兰人采取行动。电视、户外、数字 -- 甚至瓶子上的标签 -- 一切都指示饮酒者采取一个简单的行动: 清空一瓶 DB 出口。我们的空瓶子越多,我们就能创造出越多的沙子替代品。这些机器在全国各地的酒吧和活动中巡回演出。每台机器将一瓶 DB 出口在 5 秒钟内变成沙子。当瓶子被粉碎时,真空系统会去除塑料标签等污染物,留下 200 克沙子替代品。然后,我们与新西兰最大的回收公司合作,通过将我们的空瓶子与不可回收的玻璃组合起来用于垃圾填埋,创造出商业数量的沙子。新西兰每售出 12 包啤酒,就有 3 瓶被填埋。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子把海滩上的沙子和玻璃都填埋了出来。

    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙

    案例简介:Outcome Our drinkers emptied 13 million bottles - helping DB Export become the only mainstream beer to grow in value and volume. In a category declining at 6%, DB Export sales increased by 9%.Beer Bottle Sand was supplied to construction companies, roading projects, golf courses, and drain-layers around the country. A two year deal to supply Beer Bottle Sand to Drymix (New Zealand’s largest concrete producer) has seen us create our own brand of eco concrete, sold to consumers through the country’s biggest home improvement chain (104 stores). Each bag is printed with a voucher for $4 off a box of DB Export beer, driving people back to purchase and ensuring our supply of empty bottles never runs out.Thousands of user-generated videos were shared from machines, with our video of the machine receiving 53 million views. Strategy Men aged 25-34 are the biggest beer consumers both in New Zealand, and worldwide. This demographic is often painted as self-centred, blokey, and prone to moments of stupidity and short-sightedness. But our research into our core target market unearthed some more noble traits than the usual clichés suggest. We discovered that these men want to make a difference. They want to make their mark on the world and are more invested in their environment than we give them credit for. Sure, they’re still often blokey. Still prone to moments of stupidity but with underlying character traits that gave us a great way in. The simple call to action across all of our work – drink DB Export, save our beaches – created a fun permissibility around beer drinking. It allowed NZ men, who had been turning away from the beer category to feel good about themselves for choosing us. Relevancy Despite the innovative nature of the campaign, this was at its heart a simple, direct response approach - ask consumers to do something very specific and then give them a good reason why they should. With the mainstream beer market in decline, we were faced with the need to drive an incredibly direct change in consumer behaviour –to drink more beer. Without consumers responding and emptying a bottle of our beer, we would be unable to produce DB Export Beer Bottle Sand. This gave every element of our campaign a clear and simple call-to-action: Drink DB Export, save our beaches. CampaignDescription The world is running out of sand. Sand is used in everything from construction to pharmaceuticals, and as result two thirds of the world’s beaches are retreating. Desert sand is too fine to be used in construction, sending the demand for beach sand soaring. A billion-dollar black market has resulted in the illegal extraction of sand from Sierra Leone to Singapore. Sand is the second most exploited natural resource on the planet and takes hundreds of thousands of years to regenerate. At the same time, global mainstream beer consumption is in decline. So we built machines that turn empty beer bottles into a sand substitute. To save their beaches, we asked New Zealanders to empty a bottle of DB Export. Made from desert sand, each bottle makes 200 grams of sand substitute. To make a difference we needed New Zealanders to empty as many DB Export bottles as possible! Synopsis Mainstream beer consumption is in steep decline globally, nowhere more so than in New Zealand where it is at its lowest since World War 2. Kiwi blokes didn’t need another cliché beer ad. What they needed was a brilliant reason to drink more beer. So that’s what we gave them. We set about creating a way that people could save the planet by doing what they love, an idea that would help men justify drinking more beer by turning drinking into a selfless act of sustainability. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand. In doing so, we created an entire new layer of permissibility around DB’s products. Execution Our direct marketing campaign encouraged New Zealanders to take action. TV, outdoor, digital – even the labels on the bottles – everything directed drinkers to take one simple action: empty a bottle of DB Export. The more empty bottles we had, the more sand substitute we could create.The machines toured bars and events all over the country. Each machine turns a bottle of DB Export into sand in just 5 seconds. As the bottle is pulverised a vacuum system removes contaminants like plastic labels, leaving behind 200 grams of sand substitute.We then partnered with New Zealand’s largest recycling company to create commercial quantities of our sand by combining our empty bottles with non-recyclable glass destined for landfill. For every 12 pack of beer sold in New Zealand, 3 bottles end up in landfill. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand kept both sand on the beaches, and glass out of landfill.

    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand

    案例简介:结果 我们的饮酒者倒空了 1300万瓶 -- 帮助 DB 出口成为唯一价值和销量增长的主流啤酒。在下降 6% 的类别中,DB 出口销售额增长了 9%。啤酒瓶沙子被供应给全国各地的建筑公司、道路项目、高尔夫球场和排水层。一项为期两年的向 Drymix (新西兰最大的混凝土生产商) 供应啤酒瓶沙子的协议让我们创建了自己的生态混凝土品牌, 通过全国最大的家居装修连锁店 (104 家商店) 出售给消费者。每个袋子都印有一盒 DB 出口啤酒 4 美元的优惠券,开车送人们回去购买,并确保我们的空瓶供应永远不会用完。成千上万的用户生成的视频从机器上分享,我们的机器视频获得了 5300万的浏览量。 战略 25-34 岁的男性是新西兰和全球最大的啤酒消费者。这种人群通常被描绘成以自我为中心的博客,容易出现愚蠢和短视的时刻。但是我们对核心目标市场的研究发现了一些比通常的陈词滥调更高贵的特征。我们发现这些人想有所作为。他们想在世界上留下自己的印记,他们对环境的投资比我们给他们的信用还要多。当然,他们仍然经常是 blokey。仍然容易出现愚蠢的时刻,但潜在的性格特征给了我们一个很好的方式。在我们所有的工作中,简单的行动呼吁 -- 饮料 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩 -- 创造了一个关于啤酒饮用的乐趣。这让一直远离啤酒类别的新西兰男性对自己选择我们感到满意。 相关性 尽管这项活动具有创新性,但它的核心是一种简单、直接的回应方法 -- 要求消费者做一些非常具体的事情,然后给他们一个充分的理由。随着主流啤酒市场的衰落,我们面临着推动消费者行为难以置信的直接改变的需要 -- 喝更多的啤酒。如果没有消费者的反应和清空我们的一瓶啤酒,我们将无法生产 DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子。这给了我们运动的每一个元素一个清晰而简单的行动号召: 喝 DB 出口,拯救我们的海滩。 活动描述 世界上的沙子快用完了。沙子被用于从建筑到制药的一切,因此世界上 3分之2 的海滩都在撤退。沙漠沙子太细了,不能用于建筑,使得海滩沙子的需求飙升。数十亿美元的黑市导致从塞拉利昂到新加坡的沙子非法开采。沙子是地球上第二大被开采的自然资源,需要数百年来再生。与此同时,全球主流啤酒消费正在下降。所以我们制造了把空啤酒瓶变成沙子替代品的机器。为了拯救他们的海滩,我们要求新西兰人清空一瓶 DB 出口。由沙漠沙子制成,每瓶可制成 200 克沙子替代品。为了有所作为,我们需要新西兰人清空尽可能多的 DB 出口瓶子! 概要 全球主流啤酒消费急剧下降,新西兰更是如此,新西兰是二战以来的最低水平。新西兰人不需要另一个陈词滥调的啤酒广告。他们需要的是多喝啤酒的绝妙理由。这就是我们给他们的。我们开始创造一种方法,人们可以通过做他们喜欢的事情来拯救地球,这种方法可以帮助人们通过把饮酒变成一种无私的可持续发展行为来证明喝更多啤酒是合理的。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子。在这样做的时候,我们围绕 DB 的产品创建了一个全新的允许层。 执行 我们的直销活动鼓励新西兰人采取行动。电视、户外、数字 -- 甚至瓶子上的标签 -- 一切都指示饮酒者采取一个简单的行动: 清空一瓶 DB 出口。我们的空瓶子越多,我们就能创造出越多的沙子替代品。这些机器在全国各地的酒吧和活动中巡回演出。每台机器将一瓶 DB 出口在 5 秒钟内变成沙子。当瓶子被粉碎时,真空系统会去除塑料标签等污染物,留下 200 克沙子替代品。然后,我们与新西兰最大的回收公司合作,通过将我们的空瓶子与不可回收的玻璃组合起来用于垃圾填埋,创造出商业数量的沙子。新西兰每售出 12 包啤酒,就有 3 瓶被填埋。DB 出口啤酒瓶沙子把海滩上的沙子和玻璃都填埋了出来。

    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand

    案例简介:Outcome Our drinkers emptied 13 million bottles - helping DB Export become the only mainstream beer to grow in value and volume. In a category declining at 6%, DB Export sales increased by 9%.Beer Bottle Sand was supplied to construction companies, roading projects, golf courses, and drain-layers around the country. A two year deal to supply Beer Bottle Sand to Drymix (New Zealand’s largest concrete producer) has seen us create our own brand of eco concrete, sold to consumers through the country’s biggest home improvement chain (104 stores). Each bag is printed with a voucher for $4 off a box of DB Export beer, driving people back to purchase and ensuring our supply of empty bottles never runs out.Thousands of user-generated videos were shared from machines, with our video of the machine receiving 53 million views. Strategy Men aged 25-34 are the biggest beer consumers both in New Zealand, and worldwide. This demographic is often painted as self-centred, blokey, and prone to moments of stupidity and short-sightedness. But our research into our core target market unearthed some more noble traits than the usual clichés suggest. We discovered that these men want to make a difference. They want to make their mark on the world and are more invested in their environment than we give them credit for. Sure, they’re still often blokey. Still prone to moments of stupidity but with underlying character traits that gave us a great way in. The simple call to action across all of our work – drink DB Export, save our beaches – created a fun permissibility around beer drinking. It allowed NZ men, who had been turning away from the beer category to feel good about themselves for choosing us. Relevancy Despite the innovative nature of the campaign, this was at its heart a simple, direct response approach - ask consumers to do something very specific and then give them a good reason why they should. With the mainstream beer market in decline, we were faced with the need to drive an incredibly direct change in consumer behaviour –to drink more beer. Without consumers responding and emptying a bottle of our beer, we would be unable to produce DB Export Beer Bottle Sand. This gave every element of our campaign a clear and simple call-to-action: Drink DB Export, save our beaches. CampaignDescription The world is running out of sand. Sand is used in everything from construction to pharmaceuticals, and as result two thirds of the world’s beaches are retreating. Desert sand is too fine to be used in construction, sending the demand for beach sand soaring. A billion-dollar black market has resulted in the illegal extraction of sand from Sierra Leone to Singapore. Sand is the second most exploited natural resource on the planet and takes hundreds of thousands of years to regenerate. At the same time, global mainstream beer consumption is in decline. So we built machines that turn empty beer bottles into a sand substitute. To save their beaches, we asked New Zealanders to empty a bottle of DB Export. Made from desert sand, each bottle makes 200 grams of sand substitute. To make a difference we needed New Zealanders to empty as many DB Export bottles as possible! Synopsis Mainstream beer consumption is in steep decline globally, nowhere more so than in New Zealand where it is at its lowest since World War 2. Kiwi blokes didn’t need another cliché beer ad. What they needed was a brilliant reason to drink more beer. So that’s what we gave them. We set about creating a way that people could save the planet by doing what they love, an idea that would help men justify drinking more beer by turning drinking into a selfless act of sustainability. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand. In doing so, we created an entire new layer of permissibility around DB’s products. Execution Our direct marketing campaign encouraged New Zealanders to take action. TV, outdoor, digital – even the labels on the bottles – everything directed drinkers to take one simple action: empty a bottle of DB Export. The more empty bottles we had, the more sand substitute we could create.The machines toured bars and events all over the country. Each machine turns a bottle of DB Export into sand in just 5 seconds. As the bottle is pulverised a vacuum system removes contaminants like plastic labels, leaving behind 200 grams of sand substitute.We then partnered with New Zealand’s largest recycling company to create commercial quantities of our sand by combining our empty bottles with non-recyclable glass destined for landfill. For every 12 pack of beer sold in New Zealand, 3 bottles end up in landfill. DB Export Beer Bottle Sand kept both sand on the beaches, and glass out of landfill.

    DB 出口啤酒瓶沙


    DB Export Beer Bottle Sand





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