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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战-获得媒体的关注: 向丹麦主要媒体宣传一场带有相当商业信息的运动 -- 简而言之,使太阳能运动与相关媒体类型的记者相关。 策略 -- 用一个真正的实验在记者中引起轰动 为了在赢得的媒体上突破,策略是将太阳能实验与一项全国性调查结合起来,这项调查调查并绘制了丹麦人的情绪是如何受到黑暗和寒冷冬天的影响的。这些发现后来直接与太阳能实验联系在一起,这两个因素结合起来创造了一个非常强大和有效的信息框架,得到了第三方专家 (学术界) 的支持, 作为太阳能运动的大使,这可以针对各种不同的媒体类型,以支持整个运动,并在丹麦媒体上引起轰动。 目标: 定位 将间谍太阳能运动和间谍定位为所有相关媒体类型的行业思想领导者,如国家媒体、地方和地区报纸、旅游媒体和其他特殊媒体。 支持 通过为活动创造一个赢得媒体的嗡嗡声,尽可能支持太阳能活动,以推动活动网站的流量,并增加活动视频的浏览量。 动量 持续回应活动期间出现的媒体议程,并利用公关利用活动期间出现的媒体机会。 描述客户的简报 目标: 定位 将间谍太阳能运动和间谍定位为所有相关媒体类型的行业思想领导者,如国家媒体、地方和地区报纸、旅游媒体和其他特殊媒体。 支持 通过为活动创造一个赢得媒体的嗡嗡声,尽可能支持太阳能活动,以推动活动网站的流量,并增加活动视频的浏览量。 动量 持续回应活动期间出现的媒体议程,并利用公关利用活动期间出现的媒体机会。 结果 Avg。观看通过率达到 50.72% (90.8 秒),游戏结束达到 44%。这导致总观看时间为 4,411.78 小时,达到目标群体的 86%。 此外,该视频在丹麦图表 “旅行和活动” 上获得了 2 项 YouTube 荣誉: 本月最受欢迎的排名第一 (北欧) #2 本周最受欢迎 (全球) 间谍在间谍脸谱网上的点击量增加了 332%,他们的推特活动增加了大约 300%。Pr值是实际 PR 预算的 5 倍。 此外,57% 的人更有可能在下一个假期选择间谍,选择间谍作为旅行社的人增加了 36%。最后,与去年同期相比,活动期间的预订量增加了 14%。 执行 整个执行分为三个阶段: 1) 准备: 这里的重点是规划、开发信息平台、准备新闻材料、完成有 + 1000 名受访者的全国调查以及开发媒体列表 (包括)。确定主要记者: -信息平台,包括问答、大使识别和发言人信息培训。 -新闻套件: 包括发布版本。国家调查、概况介绍和记者简报的主要结果,以支持媒体关系 -制定调查设计和完成全国调查,调查丹麦人的冬季情绪, -根据调查结果和整个发布的计划/概述制定公关计划。 2) 执行: 专注于所有相关媒体类型的战术和运营公关,包括报道、记者联络新闻处和媒体监控 3) 评估: 评估标志着公关工作的结束,包括全面报道和媒体 形势 机会 -- 利用调查来促进挣得媒体的实验: 太阳能运动的商业信息在公关工作中被调整成基于知识和事实的沟通, 部分基于丹麦技术大学的研究以及调查丹麦冬季情绪的全国调查。这种方法确保了间谍和太阳能运动的关键信息在两个月内最大限度地暴露在丹麦相关媒体上,从而确保公关工作继续在其他平台上支持这项运动。 战略 策略 -- 用一个真正的实验在记者中引起轰动 为了在赢得的媒体上突破,策略是将太阳能实验与一项全国性调查结合起来,这项调查调查并绘制了丹麦人的情绪是如何受到黑暗和寒冷冬天的影响的。这些发现后来直接与太阳能实验和这两个因素结合在一起创造了一个非常强大和有效的信息框架,得到了第三方专家 (学术界) 的支持,他们担任太阳能运动的大使,这可以针对各种不同的媒体类型,以支持整个运动,并在丹麦媒体上引起轰动。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Challenge – getting the attention of earned media: Promoting a campaign with a fairly commercial message to the leading media outlets in Denmark – in short making the solar campaign relevant for journalists across relevant media types. The strategy – Using a real experiment to create buzz among journalists In order to break though in the earned media the strategy was to combine the solar experiment with a national survey that investigated and mapped how the Danes mood was influenced by the dark and cold winter. The findings were afterwards linked directly to the solar experiment and the two elements combined created a very strong and effective messaging framework, which was supported by third party experts (academia), who acted as ambassadors for the Solar campaign , which could be targeted a wide range of different media types in order to support the overall campaign and create a buzz in the Danish media. The goals: Positioning To position Spies Solar campaign and Spies as a industry thought leader in all relevant media types, such as national media, local and regional newspapers, travel media and other special media. Support To support Solar campaign as much as possible by creating a earned media buzz for the campaign to drive traffic into the campaign site and increase the number of views of the campaign video. Momentum To continuously respond to media agendas that arise during the campaign and use PR to make use the media opportunities that arise during the campaign. Describe the brief from the client The goals: Positioning To position Spies Solar campaign and Spies as a industry thought leader in all relevant media types, such as national media, local and regional newspapers, travel media and other special media. Support To support Solar campaign as much as possible by creating a earned media buzz for the campaign to drive traffic into the campaign site and increase the number of views of the campaign video. Momentum To continuously respond to media agendas that arise during the campaign and use PR to make use the media opportunities that arise during the campaign. Results The avg. view through rate reached 50.72% (90.8 sec) and the play to end reached 44%. This resulted in a total viewing time of 4,411.78 hours, reaching a target group reach of 86%. Furthermore, the video achieved 2 YouTube honors on the Danish chart “Travel & events” during the campaign period: #1 most viewed this month (nordic) #2 most viewed this week (global) Spies experienced a 332% increase in number of Likes at Spies Facebook and their Twitter activity rose by roughly 300%. The PR value was 5 times that of the actual PR budget. Furthermore, 57% were more likely to choose Spies for their next holiday and there was a 36% increase in people choosing Spies as travel agency. And finally the number of bookings increased by 14% during the campaign period compared the same period last year. Execution The overall execution was divided into three phases: 1) Preparation: Here the focus was on planning, developing the message platform, preparation of press materials, completion of national survey with +1000 respondents and the development of media lists incl. identifying key journalists: - Message Platform including Q & A, identification of ambassadors and message training of spokespersons. - Press-kit: Including launch release incl. the main findings from national survey, fact sheets and journalist briefs to support media relations - Development of survey design and completion of national survey where the Danes’ winter mood was investigated, - Development of PR-plan based in survey results and plan/overview for the entire launch. 2) Execution: Focusing on the tactical and operational PR towards all relevant media types including pitching of stories, journalist liaison press office, and media monitoring 3) Evaluation: The evaluation marks the end of the PR effort including a full coverage and media The Situation Opportunity – using surveys to boost the experiment in earned media: The Solar campaigns commercial messages are in the PR effort adjusted into knowledge-based and factual communication, partially based on research from Danish Technical University as well as on the national survey that investigated the Danish winter mood. This approach ensured that Spies and the key messages of the Solar campaign maximum exposure in relevant Danish media over a two month period - and thus securing that the PR efforts continuously support the campaign on other platforms. The Strategy The strategy – Using a real experiment to create buzz among journalists In order to break though in the earned media the strategy was to combine the solar experiment with a national survey that investigated and mapped how the Danes mood was influenced by the dark and cold winter. The findings were afterwards linked directly to the solar experiment and the two elements combined created a very strong and effective messaging framework, which was supported by third party experts (academia), who acted as ambassadors for the Solar campaign , which could be targeted a wide range of different media types in order to support the overall campaign and create a buzz in the Danish media.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战-获得媒体的关注: 向丹麦主要媒体宣传一场带有相当商业信息的运动 -- 简而言之,使太阳能运动与相关媒体类型的记者相关。 策略 -- 用一个真正的实验在记者中引起轰动 为了在赢得的媒体上突破,策略是将太阳能实验与一项全国性调查结合起来,这项调查调查并绘制了丹麦人的情绪是如何受到黑暗和寒冷冬天的影响的。这些发现后来直接与太阳能实验联系在一起,这两个因素结合起来创造了一个非常强大和有效的信息框架,得到了第三方专家 (学术界) 的支持, 作为太阳能运动的大使,这可以针对各种不同的媒体类型,以支持整个运动,并在丹麦媒体上引起轰动。 目标: 定位 将间谍太阳能运动和间谍定位为所有相关媒体类型的行业思想领导者,如国家媒体、地方和地区报纸、旅游媒体和其他特殊媒体。 支持 通过为活动创造一个赢得媒体的嗡嗡声,尽可能支持太阳能活动,以推动活动网站的流量,并增加活动视频的浏览量。 动量 持续回应活动期间出现的媒体议程,并利用公关利用活动期间出现的媒体机会。 描述客户的简报 目标: 定位 将间谍太阳能运动和间谍定位为所有相关媒体类型的行业思想领导者,如国家媒体、地方和地区报纸、旅游媒体和其他特殊媒体。 支持 通过为活动创造一个赢得媒体的嗡嗡声,尽可能支持太阳能活动,以推动活动网站的流量,并增加活动视频的浏览量。 动量 持续回应活动期间出现的媒体议程,并利用公关利用活动期间出现的媒体机会。 结果 Avg。观看通过率达到 50.72% (90.8 秒),游戏结束达到 44%。这导致总观看时间为 4,411.78 小时,达到目标群体的 86%。 此外,该视频在丹麦图表 “旅行和活动” 上获得了 2 项 YouTube 荣誉: 本月最受欢迎的排名第一 (北欧) #2 本周最受欢迎 (全球) 间谍在间谍脸谱网上的点击量增加了 332%,他们的推特活动增加了大约 300%。Pr值是实际 PR 预算的 5 倍。 此外,57% 的人更有可能在下一个假期选择间谍,选择间谍作为旅行社的人增加了 36%。最后,与去年同期相比,活动期间的预订量增加了 14%。 执行 整个执行分为三个阶段: 1) 准备: 这里的重点是规划、开发信息平台、准备新闻材料、完成有 + 1000 名受访者的全国调查以及开发媒体列表 (包括)。确定主要记者: -信息平台,包括问答、大使识别和发言人信息培训。 -新闻套件: 包括发布版本。国家调查、概况介绍和记者简报的主要结果,以支持媒体关系 -制定调查设计和完成全国调查,调查丹麦人的冬季情绪, -根据调查结果和整个发布的计划/概述制定公关计划。 2) 执行: 专注于所有相关媒体类型的战术和运营公关,包括报道、记者联络新闻处和媒体监控 3) 评估: 评估标志着公关工作的结束,包括全面报道和媒体 形势 机会 -- 利用调查来促进挣得媒体的实验: 太阳能运动的商业信息在公关工作中被调整成基于知识和事实的沟通, 部分基于丹麦技术大学的研究以及调查丹麦冬季情绪的全国调查。这种方法确保了间谍和太阳能运动的关键信息在两个月内最大限度地暴露在丹麦相关媒体上,从而确保公关工作继续在其他平台上支持这项运动。 战略 策略 -- 用一个真正的实验在记者中引起轰动 为了在赢得的媒体上突破,策略是将太阳能实验与一项全国性调查结合起来,这项调查调查并绘制了丹麦人的情绪是如何受到黑暗和寒冷冬天的影响的。这些发现后来直接与太阳能实验和这两个因素结合在一起创造了一个非常强大和有效的信息框架,得到了第三方专家 (学术界) 的支持,他们担任太阳能运动的大使,这可以针对各种不同的媒体类型,以支持整个运动,并在丹麦媒体上引起轰动。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Challenge – getting the attention of earned media: Promoting a campaign with a fairly commercial message to the leading media outlets in Denmark – in short making the solar campaign relevant for journalists across relevant media types. The strategy – Using a real experiment to create buzz among journalists In order to break though in the earned media the strategy was to combine the solar experiment with a national survey that investigated and mapped how the Danes mood was influenced by the dark and cold winter. The findings were afterwards linked directly to the solar experiment and the two elements combined created a very strong and effective messaging framework, which was supported by third party experts (academia), who acted as ambassadors for the Solar campaign , which could be targeted a wide range of different media types in order to support the overall campaign and create a buzz in the Danish media. The goals: Positioning To position Spies Solar campaign and Spies as a industry thought leader in all relevant media types, such as national media, local and regional newspapers, travel media and other special media. Support To support Solar campaign as much as possible by creating a earned media buzz for the campaign to drive traffic into the campaign site and increase the number of views of the campaign video. Momentum To continuously respond to media agendas that arise during the campaign and use PR to make use the media opportunities that arise during the campaign. Describe the brief from the client The goals: Positioning To position Spies Solar campaign and Spies as a industry thought leader in all relevant media types, such as national media, local and regional newspapers, travel media and other special media. Support To support Solar campaign as much as possible by creating a earned media buzz for the campaign to drive traffic into the campaign site and increase the number of views of the campaign video. Momentum To continuously respond to media agendas that arise during the campaign and use PR to make use the media opportunities that arise during the campaign. Results The avg. view through rate reached 50.72% (90.8 sec) and the play to end reached 44%. This resulted in a total viewing time of 4,411.78 hours, reaching a target group reach of 86%. Furthermore, the video achieved 2 YouTube honors on the Danish chart “Travel & events” during the campaign period: #1 most viewed this month (nordic) #2 most viewed this week (global) Spies experienced a 332% increase in number of Likes at Spies Facebook and their Twitter activity rose by roughly 300%. The PR value was 5 times that of the actual PR budget. Furthermore, 57% were more likely to choose Spies for their next holiday and there was a 36% increase in people choosing Spies as travel agency. And finally the number of bookings increased by 14% during the campaign period compared the same period last year. Execution The overall execution was divided into three phases: 1) Preparation: Here the focus was on planning, developing the message platform, preparation of press materials, completion of national survey with +1000 respondents and the development of media lists incl. identifying key journalists: - Message Platform including Q & A, identification of ambassadors and message training of spokespersons. - Press-kit: Including launch release incl. the main findings from national survey, fact sheets and journalist briefs to support media relations - Development of survey design and completion of national survey where the Danes’ winter mood was investigated, - Development of PR-plan based in survey results and plan/overview for the entire launch. 2) Execution: Focusing on the tactical and operational PR towards all relevant media types including pitching of stories, journalist liaison press office, and media monitoring 3) Evaluation: The evaluation marks the end of the PR effort including a full coverage and media The Situation Opportunity – using surveys to boost the experiment in earned media: The Solar campaigns commercial messages are in the PR effort adjusted into knowledge-based and factual communication, partially based on research from Danish Technical University as well as on the national survey that investigated the Danish winter mood. This approach ensured that Spies and the key messages of the Solar campaign maximum exposure in relevant Danish media over a two month period - and thus securing that the PR efforts continuously support the campaign on other platforms. The Strategy The strategy – Using a real experiment to create buzz among journalists In order to break though in the earned media the strategy was to combine the solar experiment with a national survey that investigated and mapped how the Danes mood was influenced by the dark and cold winter. The findings were afterwards linked directly to the solar experiment and the two elements combined created a very strong and effective messaging framework, which was supported by third party experts (academia), who acted as ambassadors for the Solar campaign , which could be targeted a wide range of different media types in order to support the overall campaign and create a buzz in the Danish media.













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