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    Witch Hunt短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:奇迹鞭-约阿希姆回来 | 新闻版本 纽约,纽约,2012年2月23日: 总部位于伦敦的 Bicoastal 公园影业导演约阿希姆在围绕奇迹鞭粉丝和反对者的辩论中点燃了火焰: 60 “政治迫害” 的奇迹鞭子麦加里鲍恩,芝加哥。该景点以一群狂热的女巫猎人为特色,他们在奶油三明治上寻求原始的报复,他们的错误任务是对一个年轻女孩的禁欲和相反的逻辑解释,这个女孩居住着奇迹鞭。这个地点定于周日在美国广播公司播出的 84 届年度奥斯卡颁奖典礼上播出。 该运动还包括: 60 个 “村庄”,其特点是一名殖民妇女因在她的服装上印有奇迹鞭标志形式的谴责标志而被她的村庄避开。这些广告是麦加顿最近为三明治传播品牌制作的广告中提到的两极分化的梅奥服饰辩论的延续。 “政治迫害” 开始于一群 18 世纪火炬承载的城镇居民,他们冲向附近的一所房子,到达后敲门。当领导者开始时,一个年轻的女孩接了他们的电话,“我们是为邪恶的非神圣的野兽而来的 -- 那个有红色标记的野兽。它坐在你吃饭的桌子上。 ”在人群愤怒地要求进入房子并燃烧奇迹鞭后,女孩难以置信地驳斥了他们反对扩散的论点,傲慢地争辩道, “也许你应该在做出如此邪恶的指控之前试一试。它实际上是相当甜蜜和辛辣的。“她平静地撤退,关上了仍然愤怒的,现在有点困惑的女巫猎人的门。我们回到一个成员简单地说,“我喜欢甜食。领导人喃喃自语,“闭嘴,爱德华”,因为这群人不情愿地撤退,对他们浪费的精力感到尴尬。斑点以超级结束,“张开嘴”。" 关于公园图片 由执行制片人杰奎琳 · 凯尔曼 · 比斯比和著名电影制片人/电影摄影师兰斯 · 艾科德于 1998年创立, park Pictures 在发现和指导新的电影制作人才以及为所有项目注入大屏幕制作价值方面有着吉祥的记录。Park Pictures 通过让团队的所有成员参与创造性的问题解决,与机构和客户建立了强大的合作伙伴关系。 2010年3月,朴槿惠影业和导演约阿希姆凭借他们的短片《新房客》获得了奥斯卡奖。 公园影业推出首部专题节目《机器人与弗兰克》,由公园导演杰克 · 施雷耶执导,弗兰克 · 兰格拉、苏珊 · 萨兰登、詹姆斯 · 马斯登、丽芙 · 泰勒、杰里米 · 斯特朗和列夫 · 施里伯主演,在圣丹斯获得阿尔弗雷德 · 斯隆基金会电影奖,最近被索尼影业全球收购公司 (SPWA) 和塞缪尔 · 戈德温电影公司收购美国发行。


    案例简介:Miracle Whip - Joachim Back | Press Versions New York, NY, February 23, 2012: Bicoastal/London-based Park Pictures’ director Joachim Back lights a flame under the debate surrounding Miracle Whip fans and opposers in the new :60 “Witch Hunt” for Miracle Whip out of mcgarrybowen, Chicago. The spot features a pack of fiery witch hunters seeking primitive vengeance on the creamy sandwich spread, whose misinformed mission is met with the stoic and contrariwise logical explanation of a young girl housing the Miracle Whip. The spot is slated to air on Sunday’s telecast of the 84th Annual Academy Awards on ABC. The campaign also includes the :60 “Village” which features a colonial woman who is shunned by her village for bearing on her dress a condemned emblem in the form of the Miracle Whip logo. The spots are a continuation of the polarizing mayo-dressing debate addressed in recent advertising created by mcgarrybown for the sandwich spread brand. “Witch Hunt” opens on a group of 18th century torch-bearing townspeople racing towards a nearby house, pounding on the door upon arrival. A young girl answers their call as the leader begins, “We have come for the foul un-holy beast—the one with the red markings. It sits on the table where you sup.” Following the crowd’s angered request to enter the house and burn the Miracle Whip, the girl incredulously refutes their arguments against the spread, condescendingly arguing, “Perhaps you should try it before making such wicked accusations. It’s actually quite sweet and tangy.” She calmly retreats, closing the door on the still angered, now slightly confused pack of witch hunters. We cut back to the group where one member simply states, “I like sweet things.” The leader mutters, “Shut up, Edward,” as the group reluctantly retreats, embarrassed at their wasted energies. The spot ends with the super, “Keep an open mouth.” About Park Pictures Founded in 1998 by Executive Producer Jacqueline Kelman Bisbee and renowned filmmaker/cinematographer Lance Acord, Park Pictures has an auspicious track record of discovering and mentoring new filmmaking talent and infusing all projects with big screen production values. Park Pictures has forged strong partnerships with agencies and clients by engaging all members of its team in creative problem solving. In March 2010, Park Pictures and director Joachim Back won an Academy Award for their short film, The New Tenants. Park Pictures Features debut feature project, Robot & Frank, directed by Park director Jake Schreier and starring Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, James Marsden, Liv Tyler, Jeremy Strong and Liev Schrieber, received the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Film Prize at Sundance and has recently been picked up for U.S. distribution by Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA) and Samuel Goldwyn Films.

    Witch Hunt

    案例简介:奇迹鞭-约阿希姆回来 | 新闻版本 纽约,纽约,2012年2月23日: 总部位于伦敦的 Bicoastal 公园影业导演约阿希姆在围绕奇迹鞭粉丝和反对者的辩论中点燃了火焰: 60 “政治迫害” 的奇迹鞭子麦加里鲍恩,芝加哥。该景点以一群狂热的女巫猎人为特色,他们在奶油三明治上寻求原始的报复,他们的错误任务是对一个年轻女孩的禁欲和相反的逻辑解释,这个女孩居住着奇迹鞭。这个地点定于周日在美国广播公司播出的 84 届年度奥斯卡颁奖典礼上播出。 该运动还包括: 60 个 “村庄”,其特点是一名殖民妇女因在她的服装上印有奇迹鞭标志形式的谴责标志而被她的村庄避开。这些广告是麦加顿最近为三明治传播品牌制作的广告中提到的两极分化的梅奥服饰辩论的延续。 “政治迫害” 开始于一群 18 世纪火炬承载的城镇居民,他们冲向附近的一所房子,到达后敲门。当领导者开始时,一个年轻的女孩接了他们的电话,“我们是为邪恶的非神圣的野兽而来的 -- 那个有红色标记的野兽。它坐在你吃饭的桌子上。 ”在人群愤怒地要求进入房子并燃烧奇迹鞭后,女孩难以置信地驳斥了他们反对扩散的论点,傲慢地争辩道, “也许你应该在做出如此邪恶的指控之前试一试。它实际上是相当甜蜜和辛辣的。“她平静地撤退,关上了仍然愤怒的,现在有点困惑的女巫猎人的门。我们回到一个成员简单地说,“我喜欢甜食。领导人喃喃自语,“闭嘴,爱德华”,因为这群人不情愿地撤退,对他们浪费的精力感到尴尬。斑点以超级结束,“张开嘴”。" 关于公园图片 由执行制片人杰奎琳 · 凯尔曼 · 比斯比和著名电影制片人/电影摄影师兰斯 · 艾科德于 1998年创立, park Pictures 在发现和指导新的电影制作人才以及为所有项目注入大屏幕制作价值方面有着吉祥的记录。Park Pictures 通过让团队的所有成员参与创造性的问题解决,与机构和客户建立了强大的合作伙伴关系。 2010年3月,朴槿惠影业和导演约阿希姆凭借他们的短片《新房客》获得了奥斯卡奖。 公园影业推出首部专题节目《机器人与弗兰克》,由公园导演杰克 · 施雷耶执导,弗兰克 · 兰格拉、苏珊 · 萨兰登、詹姆斯 · 马斯登、丽芙 · 泰勒、杰里米 · 斯特朗和列夫 · 施里伯主演,在圣丹斯获得阿尔弗雷德 · 斯隆基金会电影奖,最近被索尼影业全球收购公司 (SPWA) 和塞缪尔 · 戈德温电影公司收购美国发行。

    Witch Hunt

    案例简介:Miracle Whip - Joachim Back | Press Versions New York, NY, February 23, 2012: Bicoastal/London-based Park Pictures’ director Joachim Back lights a flame under the debate surrounding Miracle Whip fans and opposers in the new :60 “Witch Hunt” for Miracle Whip out of mcgarrybowen, Chicago. The spot features a pack of fiery witch hunters seeking primitive vengeance on the creamy sandwich spread, whose misinformed mission is met with the stoic and contrariwise logical explanation of a young girl housing the Miracle Whip. The spot is slated to air on Sunday’s telecast of the 84th Annual Academy Awards on ABC. The campaign also includes the :60 “Village” which features a colonial woman who is shunned by her village for bearing on her dress a condemned emblem in the form of the Miracle Whip logo. The spots are a continuation of the polarizing mayo-dressing debate addressed in recent advertising created by mcgarrybown for the sandwich spread brand. “Witch Hunt” opens on a group of 18th century torch-bearing townspeople racing towards a nearby house, pounding on the door upon arrival. A young girl answers their call as the leader begins, “We have come for the foul un-holy beast—the one with the red markings. It sits on the table where you sup.” Following the crowd’s angered request to enter the house and burn the Miracle Whip, the girl incredulously refutes their arguments against the spread, condescendingly arguing, “Perhaps you should try it before making such wicked accusations. It’s actually quite sweet and tangy.” She calmly retreats, closing the door on the still angered, now slightly confused pack of witch hunters. We cut back to the group where one member simply states, “I like sweet things.” The leader mutters, “Shut up, Edward,” as the group reluctantly retreats, embarrassed at their wasted energies. The spot ends with the super, “Keep an open mouth.” About Park Pictures Founded in 1998 by Executive Producer Jacqueline Kelman Bisbee and renowned filmmaker/cinematographer Lance Acord, Park Pictures has an auspicious track record of discovering and mentoring new filmmaking talent and infusing all projects with big screen production values. Park Pictures has forged strong partnerships with agencies and clients by engaging all members of its team in creative problem solving. In March 2010, Park Pictures and director Joachim Back won an Academy Award for their short film, The New Tenants. Park Pictures Features debut feature project, Robot & Frank, directed by Park director Jake Schreier and starring Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, James Marsden, Liv Tyler, Jeremy Strong and Liev Schrieber, received the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Film Prize at Sundance and has recently been picked up for U.S. distribution by Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA) and Samuel Goldwyn Films.



    Witch Hunt










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