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    Ms. Archer’s Unacceptable Acceptance Letter短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 五分之一的女性在大学里遭到性侵犯。美国大学继续少报,忽视校园内的性侵犯案件,因此未能保护学生。我们的客户在今年 Netflix 发布的一部有争议的纪录片《狩猎场》中披露了这一信息。电影制作人要求我们让新生在上大学之前意识到真相。他们希望我们不仅用事实武装新生,还让他们在到达校园时要求他们安全。 结果 这场运动在 48 小时内获得了 4.09亿次印象。签署的请愿书已经发送给该国的每一所主要大学。该活动的总支出为 23,447.48 美元,每个印象花费 0.00005 美分。我们的努力,加上电影的上映,鼓励大学改变。阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学校长公开向幸存者道歉。纽约州州长科莫为立法者放映了这部电影,州议会迅速通过了一项新法案,帮助阻止对所有纽约大学校园的性侵犯。媒体包括时代,今日美国,《纽约时报》和《青少年时尚》鼓励读者观看重要电影,并签署请愿书,要求大学承担责任。最重要的是,幸存者开始使用竞选标签 # dontaccepttrape 来分享个人故事,进一步迫使美国各地的大学承担责任。 战略 社交媒体已经成为大学选拔过程的重要组成部分,未来的学生利用社交媒体探索校园生活,并与现在的学生和他们未来的同学联系。我们想在选拔过程中最关键的时刻联系学生 -- 在做出最终决定之前,最后一次参观校园。在 4月的最后几周,我们使用 Facebook 和 Instagram 将视频针对大学校园周围地区的学生,当时学校正在举办入学日。 活动描述 在大学录取周,学生们上传了他们在网上打开大学录取通知书的视频。我们通过制作一系列以学生打开 “不可接受的录取通知书” 为特色的电影来模仿这种在线现象。当每个学生读他们的信时,副本揭示了他们很快将面临的令人不寒而栗的现实,即他们可能会受到性侵犯。这封信写得好像来自一所大学,每一封都详细描述了一个真实的故事,故事的灵感来自电影中的一个幸存者。我们在网上分享了这些视频,学生们分享了他们的视频 -- YouTube 、 Instagram 和 Facebook -- 目标是 18 岁到 25 岁的学生。除了这些电影,我们还在哈佛深红和今日美国发布了更多的 “不可接受的接受信” 作为平面广告。幸存者在推特和 Facebook 上分享了这些信息,每次处决都鼓励人们签署一份请愿书,要求大学对校园内的性侵犯负责。 执行 我们所有的竞选活动都是在 4月的最后两周进行的,当时学生们将做出最后的大学决定。4月16日,我们在《哈佛深红》的一个特别接受学生版上推出了付费印刷广告。同一天,在旧金山湾区,学生们正在参观斯坦福和加州大学伯克利分校等学校, 我们派了一个团队在校园中间挂上海报大小的平面广告。我们在波士顿和旧金山地区通过在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上捐赠的地理搜索社交购买来补充我们的存在,将我们的视频推送给高中高年级和大学生。4月20日,我们在《今日美国》上刊登了另一篇幸存者的故事作为整版捐赠的新闻广告。Gawker Media 、 Complex 和 NBC 也在网上播放了我们的视频,作为捐赠的媒体购买的一部分。


    案例简介:Synopsis One in five women are sexually assaulted in college. American colleges continue to underreport and ignore cases of sexual assault on their campuses, therefore failing to protect their students. Our client exposed this information in a controversial documentary called The Hunting Ground, released on Netflix this year. The filmmakers asked us to make new students aware of the truth before they went to college. They wanted us to not only arm new students with the facts but also give them a way to demand that they’re safe when they arrive on campus. Outcome The campaign received 409 million impressions in just 48 hours.Signed petitions have been sent to every major college in the country.With a total spend of $23,447.48, the campaign cost 0.00005 cents per impression.Our efforts, combined with the film’s release, have encouraged colleges to change.The chancellor of University of Alaska Fairbanks publicly apologized to survivors.Governor Cuomo of New York screened the film for legislators, and the state legislature swiftly passed “Enough Is Enough,” a new bill to help stop sexual assaults on all New York college campuses.Media outlets including TIME, USA TODAY, the New York Times and Teen Vogue encouraged their readerships to watch the important films and sign the petitions to hold colleges accountable.Most importantly, survivors started to use the campaign hashtag #DontAcceptRape to share personal stories, further pressuring colleges across America to beheld accountable. Strategy Social media has become an important part of the college-selection process, with prospective students using it to explore life on campus and connect with current students and their future classmates. We wanted to reach students during one of the most crucial moments of the selection process—when they’re visiting campuses one last time before making a final decision. Using Facebook and Instagram, we targeted the videos to students in areas around college campuses during the final weeks of April when the schools were hosting admitted-student days. Campaign Description During college acceptance week, students uploaded videos of the moment they opened their college acceptance letters online. We mimicked this online phenomenon by creating a series of films featuring students opening “unacceptable acceptance letters.” As each student reads their letter, the copy reveals the chilling reality they will soon face, namely, that they may be sexually assaulted. The letter is written as if it came from a college, with each one detailing a true story inspired by a survivor from the film. We shared these videos online where students shared theirs—YouTube, Instagram and Facebook—targeting them toward students ages 18 to 25. In addition to the films, we released more “unacceptable acceptance letters” as print ads in the Harvard Crimson and USA TODAY. Survivors shared them on Twitter and Facebook, and each execution encouraged people to sign a petition that would hold colleges accountable for sexual assault on campus. Execution All our campaign efforts took place during the last two weeks of April, when students would be making their final college decisions. On April 16, we launched the campaign with a paid print ad in a special accepted-students edition of the Harvard Crimson. That same day in the San Francisco Bay Area, when students were visiting schools such as Stanford and UC Berkeley, we sent a team to hang up poster-size versions of the print ads in the middle of the campuses. We supplemented our presence in the Boston and San Francisco areas with a donated geotargeted social buy on Facebook and Instagram that pushed out our videos to high school seniors and college students. On April 20, we printed another survivor’s story as a full-page donated press ad in USA TODAY. Gawker Media, Complex and NBC also ran our video online as part of a donated media buy.

    Ms. Archer’s Unacceptable Acceptance Letter

    案例简介:概要 五分之一的女性在大学里遭到性侵犯。美国大学继续少报,忽视校园内的性侵犯案件,因此未能保护学生。我们的客户在今年 Netflix 发布的一部有争议的纪录片《狩猎场》中披露了这一信息。电影制作人要求我们让新生在上大学之前意识到真相。他们希望我们不仅用事实武装新生,还让他们在到达校园时要求他们安全。 结果 这场运动在 48 小时内获得了 4.09亿次印象。签署的请愿书已经发送给该国的每一所主要大学。该活动的总支出为 23,447.48 美元,每个印象花费 0.00005 美分。我们的努力,加上电影的上映,鼓励大学改变。阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学校长公开向幸存者道歉。纽约州州长科莫为立法者放映了这部电影,州议会迅速通过了一项新法案,帮助阻止对所有纽约大学校园的性侵犯。媒体包括时代,今日美国,《纽约时报》和《青少年时尚》鼓励读者观看重要电影,并签署请愿书,要求大学承担责任。最重要的是,幸存者开始使用竞选标签 # dontaccepttrape 来分享个人故事,进一步迫使美国各地的大学承担责任。 战略 社交媒体已经成为大学选拔过程的重要组成部分,未来的学生利用社交媒体探索校园生活,并与现在的学生和他们未来的同学联系。我们想在选拔过程中最关键的时刻联系学生 -- 在做出最终决定之前,最后一次参观校园。在 4月的最后几周,我们使用 Facebook 和 Instagram 将视频针对大学校园周围地区的学生,当时学校正在举办入学日。 活动描述 在大学录取周,学生们上传了他们在网上打开大学录取通知书的视频。我们通过制作一系列以学生打开 “不可接受的录取通知书” 为特色的电影来模仿这种在线现象。当每个学生读他们的信时,副本揭示了他们很快将面临的令人不寒而栗的现实,即他们可能会受到性侵犯。这封信写得好像来自一所大学,每一封都详细描述了一个真实的故事,故事的灵感来自电影中的一个幸存者。我们在网上分享了这些视频,学生们分享了他们的视频 -- YouTube 、 Instagram 和 Facebook -- 目标是 18 岁到 25 岁的学生。除了这些电影,我们还在哈佛深红和今日美国发布了更多的 “不可接受的接受信” 作为平面广告。幸存者在推特和 Facebook 上分享了这些信息,每次处决都鼓励人们签署一份请愿书,要求大学对校园内的性侵犯负责。 执行 我们所有的竞选活动都是在 4月的最后两周进行的,当时学生们将做出最后的大学决定。4月16日,我们在《哈佛深红》的一个特别接受学生版上推出了付费印刷广告。同一天,在旧金山湾区,学生们正在参观斯坦福和加州大学伯克利分校等学校, 我们派了一个团队在校园中间挂上海报大小的平面广告。我们在波士顿和旧金山地区通过在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上捐赠的地理搜索社交购买来补充我们的存在,将我们的视频推送给高中高年级和大学生。4月20日,我们在《今日美国》上刊登了另一篇幸存者的故事作为整版捐赠的新闻广告。Gawker Media 、 Complex 和 NBC 也在网上播放了我们的视频,作为捐赠的媒体购买的一部分。

    Ms. Archer’s Unacceptable Acceptance Letter

    案例简介:Synopsis One in five women are sexually assaulted in college. American colleges continue to underreport and ignore cases of sexual assault on their campuses, therefore failing to protect their students. Our client exposed this information in a controversial documentary called The Hunting Ground, released on Netflix this year. The filmmakers asked us to make new students aware of the truth before they went to college. They wanted us to not only arm new students with the facts but also give them a way to demand that they’re safe when they arrive on campus. Outcome The campaign received 409 million impressions in just 48 hours.Signed petitions have been sent to every major college in the country.With a total spend of $23,447.48, the campaign cost 0.00005 cents per impression.Our efforts, combined with the film’s release, have encouraged colleges to change.The chancellor of University of Alaska Fairbanks publicly apologized to survivors.Governor Cuomo of New York screened the film for legislators, and the state legislature swiftly passed “Enough Is Enough,” a new bill to help stop sexual assaults on all New York college campuses.Media outlets including TIME, USA TODAY, the New York Times and Teen Vogue encouraged their readerships to watch the important films and sign the petitions to hold colleges accountable.Most importantly, survivors started to use the campaign hashtag #DontAcceptRape to share personal stories, further pressuring colleges across America to beheld accountable. Strategy Social media has become an important part of the college-selection process, with prospective students using it to explore life on campus and connect with current students and their future classmates. We wanted to reach students during one of the most crucial moments of the selection process—when they’re visiting campuses one last time before making a final decision. Using Facebook and Instagram, we targeted the videos to students in areas around college campuses during the final weeks of April when the schools were hosting admitted-student days. Campaign Description During college acceptance week, students uploaded videos of the moment they opened their college acceptance letters online. We mimicked this online phenomenon by creating a series of films featuring students opening “unacceptable acceptance letters.” As each student reads their letter, the copy reveals the chilling reality they will soon face, namely, that they may be sexually assaulted. The letter is written as if it came from a college, with each one detailing a true story inspired by a survivor from the film. We shared these videos online where students shared theirs—YouTube, Instagram and Facebook—targeting them toward students ages 18 to 25. In addition to the films, we released more “unacceptable acceptance letters” as print ads in the Harvard Crimson and USA TODAY. Survivors shared them on Twitter and Facebook, and each execution encouraged people to sign a petition that would hold colleges accountable for sexual assault on campus. Execution All our campaign efforts took place during the last two weeks of April, when students would be making their final college decisions. On April 16, we launched the campaign with a paid print ad in a special accepted-students edition of the Harvard Crimson. That same day in the San Francisco Bay Area, when students were visiting schools such as Stanford and UC Berkeley, we sent a team to hang up poster-size versions of the print ads in the middle of the campuses. We supplemented our presence in the Boston and San Francisco areas with a donated geotargeted social buy on Facebook and Instagram that pushed out our videos to high school seniors and college students. On April 20, we printed another survivor’s story as a full-page donated press ad in USA TODAY. Gawker Media, Complex and NBC also ran our video online as part of a donated media buy.



    Ms. Archer’s Unacceptable Acceptance Letter










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