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    The Ripple Effect短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 超速驾驶是维多利亚时代道路上最大的杀手。虽然年轻司机占执照持有者的 13%,但他们占死亡人数的 27%。我们需要用一种新的方法来接近他们,作为长期目标的一部分,这一目标是让超速和酒后驾驶一样在社会上不可接受。它必须将著名的 TAC 运动提升到一个新的水平。2010年3月28日去世的卢克 · 罗宾逊的真实故事成为了 “涟漪效应” 的中心。统一的想法是 “当你加速时,每个人都会受伤”。这场运动由 26 个真实受影响的人的故事组成: 从直系亲属、同事和车上的乘客到当地的报摊、紧急服务和殡仪员。 描述活动/条目是如何在每个渠道中按照实施顺序启动和执行的。 它从一个新闻广告开始,解释了卢克的家人为什么想参与进来。然后 16 个明显无关的故事出现在电视上超过两周。与此同时,在线广告,看起来像社论,没有品牌,驱使人们去一个专门的微型网站,everybodyhurts.com.au 26 个故事出现在这个微型网站上。户外广告建立了对中心主题的认识。在微型网站上看到几个故事后,观众被带到一个新的 Facebook 应用程序。它在最初的登陆页面上随机捕捉到了这个人的朋友,给卢克的故事带来了巨大的个人相关性。他们可以转发视频和评论。两周后,新闻和在线广告宣布,这些故事将在三分钟内被封锁在所有电视台的商业道路上。那一天,部长举行了一次正式的发布会。 给出一些关于这个活动/条目在客户和消费者方面有多成功的想法: TAC 认为,“当你速度加快时,每个人都会受到伤害” 的活动是其 20 年历史上最成功的综合活动。这个微型网站在三周内收到了超过 100,000 次点击; 它也有 9 倍于类似活动的喜欢和评论。两周后,人们对这场运动的认识达到 82%。2010年的道路收费为 287,创历史新低。这与我们道路上越来越多的司机的环境背道而驰,持续通信的前景随着时间的推移而减弱。该活动产生了价值 1,500,000 美元的覆盖面,仍然经常被引用。我们为学校制作了一个 20 分钟的教育视频; 它为诺姆 · 罗宾逊提供了一个针对面临儿子遭遇危险的年轻人的竞选发射台。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Speeding drivers are the biggest killers on Victorian roads. And while young drivers make up 13% of licence holders, they account for 27% of fatalities. We needed to get to them with a new approach as part of a long-term objective of making speeding as socially unacceptable as drink driving. It had to elevate the famous TAC campaign to a new level. The real story of Luke Robinson, who died on March 28th 2010, became the centre of ‘The Ripple Effect’. The unifying thought was 'Everybody hurts when you speed'. The campaign was composed of 26 stories from the actual people who were affected: from immediate family, workmates and passengers in the car to the local newsagent, emergency services and the mortician. Describe how the campaign/entry was launched and executed across each channel in the order of implementation. It began with a press ad that explained why Luke's family wanted to be involved. Then 16 apparently unrelated stories appeared on TV over two weeks. Simultaneously online advertising, that looked like editorial and carried no branding, drove people to a dedicated microsite, everybodyhurts.com.au 26 stories appeared on this microsite. Outdoor advertising built awareness of the central theme. After seeing a couple of stories on the microsite, the viewer was taken to a new Facebook application. It captured the person's friends at random as on the initial landing page, bringing immense personal relevance to Luke’s story. They could forward videos and comments. After two weeks, press and online advertising announced that the stories would be brought together in a three minute commercial roadblocked across all TV stations. That day there was a formal launch by the Minister. Give some idea of how successful this campaign/entry was with both client and consumer: The TAC believes that the ‘Everybody hurts when you speed’ campaign is the most successful integrated campaign it has undertaken in its 20 year history. The microsite received over 100,000 hits in three weeks; it also had nine times the number of likes and comments for similar campaigns. Awareness of the campaign hit 82% after two weeks. The road toll in 2010 was a record low of 287. This is against an environment of an ever-increasing number of drivers on our roads and the prospect of ongoing communications waning in its effect over time. The campaign generated over $1,500,000 worth of coverage and is still frequently referenced. We have created a 20 minute educational video for schools; and it has provided Norm Robinson with a launchpad for his campaign directed at young people at risk of what happened to his son.

    The Ripple Effect

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 超速驾驶是维多利亚时代道路上最大的杀手。虽然年轻司机占执照持有者的 13%,但他们占死亡人数的 27%。我们需要用一种新的方法来接近他们,作为长期目标的一部分,这一目标是让超速和酒后驾驶一样在社会上不可接受。它必须将著名的 TAC 运动提升到一个新的水平。2010年3月28日去世的卢克 · 罗宾逊的真实故事成为了 “涟漪效应” 的中心。统一的想法是 “当你加速时,每个人都会受伤”。这场运动由 26 个真实受影响的人的故事组成: 从直系亲属、同事和车上的乘客到当地的报摊、紧急服务和殡仪员。 描述活动/条目是如何在每个渠道中按照实施顺序启动和执行的。 它从一个新闻广告开始,解释了卢克的家人为什么想参与进来。然后 16 个明显无关的故事出现在电视上超过两周。与此同时,在线广告,看起来像社论,没有品牌,驱使人们去一个专门的微型网站,everybodyhurts.com.au 26 个故事出现在这个微型网站上。户外广告建立了对中心主题的认识。在微型网站上看到几个故事后,观众被带到一个新的 Facebook 应用程序。它在最初的登陆页面上随机捕捉到了这个人的朋友,给卢克的故事带来了巨大的个人相关性。他们可以转发视频和评论。两周后,新闻和在线广告宣布,这些故事将在三分钟内被封锁在所有电视台的商业道路上。那一天,部长举行了一次正式的发布会。 给出一些关于这个活动/条目在客户和消费者方面有多成功的想法: TAC 认为,“当你速度加快时,每个人都会受到伤害” 的活动是其 20 年历史上最成功的综合活动。这个微型网站在三周内收到了超过 100,000 次点击; 它也有 9 倍于类似活动的喜欢和评论。两周后,人们对这场运动的认识达到 82%。2010年的道路收费为 287,创历史新低。这与我们道路上越来越多的司机的环境背道而驰,持续通信的前景随着时间的推移而减弱。该活动产生了价值 1,500,000 美元的覆盖面,仍然经常被引用。我们为学校制作了一个 20 分钟的教育视频; 它为诺姆 · 罗宾逊提供了一个针对面临儿子遭遇危险的年轻人的竞选发射台。

    The Ripple Effect

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Speeding drivers are the biggest killers on Victorian roads. And while young drivers make up 13% of licence holders, they account for 27% of fatalities. We needed to get to them with a new approach as part of a long-term objective of making speeding as socially unacceptable as drink driving. It had to elevate the famous TAC campaign to a new level. The real story of Luke Robinson, who died on March 28th 2010, became the centre of ‘The Ripple Effect’. The unifying thought was 'Everybody hurts when you speed'. The campaign was composed of 26 stories from the actual people who were affected: from immediate family, workmates and passengers in the car to the local newsagent, emergency services and the mortician. Describe how the campaign/entry was launched and executed across each channel in the order of implementation. It began with a press ad that explained why Luke's family wanted to be involved. Then 16 apparently unrelated stories appeared on TV over two weeks. Simultaneously online advertising, that looked like editorial and carried no branding, drove people to a dedicated microsite, everybodyhurts.com.au 26 stories appeared on this microsite. Outdoor advertising built awareness of the central theme. After seeing a couple of stories on the microsite, the viewer was taken to a new Facebook application. It captured the person's friends at random as on the initial landing page, bringing immense personal relevance to Luke’s story. They could forward videos and comments. After two weeks, press and online advertising announced that the stories would be brought together in a three minute commercial roadblocked across all TV stations. That day there was a formal launch by the Minister. Give some idea of how successful this campaign/entry was with both client and consumer: The TAC believes that the ‘Everybody hurts when you speed’ campaign is the most successful integrated campaign it has undertaken in its 20 year history. The microsite received over 100,000 hits in three weeks; it also had nine times the number of likes and comments for similar campaigns. Awareness of the campaign hit 82% after two weeks. The road toll in 2010 was a record low of 287. This is against an environment of an ever-increasing number of drivers on our roads and the prospect of ongoing communications waning in its effect over time. The campaign generated over $1,500,000 worth of coverage and is still frequently referenced. We have created a 20 minute educational video for schools; and it has provided Norm Robinson with a launchpad for his campaign directed at young people at risk of what happened to his son.



    The Ripple Effect






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (澳大利亚 墨尔本) 制作公司: Exit Films




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