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    Invisible Friends短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 每年有 38,000 澳大利亚人失踪。这些事件的影响是深远的,澳大利亚失踪人员最近的研究表明,每失踪一人,就有 12 人直接受到影响 -- 每年超过 500,000 人。头 48 小时后,找到这些失踪人员的机会大大减少。证据和公众意识枯竭,警察留下了冰冷的线索,没有新的调查。所以他们转向其他案件。我们的失踪人员宣传网络的简报是找到一种方法来产生新的信息,该网络支持那些留下的人,并努力提高对长期失踪人员的认识, 这些寒冷案件中的线索和意识。为此,将向失踪人员家属提供希望和支持,并提高对每个失踪人员失踪情况的认识。 战略 多亏了 Facebook 和社交媒体,我们比以往任何时候都更加团结; 然而,我们寻找失踪人员的方式没有改变。我们依靠人们在公共场合 “寻找” 或帮助 “发现” 失踪人员; 这就是为什么我们总是拖欠海报、牛奶盒和其他低成本、高知名度的媒体。我们的问题不是媒体,而是要求人们 “寻找” 失踪的人 -- 依赖他人大海捞针。在一个 “永远在线” 的世界里,我们每天都会收到 1000 条信息,实现直通的机会正在减少。所以我们找到了一种利用技术让机器来搜索我们的方法。使用 Facebook 的面部识别 -- 一个分析每个朋友的照片和视频的人工智能引擎 -- 我们加入 “失踪者” 的搜索就像在 Facebook 上添加朋友一样简单。 结果 公关活动达到了所有澳大利亚人的 2/3,覆盖了世界上 30 多个国家。在提交本报告时 (发布仅两周后),每个隐形朋友的 Facebook 个人资料的平均数量是 Facebook 朋友和攀爬的三倍多。总共有 10,000 多名朋友加入,每天搜索数千万张朋友和朋友的朋友发布的照片和视频。美国、英国、欧洲和亚洲的其他失踪人员组织正在推出隐形朋友。在公关发布的第一天,基于公众和媒体的积极反应, facebook 的通信部门联系了 MPAN,赞扬了这个想法的成功,并为下一阶段的推广提供了帮助。谈判正在进行中。 执行 当人们对 Facebook 的情绪一直很低,世界对 Facebook 使用我们的私人数据感到厌恶时,我们劫持了谈话。我们还劫持了 Facebook 的一些数据,寻找失踪人员。表明使用 Facebook 上的数据可以永久使用。为了利用 Facebook 的面部识别技术,我们为失踪人员创建了个人档案,并向他们填充了每个人的个人信息和照片。标记每张照片,以训练 Facebook 的面部识别算法来寻找什么脸。建立了一个登陆页面 www.invisiblefriends.com.au 来解释这项技术和倡议是如何运作的,同时也提供了简介的真实性。我们看不见的朋友的个人资料只需点击一下。然后,一项大规模的社交和公关活动旨在为每个看不见的朋友个人资料从世界各地获得尽可能多的 Facebook 朋友。该运动于 4月发起,目前正在进行,世界各地的失踪人员组织希望为他们的一些失踪人员实施该计划。 活动描述 我们利用 Facebook 的新面部识别和自动标记技术来搜索失踪人员。通过为失踪者创建 Facebook 档案,并为他们建立一个广泛的全球朋友网络,我们成立了一个社交搜索小组,每天搜索 Facebook 上发布的数百万张照片和视频的背景。在现代世界,我们不仅靠手机生活,我们生活的每一刻都通过移动设备分享。因此,把手机变成一个不断寻找失踪人员的搜索工具,让我们创造了一个比任何凡人都更大、更广的网络。


    案例简介:Synopsis Over 38,000 Australians go missing every year. The impact of these events are profound with recent research from Missing Persons Australia showing that for every one person that goes missing, 12 others are directly affected - well over 500,000 people each year. After the first 48hrs, the chances of finding these missing persons diminishes significantly. Evidence and the public consciousness dries up and police are left with cold leads and nothing new to investigate. So they move on to other cases. Our brief from Missing Persons Advocacy Network, who support those left behind and work to generate awareness of the people who are missing long-term, was to find a way to generate new information, clues and awareness in these cold cases. To do so, would provide hope and support to the families of the missing and raise awareness of each missing person’s circumstances around their disappearance. Strategy We’re more connected than ever before, thanks to Facebook and social media; yet the way we search for missing persons hasn’t changed. We rely on people to ‘look for’ or help ‘spot’ missing persons in public; which is why we've always defaulted to posters, milk-cartons and other low-cost, high-awareness media. Our problem wasn’t with the media, but the requirement of people to ‘look’ for missing people - the reliance on others to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. In an ‘always on’ world, we’re bombarded with 1000s of messages daily, and the chances of achieving cut-through is diminishing. So we found a way to utilise technology to let machines do the searching for us. Using Facebook’s facial recognition - an AI engine that analyses every friend’s photo and video for your face - we made joining the search for ‘missing persons’ as simple as adding a friend on Facebook. Outcome The PR launch reached 2/3 of all Australians and was covered by more than 30 countries around the world. At the time of this submission, (only two weeks after launch) each Invisible Friends Facebook profile had more than triple the average amount of Facebook Friends and climbing. With a joined total of over 10,000 friends, searching through tens of millions of photos and videos posted by friends and friends of friends, each day. Invisible Friends is being rolled out by other missing persons organisations in the USA, Britain, Europe and Asia. And on the first day of the PR launch, based on the overwhelmingly positive public and media response, Facebook's Communication department reached out to MPAN offering praise on the success of the idea and offer help for the next phase of the roll out. Negotiations are underway. Execution At a time when sentiment towards Facebook was at an all time low, and the world was disgusted at Facebook's use of our private data, we hijacked the conversation. And we hijacked some of Facebook's data too, in search for missing persons. Showing that the use of data on Facebook can be used for good. To harness Facebook’s facial recognition technology, we created profiles for missing people and populated them with personal information and photos of each individual. Tagging each photo to train Facebook's facial recognition algorithm on what face to look for. A landing page www.invisiblefriends.com.au was established to explain how the tech and the initiative works, while also providing authenticity to the profiles. Our Invisible Friends profiles were just one click away. Then a large social and PR push aimed to garner as many Facebook friends as possible from all corners of the globe, for each Invisible Friend profile. The campaign launched in mid April and is ongoing, with missing persons organisations around the world wanting to implement the program for some of their missing people. CampaignDescription We harnessed Facebook’s new facial recognition and auto tagging technology to search for missing persons. By creating Facebook profiles for the missing and building them a broad and global friend network, we formed a social search party that scoured the backgrounds of millions of photos and videos posted on Facebook, daily. Not only do we all live on our phones in the modern world, every moment of our lives is shared through our mobile devices. So turning the mobile phone into a search tool that's constantly on the lookout for missing persons allowed us to create a net much bigger and wider than any mortal could ever achieve.

    Invisible Friends

    案例简介:概要 每年有 38,000 澳大利亚人失踪。这些事件的影响是深远的,澳大利亚失踪人员最近的研究表明,每失踪一人,就有 12 人直接受到影响 -- 每年超过 500,000 人。头 48 小时后,找到这些失踪人员的机会大大减少。证据和公众意识枯竭,警察留下了冰冷的线索,没有新的调查。所以他们转向其他案件。我们的失踪人员宣传网络的简报是找到一种方法来产生新的信息,该网络支持那些留下的人,并努力提高对长期失踪人员的认识, 这些寒冷案件中的线索和意识。为此,将向失踪人员家属提供希望和支持,并提高对每个失踪人员失踪情况的认识。 战略 多亏了 Facebook 和社交媒体,我们比以往任何时候都更加团结; 然而,我们寻找失踪人员的方式没有改变。我们依靠人们在公共场合 “寻找” 或帮助 “发现” 失踪人员; 这就是为什么我们总是拖欠海报、牛奶盒和其他低成本、高知名度的媒体。我们的问题不是媒体,而是要求人们 “寻找” 失踪的人 -- 依赖他人大海捞针。在一个 “永远在线” 的世界里,我们每天都会收到 1000 条信息,实现直通的机会正在减少。所以我们找到了一种利用技术让机器来搜索我们的方法。使用 Facebook 的面部识别 -- 一个分析每个朋友的照片和视频的人工智能引擎 -- 我们加入 “失踪者” 的搜索就像在 Facebook 上添加朋友一样简单。 结果 公关活动达到了所有澳大利亚人的 2/3,覆盖了世界上 30 多个国家。在提交本报告时 (发布仅两周后),每个隐形朋友的 Facebook 个人资料的平均数量是 Facebook 朋友和攀爬的三倍多。总共有 10,000 多名朋友加入,每天搜索数千万张朋友和朋友的朋友发布的照片和视频。美国、英国、欧洲和亚洲的其他失踪人员组织正在推出隐形朋友。在公关发布的第一天,基于公众和媒体的积极反应, facebook 的通信部门联系了 MPAN,赞扬了这个想法的成功,并为下一阶段的推广提供了帮助。谈判正在进行中。 执行 当人们对 Facebook 的情绪一直很低,世界对 Facebook 使用我们的私人数据感到厌恶时,我们劫持了谈话。我们还劫持了 Facebook 的一些数据,寻找失踪人员。表明使用 Facebook 上的数据可以永久使用。为了利用 Facebook 的面部识别技术,我们为失踪人员创建了个人档案,并向他们填充了每个人的个人信息和照片。标记每张照片,以训练 Facebook 的面部识别算法来寻找什么脸。建立了一个登陆页面 www.invisiblefriends.com.au 来解释这项技术和倡议是如何运作的,同时也提供了简介的真实性。我们看不见的朋友的个人资料只需点击一下。然后,一项大规模的社交和公关活动旨在为每个看不见的朋友个人资料从世界各地获得尽可能多的 Facebook 朋友。该运动于 4月发起,目前正在进行,世界各地的失踪人员组织希望为他们的一些失踪人员实施该计划。 活动描述 我们利用 Facebook 的新面部识别和自动标记技术来搜索失踪人员。通过为失踪者创建 Facebook 档案,并为他们建立一个广泛的全球朋友网络,我们成立了一个社交搜索小组,每天搜索 Facebook 上发布的数百万张照片和视频的背景。在现代世界,我们不仅靠手机生活,我们生活的每一刻都通过移动设备分享。因此,把手机变成一个不断寻找失踪人员的搜索工具,让我们创造了一个比任何凡人都更大、更广的网络。

    Invisible Friends

    案例简介:Synopsis Over 38,000 Australians go missing every year. The impact of these events are profound with recent research from Missing Persons Australia showing that for every one person that goes missing, 12 others are directly affected - well over 500,000 people each year. After the first 48hrs, the chances of finding these missing persons diminishes significantly. Evidence and the public consciousness dries up and police are left with cold leads and nothing new to investigate. So they move on to other cases. Our brief from Missing Persons Advocacy Network, who support those left behind and work to generate awareness of the people who are missing long-term, was to find a way to generate new information, clues and awareness in these cold cases. To do so, would provide hope and support to the families of the missing and raise awareness of each missing person’s circumstances around their disappearance. Strategy We’re more connected than ever before, thanks to Facebook and social media; yet the way we search for missing persons hasn’t changed. We rely on people to ‘look for’ or help ‘spot’ missing persons in public; which is why we've always defaulted to posters, milk-cartons and other low-cost, high-awareness media. Our problem wasn’t with the media, but the requirement of people to ‘look’ for missing people - the reliance on others to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. In an ‘always on’ world, we’re bombarded with 1000s of messages daily, and the chances of achieving cut-through is diminishing. So we found a way to utilise technology to let machines do the searching for us. Using Facebook’s facial recognition - an AI engine that analyses every friend’s photo and video for your face - we made joining the search for ‘missing persons’ as simple as adding a friend on Facebook. Outcome The PR launch reached 2/3 of all Australians and was covered by more than 30 countries around the world. At the time of this submission, (only two weeks after launch) each Invisible Friends Facebook profile had more than triple the average amount of Facebook Friends and climbing. With a joined total of over 10,000 friends, searching through tens of millions of photos and videos posted by friends and friends of friends, each day. Invisible Friends is being rolled out by other missing persons organisations in the USA, Britain, Europe and Asia. And on the first day of the PR launch, based on the overwhelmingly positive public and media response, Facebook's Communication department reached out to MPAN offering praise on the success of the idea and offer help for the next phase of the roll out. Negotiations are underway. Execution At a time when sentiment towards Facebook was at an all time low, and the world was disgusted at Facebook's use of our private data, we hijacked the conversation. And we hijacked some of Facebook's data too, in search for missing persons. Showing that the use of data on Facebook can be used for good. To harness Facebook’s facial recognition technology, we created profiles for missing people and populated them with personal information and photos of each individual. Tagging each photo to train Facebook's facial recognition algorithm on what face to look for. A landing page www.invisiblefriends.com.au was established to explain how the tech and the initiative works, while also providing authenticity to the profiles. Our Invisible Friends profiles were just one click away. Then a large social and PR push aimed to garner as many Facebook friends as possible from all corners of the globe, for each Invisible Friend profile. The campaign launched in mid April and is ongoing, with missing persons organisations around the world wanting to implement the program for some of their missing people. CampaignDescription We harnessed Facebook’s new facial recognition and auto tagging technology to search for missing persons. By creating Facebook profiles for the missing and building them a broad and global friend network, we formed a social search party that scoured the backgrounds of millions of photos and videos posted on Facebook, daily. Not only do we all live on our phones in the modern world, every moment of our lives is shared through our mobile devices. So turning the mobile phone into a search tool that's constantly on the lookout for missing persons allowed us to create a net much bigger and wider than any mortal could ever achieve.



    Invisible Friends


    广告公司: 葛瑞 (澳大利亚 墨尔本) 制作公司: 葛瑞




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