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    The Electric Saga短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 在法国,品牌内容有两个主要趋势: 娱乐品牌内容和实用品牌内容。在创造品牌娱乐时,法国品牌倾向于与他们的品牌 “宇宙” (而不是他们的产品或服务) 合作, 向主要是粉丝 (而不仅仅是消费者) 的社区发表讲话。这些活动是基于亲和力的,但 consequently 通常不是很明显。换句话说,为了成为病毒,品牌在知名度上后退一步,以提供具有病毒潜力的娱乐。当他们提供有用的内容时,情况就不同了。他们强调他们的专业知识、解决方案、合作伙伴,并经常呼吁媒体合作伙伴的逻辑,以找到容易接受的观众。无论是娱乐还是有用,Electric 系列在法国都是前所未有的:-它扩展了现有的娱乐形式 -- 流行的电视连续剧《普拉塔内》;-它利用名人,而不依赖他们作为品牌大使; -它将品牌和服务整合成一个持续的叙事;-它没有只是向品牌的粉丝发表讲话,但围绕着法国电力意想不到的故事创造了一个新的观众;-它的目标是尽可能多的观众,因为大多数法国人都是法国电力的客户。 有效性 电气系列的概念本身就是一个挑战。我们必须将一个系列扩展到一个成功的广告活动中,并说服埃里克 · 犹大为法国电力与我们一起写普拉坦的衍生产品。以下是我们如何应对电动汽车的挑战:? 一部电视剧的叙述和方向。为了保证与 Platane 的联系,埃里克 · 犹大保留了写作和导演的责任: 对他来说,挑战是将格式调整到广告上,在广告中,一切都在几秒钟内完成,而不是几分钟内完成。? 品牌: “电动” 的选择是自然的,为了与品牌的联系,以及在项目中密封埃里克的位置。这就是为什么电动标志也可以读电动,这是一种通过选择发光标志而实现的双重阅读。最后,系列海报提供了一个关于这个故事的小阴谋,一个客户和法国电力顾问之间的直接关系。? 情节形式的叙事,每部电影由相同的角色主演。? 在整个赛季中逐步推出的奖励内容。 edf. fr:?信息内容 (人物信息、情节摘要、拍摄地图……)?独家内容,带奖励或删除场景。?Tumblr 内容 (动画 gif 、电影循环、藤蔓,等等)? 和数字激活,以刺激更多的惊喜和参与。? 为观众建立每周电视日期的媒体策略。? 与 allocin é 的伙伴关系,以参考和强调系列包括所有其他电视大片。?一个长期的存在,创作和播放了 14 集,在两年的交流期间推出: 2014 和 2015。电动才刚刚开始! 实施 要使每一集成为一个事件,我们 organised 的不仅仅是一次发布,而是多次发布。我们加快了拍摄进度,以便将其融入足球世界杯。每周,平均有 1600万名法国人在电视前发现了第一集的事件形式。我们使用战术定位在推特上播放了这些剧集(# France-乌克兰欺诈,# BREMEX 巴西-墨西哥欺诈……),从在线对话中获得最大利益。我们还在 edf 网站上 “解锁” 奖励内容: 删除场景,失败的即兴表演.它产生了新的受众: 网络用户出于其他原因来到网站。 结果 该系列对法国电力来说是前所未有的成功,无论年龄大小,都获得了 88% 的法国观众的认可。我们甚至在提议的服务方面达到了这个水平,80% 的法国人记得看到了他们觉得有趣的新信息,75% 表达了对下一章的渴望。考虑到 2015年将会有 6 集新的剧集,这是个好消息。交通专用的小型现场电气。 edf. fr,还表示了对电力的浓厚兴趣,访问量和在网站上花费的时间创下了历史新高。自发布以来,该网站已经吸引了近 500万名独特的访问者,平均在网站上花费的时间至少为 2 '23 分钟,总页面浏览量为 900万。这甚至还没有计算出已经播出的前 8 集在网络上的 2600万次观看。 相关性 今天,人们消费电力,但不是 EDF 品牌。更糟糕的是,当他们想到他们的供应商时,只有当他们必须: 付账单、 1米阅读、搬家和他们的能源合同。因此,为了鼓励与更频繁、更积极的品牌互动,我们必须做的不仅仅是一场关于电力的运动,或者仅仅是一场一次性的媒体运动。我们选择呈现 EDF我这是一种前所未有的方式: EDF,一家帮助你更有效地管理日常电力需求的服务提供商。当我们试图将品牌融入日常生活并与人更亲近时,我们选择了一种每个人都知道的熟悉形式: 电视剧。和埃里克 · 犹大一起作为法国著名的喜剧演员和演员,我们将电视连续剧普拉塔内 (一种法国的 “抑制你的热情”) 延长了 14 集,外加 EDF 的额外内容。 electric: 法国第一个成功系列《普拉塔内》的广告电视衍生产品。 机密信息 视频案例是在只有 7 集播出时编辑的。那么现在的数字并不完全相同。


    案例简介:Campaign Description In France there are two main trends in terms of brand content: Brand content for entertainment and brand content as utility.When creating brand entertainment, French brands tend to have a bias towards working with their brand “universes” (rather than their products or services), addressing a community that are mainly fans (rather than just consumers). These campaigns are based on affinity, but consequently are not usually very visible. In other words, in order to become viral, the brands take a step back in visibility so as to offer entertainment with viral potential.When they provide useful content, it’s different. They highlight their expertise, their solutions, their partners and frequently appeal to the logic of media partners in order to find receptive audiences.Both entertaining and useful, the Electric series is unprecedented in France: -It extends an existing entertainment format – the popular TV series Platane;-It leverages a celebrity without relying on them as a brand ambassador;-It integrates the brand and its services into a continuous narrative;-It doesn’t just address the fans of the brand, but creates a new audience around unexpected stories from EDF;-It targets an audience that is as large as possible, as most French are EDF clients. Effectiveness The concept of the Electric series was a challenge in itself. We had to extend a series into a successful advertising campaign and convince Eric Judor to write the spin-off of Platane with us for EDF.Here is how we set about the challenge of Electric:?A narration and direction of a TV series. In order to guarantee the link with Platane, Eric Judor retained responsibility for writing and directing: The challenge for him was to adapt the format to advertising where everything is done in seconds rather than minutes.?The branding: The choice of “Electric” was a natural one, for the link to the brand and to seal the place of Eric in the project. That’s why the Electric logo can also be read ElectRIC, a double reading made possible by the choice of a luminous logo. And finally the series poster which provides a little intrigue about the story, a direct relationship with an immediate benefit, between a client and the EDF counsellor.?A narrative in episode format, with one EDF service per film starring the same characters throughout the series.?Bonus content that is progressively rolled out through the season on electric.edf.fr: ?Informative content (character information, plot summaries, shooting maps…)?Exclusive content, with bonus or deleted scenes.?Tumblr content (Animated gifs, film loops, vines, etc)?And digital activation in order to stimulate even more surprise and engagement.?A media strategy that establishes a weekly TV date for viewers.?A partnership with Allociné in order to reference and highlight the series in amongst all the other TV blockbusters.?A long-term presence with the creation and broadcast of 14 episodes, rolled out over a communications period of two years: 2014 and 2015. Electric has only just begun! Implementation To make each episode an event we organised not just one launch, but many launches.We accelerated the shooting schedule so that it could be integrated into the Football WorldCup.Each week, an average of 16 million French in front of their TVs discovered the first episodes in an event format.We broadcast the episodes on Twitter using tactical targeting (#FRAUK for France-Ukraine, #BREMEX for Brazil-Mexico…), to gain maximum benefit from the online conversations. We also “unlocked” bonus content on edf website: deleted scenes, failed improvisations... It generated new audience: web users come to the website for other reasons. Outcome The series was an unprecedented success for EDF, with 88% approval by French viewers, regardless of age. And we even achieved this level of score with regard to the services proposed, with 80% of French having remembered seeing new information that they found interesting and 75% expressing eagerness for the next chapter.Which is great news considering that there are 6 new episodes to come in 2015.Traffic to the dedicated mini-site electric.edf.fr, also indicated a keen interest for Electric, with a record number of visits and time spent on the site. Since the launch the site has scored nearly 5 million unique visitors, with an average time spent on the site of at least 2’23 minutes and 9 million total page views. And this is without even counting the 26 million views on the web for the first 8 episodes that were already broadcast. Relevancy Today, people consume electricity but not the EDF brand.Worse still, when they think about their supplier, it’s only when they have to : paying their bills, taking a meter reading, moving house and their energy contract.So in order to encourage interaction with the brand that is more frequent and more positive, we had to do more than just a campaign about electricity or just a one-shot media campaign.We chose to present EDF in a way that had never seen before: EDF, a service provider that helps you manage your daily electricity needs more effectively.And as we sought to integrate the brand into everyday life and to be closer to people, we chose a familiar format that everyone knows: The TV series.With Eric Judor, a famous comedian and actor in France, we extended the TV series Platane (A kind of French “Curb Your Enthusiasm”) by 14 new episodes plus additional content for EDF.Electric: the first advertising TV spin-off in France of a successful series, Platane. Confidential Information The video case was edited when only 7 episodes were broadcasted. Then now the figures are not exactly the same.

    The Electric Saga

    案例简介:活动描述 在法国,品牌内容有两个主要趋势: 娱乐品牌内容和实用品牌内容。在创造品牌娱乐时,法国品牌倾向于与他们的品牌 “宇宙” (而不是他们的产品或服务) 合作, 向主要是粉丝 (而不仅仅是消费者) 的社区发表讲话。这些活动是基于亲和力的,但 consequently 通常不是很明显。换句话说,为了成为病毒,品牌在知名度上后退一步,以提供具有病毒潜力的娱乐。当他们提供有用的内容时,情况就不同了。他们强调他们的专业知识、解决方案、合作伙伴,并经常呼吁媒体合作伙伴的逻辑,以找到容易接受的观众。无论是娱乐还是有用,Electric 系列在法国都是前所未有的:-它扩展了现有的娱乐形式 -- 流行的电视连续剧《普拉塔内》;-它利用名人,而不依赖他们作为品牌大使; -它将品牌和服务整合成一个持续的叙事;-它没有只是向品牌的粉丝发表讲话,但围绕着法国电力意想不到的故事创造了一个新的观众;-它的目标是尽可能多的观众,因为大多数法国人都是法国电力的客户。 有效性 电气系列的概念本身就是一个挑战。我们必须将一个系列扩展到一个成功的广告活动中,并说服埃里克 · 犹大为法国电力与我们一起写普拉坦的衍生产品。以下是我们如何应对电动汽车的挑战:? 一部电视剧的叙述和方向。为了保证与 Platane 的联系,埃里克 · 犹大保留了写作和导演的责任: 对他来说,挑战是将格式调整到广告上,在广告中,一切都在几秒钟内完成,而不是几分钟内完成。? 品牌: “电动” 的选择是自然的,为了与品牌的联系,以及在项目中密封埃里克的位置。这就是为什么电动标志也可以读电动,这是一种通过选择发光标志而实现的双重阅读。最后,系列海报提供了一个关于这个故事的小阴谋,一个客户和法国电力顾问之间的直接关系。? 情节形式的叙事,每部电影由相同的角色主演。? 在整个赛季中逐步推出的奖励内容。 edf. fr:?信息内容 (人物信息、情节摘要、拍摄地图……)?独家内容,带奖励或删除场景。?Tumblr 内容 (动画 gif 、电影循环、藤蔓,等等)? 和数字激活,以刺激更多的惊喜和参与。? 为观众建立每周电视日期的媒体策略。? 与 allocin é 的伙伴关系,以参考和强调系列包括所有其他电视大片。?一个长期的存在,创作和播放了 14 集,在两年的交流期间推出: 2014 和 2015。电动才刚刚开始! 实施 要使每一集成为一个事件,我们 organised 的不仅仅是一次发布,而是多次发布。我们加快了拍摄进度,以便将其融入足球世界杯。每周,平均有 1600万名法国人在电视前发现了第一集的事件形式。我们使用战术定位在推特上播放了这些剧集(# France-乌克兰欺诈,# BREMEX 巴西-墨西哥欺诈……),从在线对话中获得最大利益。我们还在 edf 网站上 “解锁” 奖励内容: 删除场景,失败的即兴表演.它产生了新的受众: 网络用户出于其他原因来到网站。 结果 该系列对法国电力来说是前所未有的成功,无论年龄大小,都获得了 88% 的法国观众的认可。我们甚至在提议的服务方面达到了这个水平,80% 的法国人记得看到了他们觉得有趣的新信息,75% 表达了对下一章的渴望。考虑到 2015年将会有 6 集新的剧集,这是个好消息。交通专用的小型现场电气。 edf. fr,还表示了对电力的浓厚兴趣,访问量和在网站上花费的时间创下了历史新高。自发布以来,该网站已经吸引了近 500万名独特的访问者,平均在网站上花费的时间至少为 2 '23 分钟,总页面浏览量为 900万。这甚至还没有计算出已经播出的前 8 集在网络上的 2600万次观看。 相关性 今天,人们消费电力,但不是 EDF 品牌。更糟糕的是,当他们想到他们的供应商时,只有当他们必须: 付账单、 1米阅读、搬家和他们的能源合同。因此,为了鼓励与更频繁、更积极的品牌互动,我们必须做的不仅仅是一场关于电力的运动,或者仅仅是一场一次性的媒体运动。我们选择呈现 EDF我这是一种前所未有的方式: EDF,一家帮助你更有效地管理日常电力需求的服务提供商。当我们试图将品牌融入日常生活并与人更亲近时,我们选择了一种每个人都知道的熟悉形式: 电视剧。和埃里克 · 犹大一起作为法国著名的喜剧演员和演员,我们将电视连续剧普拉塔内 (一种法国的 “抑制你的热情”) 延长了 14 集,外加 EDF 的额外内容。 electric: 法国第一个成功系列《普拉塔内》的广告电视衍生产品。 机密信息 视频案例是在只有 7 集播出时编辑的。那么现在的数字并不完全相同。

    The Electric Saga

    案例简介:Campaign Description In France there are two main trends in terms of brand content: Brand content for entertainment and brand content as utility.When creating brand entertainment, French brands tend to have a bias towards working with their brand “universes” (rather than their products or services), addressing a community that are mainly fans (rather than just consumers). These campaigns are based on affinity, but consequently are not usually very visible. In other words, in order to become viral, the brands take a step back in visibility so as to offer entertainment with viral potential.When they provide useful content, it’s different. They highlight their expertise, their solutions, their partners and frequently appeal to the logic of media partners in order to find receptive audiences.Both entertaining and useful, the Electric series is unprecedented in France: -It extends an existing entertainment format – the popular TV series Platane;-It leverages a celebrity without relying on them as a brand ambassador;-It integrates the brand and its services into a continuous narrative;-It doesn’t just address the fans of the brand, but creates a new audience around unexpected stories from EDF;-It targets an audience that is as large as possible, as most French are EDF clients. Effectiveness The concept of the Electric series was a challenge in itself. We had to extend a series into a successful advertising campaign and convince Eric Judor to write the spin-off of Platane with us for EDF.Here is how we set about the challenge of Electric:?A narration and direction of a TV series. In order to guarantee the link with Platane, Eric Judor retained responsibility for writing and directing: The challenge for him was to adapt the format to advertising where everything is done in seconds rather than minutes.?The branding: The choice of “Electric” was a natural one, for the link to the brand and to seal the place of Eric in the project. That’s why the Electric logo can also be read ElectRIC, a double reading made possible by the choice of a luminous logo. And finally the series poster which provides a little intrigue about the story, a direct relationship with an immediate benefit, between a client and the EDF counsellor.?A narrative in episode format, with one EDF service per film starring the same characters throughout the series.?Bonus content that is progressively rolled out through the season on electric.edf.fr: ?Informative content (character information, plot summaries, shooting maps…)?Exclusive content, with bonus or deleted scenes.?Tumblr content (Animated gifs, film loops, vines, etc)?And digital activation in order to stimulate even more surprise and engagement.?A media strategy that establishes a weekly TV date for viewers.?A partnership with Allociné in order to reference and highlight the series in amongst all the other TV blockbusters.?A long-term presence with the creation and broadcast of 14 episodes, rolled out over a communications period of two years: 2014 and 2015. Electric has only just begun! Implementation To make each episode an event we organised not just one launch, but many launches.We accelerated the shooting schedule so that it could be integrated into the Football WorldCup.Each week, an average of 16 million French in front of their TVs discovered the first episodes in an event format.We broadcast the episodes on Twitter using tactical targeting (#FRAUK for France-Ukraine, #BREMEX for Brazil-Mexico…), to gain maximum benefit from the online conversations. We also “unlocked” bonus content on edf website: deleted scenes, failed improvisations... It generated new audience: web users come to the website for other reasons. Outcome The series was an unprecedented success for EDF, with 88% approval by French viewers, regardless of age. And we even achieved this level of score with regard to the services proposed, with 80% of French having remembered seeing new information that they found interesting and 75% expressing eagerness for the next chapter.Which is great news considering that there are 6 new episodes to come in 2015.Traffic to the dedicated mini-site electric.edf.fr, also indicated a keen interest for Electric, with a record number of visits and time spent on the site. Since the launch the site has scored nearly 5 million unique visitors, with an average time spent on the site of at least 2’23 minutes and 9 million total page views. And this is without even counting the 26 million views on the web for the first 8 episodes that were already broadcast. Relevancy Today, people consume electricity but not the EDF brand.Worse still, when they think about their supplier, it’s only when they have to : paying their bills, taking a meter reading, moving house and their energy contract.So in order to encourage interaction with the brand that is more frequent and more positive, we had to do more than just a campaign about electricity or just a one-shot media campaign.We chose to present EDF in a way that had never seen before: EDF, a service provider that helps you manage your daily electricity needs more effectively.And as we sought to integrate the brand into everyday life and to be closer to people, we chose a familiar format that everyone knows: The TV series.With Eric Judor, a famous comedian and actor in France, we extended the TV series Platane (A kind of French “Curb Your Enthusiasm”) by 14 new episodes plus additional content for EDF.Electric: the first advertising TV spin-off in France of a successful series, Platane. Confidential Information The video case was edited when only 7 episodes were broadcasted. Then now the figures are not exactly the same.



    The Electric Saga










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