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    案例简介:概要 我们的目标是放大围绕 Narcos 第二季的嗡嗡声和期待,超越 Narcos 的忠实粉丝,激发节目中休闲粉丝和非观众的好奇心。背景: 1。Netflix 是基于网络的。它在流。流媒体节目的粉丝更有可能开放和活跃他们的社交媒体。Narcos 的故事情节充满了惊喜和意想不到的情节转折,他们喜欢在 social3 上讨论它。消费者和媒体倾向于使用最新的酷东西来 “打破互联网”,这需要一个潜在的病毒内容,并通过大众媒体进一步放大。我们的目标是创造创新的社交内容,推动现有的粉丝分享他们对毒枭的痴迷,并在全球吸引新的毒枭粉丝 -- 而不需要付费媒体。 战略 追随者最近被告知发射日期,但渴望和不耐烦地等待日期的到来。他们想要更多的毒品,现在他们想要了。Narcos 的 Facebook 页面有超过 350万名粉丝,所以这是创造特技并让他们谈论发布的最佳场所。 结果 反应是立竿见影的。粉丝们被这个聪明的把戏吹走了,总共有 727 观众,他们分享的有机印象超过 300万。滚石、创意和快速公司都在滔滔不绝地谈论泄漏和巴勃罗的客串,都同意一件事: 没有人从巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔偷东西。 活动描述 我们在 Facebook Live 上为 Narcos 的追随者提供了第二季第一集的独家预放映。但事情不可能那么简单。在黑幕的毒品世界里,这样的姿态太仁慈了。相反,我们欺骗了我们的粉丝,让他们认为这是一整集,但是 11 分钟后,巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔突然打断了节目,陷入困境,指责观众试图偷他的东西。 执行 这是使用 Facebook Live 的一次性执行,这是前所未有的。通过戏弄现有的 Narcos 粉丝,让他们绞死,我们会让他们、他们的朋友和媒体谈论巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔威胁他们偷他的东西。


    案例简介:Synopsis Our objective was to amplify the buzz and anticipation around Narcos Season 2 to reach beyond dedicated fans of Narcos, and stir the curiosity of casual fans and non-viewers of the show. Context:1. Netflix is web-based. It’s streaming. And fans of streaming shows are more likely to have their social media open and active.2. Narcos’ storyline is rich with surprises and unexpected plot twists, and they love to discuss it on social3. Consumers and media tend to jump on the latest cool thing to “break the internet”, which takes a potentially viral piece of content and amplifies it even further through mass media.Knowing all of this, our goal was to create innovative social content that would propel the existing fans to share their Narcos obsession and attract new Narcos fans worldwide - without paid media. Strategy Followers were recently told the launch date but were eager and impatiently waiting for the date to come. They were phening for more Narcos and they wanted it now. The Narcos Facebook page has over 3.5 million followers, so it was the perfect place to create a stunt and get them talking about the launch. Outcome The reactions were immediate. Fans where blown away by the clever trick, with a total of 727K viewers, and over 3 million organic million impressions from their sharing. Rolling Stone, Creativity, and Fast Company were gushing over the leak and Pablo's cameo, all agreeing on one thing: Nobody steals from Pablo Escobar. CampaignDescription We gave Narcos followers an exclusive pre-screening of the first episode of Season 2 on Facebook Live. But it couldn’t be that simple. In the shady world of Narcos, such a gesture is too kind. Instead, we tricked our fans into thinking it was a full episode but after 11 minutes Pablo Escobar abruptly interrupts the show, comes into frame and scolds the viewers for trying to steal from him. Execution This was a one-time execution using Facebook Live like never before. By teasing existing Narcos fans and leaving them hanging, we would get them, their friends, and the media, talking about that time Pablo Escobar threatened them for stealing from him.

    Episode Leak

    案例简介:概要 我们的目标是放大围绕 Narcos 第二季的嗡嗡声和期待,超越 Narcos 的忠实粉丝,激发节目中休闲粉丝和非观众的好奇心。背景: 1。Netflix 是基于网络的。它在流。流媒体节目的粉丝更有可能开放和活跃他们的社交媒体。Narcos 的故事情节充满了惊喜和意想不到的情节转折,他们喜欢在 social3 上讨论它。消费者和媒体倾向于使用最新的酷东西来 “打破互联网”,这需要一个潜在的病毒内容,并通过大众媒体进一步放大。我们的目标是创造创新的社交内容,推动现有的粉丝分享他们对毒枭的痴迷,并在全球吸引新的毒枭粉丝 -- 而不需要付费媒体。 战略 追随者最近被告知发射日期,但渴望和不耐烦地等待日期的到来。他们想要更多的毒品,现在他们想要了。Narcos 的 Facebook 页面有超过 350万名粉丝,所以这是创造特技并让他们谈论发布的最佳场所。 结果 反应是立竿见影的。粉丝们被这个聪明的把戏吹走了,总共有 727 观众,他们分享的有机印象超过 300万。滚石、创意和快速公司都在滔滔不绝地谈论泄漏和巴勃罗的客串,都同意一件事: 没有人从巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔偷东西。 活动描述 我们在 Facebook Live 上为 Narcos 的追随者提供了第二季第一集的独家预放映。但事情不可能那么简单。在黑幕的毒品世界里,这样的姿态太仁慈了。相反,我们欺骗了我们的粉丝,让他们认为这是一整集,但是 11 分钟后,巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔突然打断了节目,陷入困境,指责观众试图偷他的东西。 执行 这是使用 Facebook Live 的一次性执行,这是前所未有的。通过戏弄现有的 Narcos 粉丝,让他们绞死,我们会让他们、他们的朋友和媒体谈论巴勃罗 · 埃斯科瓦尔威胁他们偷他的东西。

    Episode Leak

    案例简介:Synopsis Our objective was to amplify the buzz and anticipation around Narcos Season 2 to reach beyond dedicated fans of Narcos, and stir the curiosity of casual fans and non-viewers of the show. Context:1. Netflix is web-based. It’s streaming. And fans of streaming shows are more likely to have their social media open and active.2. Narcos’ storyline is rich with surprises and unexpected plot twists, and they love to discuss it on social3. Consumers and media tend to jump on the latest cool thing to “break the internet”, which takes a potentially viral piece of content and amplifies it even further through mass media.Knowing all of this, our goal was to create innovative social content that would propel the existing fans to share their Narcos obsession and attract new Narcos fans worldwide - without paid media. Strategy Followers were recently told the launch date but were eager and impatiently waiting for the date to come. They were phening for more Narcos and they wanted it now. The Narcos Facebook page has over 3.5 million followers, so it was the perfect place to create a stunt and get them talking about the launch. Outcome The reactions were immediate. Fans where blown away by the clever trick, with a total of 727K viewers, and over 3 million organic million impressions from their sharing. Rolling Stone, Creativity, and Fast Company were gushing over the leak and Pablo's cameo, all agreeing on one thing: Nobody steals from Pablo Escobar. CampaignDescription We gave Narcos followers an exclusive pre-screening of the first episode of Season 2 on Facebook Live. But it couldn’t be that simple. In the shady world of Narcos, such a gesture is too kind. Instead, we tricked our fans into thinking it was a full episode but after 11 minutes Pablo Escobar abruptly interrupts the show, comes into frame and scolds the viewers for trying to steal from him. Execution This was a one-time execution using Facebook Live like never before. By teasing existing Narcos fans and leaving them hanging, we would get them, their friends, and the media, talking about that time Pablo Escobar threatened them for stealing from him.



    Episode Leak










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