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    Buying Greenie短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 一个家伙创造了一个豪华汽车广告的迷人恶搞,帮助出售他未婚妻的 1996 本田雅阁 “格林尼”。“他花了一年多的时间才制作出来。人们把它吃掉了。它一夜之间就疯传了。第二天他在美国早安。这是目前互联网的 “事情”。我们想实时回应,参与对话,并利用我们帆中的一些 “病毒风”。我们的简报很简单: 在 24 小时内创建一个视频响应,让他和世界知道你不必花超过一年的时间制作一个疯狂的视频来出售你未婚妻的劣质汽车, 因为我们会买你未婚妻的烂车,没有问题。我们的目标是让我们的视频得到关注,让这个家伙卖给我们他的车。 战略 美国第一大二手车零售商是如何发现自己主动提出购买猫的?它始于我们的意识问题。每个人都知道我们卖车,但只有五分之一的人知道我们也买车。更糟糕的是: 大多数来看我们的人发现我们的报价至少 500 美元太低了。但是我们有一种预感,这对权力夫妇不是为了迪诺而创作这段视频,而是为了获得认可。因此,他们没有为自己的汽车提供最多的钱 (在易趣上竞购汽车的价格高达 150 美元), 我们为他们提供了一个机会来延长插科打诨,同时给 CarMax 一个机会来展示他们在购买汽车时最擅长的事情 -- 让它变得简单和无痛。因为你不必为了卖掉你那辆糟糕的车而制作、拍摄和制作一个华丽的广告。我们会买的。就这么简单。 结果 结果令人震惊。在最初的 24 小时里,我们的视频被观看了 318,000 多次。我们获得了 360万个媒体印象。以 34,000 张选票登上了 Reddit #11 的头版。232 家地方和国家媒体报道了这段视频。我们看到积极的印象和广告意识令人鼓舞。最好的结果是他把他的 1996 本田卖给了我们。我们遵守了我们的协议。我们甚至让他养猫,并捐赠了 5,000.00 美元给小猫救援。 执行 我们的报价是以一段异想天开的视频的形式执行的,视频名为 “CarMax 为 96 年本田雅阁全力以赴”。 “我们创建了一个发言人,他直接为汽车、猫、杯子、咖啡壶和三明治出价。因为这是对已经在现场的事情的实时社会反应,我们知道我们必须快速行动。在不到 24 小时的时间里,我们收到了视频回复,并直接在推特上发布给了原始视频的创建者。他 20 分钟后就回复了。 活动描述 我们基因的一部分是,我们花的钱不会超过汽车的实际价值。1996 的本田不值多少钱。所以,为了 “甜蜜” 交易,我们必须找到一个创造性的解决方法。我们有 45 分钟的时间来构思一个想法。当我们坐下来的时候,一位艺术总监喃喃自语道,“我们为什么不买下这只他妈的猫。“ 所以这就是我们所做的。我们的创意是在原始视频中提供购买所有东西,而不仅仅是汽车。我们出价 5,000.00 美元买这只猫。我们出价 3,500 美元买了一个特色咖啡壶。我们出价 500.00 美元买了一个在风景优美的观景台上吃的三明治。总的来说,我们的报价是 20,000 美元。我们估计这是一个公平的报价。我们很清楚这只猫是不可谈判的。


    案例简介:Synopsis A guy created a charming spoof of a luxury car ad to help sell his fiancée’s 1996 Honda Accord, “Greenie.” It took him over a year to make. And people ate it up. It went viral overnight. He was on Good Morning America the next day. It was the internet “thing” of the moment. We wanted to respond in real time, get in on the conversation and harness some of this “viral wind” in our sails. Our brief was simple: create a video response within 24 hours that let him and the world know that you don’t have to spend more than a year making a crazy video to sell your fiancée’s shitty car, because we’ll buy your fiancée’s shitty car, no questions asked. Our objective was for our video to get noticed and for the guy to sell us his car. Strategy How’d America’s #1 used car retailer find itself offering to buy cats? It starts with our awareness problem. Everyone knows we sell cars, but only one in five knows we also buy cars. Worse: most people who do come see us find our offers at least $500 too low. But we had a hunch this power couple didn’t create this video for the dinero, but for recognition. So instead of offering them the most money for their car (bidding for the car on eBay had gone up to $150K), we offered them a chance to extend the gag while giving CarMax a chance to demonstrate what they do best when it comes to buying cars — making it simple and painless. Because you don’t have to cast, shoot and produce a fancy commercial to sell your shitty car. We’ll buy it. Simple as that. Outcome The results were staggering. Our video was viewed over 318,000 times in the first 24 hours. We garnered 3.6 million media impressions. Made it to the front page of Reddit, #11 with 34,000 upvotes. The video was covered by 232 local and national media outlets. We saw encouraging lifts in positive impressions and ad awareness. And the best result is that the guy sold us his 1996 Honda. And we kept our side of the bargain. We even let him keep the cat and donated $5,000.00 to a kitty rescue. Execution The execution of our offer was done in the form of a whimsical video called “CarMax Goes All In for ’96 Honda Accord.” We created a spokesperson, who made the offer for the car, the cat, the mug, the coffee pot and the sandwich directly. Because this was a real-time social response to something that was already live, we knew we had to act fast. In less than 24 hours, we had a video response, and we direct-tweeted it to the original video’s creator. He responded in 20 minutes. CampaignDescription Part of our DNA is that we don’t pay more for cars than they’re actually worth. A 1996 Honda ain’t worth much. So, in order to “sweeten” the deal, we had to find a creative workaround. We had literally 45 minutes to concept an idea. As we sat down, an art director mumbled, “Why don’t we just buy the fucking cat.” So that’s what we did. Our creative idea was to offer to buy everything, not just the car, in the original video. We offered $5,000.00 for the cat. We offered $3,500 for a coffee pot that was featured. We offered $500.00 for a sandwich eaten on a scenic overlook. In total, our offer was $20,000 for the car and everything in it. A fair offer in our estimation. And we were very clear that the cat was non-negotiable.

    Buying Greenie

    案例简介:概要 一个家伙创造了一个豪华汽车广告的迷人恶搞,帮助出售他未婚妻的 1996 本田雅阁 “格林尼”。“他花了一年多的时间才制作出来。人们把它吃掉了。它一夜之间就疯传了。第二天他在美国早安。这是目前互联网的 “事情”。我们想实时回应,参与对话,并利用我们帆中的一些 “病毒风”。我们的简报很简单: 在 24 小时内创建一个视频响应,让他和世界知道你不必花超过一年的时间制作一个疯狂的视频来出售你未婚妻的劣质汽车, 因为我们会买你未婚妻的烂车,没有问题。我们的目标是让我们的视频得到关注,让这个家伙卖给我们他的车。 战略 美国第一大二手车零售商是如何发现自己主动提出购买猫的?它始于我们的意识问题。每个人都知道我们卖车,但只有五分之一的人知道我们也买车。更糟糕的是: 大多数来看我们的人发现我们的报价至少 500 美元太低了。但是我们有一种预感,这对权力夫妇不是为了迪诺而创作这段视频,而是为了获得认可。因此,他们没有为自己的汽车提供最多的钱 (在易趣上竞购汽车的价格高达 150 美元), 我们为他们提供了一个机会来延长插科打诨,同时给 CarMax 一个机会来展示他们在购买汽车时最擅长的事情 -- 让它变得简单和无痛。因为你不必为了卖掉你那辆糟糕的车而制作、拍摄和制作一个华丽的广告。我们会买的。就这么简单。 结果 结果令人震惊。在最初的 24 小时里,我们的视频被观看了 318,000 多次。我们获得了 360万个媒体印象。以 34,000 张选票登上了 Reddit #11 的头版。232 家地方和国家媒体报道了这段视频。我们看到积极的印象和广告意识令人鼓舞。最好的结果是他把他的 1996 本田卖给了我们。我们遵守了我们的协议。我们甚至让他养猫,并捐赠了 5,000.00 美元给小猫救援。 执行 我们的报价是以一段异想天开的视频的形式执行的,视频名为 “CarMax 为 96 年本田雅阁全力以赴”。 “我们创建了一个发言人,他直接为汽车、猫、杯子、咖啡壶和三明治出价。因为这是对已经在现场的事情的实时社会反应,我们知道我们必须快速行动。在不到 24 小时的时间里,我们收到了视频回复,并直接在推特上发布给了原始视频的创建者。他 20 分钟后就回复了。 活动描述 我们基因的一部分是,我们花的钱不会超过汽车的实际价值。1996 的本田不值多少钱。所以,为了 “甜蜜” 交易,我们必须找到一个创造性的解决方法。我们有 45 分钟的时间来构思一个想法。当我们坐下来的时候,一位艺术总监喃喃自语道,“我们为什么不买下这只他妈的猫。“ 所以这就是我们所做的。我们的创意是在原始视频中提供购买所有东西,而不仅仅是汽车。我们出价 5,000.00 美元买这只猫。我们出价 3,500 美元买了一个特色咖啡壶。我们出价 500.00 美元买了一个在风景优美的观景台上吃的三明治。总的来说,我们的报价是 20,000 美元。我们估计这是一个公平的报价。我们很清楚这只猫是不可谈判的。

    Buying Greenie

    案例简介:Synopsis A guy created a charming spoof of a luxury car ad to help sell his fiancée’s 1996 Honda Accord, “Greenie.” It took him over a year to make. And people ate it up. It went viral overnight. He was on Good Morning America the next day. It was the internet “thing” of the moment. We wanted to respond in real time, get in on the conversation and harness some of this “viral wind” in our sails. Our brief was simple: create a video response within 24 hours that let him and the world know that you don’t have to spend more than a year making a crazy video to sell your fiancée’s shitty car, because we’ll buy your fiancée’s shitty car, no questions asked. Our objective was for our video to get noticed and for the guy to sell us his car. Strategy How’d America’s #1 used car retailer find itself offering to buy cats? It starts with our awareness problem. Everyone knows we sell cars, but only one in five knows we also buy cars. Worse: most people who do come see us find our offers at least $500 too low. But we had a hunch this power couple didn’t create this video for the dinero, but for recognition. So instead of offering them the most money for their car (bidding for the car on eBay had gone up to $150K), we offered them a chance to extend the gag while giving CarMax a chance to demonstrate what they do best when it comes to buying cars — making it simple and painless. Because you don’t have to cast, shoot and produce a fancy commercial to sell your shitty car. We’ll buy it. Simple as that. Outcome The results were staggering. Our video was viewed over 318,000 times in the first 24 hours. We garnered 3.6 million media impressions. Made it to the front page of Reddit, #11 with 34,000 upvotes. The video was covered by 232 local and national media outlets. We saw encouraging lifts in positive impressions and ad awareness. And the best result is that the guy sold us his 1996 Honda. And we kept our side of the bargain. We even let him keep the cat and donated $5,000.00 to a kitty rescue. Execution The execution of our offer was done in the form of a whimsical video called “CarMax Goes All In for ’96 Honda Accord.” We created a spokesperson, who made the offer for the car, the cat, the mug, the coffee pot and the sandwich directly. Because this was a real-time social response to something that was already live, we knew we had to act fast. In less than 24 hours, we had a video response, and we direct-tweeted it to the original video’s creator. He responded in 20 minutes. CampaignDescription Part of our DNA is that we don’t pay more for cars than they’re actually worth. A 1996 Honda ain’t worth much. So, in order to “sweeten” the deal, we had to find a creative workaround. We had literally 45 minutes to concept an idea. As we sat down, an art director mumbled, “Why don’t we just buy the fucking cat.” So that’s what we did. Our creative idea was to offer to buy everything, not just the car, in the original video. We offered $5,000.00 for the cat. We offered $3,500 for a coffee pot that was featured. We offered $500.00 for a sandwich eaten on a scenic overlook. In total, our offer was $20,000 for the car and everything in it. A fair offer in our estimation. And we were very clear that the cat was non-negotiable.



    Buying Greenie






    广告公司: McKinney (美国 Durham) 制作公司: McKinney




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