案例简介:描述客户的简报 血缘关系的目标是利用创造性思维帮助以色列和巴勒斯坦社区更紧密地联系在一起。该战略是绕过几十年来停滞不前的官方和平进程,通过提请注意两个社区的共同人性,让它们在基层参与。该活动的目标是直接卷入冲突的人以及利益攸关方和世界各地任何其他有关公民。 创意执行 血缘关系的相关性来自这样一个事实,即它关注的是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的共同人性和共同点,而不是他们的政治分歧。它绕过了将双方分开的许多棘手的政治和历史问题,并鼓励他们把彼此视为有着共同命运的人。当捐赠者并排躺下献血时,他们之间自发形成的情感纽带非常强大,他们立即激发了一场新的对话。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 血缘关系诞生于一个简单的想法: “你会伤害一个你的血液流过他们血管的人吗?”? 我们 organised 相互献血,从那些最有理由仇恨失去亲人的以色列和巴勒斯坦家庭开始。通过这样做,我们要求人们停止流血,并开始分享。世界各地不能献血的人通过在 Facebook 上捐赠虚拟血液来表达他们的支持。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 -全国新闻报道了献血事件,达到了惊人的 24% 的评级 (约。1.6 人)-共同血液倡议被全国广播公司、英国广播公司、路透社、美联社、《名利场》、 l 'espresso 和其他主要媒体 -- 这项活动激发了世界各地犹太人和穆斯林之间的相互献血,为了表明他们的支持 -- 血液关系得到了联合国的直接回应,白宫和其他组织也纷纷前来参加,比如美国国会, 美国国务院和国际红十字会。
案例简介:Describe the brief from the client The objective of Blood Relations was to use creative thinking to help bring the Israeli and Palestinian communities closer together. The strategy was to bypass the official peace process – which has stagnated for decades – and engage the 2 communities at a grassroots level by drawing attention to their common humanity. The activity targeted both those directly in involved in the conflict as well as stakeholders and any other concerned citizens around the world. Creative Execution Blood Relations draws its relevance from the fact that it focuses on the shared humanity and commonalities between Israelis and Palestinians – not on their political differences. It bypassed the many intractable political and historical issues that separate the 2 sides and encouraged them to look at one another as human beings with a shared destiny. The emotional bonds that formed spontaneously between donors as they lay down side-by-side to give blood were powerful and they immediately inspired a new conversation. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. Blood Relations was born of a simple thought: 'Could you hurt someone who has your blood running through their veins?' We organised mutual blood donations, starting with those with the most reason to hate – bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families. Through doing so, we asked people to stop spilling blood and to start sharing it. People across the world who couldn’t donate blood physically showed their support by donating virtual blood on Facebook. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. -The blood donation event was featured on national news, reaching a staggering 24% rating (approx. 1.6m people) -The Mutual Blood initiative was covered internationally by NBC, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, Vanity Fair, L'espresso and other leading media outlets -The activity inspired mutual blood donations between Jews and Muslims across the world, to show their support -Blood Relations got a direct response from the United Nations and the White House and other organisations are coming forward to take part such as the US Congress, US State Department and The International Red Cross.
案例简介:描述客户的简报 血缘关系的目标是利用创造性思维帮助以色列和巴勒斯坦社区更紧密地联系在一起。该战略是绕过几十年来停滞不前的官方和平进程,通过提请注意两个社区的共同人性,让它们在基层参与。该活动的目标是直接卷入冲突的人以及利益攸关方和世界各地任何其他有关公民。 创意执行 血缘关系的相关性来自这样一个事实,即它关注的是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的共同人性和共同点,而不是他们的政治分歧。它绕过了将双方分开的许多棘手的政治和历史问题,并鼓励他们把彼此视为有着共同命运的人。当捐赠者并排躺下献血时,他们之间自发形成的情感纽带非常强大,他们立即激发了一场新的对话。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 血缘关系诞生于一个简单的想法: “你会伤害一个你的血液流过他们血管的人吗?”? 我们 organised 相互献血,从那些最有理由仇恨失去亲人的以色列和巴勒斯坦家庭开始。通过这样做,我们要求人们停止流血,并开始分享。世界各地不能献血的人通过在 Facebook 上捐赠虚拟血液来表达他们的支持。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 -全国新闻报道了献血事件,达到了惊人的 24% 的评级 (约。1.6 人)-共同血液倡议被全国广播公司、英国广播公司、路透社、美联社、《名利场》、 l 'espresso 和其他主要媒体 -- 这项活动激发了世界各地犹太人和穆斯林之间的相互献血,为了表明他们的支持 -- 血液关系得到了联合国的直接回应,白宫和其他组织也纷纷前来参加,比如美国国会, 美国国务院和国际红十字会。
案例简介:Describe the brief from the client The objective of Blood Relations was to use creative thinking to help bring the Israeli and Palestinian communities closer together. The strategy was to bypass the official peace process – which has stagnated for decades – and engage the 2 communities at a grassroots level by drawing attention to their common humanity. The activity targeted both those directly in involved in the conflict as well as stakeholders and any other concerned citizens around the world. Creative Execution Blood Relations draws its relevance from the fact that it focuses on the shared humanity and commonalities between Israelis and Palestinians – not on their political differences. It bypassed the many intractable political and historical issues that separate the 2 sides and encouraged them to look at one another as human beings with a shared destiny. The emotional bonds that formed spontaneously between donors as they lay down side-by-side to give blood were powerful and they immediately inspired a new conversation. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. Blood Relations was born of a simple thought: 'Could you hurt someone who has your blood running through their veins?' We organised mutual blood donations, starting with those with the most reason to hate – bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families. Through doing so, we asked people to stop spilling blood and to start sharing it. People across the world who couldn’t donate blood physically showed their support by donating virtual blood on Facebook. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. -The blood donation event was featured on national news, reaching a staggering 24% rating (approx. 1.6m people) -The Mutual Blood initiative was covered internationally by NBC, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, Vanity Fair, L'espresso and other leading media outlets -The activity inspired mutual blood donations between Jews and Muslims across the world, to show their support -Blood Relations got a direct response from the United Nations and the White House and other organisations are coming forward to take part such as the US Congress, US State Department and The International Red Cross.
- 广告战役: #The Peres Center for Peace-推广与活动-d003#
- 广告品牌: The Peres Center for Peace
- 发布日期: 2012-04-01
- 行业领域: 公益慈善 , 公共事业
- 媒体类别: 短视频
- 广告语言: 英语
- 媒介平台: 网络
- Cannes Lions 2012 金奖 直效(Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages)
- Golden Drum International Advertising Festival 2012 金鼓大奖 活动(Social and charity events)
- Golden Drum International Advertising Festival 2012 金鼓大奖 影视(Online films)
- Golden Drum International Advertising Festival 2012 银鼓 公关活动(Public engagement & participation)
- 伦敦国际广告节 2012 银奖 创新(Non-Traditional: Public Service/Social Welfare)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 金奖 直效(Charities, Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 金奖 影视(Charities, Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 银奖 直效(Internet Film)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 银奖 影视(Internet Film)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 铜奖 直效(Ambient/Alternative Media)
- Eurobest-TheEuropeanAdvertisingFestival 2012 铜奖 影视(Ambient/Alternative Media)
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