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    Touching Masterpieces短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 全球虚拟现实触觉发展的焦点主要集中在军事或游戏领域。NeuroDigital 在西班牙的技术初创公司有一个使命: “通过虚拟现实等颠覆性技术提高生活质量”。因此,找到如何以最有影响力的方式向世界展示触觉虚拟现实的惊人可能性的方法就实现了。 战略 NeuroDigital 成立了他们的公司,通过虚拟现实等颠覆性技术提高生活质量。通过 “感人的大师作品” 项目,他们为盲人和视障人士开辟了一个数字无障碍的新时代,这证明了他们前所未有的使命。目标: 1。大的有远见的品牌,可以潜在地投资于项目和技术 2。世界各地的博物馆和画廊,可以提高他们的可及性 3。盲人组织和慈善机构 4. 盲人和视障人士 5. 公众。布拉格国家美术馆的 “感人杰作” 展览被捷克所有主要国家媒体频道报道。一个盲人学生库巴的视频故事记录了这段经历,被放在社交媒体上。在众多出版物中,它在 2.15亿个国家产生了 172 多个印象 -- 所有这些都没有媒体预算。 结果 历史上第一次盲人可以通过虚拟触摸 “看到” 艺术。这种体验现在可以在全球范围内实现,让盲人可以获得以前无法获得的杰作。无障碍触觉模型的收藏可以无休止地增长,成为盲人无障碍艺术的不断增长的数字图书馆。当然,它可以超越艺术和雕塑。在捷克文化部和布拉格少校的支持下,布拉格国家美术馆的 “感人大师作品” 展览在全球范围内发布了这一信息。捷克所有主要的国家媒体频道都报道了现场体验。这段经历的视频纪录片被放置在社交媒体上。在众多出版物中,它在 2.15亿个国家产生了 172 多个印象。NeuroDigital 关于数字可访问性的信息继续在全球主流和病毒媒体上传播,并开始了关于虚拟现实和技术可以为人类提供多少的辩论。 执行 NeuroDigital 与 Leontinka foundation 合作,该基金会是捷克共和国盲人和视障人士的慈善机构,利用盲人如何感知世界的见解, 创造了独特的触觉体验,让盲人通过虚拟触摸发现并充分探索一系列标志性雕塑杰作。专门为这个项目定制的阿凡达虚拟现实手套,用多频技术丰富,触觉地图被添加到 3D 模型中,从原始雕塑中进行激光扫描。经过几个月的发展,布拉格国家美术馆向盲人和世界展示了 “感人的杰作”。一个盲人学生库巴记录了这段经历的视频故事被放在网上,并在 172 个国家的全球媒体中引起共鸣,传播了 NeuroDigital 关于数字无障碍的信息, 并在公众和科技领袖之间引发了一场关于虚拟现实和技术能为人类提供多少的辩论。 活动描述 为盲人提供独特的虚拟现实体验,让他们可以 “看到” 世界上最具标志性的杰作 -- 不是用耳机,而是用手套。几个世纪以来,艺术一直是连接历史、文化和世代的普遍表达媒介。然而,在所有活着的人中,超过 3600万人从一出生就失明,2.17亿人视力严重受损。即使在今天的信息时代,盲人仍然被剥夺了体验各种形式艺术的威严,数百万人从未 “看到” 或触摸过雕塑杰作,如 “网络艺术”, “米洛维纳斯” 或 “大卫”,命名只是几个 -- 直到现在。“触摸大师” 独特的触觉体验开启了一个数字无障碍的新时代,让盲人看到以前看不见的东西。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 欧盟法规。监管机构: 国家医学控制研究所,广播电视委员会。电视: 关于阅读说明书必要性的书面信息。当地限制: 没有关于改善健康状况的承诺。永远不要过度使用药物,或者说没有它,状态会恶化。建议咨询医生。15 + 简要解释 观众 “感人的杰作” 为盲人和视障人士创造了一个数字无障碍的新时代。多亏了特别设计的触觉手套,这种独特的虚拟现实体验让盲人有史以来第一次 “看到” 了一些世界上标志性的雕塑杰作。


    案例简介:Synopsis The focus of Virtual Reality haptics development around the globe has mostly been in military or gaming sectors. NeuroDigital’s tech start-up in Spain, had a mission: ‘to improve quality of life through disruptive technologies like Virtual Reality’. The brief, to find the way how to show to the world amazing possibilities of haptic Virtual Reality in the most impactful way was thus realized. Strategy NeuroDigital founded their company to improve quality of life through disruptive technologies like virtual reality. With 'Touching Masterpieces' project they opened up a new age of digital accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, which proved their mission like never before. Targeted to: 1. Big visionary brands that can potentially invest into the project & technology 2. Museums and galleries around the world that can improve their accessibility 3. Blind organizations and charities 4. Blind and visually impaired people 5. General public. ‘Touching Masterpieces’ exhibition at Prague’s National Gallery was covered by all key national Czech media channels. The video story of a blind student Kuba, documenting the experience, was placed on social media. Pitched to numerous publications, it resulted in over 215 million impressions in 172 countries - and all that with a zero media budget. Outcome For the first time in history blind people can ‘see’ art through virtual touch. The experience can now be realized globally, giving blind people access to previously unattainable masterpieces. The collection of accessible haptic models can grow endlessly, becoming an ever-growing digital library of accessible art for the blind. And of course, it can go beyond Art and Sculpture. The ‘Touching Masterpieces’ exhibition at Prague’s National Gallery, supported by Czech’s Ministry of Culture and the Major of Prague, launched this message globally. The live experience was covered by all key national Czech media channels. The video documentary of the experience was placed across social media. Pitched to numerous publications, it resulted in over 215 million impressions in 172 countries. NeuroDigital's message of digital accessibility continues to spread across mainstream and viral media globally, and has started the debate about how much more Virtual Reality and technology can offer humanity. Execution NeuroDigital partnered with Leontinka foundation, the charity for blind and visually impaired in the Czech Republic and together, using insights about how the blind perceive the world, created a unique tactile experience so to allow blind people to discover and fully explore a selection of iconic sculptural masterpieces through virtual touch. The Avatar Virtual Reality gloves customized specifically for this project, were enriched with multi-frequency technology, and haptic maps were added to 3D models, laser scanned from the original sculptures. After months of development, the National Gallery in Prague presented ‘Touching Masterpieces’ to the blind – and to the world. The video story of a blind student Kuba, documenting the experience, was placed online and resonated with global media in 172 countries, spreading NeuroDigital’s message of digital accessibility, and sparking a debate amongst the public and tech leaders about how much more Virtual Reality and technology can offer humanity. CampaignDescription A unique Virtual Reality experience for the blind, allowing them to ‘see’ world’s most iconic masterpieces - not with a headset, but with a pair of gloves. For centuries, art has been a universal medium of expression connecting history, culture and generations. However, out of all people living, over 36 million people are blind from birth, and 217 million, severely visually impaired. And even in today’s information age, blind people are still deprived from experiencing the majesty of art in its various forms and millions of people have literally never ‘seen’ or touched sculptural masterpieces such as ‘Nefertiti’, ‘Venus de Milo’ or ‘David’, naming just a few – until now. ‘Touching Masterpieces’ unique tactile experience opens up a new age of digital accessibility, letting blind people see what has previously been unseen. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes EU regulations. Regulatory bodies: State institute for medicine control, Council for radio &TV. TV: written information about the necessity to read the instructions. Local restrictions: No promises about improving the health condition. Never induce over usage of the medicines or saying without it status worsens. Suggest consult doctor. 15 + BriefExplanation Audience ‘Touching Masterpieces’ has created a new age of digital accessibility for the blind and visually impaired. Thanks to specially designed haptic gloves, this unique Virtual Reality experience has allowed the blind to ‘see’ some of the world’s iconic sculptural masterpieces for the first time in history.

    Touching Masterpieces

    案例简介:概要 全球虚拟现实触觉发展的焦点主要集中在军事或游戏领域。NeuroDigital 在西班牙的技术初创公司有一个使命: “通过虚拟现实等颠覆性技术提高生活质量”。因此,找到如何以最有影响力的方式向世界展示触觉虚拟现实的惊人可能性的方法就实现了。 战略 NeuroDigital 成立了他们的公司,通过虚拟现实等颠覆性技术提高生活质量。通过 “感人的大师作品” 项目,他们为盲人和视障人士开辟了一个数字无障碍的新时代,这证明了他们前所未有的使命。目标: 1。大的有远见的品牌,可以潜在地投资于项目和技术 2。世界各地的博物馆和画廊,可以提高他们的可及性 3。盲人组织和慈善机构 4. 盲人和视障人士 5. 公众。布拉格国家美术馆的 “感人杰作” 展览被捷克所有主要国家媒体频道报道。一个盲人学生库巴的视频故事记录了这段经历,被放在社交媒体上。在众多出版物中,它在 2.15亿个国家产生了 172 多个印象 -- 所有这些都没有媒体预算。 结果 历史上第一次盲人可以通过虚拟触摸 “看到” 艺术。这种体验现在可以在全球范围内实现,让盲人可以获得以前无法获得的杰作。无障碍触觉模型的收藏可以无休止地增长,成为盲人无障碍艺术的不断增长的数字图书馆。当然,它可以超越艺术和雕塑。在捷克文化部和布拉格少校的支持下,布拉格国家美术馆的 “感人大师作品” 展览在全球范围内发布了这一信息。捷克所有主要的国家媒体频道都报道了现场体验。这段经历的视频纪录片被放置在社交媒体上。在众多出版物中,它在 2.15亿个国家产生了 172 多个印象。NeuroDigital 关于数字可访问性的信息继续在全球主流和病毒媒体上传播,并开始了关于虚拟现实和技术可以为人类提供多少的辩论。 执行 NeuroDigital 与 Leontinka foundation 合作,该基金会是捷克共和国盲人和视障人士的慈善机构,利用盲人如何感知世界的见解, 创造了独特的触觉体验,让盲人通过虚拟触摸发现并充分探索一系列标志性雕塑杰作。专门为这个项目定制的阿凡达虚拟现实手套,用多频技术丰富,触觉地图被添加到 3D 模型中,从原始雕塑中进行激光扫描。经过几个月的发展,布拉格国家美术馆向盲人和世界展示了 “感人的杰作”。一个盲人学生库巴记录了这段经历的视频故事被放在网上,并在 172 个国家的全球媒体中引起共鸣,传播了 NeuroDigital 关于数字无障碍的信息, 并在公众和科技领袖之间引发了一场关于虚拟现实和技术能为人类提供多少的辩论。 活动描述 为盲人提供独特的虚拟现实体验,让他们可以 “看到” 世界上最具标志性的杰作 -- 不是用耳机,而是用手套。几个世纪以来,艺术一直是连接历史、文化和世代的普遍表达媒介。然而,在所有活着的人中,超过 3600万人从一出生就失明,2.17亿人视力严重受损。即使在今天的信息时代,盲人仍然被剥夺了体验各种形式艺术的威严,数百万人从未 “看到” 或触摸过雕塑杰作,如 “网络艺术”, “米洛维纳斯” 或 “大卫”,命名只是几个 -- 直到现在。“触摸大师” 独特的触觉体验开启了一个数字无障碍的新时代,让盲人看到以前看不见的东西。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 欧盟法规。监管机构: 国家医学控制研究所,广播电视委员会。电视: 关于阅读说明书必要性的书面信息。当地限制: 没有关于改善健康状况的承诺。永远不要过度使用药物,或者说没有它,状态会恶化。建议咨询医生。15 + 简要解释 观众 “感人的杰作” 为盲人和视障人士创造了一个数字无障碍的新时代。多亏了特别设计的触觉手套,这种独特的虚拟现实体验让盲人有史以来第一次 “看到” 了一些世界上标志性的雕塑杰作。

    Touching Masterpieces

    案例简介:Synopsis The focus of Virtual Reality haptics development around the globe has mostly been in military or gaming sectors. NeuroDigital’s tech start-up in Spain, had a mission: ‘to improve quality of life through disruptive technologies like Virtual Reality’. The brief, to find the way how to show to the world amazing possibilities of haptic Virtual Reality in the most impactful way was thus realized. Strategy NeuroDigital founded their company to improve quality of life through disruptive technologies like virtual reality. With 'Touching Masterpieces' project they opened up a new age of digital accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, which proved their mission like never before. Targeted to: 1. Big visionary brands that can potentially invest into the project & technology 2. Museums and galleries around the world that can improve their accessibility 3. Blind organizations and charities 4. Blind and visually impaired people 5. General public. ‘Touching Masterpieces’ exhibition at Prague’s National Gallery was covered by all key national Czech media channels. The video story of a blind student Kuba, documenting the experience, was placed on social media. Pitched to numerous publications, it resulted in over 215 million impressions in 172 countries - and all that with a zero media budget. Outcome For the first time in history blind people can ‘see’ art through virtual touch. The experience can now be realized globally, giving blind people access to previously unattainable masterpieces. The collection of accessible haptic models can grow endlessly, becoming an ever-growing digital library of accessible art for the blind. And of course, it can go beyond Art and Sculpture. The ‘Touching Masterpieces’ exhibition at Prague’s National Gallery, supported by Czech’s Ministry of Culture and the Major of Prague, launched this message globally. The live experience was covered by all key national Czech media channels. The video documentary of the experience was placed across social media. Pitched to numerous publications, it resulted in over 215 million impressions in 172 countries. NeuroDigital's message of digital accessibility continues to spread across mainstream and viral media globally, and has started the debate about how much more Virtual Reality and technology can offer humanity. Execution NeuroDigital partnered with Leontinka foundation, the charity for blind and visually impaired in the Czech Republic and together, using insights about how the blind perceive the world, created a unique tactile experience so to allow blind people to discover and fully explore a selection of iconic sculptural masterpieces through virtual touch. The Avatar Virtual Reality gloves customized specifically for this project, were enriched with multi-frequency technology, and haptic maps were added to 3D models, laser scanned from the original sculptures. After months of development, the National Gallery in Prague presented ‘Touching Masterpieces’ to the blind – and to the world. The video story of a blind student Kuba, documenting the experience, was placed online and resonated with global media in 172 countries, spreading NeuroDigital’s message of digital accessibility, and sparking a debate amongst the public and tech leaders about how much more Virtual Reality and technology can offer humanity. CampaignDescription A unique Virtual Reality experience for the blind, allowing them to ‘see’ world’s most iconic masterpieces - not with a headset, but with a pair of gloves. For centuries, art has been a universal medium of expression connecting history, culture and generations. However, out of all people living, over 36 million people are blind from birth, and 217 million, severely visually impaired. And even in today’s information age, blind people are still deprived from experiencing the majesty of art in its various forms and millions of people have literally never ‘seen’ or touched sculptural masterpieces such as ‘Nefertiti’, ‘Venus de Milo’ or ‘David’, naming just a few – until now. ‘Touching Masterpieces’ unique tactile experience opens up a new age of digital accessibility, letting blind people see what has previously been unseen. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes EU regulations. Regulatory bodies: State institute for medicine control, Council for radio &TV. TV: written information about the necessity to read the instructions. Local restrictions: No promises about improving the health condition. Never induce over usage of the medicines or saying without it status worsens. Suggest consult doctor. 15 + BriefExplanation Audience ‘Touching Masterpieces’ has created a new age of digital accessibility for the blind and visually impaired. Thanks to specially designed haptic gloves, this unique Virtual Reality experience has allowed the blind to ‘see’ some of the world’s iconic sculptural masterpieces for the first time in history.



    Touching Masterpieces





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