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    案例简介:活动描述 Letgo Commercializer 是第一个也是唯一一个为某人的二手上市创造百万美元好莱坞广告的方法,没有花费百万美元的不便,实际上是去好莱坞。一旦他们在应用程序中列出了要出售的商品,卖家只需从四种光滑的广告风格中选择一种,就可以创建一个完全定制的商业广告,它包含了商品列表的所有细节。从商品图像、标题、描述、价格、位置,甚至卖家的名字,一切都巧妙而无缝地编织在一起,创造了一个有趣的可共享商业广告。卖家可以从史诗般的 80 年代动作片预告片中选择,预告片由 Dolph Lundgren 主演,这是一个男性增强制药广告,一个家庭购物部分和一个非常严肃的香水点。每部电影都是精心制作的,以庆祝卖家物品的辉煌,不管它实际上是什么。 结果 在进入的时候,这个商业工具只活了一周。在那段时间,在媒体上花费了 0 美元,有超过 100,000 个完全独特的广告由 letgo sellers 创作和分享。在提交戛纳电影节的实际日期,有 35,000 个广告被制作出来。除了帮助卖家真正销售他们的商品,品牌情绪也开始高涨,因为卖家 (他们永远不会分享他们的上市) 开始一起玩,在社交媒体上向他们的朋友解释他们是如何为他们 10 美元的商品支付光滑的广告的。Dolph Lundgren 成为历史上第一个为 50,000 种完全不同的产品出演 50,000 个广告的人。 执行 这四种商业风格被选择在美国市场上立即被识别,但也允许几乎任何产品成为现场的英雄,不管它是什么。上市细节以多种不同的方式融入到行动中,但始终保持商业风格的本质。包括 3D 运动跟踪、对位、帧混合、运动模糊和动态音频在内的许多技术被用来确保图像和细节无缝集成到成品广告中。一旦呈现,商业广告可以很容易地以卖方认为合适的任何方式分享或广播。有兴趣的买家看到广告 (在 Facebook 、 Twitter 等网站上)。) 可以点击并直接与应用程序中的卖家交谈,开始谈判。 战略 不管实际商品是什么,出售二手商品并不完全令人兴奋。因此,卖家在二手销售平台上创建的沉闷的分类列表很少在社交媒体上分享。因此失去了一个非常强大和自由的媒介。策略是通过让卖家获得与传统品牌广告商一样的生产价值和专业知识,以某种方式打破这一惯例。通过取笑知名的、通常是荒谬的广告类型,卖家会以任何方式产生一些他们非常乐意分享的东西。然后,所有功能都将集成到应用程序中。 概要 二手销售应用 letgo (类似于 Craigslist 或 Ebay) 需要摆脱日益激烈的竞争。因此,letgo 没有卷入媒体支出的战斗,而是希望在平台上创新,让他们的卖家占据优势。简报是完全开放的,但是 letgo 知道他们需要一个不需要传统媒体的想法,帮助他们的卖家销售应用程序上列出的商品, 并推广初创公司蓬勃发展的顽皮品牌。目标是创建一个平台,产生自己的媒体,利用卖家自己网络的力量,同时使用实际列表来产生品牌意识。


    案例简介:Campaign Description The letgo Commercializer is the first and only way to create a million-dollar Hollywood commercial for someone's secondhand listing, without the inconvenience of spending a million dollars, and actually going to Hollywood. Once they’ve listed an item for sale in the app, sellers simply choose from one of four glossy ad styles to have a completely customized commercial created, which incorporates all the details of their item listing. Everything from the item image, the title, description, price, location and even the seller’s name are neatly and seamlessly woven into the action to create a funny shareable commercial. Sellers can choose from an epic ’80s action movie trailer starring Dolph Lundgren, a male enhancement pharmaceutical ad, a home shopping segment and a very serious perfume spot. Each film is carefully crafted to celebrate the brilliance of the seller’s item, regardless of what it actually is. Outcome At the time of entry, The Commercializer has been live for just one week. In that time with $0 spent in media there were over 100,000 completely unique commercials created and shared by letgo sellers. On the actual day of submission to Cannes there were 35,000 commercials created.In addition to helping the sellers actually sell their items, brand sentiment went through the roof, as sellers (who would never have shared their listing) began playing along, explaining to their friends on social media how they managed to afford the glossy commercial for their $10 item. And Dolph Lundgren became the first man in history to star in 50,000 commercials, for 50,000 completely different products. Execution The four commercial styles were chosen to be instantly recognizable to the American market, but also allow virtually any product to be the hero of the spot, regardless of what it is. The listing details are weaved into the action in a number of different ways, but always stay true to the nature of the commercial style. A number of techniques including 3D motion tracking, rotoscoping, frame blending, motion blur, and dynamic audio are used to ensure the imagery and details are seamlessly integrated into the finished commercial.Once rendered, the commercial can be easily shared or broadcast in any way the seller sees fit. Interested buyers who see the ad (on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can click through and talk directly to the seller in the app to start negotiations. Strategy Selling secondhand stuff is not exactly seen as exciting, regardless of what the actual item is. Therefore the dull classified listings sellers create on secondhand-selling platforms are very rarely shared on social media. And therefore a very powerful and free medium is lost. The strategy was to somehow break this convention by giving sellers on letgo access to the same production value and expertise that conventional brand advertisers enjoy. By making fun of well-known and often ridiculous types of advertising, sellers would generate something they would be more than happy to share, in any way they could. All the functionality would then be integrated into the app. Synopsis Secondhand-selling app letgo (similar to Craigslist or Ebay) needed to break away from increasingly aggressive competition. So rather than get into a media spending battle, letgo looked to innovate on the platform and give their sellers the edge. The brief was completely open, but letgo knew that they needed an idea that wouldn’t require traditional media, would help their sellers sell the items listed on the app, and promote the startup’s burgeoning playful brand. The objective was to create a platform that generated its own media and harnessed the power of the seller’s own network, whilst also using actual listings to generate brand awareness.


    案例简介:活动描述 Letgo Commercializer 是第一个也是唯一一个为某人的二手上市创造百万美元好莱坞广告的方法,没有花费百万美元的不便,实际上是去好莱坞。一旦他们在应用程序中列出了要出售的商品,卖家只需从四种光滑的广告风格中选择一种,就可以创建一个完全定制的商业广告,它包含了商品列表的所有细节。从商品图像、标题、描述、价格、位置,甚至卖家的名字,一切都巧妙而无缝地编织在一起,创造了一个有趣的可共享商业广告。卖家可以从史诗般的 80 年代动作片预告片中选择,预告片由 Dolph Lundgren 主演,这是一个男性增强制药广告,一个家庭购物部分和一个非常严肃的香水点。每部电影都是精心制作的,以庆祝卖家物品的辉煌,不管它实际上是什么。 结果 在进入的时候,这个商业工具只活了一周。在那段时间,在媒体上花费了 0 美元,有超过 100,000 个完全独特的广告由 letgo sellers 创作和分享。在提交戛纳电影节的实际日期,有 35,000 个广告被制作出来。除了帮助卖家真正销售他们的商品,品牌情绪也开始高涨,因为卖家 (他们永远不会分享他们的上市) 开始一起玩,在社交媒体上向他们的朋友解释他们是如何为他们 10 美元的商品支付光滑的广告的。Dolph Lundgren 成为历史上第一个为 50,000 种完全不同的产品出演 50,000 个广告的人。 执行 这四种商业风格被选择在美国市场上立即被识别,但也允许几乎任何产品成为现场的英雄,不管它是什么。上市细节以多种不同的方式融入到行动中,但始终保持商业风格的本质。包括 3D 运动跟踪、对位、帧混合、运动模糊和动态音频在内的许多技术被用来确保图像和细节无缝集成到成品广告中。一旦呈现,商业广告可以很容易地以卖方认为合适的任何方式分享或广播。有兴趣的买家看到广告 (在 Facebook 、 Twitter 等网站上)。) 可以点击并直接与应用程序中的卖家交谈,开始谈判。 战略 不管实际商品是什么,出售二手商品并不完全令人兴奋。因此,卖家在二手销售平台上创建的沉闷的分类列表很少在社交媒体上分享。因此失去了一个非常强大和自由的媒介。策略是通过让卖家获得与传统品牌广告商一样的生产价值和专业知识,以某种方式打破这一惯例。通过取笑知名的、通常是荒谬的广告类型,卖家会以任何方式产生一些他们非常乐意分享的东西。然后,所有功能都将集成到应用程序中。 概要 二手销售应用 letgo (类似于 Craigslist 或 Ebay) 需要摆脱日益激烈的竞争。因此,letgo 没有卷入媒体支出的战斗,而是希望在平台上创新,让他们的卖家占据优势。简报是完全开放的,但是 letgo 知道他们需要一个不需要传统媒体的想法,帮助他们的卖家销售应用程序上列出的商品, 并推广初创公司蓬勃发展的顽皮品牌。目标是创建一个平台,产生自己的媒体,利用卖家自己网络的力量,同时使用实际列表来产生品牌意识。


    案例简介:Campaign Description The letgo Commercializer is the first and only way to create a million-dollar Hollywood commercial for someone's secondhand listing, without the inconvenience of spending a million dollars, and actually going to Hollywood. Once they’ve listed an item for sale in the app, sellers simply choose from one of four glossy ad styles to have a completely customized commercial created, which incorporates all the details of their item listing. Everything from the item image, the title, description, price, location and even the seller’s name are neatly and seamlessly woven into the action to create a funny shareable commercial. Sellers can choose from an epic ’80s action movie trailer starring Dolph Lundgren, a male enhancement pharmaceutical ad, a home shopping segment and a very serious perfume spot. Each film is carefully crafted to celebrate the brilliance of the seller’s item, regardless of what it actually is. Outcome At the time of entry, The Commercializer has been live for just one week. In that time with $0 spent in media there were over 100,000 completely unique commercials created and shared by letgo sellers. On the actual day of submission to Cannes there were 35,000 commercials created.In addition to helping the sellers actually sell their items, brand sentiment went through the roof, as sellers (who would never have shared their listing) began playing along, explaining to their friends on social media how they managed to afford the glossy commercial for their $10 item. And Dolph Lundgren became the first man in history to star in 50,000 commercials, for 50,000 completely different products. Execution The four commercial styles were chosen to be instantly recognizable to the American market, but also allow virtually any product to be the hero of the spot, regardless of what it is. The listing details are weaved into the action in a number of different ways, but always stay true to the nature of the commercial style. A number of techniques including 3D motion tracking, rotoscoping, frame blending, motion blur, and dynamic audio are used to ensure the imagery and details are seamlessly integrated into the finished commercial.Once rendered, the commercial can be easily shared or broadcast in any way the seller sees fit. Interested buyers who see the ad (on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can click through and talk directly to the seller in the app to start negotiations. Strategy Selling secondhand stuff is not exactly seen as exciting, regardless of what the actual item is. Therefore the dull classified listings sellers create on secondhand-selling platforms are very rarely shared on social media. And therefore a very powerful and free medium is lost. The strategy was to somehow break this convention by giving sellers on letgo access to the same production value and expertise that conventional brand advertisers enjoy. By making fun of well-known and often ridiculous types of advertising, sellers would generate something they would be more than happy to share, in any way they could. All the functionality would then be integrated into the app. Synopsis Secondhand-selling app letgo (similar to Craigslist or Ebay) needed to break away from increasingly aggressive competition. So rather than get into a media spending battle, letgo looked to innovate on the platform and give their sellers the edge. The brief was completely open, but letgo knew that they needed an idea that wouldn’t require traditional media, would help their sellers sell the items listed on the app, and promote the startup’s burgeoning playful brand. The objective was to create a platform that generated its own media and harnessed the power of the seller’s own network, whilst also using actual listings to generate brand awareness.













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