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    案例简介:活动摘要 与欧洲联盟最发达的西方国家相比,匈牙利在融入残疾人方面有相当大的积压。除了消除身体和法律障碍之外, 我们努力通过这项运动改变的是 “健全的人” 的一般方法和态度,以便教育他们承认残疾人是社会的正式成员。因此,在 2008年12月3日国际残疾人日,匈牙利政府发起了一项运动,以减少对残疾人的偏见。这一运动的主要信息是,残疾人是完全有资格的社会成员,他们有平等的权利和机会过上完全有价值的生活。 上下文 目标 短期内: 在媒体、在线社区网络、民间组织的参与下,就残疾人问题开展社会对话。从长远来看: 塑造和改变残疾人融入社会和减少歧视所必需的态度。结果: 在运动的博客以及其他在线社区和论坛上,有大量与运动主题相关的帖子,从而实现了我们建立社会对话的短期目标。一个盲人发布的众多帖子的例子是: 虽然我认为这是很长一段时间以来的第一个广告,但它没有试图让大多数人知道, 以一种讨人喜欢的方式,当他们遇到一个盲人或者敢于想到他们时,该怎么办,充满了悲怆、怜悯或过度的使命感。它没有教育或灌输,只是打开了带有几千个窗户的降临日历中的第一个盲人,在后面 see 看到奇迹! -有相同的耶稣睡在马槽里,就像圣经中描述的那样,因为一个人确实必须挑衅,而且只能从电视屏幕上,渗透到舒适的扶手椅、家庭巢、电影、购物中心和酒吧。 哲学/解决方案 战略 一种能力的损害本身并不算作残疾,因为它只是通过社会的方法变成了残疾。–这是创意策略的核心思想,在每部电影中从稍微不同的角度展示。 这个名为 “求职面试” 的网站让我们面临着一个颠倒世界中我们社会中存在的主要歧视形式: 虽然大约 6% 的人口有某种残疾, 他们在就业中的比例只是这一比例的一小部分。 在这部名为《争吵》的电影中,我们发现自己正处于一场吵闹的嫉妒之争中,直到最后,夫妻双方都很明显是盲人。通过这种对观众来说并不愉快的情况 –,但每天都在发生,我们强调我们的信息: 残疾人和其他人一样, 他们同样能够管理他们的生活,担心,爱或战斗。 在这个名为《床时间故事》的地方,人们可以看到一个神奇的幻想世界。只有结尾才清楚地表明,一个父亲使用手语向他的女儿讲述了一个故事,女儿有着同样丰富多彩的生动经历,就像她能听到这个故事一样。 在名为 “办公室” 的广告中,我们将一个患有唐氏综合症的年轻人的无辜和积极的观点与他周围的人的消极观点进行了对比。通过这种强烈的对比,我们想提请注意对残疾人的偏见。 媒体战略受到这样一个事实的强烈影响,即由于经济危机,我们几乎不能将原定预算的 30% 用于竞选。因此,ATL 活动由四个一分钟的位置组成。(在匈牙利,电视仍然可以以最低的名义媒体成本接触最广泛的观众,由于其类型,电影是影响情感的最合适工具。) 通过使用我们 3500万福林 (117,000 欧元) 的媒体预算,我们成功地实施了 1.5亿福林 (500,000 欧元) 的媒体活动。(匈牙利平均一个月的媒体活动预算约为 100 福林至 1.5 亿福林 (340 至 500,000 欧元) 这项为期一个多月的活动被三个重要的专业互联网论坛选为 2008年最好的三项活动之一: -该运动在匈牙利访问量最大的互联网新闻门户网站 (origo.hu) 的经济分网站竞赛中获得第一名。 -- 在广告专业期刊 Kreativ 的互联网博客 Kreativ.hu 的民意调查中,这项运动以第三名结束。 -在匈牙利访问量最大的广告博客之一 addict.blog.hu 的网站上,该活动获得了有史以来的最高分,从而成为去年最好的。


    案例简介:Campaign Summary As compared to the most developed Western Sates of the European Union, Hungary has a considerable backlog in its integration of disabled people. Beyond the removal of physical and legal impediments, what we strive to change with this campaign is the general approach and attitude of “able-bodied people" in order to educate them to recognise disabled persons as full members of society. On 3 December 2008, the International Day of Disabled Persons, the Hungarian Government therefore launched a campaign to reduce prejudice against disabled people. The main message of this campaign is that disabled people are fully-entitled members of society and they have equal rights and opportunities to a live a life of full value. Context Objectives In the short term: Generating a social dialogue on the problems of the disabled persons in the media, within the networks of the on-line communities, with the involvement of the civil organisations. In the long term: Shaping and changing the attitudes necessary for the social integration of disabled people and reducing discrimination. Results: There were plentiful posts in connection with the campaign matterials in the blog of the campaign and in other online communities and fora, thus fulfilling our short term goal of generating a social dialogue. One example of the numerous posts by a blind person: „I think it was the first ad for long that got the point and did not try to let the majority know, in a namby-pamby and school like way, what to do when they come across a blind person or dare to think of them, filled with pathos, commiseration or an overheated sense of mission. It does not educate or indoctrinate, just opens the first blind in an Advent calendar with several thousand windows, behind which – see the wonder! - there is the same Jesus sleeping in the manger as in the Illustrated Bible for the sighted … Because one does have to provoke, and only from the TV screens, permeating deeply into cosy armchairs, family nests, movies, shopping malls and pubs. Philosophy/Solution Strategy Impairment of one ability does not in itself count as disability – it is only turned into a disability by the approach of society. – This was the central thought underlying the creative strategy, displayed in each film from a slightly different angle. The spot titled “Job Interview” confronts us with one of the main forms of discrimination present in our society through a reversed world: while around six per cent of the population has some kind of disability, their proportion in employment is only a fraction of this. In the film titled “Argument” we find ourselves in the middle of a noisy jealous fight, and it is only at the end, when it becomes obvious that both spouses are blind. Through this situation – which is not pleasant for the viewer, but occurs every day – we give emphasis to our message: disabled people are just like anybody else, they are equally able to run their lives, to worry, to love or to fight. In the spot titled “Bed Time Story” one can see a magical fantasy world. Only the end makes it obvious that a father, using sign language, tells a tale to his daughter, who has the same colourful and lively experience as if she could hear the story. In the advert titled “The Office” we set the innocent and positive outlook of a young man with Down Syndrome against the negative outlook of “able-bodied” people surrounding him. Through this strong contrast we would like to draw attention to the prejudice against disabled people. The media strategy was strongly influenced by the fact that, due to the economic crisis, we could use hardly 30% of the originally planned budget for the campaign. Thus the ATL campaign consists of four one-minute spots. (In Hungary it is still the television that can reach the widest audience at the lowest nominal media cost, and due to its genre a film is the most suitable tool to influence emotions.) By using our media budget of HUF 35 million (c. EUR 117,000), we managed to implement a media campaign of HUF 150 million (c. EUR 500,000). (The budget of an average one-month media campaign in Hungary is around HUF 100 to150 million (c. EUR 340-500,000) This campaign, with a duration of slightly over one month, was selected by three significant professional Internet fora as one of the best three campaigns of 2008: - The campaign was awarded the first place in the competition of the economy sub-site (mfor.hu) of the most visited Internet news portal in Hungary (origo.hu). - In the poll by Kreativ.hu, the Internet blog of the advertisement professional periodical Kreatív, the campaign finished in third place. - At the site of addict.blog.hu, one of the most visited Hungarian advertisement blogs, the campaign achieved the highest score ever and thus became the best of the last year.


    案例简介:活动摘要 与欧洲联盟最发达的西方国家相比,匈牙利在融入残疾人方面有相当大的积压。除了消除身体和法律障碍之外, 我们努力通过这项运动改变的是 “健全的人” 的一般方法和态度,以便教育他们承认残疾人是社会的正式成员。因此,在 2008年12月3日国际残疾人日,匈牙利政府发起了一项运动,以减少对残疾人的偏见。这一运动的主要信息是,残疾人是完全有资格的社会成员,他们有平等的权利和机会过上完全有价值的生活。 上下文 目标 短期内: 在媒体、在线社区网络、民间组织的参与下,就残疾人问题开展社会对话。从长远来看: 塑造和改变残疾人融入社会和减少歧视所必需的态度。结果: 在运动的博客以及其他在线社区和论坛上,有大量与运动主题相关的帖子,从而实现了我们建立社会对话的短期目标。一个盲人发布的众多帖子的例子是: 虽然我认为这是很长一段时间以来的第一个广告,但它没有试图让大多数人知道, 以一种讨人喜欢的方式,当他们遇到一个盲人或者敢于想到他们时,该怎么办,充满了悲怆、怜悯或过度的使命感。它没有教育或灌输,只是打开了带有几千个窗户的降临日历中的第一个盲人,在后面 see 看到奇迹! -有相同的耶稣睡在马槽里,就像圣经中描述的那样,因为一个人确实必须挑衅,而且只能从电视屏幕上,渗透到舒适的扶手椅、家庭巢、电影、购物中心和酒吧。 哲学/解决方案 战略 一种能力的损害本身并不算作残疾,因为它只是通过社会的方法变成了残疾。–这是创意策略的核心思想,在每部电影中从稍微不同的角度展示。 这个名为 “求职面试” 的网站让我们面临着一个颠倒世界中我们社会中存在的主要歧视形式: 虽然大约 6% 的人口有某种残疾, 他们在就业中的比例只是这一比例的一小部分。 在这部名为《争吵》的电影中,我们发现自己正处于一场吵闹的嫉妒之争中,直到最后,夫妻双方都很明显是盲人。通过这种对观众来说并不愉快的情况 –,但每天都在发生,我们强调我们的信息: 残疾人和其他人一样, 他们同样能够管理他们的生活,担心,爱或战斗。 在这个名为《床时间故事》的地方,人们可以看到一个神奇的幻想世界。只有结尾才清楚地表明,一个父亲使用手语向他的女儿讲述了一个故事,女儿有着同样丰富多彩的生动经历,就像她能听到这个故事一样。 在名为 “办公室” 的广告中,我们将一个患有唐氏综合症的年轻人的无辜和积极的观点与他周围的人的消极观点进行了对比。通过这种强烈的对比,我们想提请注意对残疾人的偏见。 媒体战略受到这样一个事实的强烈影响,即由于经济危机,我们几乎不能将原定预算的 30% 用于竞选。因此,ATL 活动由四个一分钟的位置组成。(在匈牙利,电视仍然可以以最低的名义媒体成本接触最广泛的观众,由于其类型,电影是影响情感的最合适工具。) 通过使用我们 3500万福林 (117,000 欧元) 的媒体预算,我们成功地实施了 1.5亿福林 (500,000 欧元) 的媒体活动。(匈牙利平均一个月的媒体活动预算约为 100 福林至 1.5 亿福林 (340 至 500,000 欧元) 这项为期一个多月的活动被三个重要的专业互联网论坛选为 2008年最好的三项活动之一: -该运动在匈牙利访问量最大的互联网新闻门户网站 (origo.hu) 的经济分网站竞赛中获得第一名。 -- 在广告专业期刊 Kreativ 的互联网博客 Kreativ.hu 的民意调查中,这项运动以第三名结束。 -在匈牙利访问量最大的广告博客之一 addict.blog.hu 的网站上,该活动获得了有史以来的最高分,从而成为去年最好的。


    案例简介:Campaign Summary As compared to the most developed Western Sates of the European Union, Hungary has a considerable backlog in its integration of disabled people. Beyond the removal of physical and legal impediments, what we strive to change with this campaign is the general approach and attitude of “able-bodied people" in order to educate them to recognise disabled persons as full members of society. On 3 December 2008, the International Day of Disabled Persons, the Hungarian Government therefore launched a campaign to reduce prejudice against disabled people. The main message of this campaign is that disabled people are fully-entitled members of society and they have equal rights and opportunities to a live a life of full value. Context Objectives In the short term: Generating a social dialogue on the problems of the disabled persons in the media, within the networks of the on-line communities, with the involvement of the civil organisations. In the long term: Shaping and changing the attitudes necessary for the social integration of disabled people and reducing discrimination. Results: There were plentiful posts in connection with the campaign matterials in the blog of the campaign and in other online communities and fora, thus fulfilling our short term goal of generating a social dialogue. One example of the numerous posts by a blind person: „I think it was the first ad for long that got the point and did not try to let the majority know, in a namby-pamby and school like way, what to do when they come across a blind person or dare to think of them, filled with pathos, commiseration or an overheated sense of mission. It does not educate or indoctrinate, just opens the first blind in an Advent calendar with several thousand windows, behind which – see the wonder! - there is the same Jesus sleeping in the manger as in the Illustrated Bible for the sighted … Because one does have to provoke, and only from the TV screens, permeating deeply into cosy armchairs, family nests, movies, shopping malls and pubs. Philosophy/Solution Strategy Impairment of one ability does not in itself count as disability – it is only turned into a disability by the approach of society. – This was the central thought underlying the creative strategy, displayed in each film from a slightly different angle. The spot titled “Job Interview” confronts us with one of the main forms of discrimination present in our society through a reversed world: while around six per cent of the population has some kind of disability, their proportion in employment is only a fraction of this. In the film titled “Argument” we find ourselves in the middle of a noisy jealous fight, and it is only at the end, when it becomes obvious that both spouses are blind. Through this situation – which is not pleasant for the viewer, but occurs every day – we give emphasis to our message: disabled people are just like anybody else, they are equally able to run their lives, to worry, to love or to fight. In the spot titled “Bed Time Story” one can see a magical fantasy world. Only the end makes it obvious that a father, using sign language, tells a tale to his daughter, who has the same colourful and lively experience as if she could hear the story. In the advert titled “The Office” we set the innocent and positive outlook of a young man with Down Syndrome against the negative outlook of “able-bodied” people surrounding him. Through this strong contrast we would like to draw attention to the prejudice against disabled people. The media strategy was strongly influenced by the fact that, due to the economic crisis, we could use hardly 30% of the originally planned budget for the campaign. Thus the ATL campaign consists of four one-minute spots. (In Hungary it is still the television that can reach the widest audience at the lowest nominal media cost, and due to its genre a film is the most suitable tool to influence emotions.) By using our media budget of HUF 35 million (c. EUR 117,000), we managed to implement a media campaign of HUF 150 million (c. EUR 500,000). (The budget of an average one-month media campaign in Hungary is around HUF 100 to150 million (c. EUR 340-500,000) This campaign, with a duration of slightly over one month, was selected by three significant professional Internet fora as one of the best three campaigns of 2008: - The campaign was awarded the first place in the competition of the economy sub-site (mfor.hu) of the most visited Internet news portal in Hungary (origo.hu). - In the poll by Kreativ.hu, the Internet blog of the advertisement professional periodical Kreatív, the campaign finished in third place. - At the site of addict.blog.hu, one of the most visited Hungarian advertisement blogs, the campaign achieved the highest score ever and thus became the best of the last year.











    They live just like us, they feel feel just like us. The real handicap is where we're unable to see this.



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