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    案例简介:IKA Collective 为新福克斯惊悚片制作了强大的发布活动 创意制作/后混合将工业地产转化为多个电视舞台,与凯文 · 培根、詹姆斯 · Purefoy 和 100 名额外的演员和工作人员一起进行为期一天的拍摄 纽约 -- 为推出新的心理剧《下一个》,标志着金球奖得主和艾美奖提名演员凯文·培根的黄金时段系列首演,福克斯广播公司 (福克斯)再次转向创意制作/后工作室混合 IKA Collective,制作了一个多现场促销活动,导致该系列的高收视率首映。IKA 此前曾为其他几个福克斯系列成功推出系列促销活动,包括《新女孩》、《提高希望》和《明迪项目》。他们还为上一季制作了奢华的宣传片,这样你就可以跳首映式了。 IKA Collective 的创始人和执行制片人伊恩 · 卡尔说: “我们很自豪福克斯再次委托我们推出这个至关重要的系列。”。“发射是一件大事 -- 对网络和 IKA 来说。无论是组建一个一流的团队,还是为后勤和生产挑战提出创造性的解决方案,我们都在高风险的环境中茁壮成长。" 由凯瑞 · 肖 · 布朗执导,安东尼 · 阿伦特执导,两部宣传片 (名为《脚步》和《乌鸦》) 的制作尤其具有挑战性,因为它要求多重, 视觉上独特的宣传片只需一天就能拍摄。这意味着找到一个不仅能捕捉到推动创意的城市反乌托邦感的位置,还能提供足够的空间来建造牢房和联邦调查局办公室。 卡尔和他的制作团队使用布鲁克林的一个废弃的谷物电梯作为该系列的主要位置,该系列的联合主演詹姆斯 · Purefoy 和他的许多追随者走过一个充满涂鸦的地方, 腐烂的建筑,留下血迹斑斑的脚印,当他们走向一个石头面培根。其他布景建在相邻的结构中,在布鲁克林海滨创建了一个 “弹出式” 制作工作室。 卡尔补充道: “福克斯团队带着史诗般的创意理念来到我们这里,每个人都在他们的最高水平上表演。”。“现场非常棒,超过 2000万观众收看了首映式。没有比这更好的了。" 关于 IKA Collective: IKA Collective 由著名品牌策略师/总监伊恩 · 卡尔创立,不仅仅是一家制作公司。IKA Collective 是关于以娱乐和获得结果的方式交流的。我们的设施包括一个实时插入舞台、五个编辑室、数字颜色分级、图形、合成和音频混合套件,使我们能够在各种媒体上提供有意义的预算。最近的客户包括探索频道、联合航空公司、霍尔马克频道和企鹅出版公司。有关更多信息,请访问 http://www.ikacollective.com 关于以下内容: 播出星期一 (9:00-下午10:00 ET/PT), 以下是一部快节奏的心理惊悚片,讲述了一名前联邦调查局特工退休后寻找一个狡猾和邪恶的连环杀手的故事, 不断增长的杀人犯网络背后的策划者。 以下是 Bonanza Productions 公司与 Outerbanks 娱乐公司和华纳兄弟公司的合作。电视。该系列由凯文 · 威廉森创作、撰写和执行。Marcos Siega (“德克斯特”,“吸血鬼日记”) 也担任执行制片人并指导飞行员。 “喜欢” Facebook 的 Facebook 上的以下内容。关注 Twitter @ TheFollowingFOX 上的系列节目,并加入 # thefollowing 的讨论。


    案例简介:IKA Collective Produces Powerful Launch Campaign For New FOX Thriller THE FOLLOWING Creative Production/Post Hybrid Transforms Industrial Property into Multiple Television Stages For One-Day Shoot With Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy and 100 Additional Cast And Crew NEW YORK, NY -- For the launch of the new psychological drama THE FOLLOWING, which marks Golden Globe winner and Emmy Award-nominated actor Kevin Bacon’s primetime series debut, Fox Broadcasting Company (FOX) again turned to the creative production/post studio hybrid IKA Collective to produce one of the multi-spot promo campaigns that led to the series’ highly-rated premiere. IKA had previously worked on successful series launch promo campaigns for several other FOX series, including NEW GIRL, RAISING HOPE and THE MINDY PROJECT. They also produced the extravagant promo for last season’s SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE premiere. “We’re proud that FOX again entrusted us with this crucial series launch,” Ian Karr, Founder/Director at IKA Collective and Executive Producer on this project, says. “Launches are a huge deal -- for the networks and for IKA. Whether it’s assembling an A-list team, or coming up with creative solutions to logistical and production challenges, we thrive in that high-stakes environment.” Directed by Kerry Shaw Brown and lensed by Anthony Arendt, production on the two promos (entitled "Footsteps" and "The Raven") proved especially challenging because it called for multiple, visually unique promos to be shot in just one day. That meant finding a location that not only captured the sense of urban dystopia that drives the creative, but one that also provided enough space to build a jail cell and an FBI office set. Karr and his production team used an abandoned grain elevator in Brooklyn as the primary location for the sequence in which series co-star James Purefoy and his many followers walk through a graffiti-filled, decaying building, leaving behind bloody footprints as they walk toward a stone-faced Bacon. The other sets were built in an adjacent structure, creating a “pop-up” production studio on the Brooklyn waterfront. “The FOX team came to us with epic creative concepts and everyone performed at their very highest level,” Karr adds. “The spots turned out great and more than 20 million viewers tuned in for the premiere. It doesn’t get much better than that.” About IKA Collective: Founded by noted brand strategist/director Ian Karr, IKA Collective is more than a production company. IKA Collective is all about communicating in a way that entertains and gets results. Our facility includes a live insert stage, five edit rooms, digital color grading, graphics, compositing and audio mixing suites, allowing us to deliver great work at budgets that make sense in every medium. Recent clients include Discovery Channel, United Airlines, Hallmark Channel and Penguin Publishing. For more information go to http://www.ikacollective.com ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Airing Mondays (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT), THE FOLLOWING is a fast-paced psychological thriller that follows a former FBI agent who is called out of retirement to track down a devious and diabolical serial killer, the mastermind behind an ever-growing web of murderers. THE FOLLOWING is from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Outerbanks Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television. The series is created, written and executive-produced by Kevin Williamson. Marcos Siega (“Dexter,” “The Vampire Diaries”) also serves as an executive producer and directed the pilot. “Like” THE FOLLOWING on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheFollowing. Follow the series on Twitter @TheFollowingFOX and join the discussion at #thefollowing.


    案例简介:IKA Collective 为新福克斯惊悚片制作了强大的发布活动 创意制作/后混合将工业地产转化为多个电视舞台,与凯文 · 培根、詹姆斯 · Purefoy 和 100 名额外的演员和工作人员一起进行为期一天的拍摄 纽约 -- 为推出新的心理剧《下一个》,标志着金球奖得主和艾美奖提名演员凯文·培根的黄金时段系列首演,福克斯广播公司 (福克斯)再次转向创意制作/后工作室混合 IKA Collective,制作了一个多现场促销活动,导致该系列的高收视率首映。IKA 此前曾为其他几个福克斯系列成功推出系列促销活动,包括《新女孩》、《提高希望》和《明迪项目》。他们还为上一季制作了奢华的宣传片,这样你就可以跳首映式了。 IKA Collective 的创始人和执行制片人伊恩 · 卡尔说: “我们很自豪福克斯再次委托我们推出这个至关重要的系列。”。“发射是一件大事 -- 对网络和 IKA 来说。无论是组建一个一流的团队,还是为后勤和生产挑战提出创造性的解决方案,我们都在高风险的环境中茁壮成长。" 由凯瑞 · 肖 · 布朗执导,安东尼 · 阿伦特执导,两部宣传片 (名为《脚步》和《乌鸦》) 的制作尤其具有挑战性,因为它要求多重, 视觉上独特的宣传片只需一天就能拍摄。这意味着找到一个不仅能捕捉到推动创意的城市反乌托邦感的位置,还能提供足够的空间来建造牢房和联邦调查局办公室。 卡尔和他的制作团队使用布鲁克林的一个废弃的谷物电梯作为该系列的主要位置,该系列的联合主演詹姆斯 · Purefoy 和他的许多追随者走过一个充满涂鸦的地方, 腐烂的建筑,留下血迹斑斑的脚印,当他们走向一个石头面培根。其他布景建在相邻的结构中,在布鲁克林海滨创建了一个 “弹出式” 制作工作室。 卡尔补充道: “福克斯团队带着史诗般的创意理念来到我们这里,每个人都在他们的最高水平上表演。”。“现场非常棒,超过 2000万观众收看了首映式。没有比这更好的了。" 关于 IKA Collective: IKA Collective 由著名品牌策略师/总监伊恩 · 卡尔创立,不仅仅是一家制作公司。IKA Collective 是关于以娱乐和获得结果的方式交流的。我们的设施包括一个实时插入舞台、五个编辑室、数字颜色分级、图形、合成和音频混合套件,使我们能够在各种媒体上提供有意义的预算。最近的客户包括探索频道、联合航空公司、霍尔马克频道和企鹅出版公司。有关更多信息,请访问 http://www.ikacollective.com 关于以下内容: 播出星期一 (9:00-下午10:00 ET/PT), 以下是一部快节奏的心理惊悚片,讲述了一名前联邦调查局特工退休后寻找一个狡猾和邪恶的连环杀手的故事, 不断增长的杀人犯网络背后的策划者。 以下是 Bonanza Productions 公司与 Outerbanks 娱乐公司和华纳兄弟公司的合作。电视。该系列由凯文 · 威廉森创作、撰写和执行。Marcos Siega (“德克斯特”,“吸血鬼日记”) 也担任执行制片人并指导飞行员。 “喜欢” Facebook 的 Facebook 上的以下内容。关注 Twitter @ TheFollowingFOX 上的系列节目,并加入 # thefollowing 的讨论。


    案例简介:IKA Collective Produces Powerful Launch Campaign For New FOX Thriller THE FOLLOWING Creative Production/Post Hybrid Transforms Industrial Property into Multiple Television Stages For One-Day Shoot With Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy and 100 Additional Cast And Crew NEW YORK, NY -- For the launch of the new psychological drama THE FOLLOWING, which marks Golden Globe winner and Emmy Award-nominated actor Kevin Bacon’s primetime series debut, Fox Broadcasting Company (FOX) again turned to the creative production/post studio hybrid IKA Collective to produce one of the multi-spot promo campaigns that led to the series’ highly-rated premiere. IKA had previously worked on successful series launch promo campaigns for several other FOX series, including NEW GIRL, RAISING HOPE and THE MINDY PROJECT. They also produced the extravagant promo for last season’s SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE premiere. “We’re proud that FOX again entrusted us with this crucial series launch,” Ian Karr, Founder/Director at IKA Collective and Executive Producer on this project, says. “Launches are a huge deal -- for the networks and for IKA. Whether it’s assembling an A-list team, or coming up with creative solutions to logistical and production challenges, we thrive in that high-stakes environment.” Directed by Kerry Shaw Brown and lensed by Anthony Arendt, production on the two promos (entitled "Footsteps" and "The Raven") proved especially challenging because it called for multiple, visually unique promos to be shot in just one day. That meant finding a location that not only captured the sense of urban dystopia that drives the creative, but one that also provided enough space to build a jail cell and an FBI office set. Karr and his production team used an abandoned grain elevator in Brooklyn as the primary location for the sequence in which series co-star James Purefoy and his many followers walk through a graffiti-filled, decaying building, leaving behind bloody footprints as they walk toward a stone-faced Bacon. The other sets were built in an adjacent structure, creating a “pop-up” production studio on the Brooklyn waterfront. “The FOX team came to us with epic creative concepts and everyone performed at their very highest level,” Karr adds. “The spots turned out great and more than 20 million viewers tuned in for the premiere. It doesn’t get much better than that.” About IKA Collective: Founded by noted brand strategist/director Ian Karr, IKA Collective is more than a production company. IKA Collective is all about communicating in a way that entertains and gets results. Our facility includes a live insert stage, five edit rooms, digital color grading, graphics, compositing and audio mixing suites, allowing us to deliver great work at budgets that make sense in every medium. Recent clients include Discovery Channel, United Airlines, Hallmark Channel and Penguin Publishing. For more information go to http://www.ikacollective.com ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Airing Mondays (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT), THE FOLLOWING is a fast-paced psychological thriller that follows a former FBI agent who is called out of retirement to track down a devious and diabolical serial killer, the mastermind behind an ever-growing web of murderers. THE FOLLOWING is from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Outerbanks Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television. The series is created, written and executive-produced by Kevin Williamson. Marcos Siega (“Dexter,” “The Vampire Diaries”) also serves as an executive producer and directed the pilot. “Like” THE FOLLOWING on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheFollowing. Follow the series on Twitter @TheFollowingFOX and join the discussion at #thefollowing.













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