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    Save The Baltic Sea短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 波罗的海是世界上污染最严重的海。十四个国家和超过 9000万人每天给这个独特的海洋带来负担。节约意味着克服没有环境保护空间的能源和安全政策。我们决定与波罗的海行动小组 (BSAG) 安排一次行动峰会。关键目标包括让最高政治和商业领袖参与环境行动,发展私营/公共部门之间的合作,并将想法转化为行动。我们想创造一个解决环境问题的新标准。一个基于真正的承诺,而不是空洞的承诺。将环境危机转化为商业机会,并说服政治领导人,成功的环境合作也为政治合作铺平了道路。只需要一部手机就能移动。我们利用关键联系人和社交网络来激励高层政治和商业领袖参加峰会。12 位国家元首参加了波罗的海行动首脑会议 -- 提出了具体承诺。来自波罗的海各地的 150 多个组织致力于分享他们拯救海洋的独特专业知识。这次行动峰会也是全球媒体的成功 -- 一天之内就有 1,500 多个新闻报道。 描述客户的简报: 我们的目标是将波罗的海放在集水区所有政治领导人的首要议程上,并让私营商业部门参与解决这个问题。为了实现这些目标,我们必须激活媒体。我们的最初目标是实现高投票率和至少 50 项拯救海洋的承诺。BSAG 寻求高层政治家和商业领袖的广泛认可。 结果: 在 2009年5月的启动仪式上,BSAG 设定了一个目标,即在首脑会议之前做出 50 项切实承诺来拯救波罗的海。到 2010年2月的最后期限,他们已经收集了 150 多份承诺。在这方面,结果增加了两倍,承诺和承诺组织的质量表明,基金会也能够在企业界创造合理的信任和尊重。宣传、采取的行动和积极的反馈是压倒性的,令人惊讶的积极。除了波罗的海地区,还有来自其他国家的承诺制定者和媒体 -- 也来自欧洲以外。媒体的关注是全球性的,超过 1,500 篇关于这个主题的文章中有一些是由半岛电视台和《卫报》等机构发表的。公司和新闻代表的人数必须受到限制,因为人们对峰会的兴趣超过了预期。 执行: 媒体发布 2009年5月19日与第一个承诺制造商。2。向波罗的海周围的目标群体 (媒体和可能的承诺制定者) 进行路演。从 2009年5月到 2010年2月: 致力于承诺并找到双赢的概念。4.2009年5月至 2010年2月: 与国家元首进行承诺谈判。5. 从 2009年5月到 2010年2月: 准备峰会内容、计划和时间表 6。峰会前 8 周: 国际和当地媒体简报 7。行动首脑会议的战术方法是通过国家元首的支持让公司和企业家感兴趣。主要的突破是普京总理 10月25日的大力支持,之后一切都开始滚动。公司也被参与者被视为行业先驱这一事实所吸引。与会者明白,环境挑战也可以提供机会。 情况: 波罗的海行动集团是一个雄心勃勃的创新芬兰基金会,致力于创造具体的解决方案。BSAG 在并行项目中充当发起者/催化剂。BSAG 是中立的。波罗的海不能等待。它正在迅速成为一名临终关怀病人。这就是为什么波罗的海周围的每个人 -- 国家、公司、组织和个人 -- 必须采取具体行动来拯救波罗的海。BSAG 希望召集这些政党创造积极的势头。随着全球媒体的曝光,波罗的海行动首脑会议案件将产生真正的承诺和兴趣。我们必须利用最好的营销、公关和沟通能力。 战略: 为了获得全球影响力,波罗的海行动首脑会议被传达为解决环境灾难的新标准。我们确定了公司和国家采取行动拯救波罗的海的自然激励措施,创建了有利于每个人的基于承诺的项目。行动首脑会议作为一种环境方法,可用于让全世界的决策者、企业和公民参与进来,以应对日益复杂和跨国家的挑战。我们的核心信息是简单而有效的: 环境行动总是与人们和组织的承诺站在一起,BSAG 已经发展了一年多的方法,而且在未来的日子里没有做过类似的事情就波罗的海而言,BSAG 与部署了类似方法的美国合作伙伴一起测试了这一概念。这个新概念在欧洲有明显的优势。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Baltic Sea is the world’s most polluted sea. Fourteen countries and over 90 million people burden this unique sea daily. Saving it meant overcoming energy and security policies that have no room for environmental protection. We decided to arrange an Action Summit with Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) . Key targets included getting top poltical and business leaders involved in the environmental action, developing cooperation between the private/public sector, and transforming ideas into action. We wanted to create a new standard for solving environmental issues. One based on true commitment, not empty promises. Transform the environmental crisis into business opportunities and persuade political leaders that successful environmental cooperation also paves the way for political collaboration. It took only one phone to get things moving. We leveraged key contacts and social networks to motivate top political and business leaders to attend the Summit. 12 heads of state participated in the Baltic Sea Action Summit – offering tangible commitments. Over 150 organizations from all around the Baltic Sea and beyond committed to sharing their unique expertise to saving the sea. The Action Summit was also a global media success – over 1,500 press stories in one day. Describe the brief from the client: We aimed to put the Baltic Sea at the top of agenda of all the political leaders in the catchment area and involve the private business sector in solving the problem. To reach these goals, we had to activate the media. Our initial target was to achieve high turnout and a minimum of 50 sea-saving commitments. BSAG sought wider recognition from top politicians and business leaders. Results: At launch, May 2009, BSAG set a goal of 50 tangible commitments to save the Baltic Sea by the time of the Summit. By the deadline in February 2010 they had gathered more than 150 commitments. In this respect the results were tripled and the quality of the commitments and committing organizations showed that the foundation had been able to create a reasonable amount of trust and respect in the corporate world as well. The publicity, actions taken and positive feedback were overwhelming and surprisingly positive. There were commitment makers and press from other countries than just the Baltic Sea area – also from outside Europe. The media attention was global and some of the over 1,500 published articles on the subject were by the likes of Al Jazeera and The Guardian. The number of corporate and press representatives had to be limited as interest in the Summit was greater than expected. Execution: 1. Media launch 19 May 2009 with the first commitment makers. 2. Road show to target groups (media and possible commitment makers) around the Baltic Sea 3. From May 2009 to February 2010: working on the commitments and finding win-win-win concepts. 4. From May 2009 to Feb 2010: commitment negotiations with the heads of state. 5. From May 2009 to Feb 2010: Preparation of the Summit content, program and schedule 6. 8 weeks before the Summit: briefings for international and local media 7. The Action Summit The tactical approach was to get corporations and entrepreneurs interested through the support by the heads of state. The major breakthrough was Prime Minister Putin's strong support on October 25, after which everything started rolling. Companies are also attracted by the fact that the participants are seen as forerunners in their sectors. The participants understood that environmental challenges can also provide opportunities. The Situation: Baltic Sea Action Group is an ambitious, innovative Finnish foundation committed to creating concrete solutions. BSAG acts as an initiator/catalyst in parallel projects. BSAG is neutral. The Baltic Sea cannot wait. It is rapidly becoming a terminal-care patient. That is why everyone – countries, companies, organisations and individuals around the Baltic Sea must take concrete actions to save it. BSAG wanted to assemble these parties to create positive momentum. With global media exposure, the Baltic Sea Action summit case would generate genuine commitment and interest. We had to lever the best marketing, PR and communication capabilities. The Strategy: To gain global leverage, the Baltic Sea Action Summit was communicated as a new standard for solving environmental catastrophes. We identified natural incentives for companies and states to take action to save the Baltic Sea by creating commitment-based projects that would benefit everyone. The action summit as an environmental approach can be used to engage decision-makers, businesses and private citizens all over the world to tackle ever more complicated and cross-national challenges. Our core message was simple and effective: environmental action always stands on with the commitment of people and organizations BSAG had developed the approach for over a year, and nothing similar had ever been done in the region with regard to the Baltic Sea BSAG tested the concept with US based partners who had deployed a similar approach. There was a clear niche for the new concept in the Europe.

    Save The Baltic Sea

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 波罗的海是世界上污染最严重的海。十四个国家和超过 9000万人每天给这个独特的海洋带来负担。节约意味着克服没有环境保护空间的能源和安全政策。我们决定与波罗的海行动小组 (BSAG) 安排一次行动峰会。关键目标包括让最高政治和商业领袖参与环境行动,发展私营/公共部门之间的合作,并将想法转化为行动。我们想创造一个解决环境问题的新标准。一个基于真正的承诺,而不是空洞的承诺。将环境危机转化为商业机会,并说服政治领导人,成功的环境合作也为政治合作铺平了道路。只需要一部手机就能移动。我们利用关键联系人和社交网络来激励高层政治和商业领袖参加峰会。12 位国家元首参加了波罗的海行动首脑会议 -- 提出了具体承诺。来自波罗的海各地的 150 多个组织致力于分享他们拯救海洋的独特专业知识。这次行动峰会也是全球媒体的成功 -- 一天之内就有 1,500 多个新闻报道。 描述客户的简报: 我们的目标是将波罗的海放在集水区所有政治领导人的首要议程上,并让私营商业部门参与解决这个问题。为了实现这些目标,我们必须激活媒体。我们的最初目标是实现高投票率和至少 50 项拯救海洋的承诺。BSAG 寻求高层政治家和商业领袖的广泛认可。 结果: 在 2009年5月的启动仪式上,BSAG 设定了一个目标,即在首脑会议之前做出 50 项切实承诺来拯救波罗的海。到 2010年2月的最后期限,他们已经收集了 150 多份承诺。在这方面,结果增加了两倍,承诺和承诺组织的质量表明,基金会也能够在企业界创造合理的信任和尊重。宣传、采取的行动和积极的反馈是压倒性的,令人惊讶的积极。除了波罗的海地区,还有来自其他国家的承诺制定者和媒体 -- 也来自欧洲以外。媒体的关注是全球性的,超过 1,500 篇关于这个主题的文章中有一些是由半岛电视台和《卫报》等机构发表的。公司和新闻代表的人数必须受到限制,因为人们对峰会的兴趣超过了预期。 执行: 媒体发布 2009年5月19日与第一个承诺制造商。2。向波罗的海周围的目标群体 (媒体和可能的承诺制定者) 进行路演。从 2009年5月到 2010年2月: 致力于承诺并找到双赢的概念。4.2009年5月至 2010年2月: 与国家元首进行承诺谈判。5. 从 2009年5月到 2010年2月: 准备峰会内容、计划和时间表 6。峰会前 8 周: 国际和当地媒体简报 7。行动首脑会议的战术方法是通过国家元首的支持让公司和企业家感兴趣。主要的突破是普京总理 10月25日的大力支持,之后一切都开始滚动。公司也被参与者被视为行业先驱这一事实所吸引。与会者明白,环境挑战也可以提供机会。 情况: 波罗的海行动集团是一个雄心勃勃的创新芬兰基金会,致力于创造具体的解决方案。BSAG 在并行项目中充当发起者/催化剂。BSAG 是中立的。波罗的海不能等待。它正在迅速成为一名临终关怀病人。这就是为什么波罗的海周围的每个人 -- 国家、公司、组织和个人 -- 必须采取具体行动来拯救波罗的海。BSAG 希望召集这些政党创造积极的势头。随着全球媒体的曝光,波罗的海行动首脑会议案件将产生真正的承诺和兴趣。我们必须利用最好的营销、公关和沟通能力。 战略: 为了获得全球影响力,波罗的海行动首脑会议被传达为解决环境灾难的新标准。我们确定了公司和国家采取行动拯救波罗的海的自然激励措施,创建了有利于每个人的基于承诺的项目。行动首脑会议作为一种环境方法,可用于让全世界的决策者、企业和公民参与进来,以应对日益复杂和跨国家的挑战。我们的核心信息是简单而有效的: 环境行动总是与人们和组织的承诺站在一起,BSAG 已经发展了一年多的方法,而且在未来的日子里没有做过类似的事情就波罗的海而言,BSAG 与部署了类似方法的美国合作伙伴一起测试了这一概念。这个新概念在欧洲有明显的优势。

    Save The Baltic Sea

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Baltic Sea is the world’s most polluted sea. Fourteen countries and over 90 million people burden this unique sea daily. Saving it meant overcoming energy and security policies that have no room for environmental protection. We decided to arrange an Action Summit with Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) . Key targets included getting top poltical and business leaders involved in the environmental action, developing cooperation between the private/public sector, and transforming ideas into action. We wanted to create a new standard for solving environmental issues. One based on true commitment, not empty promises. Transform the environmental crisis into business opportunities and persuade political leaders that successful environmental cooperation also paves the way for political collaboration. It took only one phone to get things moving. We leveraged key contacts and social networks to motivate top political and business leaders to attend the Summit. 12 heads of state participated in the Baltic Sea Action Summit – offering tangible commitments. Over 150 organizations from all around the Baltic Sea and beyond committed to sharing their unique expertise to saving the sea. The Action Summit was also a global media success – over 1,500 press stories in one day. Describe the brief from the client: We aimed to put the Baltic Sea at the top of agenda of all the political leaders in the catchment area and involve the private business sector in solving the problem. To reach these goals, we had to activate the media. Our initial target was to achieve high turnout and a minimum of 50 sea-saving commitments. BSAG sought wider recognition from top politicians and business leaders. Results: At launch, May 2009, BSAG set a goal of 50 tangible commitments to save the Baltic Sea by the time of the Summit. By the deadline in February 2010 they had gathered more than 150 commitments. In this respect the results were tripled and the quality of the commitments and committing organizations showed that the foundation had been able to create a reasonable amount of trust and respect in the corporate world as well. The publicity, actions taken and positive feedback were overwhelming and surprisingly positive. There were commitment makers and press from other countries than just the Baltic Sea area – also from outside Europe. The media attention was global and some of the over 1,500 published articles on the subject were by the likes of Al Jazeera and The Guardian. The number of corporate and press representatives had to be limited as interest in the Summit was greater than expected. Execution: 1. Media launch 19 May 2009 with the first commitment makers. 2. Road show to target groups (media and possible commitment makers) around the Baltic Sea 3. From May 2009 to February 2010: working on the commitments and finding win-win-win concepts. 4. From May 2009 to Feb 2010: commitment negotiations with the heads of state. 5. From May 2009 to Feb 2010: Preparation of the Summit content, program and schedule 6. 8 weeks before the Summit: briefings for international and local media 7. The Action Summit The tactical approach was to get corporations and entrepreneurs interested through the support by the heads of state. The major breakthrough was Prime Minister Putin's strong support on October 25, after which everything started rolling. Companies are also attracted by the fact that the participants are seen as forerunners in their sectors. The participants understood that environmental challenges can also provide opportunities. The Situation: Baltic Sea Action Group is an ambitious, innovative Finnish foundation committed to creating concrete solutions. BSAG acts as an initiator/catalyst in parallel projects. BSAG is neutral. The Baltic Sea cannot wait. It is rapidly becoming a terminal-care patient. That is why everyone – countries, companies, organisations and individuals around the Baltic Sea must take concrete actions to save it. BSAG wanted to assemble these parties to create positive momentum. With global media exposure, the Baltic Sea Action summit case would generate genuine commitment and interest. We had to lever the best marketing, PR and communication capabilities. The Strategy: To gain global leverage, the Baltic Sea Action Summit was communicated as a new standard for solving environmental catastrophes. We identified natural incentives for companies and states to take action to save the Baltic Sea by creating commitment-based projects that would benefit everyone. The action summit as an environmental approach can be used to engage decision-makers, businesses and private citizens all over the world to tackle ever more complicated and cross-national challenges. Our core message was simple and effective: environmental action always stands on with the commitment of people and organizations BSAG had developed the approach for over a year, and nothing similar had ever been done in the region with regard to the Baltic Sea BSAG tested the concept with US based partners who had deployed a similar approach. There was a clear niche for the new concept in the Europe.



    Save The Baltic Sea










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