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    Literary Critic Reviews Ikea Catalogue短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 48 小时内,全球 100 多家在线报纸和电视台播出了这部电影,其中包括《明镜》、《斯特恩》、《世界报》和《法兰克福日报》等德语世界领先的出版物。整个欧洲的国家都紧随其后,后来甚至像《时代》杂志这样的美国媒体也报道了这项运动,为目录发布创造了前所未有的意识和期待。大约 2500万人观看了嵌入式视频,它很快成为推特上的热门话题。在社交媒体上,超过 12.000 种互动被认可。最终,我们的预算只有 40 万欧元,我们的信息达到了 2.3亿人,整个运动获得了免费的媒体曝光,相当于大约 1000万美元的支出。 执行 我们在 Hellmuth Karasek 进行批判性分析时拍摄了他。他被要求做的只是用他一生批评世界文学的方式来评判宜家目录。这部近 5 分钟长的在线电影故意慢节奏,长时间未剪辑的序列,以支持其真实的感觉。他所有的名言都是他自己写的,以确保他的评论成为真正的娱乐节目,而不仅仅是广告。目录发布前一周,我们组织了一次新闻发布会,在会上我们首次报道了 Hellmuth Karasek 的评论。因此,我们有许多瑞士记者在网上发布了这个故事和这部电影。从那时起,它在全球所有社交媒体渠道和报纸网站上迅速传播。 相关性 总的来说,宜家目录是一个普通的广告。但是,当你让德语世界最有影响力的文学批评像评判世界文学一样评判它时,它会以一种新的眼光出现。这得到了全球 100 多家在线报纸和电视台的认可。我们认为这与公关狮子相关。 概要 每年秋天,新的宜家产品目录都会问世。这是理所当然的,现在。它的一般内容也不再特别令人惊讶。然而,宜家瑞士希望今年的目录发布成为媒体的一个话题,以便接触尽可能多的瑞士人。但是你如何让媒体谈论一个最终会出现的功能性广告? 目标是让媒体关注、期待和意识到目录 -- 以及宜家 -- 与所有竞争对手有多标志性和不同。 战略 年轻的宜家公众有数字素养,思想开放,好奇。他们的大部分媒体消费都在网上进行 -- YouTube 、 Facebook Livestream 、推特。他们喜欢被启发: 在设计和生活方式博客上,Instagram,Pinterest。好的想法被尊重和分享,不太好的想法被无情地忽视甚至被抛弃。我们关注的乘数是高质量的德语媒体 -- 记者、编辑、博客和意见领袖。这个工具可以是任何东西: 特技、事件、见证或晋升。它必须有创造性和令人惊讶。唯一能成功的解决方案是: 我们需要一个大的病毒内容想法。 活动描述 宜家目录不仅仅是一个目录。它有 2.2亿多册,翻译成 34 种语言,在 44 个国家出版,可以被视为我们这个时代发行最多的书。我们要求德国最受欢迎和最有影响力的文学评论家赫尔穆特 · 卡拉塞克对这一重要的通俗文学作品进行第一次认真的评论。他的批判性分析可能是歌德、弗洛伊德和宜家的侧桌在短时间内被连续提及的第一次。


    案例简介:Outcome Within 48 hours it was broadcast by over 100 online newspapers and tv stations worldwide, including every leading publication in the German speaking world like Spiegel, Stern, Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Countries all over Europe followed and later even US media like Time Magazine featured the campaign, creating unprecedented awareness and anticipation for the catalogue launch. Around 25 million people watched the embedded video and it quickly became a trending topic on twitter. In the social media, more than 12.000 interactions were recognized. Ultimately, with a budget of 40’000 euros only, our message reached 230 million people and the whole campaign gained free media exposure equalling spendings of approximately 10 Million Dollars. Execution We filmed Hellmuth Karasek while he was carrying out his critical analysis. All he was asked to do was to judge the IKEA catalogue the way he has been critizising world literature all his life. The almost 5 minute long online film is deliberately slow paced, with long uncut sequences, to support its authentic feel. All his quotes were written by himself to make sure his review becomes an authentic piece of entertainment and not just advertising.One week before the catalogue launch, we organized a press conference where we premiered Hellmuth Karasek's review. As a result, we got a number of Swiss journalists to publish the story and the film online. From there it spread rapidly on all social media channels and newspaper websites worldwide. Relevancy In general, the IKEA catalogue is an ordinary piece of advertising. But when you get the most influential literary critc in the German speaking world to judge it like a piece of world literature, it appears in a new light. That was recognized by over 100 online newspapers and tv stations worldwide. We think that makes it relevant for the PR Lions. Synopsis Every autumn, the new IKEA catalogue comes out. That is taken for granted by now. And its general content is also not particularly surprising anymore. Nevertheless, IKEA Switzerland wanted this year`s catalogue launch to be a topic for the media, in order to reach as many people as possible in Switzerland. But how do you get the press to talk about a functional piece of advertising that comes out anually?The objective was to create media attention, anticipation and awareness of just how iconic and different the catalogue - and by extension IKEA - is from all its competitors. Strategy The young IKEA public is digitally literate, open-minded, and curious. Most of their media consumption takes place online - YouTube, Facebook Livestream, Twitter. They like being inspired: on design and lifestyle blogs, Instagram, Pinterest. Good ideas are honored and shared, less good ones mercilessly ignored or even dissed. The multipliers we focused on were in high-quality, German-speaking media – journalists, editors, bloggers and opinion leaders.The tool could be anything: a stunt, an event, a testimonial or a promotion. It would have to be creative and surprising. The only solution that could be successful: we need a big viral content idea. Campaign Description The IKEA catalogue is not just a catalogue. With over 220 Million copies, translated into 34 languages and published in 44 countries, it could be viewed as the most distributed book of our time. We asked Germany's most popular and influential literary critic, Hellmuth Karasek, to deliver the first serious review of this important piece of popular literature. His critical analysis may be the first occasion where Goethe, Freud and IKEA side tables are mentioned in short succession.

    Literary Critic Reviews Ikea Catalogue

    案例简介:结果 48 小时内,全球 100 多家在线报纸和电视台播出了这部电影,其中包括《明镜》、《斯特恩》、《世界报》和《法兰克福日报》等德语世界领先的出版物。整个欧洲的国家都紧随其后,后来甚至像《时代》杂志这样的美国媒体也报道了这项运动,为目录发布创造了前所未有的意识和期待。大约 2500万人观看了嵌入式视频,它很快成为推特上的热门话题。在社交媒体上,超过 12.000 种互动被认可。最终,我们的预算只有 40 万欧元,我们的信息达到了 2.3亿人,整个运动获得了免费的媒体曝光,相当于大约 1000万美元的支出。 执行 我们在 Hellmuth Karasek 进行批判性分析时拍摄了他。他被要求做的只是用他一生批评世界文学的方式来评判宜家目录。这部近 5 分钟长的在线电影故意慢节奏,长时间未剪辑的序列,以支持其真实的感觉。他所有的名言都是他自己写的,以确保他的评论成为真正的娱乐节目,而不仅仅是广告。目录发布前一周,我们组织了一次新闻发布会,在会上我们首次报道了 Hellmuth Karasek 的评论。因此,我们有许多瑞士记者在网上发布了这个故事和这部电影。从那时起,它在全球所有社交媒体渠道和报纸网站上迅速传播。 相关性 总的来说,宜家目录是一个普通的广告。但是,当你让德语世界最有影响力的文学批评像评判世界文学一样评判它时,它会以一种新的眼光出现。这得到了全球 100 多家在线报纸和电视台的认可。我们认为这与公关狮子相关。 概要 每年秋天,新的宜家产品目录都会问世。这是理所当然的,现在。它的一般内容也不再特别令人惊讶。然而,宜家瑞士希望今年的目录发布成为媒体的一个话题,以便接触尽可能多的瑞士人。但是你如何让媒体谈论一个最终会出现的功能性广告? 目标是让媒体关注、期待和意识到目录 -- 以及宜家 -- 与所有竞争对手有多标志性和不同。 战略 年轻的宜家公众有数字素养,思想开放,好奇。他们的大部分媒体消费都在网上进行 -- YouTube 、 Facebook Livestream 、推特。他们喜欢被启发: 在设计和生活方式博客上,Instagram,Pinterest。好的想法被尊重和分享,不太好的想法被无情地忽视甚至被抛弃。我们关注的乘数是高质量的德语媒体 -- 记者、编辑、博客和意见领袖。这个工具可以是任何东西: 特技、事件、见证或晋升。它必须有创造性和令人惊讶。唯一能成功的解决方案是: 我们需要一个大的病毒内容想法。 活动描述 宜家目录不仅仅是一个目录。它有 2.2亿多册,翻译成 34 种语言,在 44 个国家出版,可以被视为我们这个时代发行最多的书。我们要求德国最受欢迎和最有影响力的文学评论家赫尔穆特 · 卡拉塞克对这一重要的通俗文学作品进行第一次认真的评论。他的批判性分析可能是歌德、弗洛伊德和宜家的侧桌在短时间内被连续提及的第一次。

    Literary Critic Reviews Ikea Catalogue

    案例简介:Outcome Within 48 hours it was broadcast by over 100 online newspapers and tv stations worldwide, including every leading publication in the German speaking world like Spiegel, Stern, Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Countries all over Europe followed and later even US media like Time Magazine featured the campaign, creating unprecedented awareness and anticipation for the catalogue launch. Around 25 million people watched the embedded video and it quickly became a trending topic on twitter. In the social media, more than 12.000 interactions were recognized. Ultimately, with a budget of 40’000 euros only, our message reached 230 million people and the whole campaign gained free media exposure equalling spendings of approximately 10 Million Dollars. Execution We filmed Hellmuth Karasek while he was carrying out his critical analysis. All he was asked to do was to judge the IKEA catalogue the way he has been critizising world literature all his life. The almost 5 minute long online film is deliberately slow paced, with long uncut sequences, to support its authentic feel. All his quotes were written by himself to make sure his review becomes an authentic piece of entertainment and not just advertising.One week before the catalogue launch, we organized a press conference where we premiered Hellmuth Karasek's review. As a result, we got a number of Swiss journalists to publish the story and the film online. From there it spread rapidly on all social media channels and newspaper websites worldwide. Relevancy In general, the IKEA catalogue is an ordinary piece of advertising. But when you get the most influential literary critc in the German speaking world to judge it like a piece of world literature, it appears in a new light. That was recognized by over 100 online newspapers and tv stations worldwide. We think that makes it relevant for the PR Lions. Synopsis Every autumn, the new IKEA catalogue comes out. That is taken for granted by now. And its general content is also not particularly surprising anymore. Nevertheless, IKEA Switzerland wanted this year`s catalogue launch to be a topic for the media, in order to reach as many people as possible in Switzerland. But how do you get the press to talk about a functional piece of advertising that comes out anually?The objective was to create media attention, anticipation and awareness of just how iconic and different the catalogue - and by extension IKEA - is from all its competitors. Strategy The young IKEA public is digitally literate, open-minded, and curious. Most of their media consumption takes place online - YouTube, Facebook Livestream, Twitter. They like being inspired: on design and lifestyle blogs, Instagram, Pinterest. Good ideas are honored and shared, less good ones mercilessly ignored or even dissed. The multipliers we focused on were in high-quality, German-speaking media – journalists, editors, bloggers and opinion leaders.The tool could be anything: a stunt, an event, a testimonial or a promotion. It would have to be creative and surprising. The only solution that could be successful: we need a big viral content idea. Campaign Description The IKEA catalogue is not just a catalogue. With over 220 Million copies, translated into 34 languages and published in 44 countries, it could be viewed as the most distributed book of our time. We asked Germany's most popular and influential literary critic, Hellmuth Karasek, to deliver the first serious review of this important piece of popular literature. His critical analysis may be the first occasion where Goethe, Freud and IKEA side tables are mentioned in short succession.



    Literary Critic Reviews Ikea Catalogue










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