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    # 酒桶斧

    案例简介:活动描述 虚构的对冲基金 Axe Capital 以数十亿美元庆祝美国梦。为了在现实世界中反映这一目标,我们将受欢迎的众筹平台 Kickstarter 变成了一个传播数十亿美元的社交平台,为 Axe Capital 和支持公司创造了一个形象, 帮助企业家走上成功之路的产品和大想法。我们在 Kickstarter 和社交媒体社区之间建立了对话,创作者成为了该品牌的传道者,使得标签 # BackedByAxe 成为社交媒体的口号。我们重新想象了一种利用 Kickstarter 的新方法,并将亿万富翁的创业精神带入生活,向全新的观众介绍了该节目。 概要 SHOWTIME 的热门系列《十亿》于 2016年1月11日首映,成为网络上收视率最高的新生系列。我们的目标是利用第一季的势头和成功,促进第二季的推出。为了做到这一点,我们的目标是进一步向流行文化时代精神注入数十亿美元,并利用新的不同的受众群体,在关键的上下文和文化相关的接触点与他们相交。通过开展文化共鸣营销活动,我们希望推动赢得媒体,吸引和动员有影响力的人,并为亿万富翁第二季备受期待的回归营造兴奋。 结果 通过将 Kickstarter 的众筹平台变成一个社交平台,我们能够传播这个消息,向全新的观众介绍 SHOWTIME 的数十亿美元。赢得媒体和媒体对该活动的报道推动了与 Kickstarter 社区的接触,达到 3000万。此外,创作者不仅在 Kickstarter 上宣传这项运动,还在他们的社交渠道 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) 上宣传,从而成为该节目的影响者和传道者。在整个赛季中,多达 20 家公司将得到支持。 战略 为了获得更多样化的观众,我们的策略是利用一个代表数十亿人精神的平台。我们需要为生活和文化时代精神带来数十亿美元,在那里人们自然会参与进来。Kickstarter 通过众筹、合作、参与式观众等方式体现了当今文化的许多方面。它是一个推动边界的平台 -- 就像 SHOWTIME 和数十亿美元。风投、企业家和 technorati 已经成为下一代超级明星; 他们中的许多人生活在 Kickstarter 社区中并与之接触,这使得我们有了一个自然的空间来与这些有影响力的声音联系。为了吸引这些观众,我们把虚构的对冲基金带到数十亿美元的中心,斧头资本,为了生活。Kickstarter 上的 Axe Capital 支持符合创新和创业主题的小企业和事业,并直接参与影响者及其社区,向他们介绍数十亿人,创造 执行 该活动利用了 Kickstarter 的所有工具,并专门为创建者项目创建了资产。我们首先在 Kickstarter 上为 Axe Capital 建立了一个个人资料页面,并搜索了几十亿美元的美国公司。然后,我们通过直接信息与创作者沟通,并资助他们的项目,让他们实现他们的目标。媒体预算纯粹是分配给 Kickstarter 上的资助公司,一旦获得资助,创作者就通过使用标签 # BackedByAxe 进入他们的社交渠道来表达他们的感激和兴奋。同时,Axe Capital 使用 Kickstarter 留言板参与了评论。除了支持公司之外,Axe Capital 还以免费的 30 天订阅和数十亿笔赃物让创作者感到惊讶和高兴。从 2月到 4月,千亿公司的目标是在 Kickstarter 上资助近 20 家公司。《福布斯》的报道有助于宣传这项活动,并为其带来信誉,推动新创作者和公司的更多兴奋和有机活动。

    # 酒桶斧

    案例简介:CampaignDescription In Billions, the fictional hedge fund Axe Capital celebrates the American dream. To mirror that objective in the real world, we turned the popular crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter, into a social platform that spread the word about Billions, creating a profile for Axe Capital and backing companies, products and big ideas to help entrepreneurs on their path to success. We created conversations among the Kickstarter and social media communities and the creators became evangelists for the brand, making the hashtag #BackedByAxe a social media rallying cry.We reimagined a new way to leverage Kickstarter and brought the Billions’ entrepreneurial spirit to life, introducing the show to a whole new audience. Synopsis SHOWTIME’s hit series Billions premiered on January 11, 2016 as the highest rated freshman series on the network Our goal was to leverage the momentum and success of the first season and promote the launch of Season 2. To do this, we aimed to insert Billions further into the pop culture zeitgeist and tap into new, diverse audience segments, intersecting them at key contextual and culturally relevant touch points. By developing a culturally resonant marketing campaign, we hoped to drive earned media, engage and mobilize influencers and build excitement for the much anticipated return of Billions’ Season 2. Outcome By turning Kickstarter’s crowdfunding platform into a social platform, we were able to spread the word, introducing SHOWTIME’s Billions to a whole new audience. Earned media and press coverage of the campaign drove engagement with the Kickstarter community, and reach of 30 million. In addition, Creators became influencers and evangelists for the show by promoting the campaign not only on Kickstarter, but their social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well. Up to 20 companies will be backed throughout the course of the season. Strategy In order to gain a more diverse audience, our strategy was to tap into a platform that represented the ethos of Billions. We needed to bring Billions to life and into the cultural zeitgeist, where people were naturally engaging. Kickstarter embodies so many facets of culture today through crowdfunding, collaboration, participatory audiences etc. It’s a platform that pushes boundaries - much like SHOWTIME and Billions. VCs, entrepreneurs and the technorati have become the next breed of superstars; many of them live among and engage with the Kickstarter community, making it a natural space for us to connect with these influential voices.To tap into this audience, we brought the fictional hedge fund at the center of Billions, Axe Capital, to life. Axe Capital on Kickstarter supported small businesses and causes that fit with themes of innovation and entrepreneurship and directly engaged influencers and their communities, introducing them to Billions and creating Execution The campaign leveraged all of Kickstarter’s tools and created assets specifically for creator projects.We first set up a profile page for Axe Capital on Kickstarter and searched for US-based companies that fit thematically with Billions. Then, we communicated with creators via direct messaging and funded their projects, getting them to their goals. The media budget was purely allocated to funding companies on Kickstarter and, once funded, the creators showed their gratitude and excitement by taking to their social channels, using the hashtag #BackedByAxe. Simultaneously, Axe Capital participated in commentary using the Kickstarter message boards. In addition to backing companies, Axe Capital surprised and delighted creators with free 30 day subscriptions and Billions swag.Between February and April, Billions aims to fund close to 20 companies on Kickstarter. Coverage from Forbes helped promote and bring credibility to the campaign, driving more excitement and organic activity from new creators and companies.


    案例简介:活动描述 虚构的对冲基金 Axe Capital 以数十亿美元庆祝美国梦。为了在现实世界中反映这一目标,我们将受欢迎的众筹平台 Kickstarter 变成了一个传播数十亿美元的社交平台,为 Axe Capital 和支持公司创造了一个形象, 帮助企业家走上成功之路的产品和大想法。我们在 Kickstarter 和社交媒体社区之间建立了对话,创作者成为了该品牌的传道者,使得标签 # BackedByAxe 成为社交媒体的口号。我们重新想象了一种利用 Kickstarter 的新方法,并将亿万富翁的创业精神带入生活,向全新的观众介绍了该节目。 概要 SHOWTIME 的热门系列《十亿》于 2016年1月11日首映,成为网络上收视率最高的新生系列。我们的目标是利用第一季的势头和成功,促进第二季的推出。为了做到这一点,我们的目标是进一步向流行文化时代精神注入数十亿美元,并利用新的不同的受众群体,在关键的上下文和文化相关的接触点与他们相交。通过开展文化共鸣营销活动,我们希望推动赢得媒体,吸引和动员有影响力的人,并为亿万富翁第二季备受期待的回归营造兴奋。 结果 通过将 Kickstarter 的众筹平台变成一个社交平台,我们能够传播这个消息,向全新的观众介绍 SHOWTIME 的数十亿美元。赢得媒体和媒体对该活动的报道推动了与 Kickstarter 社区的接触,达到 3000万。此外,创作者不仅在 Kickstarter 上宣传这项运动,还在他们的社交渠道 (Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter) 上宣传,从而成为该节目的影响者和传道者。在整个赛季中,多达 20 家公司将得到支持。 战略 为了获得更多样化的观众,我们的策略是利用一个代表数十亿人精神的平台。我们需要为生活和文化时代精神带来数十亿美元,在那里人们自然会参与进来。Kickstarter 通过众筹、合作、参与式观众等方式体现了当今文化的许多方面。它是一个推动边界的平台 -- 就像 SHOWTIME 和数十亿美元。风投、企业家和 technorati 已经成为下一代超级明星; 他们中的许多人生活在 Kickstarter 社区中并与之接触,这使得我们有了一个自然的空间来与这些有影响力的声音联系。为了吸引这些观众,我们把虚构的对冲基金带到数十亿美元的中心,斧头资本,为了生活。Kickstarter 上的 Axe Capital 支持符合创新和创业主题的小企业和事业,并直接参与影响者及其社区,向他们介绍数十亿人,创造 执行 该活动利用了 Kickstarter 的所有工具,并专门为创建者项目创建了资产。我们首先在 Kickstarter 上为 Axe Capital 建立了一个个人资料页面,并搜索了几十亿美元的美国公司。然后,我们通过直接信息与创作者沟通,并资助他们的项目,让他们实现他们的目标。媒体预算纯粹是分配给 Kickstarter 上的资助公司,一旦获得资助,创作者就通过使用标签 # BackedByAxe 进入他们的社交渠道来表达他们的感激和兴奋。同时,Axe Capital 使用 Kickstarter 留言板参与了评论。除了支持公司之外,Axe Capital 还以免费的 30 天订阅和数十亿笔赃物让创作者感到惊讶和高兴。从 2月到 4月,千亿公司的目标是在 Kickstarter 上资助近 20 家公司。《福布斯》的报道有助于宣传这项活动,并为其带来信誉,推动新创作者和公司的更多兴奋和有机活动。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription In Billions, the fictional hedge fund Axe Capital celebrates the American dream. To mirror that objective in the real world, we turned the popular crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter, into a social platform that spread the word about Billions, creating a profile for Axe Capital and backing companies, products and big ideas to help entrepreneurs on their path to success. We created conversations among the Kickstarter and social media communities and the creators became evangelists for the brand, making the hashtag #BackedByAxe a social media rallying cry.We reimagined a new way to leverage Kickstarter and brought the Billions’ entrepreneurial spirit to life, introducing the show to a whole new audience. Synopsis SHOWTIME’s hit series Billions premiered on January 11, 2016 as the highest rated freshman series on the network Our goal was to leverage the momentum and success of the first season and promote the launch of Season 2. To do this, we aimed to insert Billions further into the pop culture zeitgeist and tap into new, diverse audience segments, intersecting them at key contextual and culturally relevant touch points. By developing a culturally resonant marketing campaign, we hoped to drive earned media, engage and mobilize influencers and build excitement for the much anticipated return of Billions’ Season 2. Outcome By turning Kickstarter’s crowdfunding platform into a social platform, we were able to spread the word, introducing SHOWTIME’s Billions to a whole new audience. Earned media and press coverage of the campaign drove engagement with the Kickstarter community, and reach of 30 million. In addition, Creators became influencers and evangelists for the show by promoting the campaign not only on Kickstarter, but their social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) as well. Up to 20 companies will be backed throughout the course of the season. Strategy In order to gain a more diverse audience, our strategy was to tap into a platform that represented the ethos of Billions. We needed to bring Billions to life and into the cultural zeitgeist, where people were naturally engaging. Kickstarter embodies so many facets of culture today through crowdfunding, collaboration, participatory audiences etc. It’s a platform that pushes boundaries - much like SHOWTIME and Billions. VCs, entrepreneurs and the technorati have become the next breed of superstars; many of them live among and engage with the Kickstarter community, making it a natural space for us to connect with these influential voices.To tap into this audience, we brought the fictional hedge fund at the center of Billions, Axe Capital, to life. Axe Capital on Kickstarter supported small businesses and causes that fit with themes of innovation and entrepreneurship and directly engaged influencers and their communities, introducing them to Billions and creating Execution The campaign leveraged all of Kickstarter’s tools and created assets specifically for creator projects.We first set up a profile page for Axe Capital on Kickstarter and searched for US-based companies that fit thematically with Billions. Then, we communicated with creators via direct messaging and funded their projects, getting them to their goals. The media budget was purely allocated to funding companies on Kickstarter and, once funded, the creators showed their gratitude and excitement by taking to their social channels, using the hashtag #BackedByAxe. Simultaneously, Axe Capital participated in commentary using the Kickstarter message boards. In addition to backing companies, Axe Capital surprised and delighted creators with free 30 day subscriptions and Billions swag.Between February and April, Billions aims to fund close to 20 companies on Kickstarter. Coverage from Forbes helped promote and bring credibility to the campaign, driving more excitement and organic activity from new creators and companies.

    # 酒桶斧












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