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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战 喜力的企业文化是通过喜力品牌来定义的。 2010 年,喜力品牌在传播战略上发生了重大变化,为此,并非所有喜力员工都完全理解这种变化对他们的企业生活的影响。 因此,挑战是将新的喜力品牌战略 “开放你的世界” 应用于公司办公环境,并利用这一结果帮助员工更好地与喜力公司保持联系。 目标 通过展示即使在企业环境中最传统和最可预测的情况也可以变成 “打开你的世界” 的机会来讲述喜力的故事。 战略 喜力相信,这个世界充满了各种可能性,只有当你走出舒适区时,你才能接触到这些可能性。 执行 候选人是一个秘密拍摄的求职面试,让申请人走出他们的舒适区,找到最适合喜力精神的人才。求职者被邀请参加一个三阶段的面试: 从一个过于熟悉的面试官,到一次突发心脏病和消防演习。 最能应对挑战的候选人在喜力所有员工中进行了投票。冠军被带到了冠军联赛的比赛,在那里他获得了。 结果 91%.喜力员工观看了视频,它刺激而设计。 422 赢得了媒体的印象。 候选人是广告中最活跃的第2。 1.13 google 搜索结果。 为什么公关狮子? 企业对员工的沟通,让员工为喜力的工作感到自豪。 描述客户的简报 主要目标是让员工参与喜力品牌和公司。第二个目标是,邀请他们参与对话。成功的标准。因此,开展宣传和交流。 结果 91% 的喜力员工观看了在都灵尤文图斯体育场的现场直播,这位获胜的候选人是如何视频并发现这对他们的工作有刺激作用的 41.000 喜力的潜在消费者已经正式获得工作。 422 赢得了媒体的印象。 候选人是广告中最活跃的第2。 1.13mio 谷歌搜索结果 分享到认为比超过 10% 3.473.000 一个月的 (公牛眼睛男 24-54 对象)。 YouTube 上有 20.121 人喜欢。 15.276 次运动中提到了社会和数字媒体,其中 87% 的优惠 (79% 男,年龄 21-月)。 喜力的人力资源站点增加了 279% 的流量 + 317% 的简历后提出的宣传运动 执行 31.10.-12.11.12。-喜力雇员投票的候选人。 20.11.12。-那个 Luchtig 被告知,在前面的 41.000 足球球迷欧冠决赛中,他得到了那份工作。 19.02.13。候选电影在喜力的 Facebook 页面上直播。同一天,这个故事在 Mashable 上被打破,随后是 Mashable 编辑 Pete Cashmore 的推特。其他混合媒体 (如《赫芬顿邮报》和《创意在线》) 在传统媒体加入之前就开始了。 在《福布斯》、监护人、企业内部不断的故事,他们确认,不仅是幽默而又有实际市场价值的行业。每个媒体都在他们的社交媒体渠道上分享了这部电影,产生了连锁反应,使这部电影变得像病毒一样。本地市场,像印度和巴西适合的人选,招聘用同样的方法在本地摄影记者的 2013 赛季欧冠决赛。 形势 喜力的企业文化是通过喜力品牌来定义的。 在 2010 的喜力品牌传播战略发生了重大变化,而不是所有喜力员工还没有完全掌握如何转变影响的需要。 机会出现,新的喜力品牌战略 `把世界公司的办公环境和应用成果,帮助员工更好地找出自己与喜力公司。 战略 喜力认为,这个世界充满了可能性,只能当走出你的舒适区。为了鼓励人们以开放的世界,喜力,敢于面对挑战小的思想和文化影响人的意料之外。与候选人的新方法的标准征聘喜力来讲故事引人入胜的内部和外部的对象。Buzz amongst 消费者对于在喜力集团内部创造自豪感至关重要。所以这个故事播经选定的战略媒体和社会媒体的影响力,编辑报道--造成连带效应在中学和大学媒体。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry CHALLENGE Heineken’s corporate culture is defined through the Heineken brand. In 2010 the Heineken brand underwent a major change in communication strategy, for which not all Heineken employees have yet fully grasped how this shift impacts on their corporate life. The challenge therefore was to apply the new Heineken brand strategy 'Open Your World' to the corporate office environment and use the outcome to help employees to better identify themselves with the Heineken Company. OBJECTIVE To tell the Heineken story by demonstrating that even the most conventional and predictable situation in a corporate environment can get turned into an opportunity to 'Open your World'. STRATEGY Heineken believes that the world is full of possibilities that can only be accessed when getting out of your comfort zone. EXECUTION THE CANDIDATE is a secretly filmed job interview that gets applicants out of their comfort zone to find the talent that best fits the Heineken spirit. Job seekers were invited to a 3-staged interview: from an over-familiar interviewer, to a surprise heart attack and a fire drill. The candidates that best managed their challenges were put to a vote amongst all Heineken employees. The winner was brought to a Champion's League match, where he was awarded the job. OUTCOME 91% of Heineken employees watched the video and found it stimulating for their job. 422M earned media impressions. The Candidate was the 2nd most buzzed ad. 1.13M google search results. WHY PR LIONS? Business to employee communication to make staff proud working for Heineken. Describe the brief from the client Primary goal was to engage employees with the Heineken brand and corporation. Secondary goal was to invite them to be part of the conversation. Criteria for success therefore were campaign awareness and interaction. Results 91% of Heineken employees have watched th witnessed live in the Juventus Stadium in Turin, how the winning candidate e video and found it stimulating for their job 41.000 potential Heineken consumers have officially been awarded the job. 422M earned media impressions. The Candidate was the 2nd most buzzed ad. 1.13mio google search results Share to view ratio of over 10% 3.473.000 views on YouTube (bulls eye on male target audience 24-54). 20.121 likes on YouTube. 15.276 times the campaign has been mentioned in social and digital media, of which 87% were favorable (79% male, age 21-50). +279% traffic increase on Heineken’s HR sites +317% increase in CV’s submitted after campaign launch Execution 31.10.-12.11.12. – Heineken employees voted for the winning candidate. 20.11.12. – Guy Luchtig was told in front of 41.000 football fans during the Champions League Final that he got the job. 19.02.13. – The Candidate film went live on Heineken’s Facebook page. That same day, the story broke on Mashable, followed by a tweet from Pete Cashmore, a Mashable editor. Other Hybrid media (i.e. Huffington Post and Creativity Online) picked it up before traditional media got on board. When Forbes, Guardian, business insider continued the story, they confirmed that not only was it humorous but also had real marketing value to the industry. Each media shared it on their social media channels, creating a knock-on effect that made the film go viral. Local markets like India and Brazil adapted THE CANDIDATE, recruiting with the same method a local photo reporter for the 2013 Champions League final. The Situation Heineken’s corporate culture is defined through the Heineken brand. In 2010 the Heineken brand underwent a major change in communication strategy, for which not all Heineken employees have yet fully grasped how this shift impacts on their corporate life. An opportunity arose to apply the new Heineken brand strategy 'Open Your World' to the corporate office environment and use the outcome to help employees to better identify themselves with the Heineken Company. The Strategy Heineken believes that the world is full of possibilities that can only be accessed when getting out of your comfort zone. To encourage people to open their world, Heineken challenges small-minded thinking and cultural stereotyping by confronting people with the unexpected. With THE CANDIDATE a new approach to the standard recruitment process has been taken to tell the Heineken story in an engaging way to internal as well as external target audiences. Buzz amongst consumers was crucial to create pride within the Heineken organization. Therefore the story was seeded via strategically selected media and social media influencers to generate editorial coverage – resulting in a cascade effect in secondary and tertiary media.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战 喜力的企业文化是通过喜力品牌来定义的。 2010 年,喜力品牌在传播战略上发生了重大变化,为此,并非所有喜力员工都完全理解这种变化对他们的企业生活的影响。 因此,挑战是将新的喜力品牌战略 “开放你的世界” 应用于公司办公环境,并利用这一结果帮助员工更好地与喜力公司保持联系。 目标 通过展示即使在企业环境中最传统和最可预测的情况也可以变成 “打开你的世界” 的机会来讲述喜力的故事。 战略 喜力相信,这个世界充满了各种可能性,只有当你走出舒适区时,你才能接触到这些可能性。 执行 候选人是一个秘密拍摄的求职面试,让申请人走出他们的舒适区,找到最适合喜力精神的人才。求职者被邀请参加一个三阶段的面试: 从一个过于熟悉的面试官,到一次突发心脏病和消防演习。 最能应对挑战的候选人在喜力所有员工中进行了投票。冠军被带到了冠军联赛的比赛,在那里他获得了。 结果 91%.喜力员工观看了视频,它刺激而设计。 422 赢得了媒体的印象。 候选人是广告中最活跃的第2。 1.13 google 搜索结果。 为什么公关狮子? 企业对员工的沟通,让员工为喜力的工作感到自豪。 描述客户的简报 主要目标是让员工参与喜力品牌和公司。第二个目标是,邀请他们参与对话。成功的标准。因此,开展宣传和交流。 结果 91% 的喜力员工观看了在都灵尤文图斯体育场的现场直播,这位获胜的候选人是如何视频并发现这对他们的工作有刺激作用的 41.000 喜力的潜在消费者已经正式获得工作。 422 赢得了媒体的印象。 候选人是广告中最活跃的第2。 1.13mio 谷歌搜索结果 分享到认为比超过 10% 3.473.000 一个月的 (公牛眼睛男 24-54 对象)。 YouTube 上有 20.121 人喜欢。 15.276 次运动中提到了社会和数字媒体,其中 87% 的优惠 (79% 男,年龄 21-月)。 喜力的人力资源站点增加了 279% 的流量 + 317% 的简历后提出的宣传运动 执行 31.10.-12.11.12。-喜力雇员投票的候选人。 20.11.12。-那个 Luchtig 被告知,在前面的 41.000 足球球迷欧冠决赛中,他得到了那份工作。 19.02.13。候选电影在喜力的 Facebook 页面上直播。同一天,这个故事在 Mashable 上被打破,随后是 Mashable 编辑 Pete Cashmore 的推特。其他混合媒体 (如《赫芬顿邮报》和《创意在线》) 在传统媒体加入之前就开始了。 在《福布斯》、监护人、企业内部不断的故事,他们确认,不仅是幽默而又有实际市场价值的行业。每个媒体都在他们的社交媒体渠道上分享了这部电影,产生了连锁反应,使这部电影变得像病毒一样。本地市场,像印度和巴西适合的人选,招聘用同样的方法在本地摄影记者的 2013 赛季欧冠决赛。 形势 喜力的企业文化是通过喜力品牌来定义的。 在 2010 的喜力品牌传播战略发生了重大变化,而不是所有喜力员工还没有完全掌握如何转变影响的需要。 机会出现,新的喜力品牌战略 `把世界公司的办公环境和应用成果,帮助员工更好地找出自己与喜力公司。 战略 喜力认为,这个世界充满了可能性,只能当走出你的舒适区。为了鼓励人们以开放的世界,喜力,敢于面对挑战小的思想和文化影响人的意料之外。与候选人的新方法的标准征聘喜力来讲故事引人入胜的内部和外部的对象。Buzz amongst 消费者对于在喜力集团内部创造自豪感至关重要。所以这个故事播经选定的战略媒体和社会媒体的影响力,编辑报道--造成连带效应在中学和大学媒体。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry CHALLENGE Heineken’s corporate culture is defined through the Heineken brand. In 2010 the Heineken brand underwent a major change in communication strategy, for which not all Heineken employees have yet fully grasped how this shift impacts on their corporate life. The challenge therefore was to apply the new Heineken brand strategy 'Open Your World' to the corporate office environment and use the outcome to help employees to better identify themselves with the Heineken Company. OBJECTIVE To tell the Heineken story by demonstrating that even the most conventional and predictable situation in a corporate environment can get turned into an opportunity to 'Open your World'. STRATEGY Heineken believes that the world is full of possibilities that can only be accessed when getting out of your comfort zone. EXECUTION THE CANDIDATE is a secretly filmed job interview that gets applicants out of their comfort zone to find the talent that best fits the Heineken spirit. Job seekers were invited to a 3-staged interview: from an over-familiar interviewer, to a surprise heart attack and a fire drill. The candidates that best managed their challenges were put to a vote amongst all Heineken employees. The winner was brought to a Champion's League match, where he was awarded the job. OUTCOME 91% of Heineken employees watched the video and found it stimulating for their job. 422M earned media impressions. The Candidate was the 2nd most buzzed ad. 1.13M google search results. WHY PR LIONS? Business to employee communication to make staff proud working for Heineken. Describe the brief from the client Primary goal was to engage employees with the Heineken brand and corporation. Secondary goal was to invite them to be part of the conversation. Criteria for success therefore were campaign awareness and interaction. Results 91% of Heineken employees have watched th witnessed live in the Juventus Stadium in Turin, how the winning candidate e video and found it stimulating for their job 41.000 potential Heineken consumers have officially been awarded the job. 422M earned media impressions. The Candidate was the 2nd most buzzed ad. 1.13mio google search results Share to view ratio of over 10% 3.473.000 views on YouTube (bulls eye on male target audience 24-54). 20.121 likes on YouTube. 15.276 times the campaign has been mentioned in social and digital media, of which 87% were favorable (79% male, age 21-50). +279% traffic increase on Heineken’s HR sites +317% increase in CV’s submitted after campaign launch Execution 31.10.-12.11.12. – Heineken employees voted for the winning candidate. 20.11.12. – Guy Luchtig was told in front of 41.000 football fans during the Champions League Final that he got the job. 19.02.13. – The Candidate film went live on Heineken’s Facebook page. That same day, the story broke on Mashable, followed by a tweet from Pete Cashmore, a Mashable editor. Other Hybrid media (i.e. Huffington Post and Creativity Online) picked it up before traditional media got on board. When Forbes, Guardian, business insider continued the story, they confirmed that not only was it humorous but also had real marketing value to the industry. Each media shared it on their social media channels, creating a knock-on effect that made the film go viral. Local markets like India and Brazil adapted THE CANDIDATE, recruiting with the same method a local photo reporter for the 2013 Champions League final. The Situation Heineken’s corporate culture is defined through the Heineken brand. In 2010 the Heineken brand underwent a major change in communication strategy, for which not all Heineken employees have yet fully grasped how this shift impacts on their corporate life. An opportunity arose to apply the new Heineken brand strategy 'Open Your World' to the corporate office environment and use the outcome to help employees to better identify themselves with the Heineken Company. The Strategy Heineken believes that the world is full of possibilities that can only be accessed when getting out of your comfort zone. To encourage people to open their world, Heineken challenges small-minded thinking and cultural stereotyping by confronting people with the unexpected. With THE CANDIDATE a new approach to the standard recruitment process has been taken to tell the Heineken story in an engaging way to internal as well as external target audiences. Buzz amongst consumers was crucial to create pride within the Heineken organization. Therefore the story was seeded via strategically selected media and social media influencers to generate editorial coverage – resulting in a cascade effect in secondary and tertiary media.













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