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    First Photo Last Photo短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 《生活的快乐》是一个非营利组织,其任务之一是停止选择性堕胎。凭借我们强大而独特的洞察力,我们需要以一种体验的方式来传递它,让整个城市唤起超越香港的情感和支持。它需要与可能经历这些困境的年轻人和年轻家庭交谈。除了创造一种体验元素,在香港中心向所有人开放的摄影展中体现出来, 我们创建了一个沉浸式在线画廊,以迎合世界上数字渠道消费最高的国家之一。我们用我们的在线视频劫持了一个新闻门户网站,并在一个受欢迎的杂志标题上发布了一个印刷广告。最后,我们在该市最大的堕胎诊所之一外找到了一个公共汽车庇护所,让人们重新思考他们的行为。 相关性 不幸的是,在许多文化和国家,有 10000万名女孩被杀害,而且人数还在上升。亚洲是性别灭绝太真实的地方之一。这个问题需要一个反应驱动的想法,直接影响人们开始对这个无声的问题发表意见,并停止性别灭绝。 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 画廊将独特的洞察力 (未出生女孩的超声波照片是她们的第一张照片,也可能是最后一张照片) 放置在一个发人深省的方式中,以产生即时行动。 执行 我们在香港中心举办了一个 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 展览,来自未出生女孩的超声波照片向游客展示了他们的第一张照片可能是最后一张。画廊吸引了年轻人和老年人,让他们亲身体验了来自重男轻女文化的难以置信的真相。我们用在线视频劫持了一个新闻门户网站,制造了一种病毒狂潮。将公共汽车收容所改造成 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 展示,我们战略性地选择了这个位于该市最大堕胎诊所之外的地方,以驱使人们重新思考他们的行为。 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 照片小册子和印刷广告也吸引了更多的观众来到我们身临其境的虚拟画廊 -- 为人们提供帮助这项事业的方法,加入运动,表达问题的声音,并寻求帮助。 活动描述 这创造了一个情况,一个未出生的女孩的超声波图已经成为她的死刑判决。她的第一张照片将是她的最后一张照片。这种独特的洞察力将是我们创造性想法的核心。第一张照片是向公众开放的最后一个照片展览,展出了未出生女孩的超声波照片。其他可交付的内容包括小册子、平面广告、公共汽车候车亭和沉浸式在线画廊。真实的原始情感会被真实的洞察力唤起。解决一个古老的文化问题的关键时刻。 概要 《生活的快乐》是一个非营利组织,其任务之一是停止选择性堕胎。不幸的是,在亚洲的许多文化和国家,有 10000万女孩失踪,而且这个数字还在上升。称之为性别灭绝并不夸张。事实上,女婴的毁灭是根深蒂固的重男轻女文化的产物, 现代对较小家庭的渴望或规定以及识别胎儿性别的超声波扫描技术。香港是亚洲许多性别不平衡的地方之一。有没有办法最终提高对这一无声问题的认识,并发起一场防止进一步性别灭绝的全球运动? 结果 一周内:-世界各地报道-超过 140万个印象-帮助产生了超过 3,000 个承诺


    案例简介:Strategy Joy of Life is a non-profit organization with one of its missions to stop sex-selective abortions. With our strong and unique insight, we needed to deliver it in a way that was experiential for the whole city to evoke emotion and support that lived beyond Hong Kong.It needed to speak to young adults and young families who may be experiencing these dilemmas. Apart from creating an experiential element that manifested into a photo exhibition open to all in the heart of Hong Kong, we created an immersive online gallery to cater to one of the world’s highest digital channel consumption countries. We hijacked a news portal with our online video and launched a print ad on a popular magazine title. Lastly, we found a bus shelter that was right outside one of the largest abortion clinics in the city to get people to rethink their actions. Relevancy Unfortunately in many cultures and countries, 100 million girls have been killed and the number is only rising. Asia is one of these places where gendercide is all too real. This problem requires a response-driven idea that directly influences people to start giving a voice to this voiceless problem and stop gendercide.The “First Photo Last Photo” gallery places the unique insight (sonograms of unborn girls are their first and possible last photo) into a thought-provoking way to generate immediate action. Execution We opened a “First Photo Last Photo” exhibition in the heart of Hong Kong – where photos from sonograms of unborn girls showed visitors that their first photos could be their last.The gallery attracted young and old and allowed them to experience first-hand the unbelievable truth that comes from the culture of son-preference. We hijacked a news portal with our online video to create a viral frenzy. Transforming a bus shelter into a “First Photo Last Photo” showcase, we strategically chose this location outside the city’s largest abortion clinic to drive people to rethink their actions.“First Photo Last Photo” photo booklets and print ads also drove the wider audience to our immersive virtual gallery – providing ways for people to help the cause, join the movement to give voice to the problem and find assistance. Campaign Description This has created a situation where a sonogram of an unborn girl has become her death sentence.Her First Photo would be her Last Photo.This unique insight would be the core of our creative idea. The First Photo Last Photo exhibition which was open to public featured photos from sonograms of unborn girls. Other deliverables included booklets, print ads, bus shelters and an immersive online gallery.Raw, genuine emotion would be evoked with a genuine insight. A moment of truth to solve an age-old cultural problem. Synopsis Joy of Life is a non-profit organization with one of its missions to stop sex-selective abortions. Unfortunately in many cultures and countries in Asia, 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. It is no exaggeration to call this gendercide. In fact the destruction of baby girls is a product of the deep-rooted culture of preference for sons over daughters, the modern desire or regulations for smaller families and ultrasound scanning technologies that identify the sex of a fetus.Hong Kong is one of the many Asian locations with an imbalance between the sexes. Is there a way to finally raise awareness to this voiceless problem and create a global movement to prevent further gendercide? Outcome In one week:- Reported around the world- Over 1.4 million impressions- Helped generate over 3,000 pledges

    First Photo Last Photo

    案例简介:战略 《生活的快乐》是一个非营利组织,其任务之一是停止选择性堕胎。凭借我们强大而独特的洞察力,我们需要以一种体验的方式来传递它,让整个城市唤起超越香港的情感和支持。它需要与可能经历这些困境的年轻人和年轻家庭交谈。除了创造一种体验元素,在香港中心向所有人开放的摄影展中体现出来, 我们创建了一个沉浸式在线画廊,以迎合世界上数字渠道消费最高的国家之一。我们用我们的在线视频劫持了一个新闻门户网站,并在一个受欢迎的杂志标题上发布了一个印刷广告。最后,我们在该市最大的堕胎诊所之一外找到了一个公共汽车庇护所,让人们重新思考他们的行为。 相关性 不幸的是,在许多文化和国家,有 10000万名女孩被杀害,而且人数还在上升。亚洲是性别灭绝太真实的地方之一。这个问题需要一个反应驱动的想法,直接影响人们开始对这个无声的问题发表意见,并停止性别灭绝。 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 画廊将独特的洞察力 (未出生女孩的超声波照片是她们的第一张照片,也可能是最后一张照片) 放置在一个发人深省的方式中,以产生即时行动。 执行 我们在香港中心举办了一个 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 展览,来自未出生女孩的超声波照片向游客展示了他们的第一张照片可能是最后一张。画廊吸引了年轻人和老年人,让他们亲身体验了来自重男轻女文化的难以置信的真相。我们用在线视频劫持了一个新闻门户网站,制造了一种病毒狂潮。将公共汽车收容所改造成 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 展示,我们战略性地选择了这个位于该市最大堕胎诊所之外的地方,以驱使人们重新思考他们的行为。 “第一张照片最后一张照片” 照片小册子和印刷广告也吸引了更多的观众来到我们身临其境的虚拟画廊 -- 为人们提供帮助这项事业的方法,加入运动,表达问题的声音,并寻求帮助。 活动描述 这创造了一个情况,一个未出生的女孩的超声波图已经成为她的死刑判决。她的第一张照片将是她的最后一张照片。这种独特的洞察力将是我们创造性想法的核心。第一张照片是向公众开放的最后一个照片展览,展出了未出生女孩的超声波照片。其他可交付的内容包括小册子、平面广告、公共汽车候车亭和沉浸式在线画廊。真实的原始情感会被真实的洞察力唤起。解决一个古老的文化问题的关键时刻。 概要 《生活的快乐》是一个非营利组织,其任务之一是停止选择性堕胎。不幸的是,在亚洲的许多文化和国家,有 10000万女孩失踪,而且这个数字还在上升。称之为性别灭绝并不夸张。事实上,女婴的毁灭是根深蒂固的重男轻女文化的产物, 现代对较小家庭的渴望或规定以及识别胎儿性别的超声波扫描技术。香港是亚洲许多性别不平衡的地方之一。有没有办法最终提高对这一无声问题的认识,并发起一场防止进一步性别灭绝的全球运动? 结果 一周内:-世界各地报道-超过 140万个印象-帮助产生了超过 3,000 个承诺

    First Photo Last Photo

    案例简介:Strategy Joy of Life is a non-profit organization with one of its missions to stop sex-selective abortions. With our strong and unique insight, we needed to deliver it in a way that was experiential for the whole city to evoke emotion and support that lived beyond Hong Kong.It needed to speak to young adults and young families who may be experiencing these dilemmas. Apart from creating an experiential element that manifested into a photo exhibition open to all in the heart of Hong Kong, we created an immersive online gallery to cater to one of the world’s highest digital channel consumption countries. We hijacked a news portal with our online video and launched a print ad on a popular magazine title. Lastly, we found a bus shelter that was right outside one of the largest abortion clinics in the city to get people to rethink their actions. Relevancy Unfortunately in many cultures and countries, 100 million girls have been killed and the number is only rising. Asia is one of these places where gendercide is all too real. This problem requires a response-driven idea that directly influences people to start giving a voice to this voiceless problem and stop gendercide.The “First Photo Last Photo” gallery places the unique insight (sonograms of unborn girls are their first and possible last photo) into a thought-provoking way to generate immediate action. Execution We opened a “First Photo Last Photo” exhibition in the heart of Hong Kong – where photos from sonograms of unborn girls showed visitors that their first photos could be their last.The gallery attracted young and old and allowed them to experience first-hand the unbelievable truth that comes from the culture of son-preference. We hijacked a news portal with our online video to create a viral frenzy. Transforming a bus shelter into a “First Photo Last Photo” showcase, we strategically chose this location outside the city’s largest abortion clinic to drive people to rethink their actions.“First Photo Last Photo” photo booklets and print ads also drove the wider audience to our immersive virtual gallery – providing ways for people to help the cause, join the movement to give voice to the problem and find assistance. Campaign Description This has created a situation where a sonogram of an unborn girl has become her death sentence.Her First Photo would be her Last Photo.This unique insight would be the core of our creative idea. The First Photo Last Photo exhibition which was open to public featured photos from sonograms of unborn girls. Other deliverables included booklets, print ads, bus shelters and an immersive online gallery.Raw, genuine emotion would be evoked with a genuine insight. A moment of truth to solve an age-old cultural problem. Synopsis Joy of Life is a non-profit organization with one of its missions to stop sex-selective abortions. Unfortunately in many cultures and countries in Asia, 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. It is no exaggeration to call this gendercide. In fact the destruction of baby girls is a product of the deep-rooted culture of preference for sons over daughters, the modern desire or regulations for smaller families and ultrasound scanning technologies that identify the sex of a fetus.Hong Kong is one of the many Asian locations with an imbalance between the sexes. Is there a way to finally raise awareness to this voiceless problem and create a global movement to prevent further gendercide? Outcome In one week:- Reported around the world- Over 1.4 million impressions- Helped generate over 3,000 pledges



    First Photo Last Photo






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (中国 香港)




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