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    V8 +Energy®短视频广告营销案例



    V8 + 能源®

    案例简介:好鞋创意工作室和出租车注入 V8 + 能量®与照片水果 出租车从事尼斯鞋创意工作室制作一系列景点和社交媒体内容,展示美味多汁的成分,这些成分都在 V8 + Energy 中聚集在一起®,以及想象他们的追随者和消费者表达的能量饮料的享受。该团队利用创造性和技术技术的结合来执行这项活动,提供: 30 个照片级 CG 水果和循环 2d 动画 gif 的活动。 Taxi 的首席创意官 Reid Miller 团队,执行创意总监 Damion Sammarco,综合生产和运营总监 Dominic Ferro, 高级内容制作人克雷格 · 舒斯特用一份提议包装 V8 + 能量成分的简报走近漂亮的鞋子®在最终被 V8 包围之前®可以。由 Nice Shoes 创意总监 Harry Dorrington 领导的团队最初探索了一种停止运动的方法, 但是我决定最好用照片级 CG 水果来实现这个序列,以确保果汁的水滴和飞溅是诱人的。 “发射点基本上是一个俄罗斯的水果筑巢娃娃 -- 它从绿茶开始,然后被苹果、胡萝卜、橘子、菠萝和 V8 包围®多林顿说。“我们想以一种视觉上有趣的方式展示这些饮料中所有开胃、健康的成分。它有停止运动的感觉,但它们都是我们使用摄影测量创建的 CG 元素。" CG 导演安迪 · 扎泽拉和高级制片人拉斯 · 杜贝一起捕捉水果的参考,在转盘上拍摄,这样他们就可以得到 360 度的水果皮。 “摄影测量是一种非常容易获得的 3D 扫描手段,它为您提供了一个非常好的基础。它让我们在构建水果时获得了纹理和照明的良好参考,”Zazzera 补充道。“我们接近灯光,就像在拍摄真人食物一样,从我们的彩色团队的许多美丽食物镜头中汲取灵感。了解真人和电影摄影的照明美学对创造可信的摄影产品有很大帮助。然后,我们利用胡迪尼完成了一些水模拟的最后润色,使水果更加诱人。" 启动活动随后推出了一系列社交视频和 gif,可视化客户关于 V8 + Energy 的推文®,由多林顿和艺术总监/设计师邱延东以 2D 动画风格实现,他与纽约和多伦多的动画团队合作。动画,让人想起分层的纸切口,也纳入了照片水果和产品元素。邱和他的团队在 Illustrator 中设计了最初的角色草图,然后将它们带入 After Effects,开始操纵和动画。 多林顿说: “这对我们来说是一场非常棒的运动,因为我们在许多屏幕和平台上展示了一些非常美丽、富有想象力的视觉效果。”。“现在与出租车和 V8 等合作伙伴达成了谅解®观众希望他们的电脑屏幕、手机和平板电脑上有高质量的广告内容,我们很高兴通过在这个水平上提供帮助。"

    V8 + 能源®

    案例简介:Nice Shoes Creative Studio and Taxi Infuse V8 +Energy® With Photoreal Fruit Taxi engaged Nice Shoes Creative Studio to animate a series of spots and social media content to showcase the delicious, juicy ingredients that all come together in V8 +Energy®, as well as to visualize the enjoyment of the energy drink expressed by their followers and consumers. The team utilized a blend of creative and technical techniques to execute the campaign, delivering :30 spots with photoreal CG fruit and a campaign of looping 2D-animated GIFs. Taxi’s team of Chief Creative Officer Reid Miller, Executive Creative Director Damion Sammarco, Executive Director, Integrated Production & Operations Dominic Ferro, and Senior Content Producer Craig Shuster approached Nice Shoes with a brief that proposed wrapping the ingredients of V8 +Energy® within each other before finally becoming enveloped by the V8® can. The team, led by Nice Shoes Creative Director Harry Dorrington initially explored a stop motion approach, but decided it would be best to realize the sequence with photoreal CG fruit to ensure the droplets and splashes of juice were enticing and appealing. “The launch spot is basically a Russian nesting doll of fruit - it starts with green tea leaves, which are then surrounded by an apple, carrot, orange, pineapple, and finally the V8® can” said Dorrington. “We wanted to show all the appetizing, healthy ingredients that go into these drinks in a visually interesting way. It has the feel of stop motion, but they’re all CG elements that we created using Photogrammetry.” CG Director Andy Zazzera and Senior Producer Russ Dube worked together to capture reference of the fruit, shooting it on a turntable so they would get 360 degree skins of the fruit to work off of. “Photogrammetry is a very accessible means of 3D scanning and its provides you with a really good base to build upon. It let us obtain good reference for the textures and lighting as we were constructing the fruit,” added Zazzera. “We approached the lighting as if we were shooting live action food, drawing inspiration from a lot of the beautiful food footage our color team grades. Understanding the aesthetics of lighting for live action and cinematography go a long way in creating a believable photoreal product. We then utilized Houdini to put the finishing touches of some water simulations to make the fruit even more tempting.” The launch campaign was followed up with a series of social videos and GIFs that visualized customers’ tweets about V8 +Energy®, realized in a 2D animated style by Dorrington and Art Director/Designer Yandong Qiu, who worked with animation teams in NYC and Toronto. The animation, reminiscent of layered paper cutouts, also incorporated the photoreal fruit and product elements. Qiu and his team designed the initial character sketches in Illustrator before bringing them into After Effects to begin rigging and animating. “This was a really great campaign for us to be a part of, as we delivered some really beautiful, imaginative visuals across a number of screens and platforms,” said Dorrington. “There’s now an understanding with partners like Taxi and V8® that viewers expect high quality advertising content on their computer screens, phones, and tablets, and we were happy to help them by delivering at that level.”

    V8 +Energy®

    案例简介:好鞋创意工作室和出租车注入 V8 + 能量®与照片水果 出租车从事尼斯鞋创意工作室制作一系列景点和社交媒体内容,展示美味多汁的成分,这些成分都在 V8 + Energy 中聚集在一起®,以及想象他们的追随者和消费者表达的能量饮料的享受。该团队利用创造性和技术技术的结合来执行这项活动,提供: 30 个照片级 CG 水果和循环 2d 动画 gif 的活动。 Taxi 的首席创意官 Reid Miller 团队,执行创意总监 Damion Sammarco,综合生产和运营总监 Dominic Ferro, 高级内容制作人克雷格 · 舒斯特用一份提议包装 V8 + 能量成分的简报走近漂亮的鞋子®在最终被 V8 包围之前®可以。由 Nice Shoes 创意总监 Harry Dorrington 领导的团队最初探索了一种停止运动的方法, 但是我决定最好用照片级 CG 水果来实现这个序列,以确保果汁的水滴和飞溅是诱人的。 “发射点基本上是一个俄罗斯的水果筑巢娃娃 -- 它从绿茶开始,然后被苹果、胡萝卜、橘子、菠萝和 V8 包围®多林顿说。“我们想以一种视觉上有趣的方式展示这些饮料中所有开胃、健康的成分。它有停止运动的感觉,但它们都是我们使用摄影测量创建的 CG 元素。" CG 导演安迪 · 扎泽拉和高级制片人拉斯 · 杜贝一起捕捉水果的参考,在转盘上拍摄,这样他们就可以得到 360 度的水果皮。 “摄影测量是一种非常容易获得的 3D 扫描手段,它为您提供了一个非常好的基础。它让我们在构建水果时获得了纹理和照明的良好参考,”Zazzera 补充道。“我们接近灯光,就像在拍摄真人食物一样,从我们的彩色团队的许多美丽食物镜头中汲取灵感。了解真人和电影摄影的照明美学对创造可信的摄影产品有很大帮助。然后,我们利用胡迪尼完成了一些水模拟的最后润色,使水果更加诱人。" 启动活动随后推出了一系列社交视频和 gif,可视化客户关于 V8 + Energy 的推文®,由多林顿和艺术总监/设计师邱延东以 2D 动画风格实现,他与纽约和多伦多的动画团队合作。动画,让人想起分层的纸切口,也纳入了照片水果和产品元素。邱和他的团队在 Illustrator 中设计了最初的角色草图,然后将它们带入 After Effects,开始操纵和动画。 多林顿说: “这对我们来说是一场非常棒的运动,因为我们在许多屏幕和平台上展示了一些非常美丽、富有想象力的视觉效果。”。“现在与出租车和 V8 等合作伙伴达成了谅解®观众希望他们的电脑屏幕、手机和平板电脑上有高质量的广告内容,我们很高兴通过在这个水平上提供帮助。"

    V8 +Energy®

    案例简介:Nice Shoes Creative Studio and Taxi Infuse V8 +Energy® With Photoreal Fruit Taxi engaged Nice Shoes Creative Studio to animate a series of spots and social media content to showcase the delicious, juicy ingredients that all come together in V8 +Energy®, as well as to visualize the enjoyment of the energy drink expressed by their followers and consumers. The team utilized a blend of creative and technical techniques to execute the campaign, delivering :30 spots with photoreal CG fruit and a campaign of looping 2D-animated GIFs. Taxi’s team of Chief Creative Officer Reid Miller, Executive Creative Director Damion Sammarco, Executive Director, Integrated Production & Operations Dominic Ferro, and Senior Content Producer Craig Shuster approached Nice Shoes with a brief that proposed wrapping the ingredients of V8 +Energy® within each other before finally becoming enveloped by the V8® can. The team, led by Nice Shoes Creative Director Harry Dorrington initially explored a stop motion approach, but decided it would be best to realize the sequence with photoreal CG fruit to ensure the droplets and splashes of juice were enticing and appealing. “The launch spot is basically a Russian nesting doll of fruit - it starts with green tea leaves, which are then surrounded by an apple, carrot, orange, pineapple, and finally the V8® can” said Dorrington. “We wanted to show all the appetizing, healthy ingredients that go into these drinks in a visually interesting way. It has the feel of stop motion, but they’re all CG elements that we created using Photogrammetry.” CG Director Andy Zazzera and Senior Producer Russ Dube worked together to capture reference of the fruit, shooting it on a turntable so they would get 360 degree skins of the fruit to work off of. “Photogrammetry is a very accessible means of 3D scanning and its provides you with a really good base to build upon. It let us obtain good reference for the textures and lighting as we were constructing the fruit,” added Zazzera. “We approached the lighting as if we were shooting live action food, drawing inspiration from a lot of the beautiful food footage our color team grades. Understanding the aesthetics of lighting for live action and cinematography go a long way in creating a believable photoreal product. We then utilized Houdini to put the finishing touches of some water simulations to make the fruit even more tempting.” The launch campaign was followed up with a series of social videos and GIFs that visualized customers’ tweets about V8 +Energy®, realized in a 2D animated style by Dorrington and Art Director/Designer Yandong Qiu, who worked with animation teams in NYC and Toronto. The animation, reminiscent of layered paper cutouts, also incorporated the photoreal fruit and product elements. Qiu and his team designed the initial character sketches in Illustrator before bringing them into After Effects to begin rigging and animating. “This was a really great campaign for us to be a part of, as we delivered some really beautiful, imaginative visuals across a number of screens and platforms,” said Dorrington. “There’s now an understanding with partners like Taxi and V8® that viewers expect high quality advertising content on their computer screens, phones, and tablets, and we were happy to help them by delivering at that level.”

    V8 + 能源®


    V8 +Energy®






    广告公司: Taxi




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