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    Virgin America Blah Airlines短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 与预告片一起,这部电影获得了 100万多次观看,没有付费媒体。我们和工作室电影一起被审查,并与沃霍尔、布努埃尔、林奇和达利进行了比较。这场运动在哥伦比亚广播公司、全国广播公司、美国广播公司和福克斯等新闻媒体上引人注目,产生了 1.77亿的媒体印象。这场运动导致维珍美国对话增加了 621%。尽管人们的注意力持续时间很短,但我们电影的平均观看时间超过了五分钟。 相关性 我们制作了一部 5 小时 45 分钟的电影,我们决定不像广告一样宣传它,而是像任何合适的电影一样: 在电影节上首映。布拉赫航空公司 101 航班在达拉斯国际电影节和韦尔电影节上放映。我们通过给坐在近 6 个小时放映点的观众免费乘坐美国维珍航班来宣传这部电影。 客户简报或目标 电影和预告片的制作-78,000 美元-原始预算-50,000 美元-额外编辑成本-10,000 美元-额外编辑和预告片的后期修改-达拉斯国际电影节 18,000 美元的 BLAH 制作 -10,085 美元的总生产预算: 88,085 美元的媒体预算:-75,00 美元的 YouTube 预播 战略 维珍来到 11 号,说他们想以具有创业精神的商务旅行者为目标。在深入研究了人口统计后,我们注意到他们和我们两个都很像: 他们是创造性的思想领袖,是第一个尝试新事物的人。但出于某种原因,他们仍然乘坐普通航空公司的飞机,这并不反映他们是谁。所以这在很大程度上是一场转换运动: 我们如何吸引那些看起来像我们的人,并在他们面前放一面镜子说,“醒来。你上错了航空公司。你需要登上维珍美国航空。" 执行 我们在一家通用航空公司进行了 5 小时 45 分钟的越野飞行,从起飞到着陆。它抓住了大多数航空公司糟糕的飞行原因,比如糟糕的食物和俗气的机上娱乐。我们不是真实的人,而是扮演假人来捕捉 BLAH 的灵魂。虽然这部电影捕捉到了一次无聊的飞行,但我们想让它足够引人注目,让人们观看。所以我们制作了两部滑稽的机上电影在我们的电影中播放。我们还创建了一个机上音频词典频道,“娱乐” 的 BLAH 版本。“加上平凡的对话和奇怪的梦境序列,BLAH 让观众深入到糟糕的飞行兔子洞。BLAH 在 YouTube 上是有史以来最长的视频预播。我们通过在达拉斯国际电影节和韦尔电影节首映来宣传这部电影。在近 6 个小时的放映中幸存下来的观众获得了维珍美国航班的积分。 概要 太多的人被困在无聊的航空公司和他们吸灵魂的旧飞机上。Virgin America 想叫醒大家,提醒大家飞行仍然是鼓舞人心的、现代的和有趣的。这场运动需要揭示那些普通航空公司和维珍美国航空公司提供的独特体验之间的真正区别。 活动描述 当谈到维珍美国航空公司与其他航空公司的不同时,我们知道我们需要的不仅仅是一场便利活动。我们想讲一个简单的故事: 世界上有太多的人 -- 有趣的、有创造力的人 -- 仍然在无聊的普通航空公司飞行。所以我们试图捕捉糟糕飞行的灵魂。把镜子放在旅行者面前,这样说 “你不是这样的。那你为什么还这样飞行呢?"


    案例简介:Outcome Together with its trailer, the film garnered over one million views—with no paid media. We were reviewed alongside studio films and compared to Warhol, Buñuel, Lynch, and Dalí. The campaign was spotlighted across news outlets such as CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX, generating 177 million earned media impressions. The campaign resulted in a 621% increase in Virgin America conversations. And despite people’s short attention spans, the average viewing time for our film was over five minutes. Relevancy We made a 5 hour and 45 minute film, and we decided to promote it not like an ad, but like any proper film: by premiering it on the film festival circuit. BLAH Airlines Flight 101 was screened at the Dallas International Film Festival and Vail Film Festival. We promoted the film by giving viewers who sat through the nearly 6hour screening points towards a free Virgin America flight. Client Brief Or Objective Production of film & trailer - $78,000- Original budget - $50,000- Additional edit cost - $10,000- Additional edit & late changes to trailer - $18,000Production of BLAH at Dallas International Film Festival - $10,085Total Production Budget: $88, 085Media budget:- $75,00 on YouTube pre-roll Strategy Virgin came to Eleven and said they wanted to target business travelers with an entrepreneurial spirit. After looking further into the demographic, we noticed that they’re a lot like both of us: They’re creative thought leaders who are the first to try new things. But for some reason, they’re still flying on generic airlines that aren’t reflective of who they are. So this was very much a switcher campaign: How do we entice those people that looklike us and put a mirror in front of their face to say, “Wake up. You’re on the wrong airline. You need to get on Virgin America.” Execution We made a 5hour and 45minute recreation of a cross-country flight, from takeoff to landing, on a generic airline we call BLAH. It captured the reasons flying most airlines sucks, like bad food and cheesy inflight entertainment. Instead of real people, we cast dummies to capture the soullessness of BLAH. Though the film captures a boring flight, we wanted to make it compelling enough for people to watch. So we made two comically bad inflight movies to play within our film. We also created an Inflight Audio Dictionary Channel, the BLAH version of “entertainment.” Coupled with mundane dialogue and weird dream sequences, BLAH took viewers deep into the bad flight rabbit hole. BLAH lived on YouTube as the longest video pre-roll ever. We promoted the film by premiering it at the Dallas International and Vail Film Festivals. Viewers who survived the nearly 6hour screening got points towards Virgin America flights. Synopsis Too many people are stuck traveling on boring airlines and their old, soul-sucking planes. Virgin America wanted to give a wakeup call, reminding everyone that flying can still be inspiring, modern, and fun. The campaign needed to shine a light on the real difference between those generic airlines and the unique experience offered by Virgin America. Campaign Description When talking about how Virgin America is different from other airlines, we knew we needed more than an amenities campaign. We wanted to tell a simple story: that too many people in the world—interesting, creative people—are still flying on boring, generic airlines. So we sought out to capture the soullessness of a bad flight. To put a mirror in front of travelers so as to say “You’re not like this. So why are you still flying like this?”

    Virgin America Blah Airlines

    案例简介:结果 与预告片一起,这部电影获得了 100万多次观看,没有付费媒体。我们和工作室电影一起被审查,并与沃霍尔、布努埃尔、林奇和达利进行了比较。这场运动在哥伦比亚广播公司、全国广播公司、美国广播公司和福克斯等新闻媒体上引人注目,产生了 1.77亿的媒体印象。这场运动导致维珍美国对话增加了 621%。尽管人们的注意力持续时间很短,但我们电影的平均观看时间超过了五分钟。 相关性 我们制作了一部 5 小时 45 分钟的电影,我们决定不像广告一样宣传它,而是像任何合适的电影一样: 在电影节上首映。布拉赫航空公司 101 航班在达拉斯国际电影节和韦尔电影节上放映。我们通过给坐在近 6 个小时放映点的观众免费乘坐美国维珍航班来宣传这部电影。 客户简报或目标 电影和预告片的制作-78,000 美元-原始预算-50,000 美元-额外编辑成本-10,000 美元-额外编辑和预告片的后期修改-达拉斯国际电影节 18,000 美元的 BLAH 制作 -10,085 美元的总生产预算: 88,085 美元的媒体预算:-75,00 美元的 YouTube 预播 战略 维珍来到 11 号,说他们想以具有创业精神的商务旅行者为目标。在深入研究了人口统计后,我们注意到他们和我们两个都很像: 他们是创造性的思想领袖,是第一个尝试新事物的人。但出于某种原因,他们仍然乘坐普通航空公司的飞机,这并不反映他们是谁。所以这在很大程度上是一场转换运动: 我们如何吸引那些看起来像我们的人,并在他们面前放一面镜子说,“醒来。你上错了航空公司。你需要登上维珍美国航空。" 执行 我们在一家通用航空公司进行了 5 小时 45 分钟的越野飞行,从起飞到着陆。它抓住了大多数航空公司糟糕的飞行原因,比如糟糕的食物和俗气的机上娱乐。我们不是真实的人,而是扮演假人来捕捉 BLAH 的灵魂。虽然这部电影捕捉到了一次无聊的飞行,但我们想让它足够引人注目,让人们观看。所以我们制作了两部滑稽的机上电影在我们的电影中播放。我们还创建了一个机上音频词典频道,“娱乐” 的 BLAH 版本。“加上平凡的对话和奇怪的梦境序列,BLAH 让观众深入到糟糕的飞行兔子洞。BLAH 在 YouTube 上是有史以来最长的视频预播。我们通过在达拉斯国际电影节和韦尔电影节首映来宣传这部电影。在近 6 个小时的放映中幸存下来的观众获得了维珍美国航班的积分。 概要 太多的人被困在无聊的航空公司和他们吸灵魂的旧飞机上。Virgin America 想叫醒大家,提醒大家飞行仍然是鼓舞人心的、现代的和有趣的。这场运动需要揭示那些普通航空公司和维珍美国航空公司提供的独特体验之间的真正区别。 活动描述 当谈到维珍美国航空公司与其他航空公司的不同时,我们知道我们需要的不仅仅是一场便利活动。我们想讲一个简单的故事: 世界上有太多的人 -- 有趣的、有创造力的人 -- 仍然在无聊的普通航空公司飞行。所以我们试图捕捉糟糕飞行的灵魂。把镜子放在旅行者面前,这样说 “你不是这样的。那你为什么还这样飞行呢?"

    Virgin America Blah Airlines

    案例简介:Outcome Together with its trailer, the film garnered over one million views—with no paid media. We were reviewed alongside studio films and compared to Warhol, Buñuel, Lynch, and Dalí. The campaign was spotlighted across news outlets such as CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX, generating 177 million earned media impressions. The campaign resulted in a 621% increase in Virgin America conversations. And despite people’s short attention spans, the average viewing time for our film was over five minutes. Relevancy We made a 5 hour and 45 minute film, and we decided to promote it not like an ad, but like any proper film: by premiering it on the film festival circuit. BLAH Airlines Flight 101 was screened at the Dallas International Film Festival and Vail Film Festival. We promoted the film by giving viewers who sat through the nearly 6hour screening points towards a free Virgin America flight. Client Brief Or Objective Production of film & trailer - $78,000- Original budget - $50,000- Additional edit cost - $10,000- Additional edit & late changes to trailer - $18,000Production of BLAH at Dallas International Film Festival - $10,085Total Production Budget: $88, 085Media budget:- $75,00 on YouTube pre-roll Strategy Virgin came to Eleven and said they wanted to target business travelers with an entrepreneurial spirit. After looking further into the demographic, we noticed that they’re a lot like both of us: They’re creative thought leaders who are the first to try new things. But for some reason, they’re still flying on generic airlines that aren’t reflective of who they are. So this was very much a switcher campaign: How do we entice those people that looklike us and put a mirror in front of their face to say, “Wake up. You’re on the wrong airline. You need to get on Virgin America.” Execution We made a 5hour and 45minute recreation of a cross-country flight, from takeoff to landing, on a generic airline we call BLAH. It captured the reasons flying most airlines sucks, like bad food and cheesy inflight entertainment. Instead of real people, we cast dummies to capture the soullessness of BLAH. Though the film captures a boring flight, we wanted to make it compelling enough for people to watch. So we made two comically bad inflight movies to play within our film. We also created an Inflight Audio Dictionary Channel, the BLAH version of “entertainment.” Coupled with mundane dialogue and weird dream sequences, BLAH took viewers deep into the bad flight rabbit hole. BLAH lived on YouTube as the longest video pre-roll ever. We promoted the film by premiering it at the Dallas International and Vail Film Festivals. Viewers who survived the nearly 6hour screening got points towards Virgin America flights. Synopsis Too many people are stuck traveling on boring airlines and their old, soul-sucking planes. Virgin America wanted to give a wakeup call, reminding everyone that flying can still be inspiring, modern, and fun. The campaign needed to shine a light on the real difference between those generic airlines and the unique experience offered by Virgin America. Campaign Description When talking about how Virgin America is different from other airlines, we knew we needed more than an amenities campaign. We wanted to tell a simple story: that too many people in the world—interesting, creative people—are still flying on boring, generic airlines. So we sought out to capture the soullessness of a bad flight. To put a mirror in front of travelers so as to say “You’re not like this. So why are you still flying like this?”



    Virgin America Blah Airlines










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