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    The Fantastic Problem Solving Machine短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 支助残疾儿童协会的主要资金来源是私人捐款。在非常困难的一年里,随着经济衰退,公共卫生系统的小贡献被切断,私人捐助者倾向于退缩。必须采取一些戏剧性的行动。我们必须直接进入人们的内心。 战略 由于我们没有钱,我们的策略很简单,让尽可能多的人接触到这种体验,并创造一个能够接触到人们并通过一个感人的人吸引媒体注意力的小事件经验。 相关性 非营利的 AACD (支持残疾儿童协会) 通过慈善机构资助的医院和诊所帮助了 100 多万人。他们迫切需要增加捐款,但根本没有预算。给人们钱包最快的方法是通过他们的心,这就是我们设计的 “神奇的解决问题的机器”。一个简单的摊位,具有 “立即解决所有问题” 的诱人和神奇的吸引力。不知何故,它做到了。在里面,人们接触到非常好的孩子,他们给了明智的建议。随之,捐赠增加了 62%。 活动描述 这项运动的基本观点是,每当你接触到残疾儿童必须经历的残酷斗争,以及他们积极勇敢的方式, 你所有的生活都被置于一个新的视角下。你所有的问题都显得微不足道。这就是惊人的解决麻烦机器背后的主要想法。我们的公众实际上是任何能捐 2 美元的人。 结果 这款 “机器” 在两个月内通过几个公共场所运行,引起了很多关注,并吸引了新闻,赋予了竞选活动价值数百万美元的免费媒体空间。据估计,它有两个全国黄金时段的新闻节目和广播节目达到 8000万观众,并通过互联网上成千上万的页面、博客和新闻工具传播开来。在此期间,捐款增加了 62%。我们根据动作制作的电影成为了公司捐赠者的标准展示。 执行 我们创造了一个摊位,承诺以神奇的方式在几分钟内解决每个人的问题。当人们进去时,播放了一段视频,非常好的孩子给出了很好的建议,鼓励人们面对他们的问题。通过体验意识到这些孩子是如何严重残疾的,产生了相当令人不安的效果。实施: 一: 在公众集中的地方用 “机器” 进行突袭。第二: 制作一部电影,描绘公众接触机器的经历。第三: 这部电影向新闻编辑和舆论制作者积极展示,并通过社交网络分发。第四: 这部电影减少了 30 ”,在车辆捐赠的媒体空间播放。


    案例简介:Synopsis The main source of funding AACD (Association For Support to the Disabled Children) are private donations. In a very difficult year, with the economy in recession, and the small contribution of the public health system been cut off and private donors prone to back off. Some dramatic action had to be taken. We had to go straight into the hearts of people. Strategy As we had no money our strategy was as simple as exposing as many people we could to the experience and create a small event capable of touching people and attract the attention of the media through a moving human experience. Relevancy The non-profit AACD (Association For Support to the Disabled Children), assists over a million people through charity funded hospitals and clinics. They desperately needed to increase donations but had no budget at all. The fastest way to people wallets is through their hearts and that’s how we designed “The Fantastic Trouble Solving Machine”. A simple booth, with the tempting and magical appeal of “solving all your problems immediately”. And somehow it did. Inside it, people were exposed to very nice children who gave sensible advices.With it, the donations increased 62%. CampaignDescription The basic insight of the campaign is that whenever you are in contact with the brutal struggle a disabled children has to undergo through life and the positive brave way they do it, all your life is put under a new perspective. And all you problems seem petty. And that’s the main idea behind The Amazing Trouble Solving Machine.Our public was literally anyone who could donate as little as 2 dollars. Outcome The “Machine” run though several public locations during two months and raised a lot of attention and attracted the news that granted the campaign free media space worth millions of dollars. It featured two national prime time news shows and radio shows reaching an audience estimated in 80 million people.And spread through many thousands of pages, blogs and news vehicles on the internet. Donations increased by 62% in the period. The film we produced based on the action became a standard presentation for corporate donors. Execution We created a booth that promised in a magic way to solve everyone problems in minutes. When people went in, a video was shown in which very nice children gave good advice encouraging people to face their problems. Realizing through the experience how seriously disabled those children are had a quite disturbing effect.Implementation:One: raids with the “Machine” in places of great public concentration. Two: Production of a film portraying the experience of the public exposed to the machine. Three: the film was exhibited aggressively to news editors and opinion makers and also distributed through social networks. Four: A 30” reduction of the film was aired in media space donated by vehicles.

    The Fantastic Problem Solving Machine

    案例简介:概要 支助残疾儿童协会的主要资金来源是私人捐款。在非常困难的一年里,随着经济衰退,公共卫生系统的小贡献被切断,私人捐助者倾向于退缩。必须采取一些戏剧性的行动。我们必须直接进入人们的内心。 战略 由于我们没有钱,我们的策略很简单,让尽可能多的人接触到这种体验,并创造一个能够接触到人们并通过一个感人的人吸引媒体注意力的小事件经验。 相关性 非营利的 AACD (支持残疾儿童协会) 通过慈善机构资助的医院和诊所帮助了 100 多万人。他们迫切需要增加捐款,但根本没有预算。给人们钱包最快的方法是通过他们的心,这就是我们设计的 “神奇的解决问题的机器”。一个简单的摊位,具有 “立即解决所有问题” 的诱人和神奇的吸引力。不知何故,它做到了。在里面,人们接触到非常好的孩子,他们给了明智的建议。随之,捐赠增加了 62%。 活动描述 这项运动的基本观点是,每当你接触到残疾儿童必须经历的残酷斗争,以及他们积极勇敢的方式, 你所有的生活都被置于一个新的视角下。你所有的问题都显得微不足道。这就是惊人的解决麻烦机器背后的主要想法。我们的公众实际上是任何能捐 2 美元的人。 结果 这款 “机器” 在两个月内通过几个公共场所运行,引起了很多关注,并吸引了新闻,赋予了竞选活动价值数百万美元的免费媒体空间。据估计,它有两个全国黄金时段的新闻节目和广播节目达到 8000万观众,并通过互联网上成千上万的页面、博客和新闻工具传播开来。在此期间,捐款增加了 62%。我们根据动作制作的电影成为了公司捐赠者的标准展示。 执行 我们创造了一个摊位,承诺以神奇的方式在几分钟内解决每个人的问题。当人们进去时,播放了一段视频,非常好的孩子给出了很好的建议,鼓励人们面对他们的问题。通过体验意识到这些孩子是如何严重残疾的,产生了相当令人不安的效果。实施: 一: 在公众集中的地方用 “机器” 进行突袭。第二: 制作一部电影,描绘公众接触机器的经历。第三: 这部电影向新闻编辑和舆论制作者积极展示,并通过社交网络分发。第四: 这部电影减少了 30 ”,在车辆捐赠的媒体空间播放。

    The Fantastic Problem Solving Machine

    案例简介:Synopsis The main source of funding AACD (Association For Support to the Disabled Children) are private donations. In a very difficult year, with the economy in recession, and the small contribution of the public health system been cut off and private donors prone to back off. Some dramatic action had to be taken. We had to go straight into the hearts of people. Strategy As we had no money our strategy was as simple as exposing as many people we could to the experience and create a small event capable of touching people and attract the attention of the media through a moving human experience. Relevancy The non-profit AACD (Association For Support to the Disabled Children), assists over a million people through charity funded hospitals and clinics. They desperately needed to increase donations but had no budget at all. The fastest way to people wallets is through their hearts and that’s how we designed “The Fantastic Trouble Solving Machine”. A simple booth, with the tempting and magical appeal of “solving all your problems immediately”. And somehow it did. Inside it, people were exposed to very nice children who gave sensible advices.With it, the donations increased 62%. CampaignDescription The basic insight of the campaign is that whenever you are in contact with the brutal struggle a disabled children has to undergo through life and the positive brave way they do it, all your life is put under a new perspective. And all you problems seem petty. And that’s the main idea behind The Amazing Trouble Solving Machine.Our public was literally anyone who could donate as little as 2 dollars. Outcome The “Machine” run though several public locations during two months and raised a lot of attention and attracted the news that granted the campaign free media space worth millions of dollars. It featured two national prime time news shows and radio shows reaching an audience estimated in 80 million people.And spread through many thousands of pages, blogs and news vehicles on the internet. Donations increased by 62% in the period. The film we produced based on the action became a standard presentation for corporate donors. Execution We created a booth that promised in a magic way to solve everyone problems in minutes. When people went in, a video was shown in which very nice children gave good advice encouraging people to face their problems. Realizing through the experience how seriously disabled those children are had a quite disturbing effect.Implementation:One: raids with the “Machine” in places of great public concentration. Two: Production of a film portraying the experience of the public exposed to the machine. Three: the film was exhibited aggressively to news editors and opinion makers and also distributed through social networks. Four: A 30” reduction of the film was aired in media space donated by vehicles.



    The Fantastic Problem Solving Machine






    广告公司: Z+ (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: Honey Bunny Films




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