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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 该平台是全球最知名,最著名的计算机游戏Minecraft之一。我们在伊斯坦布尔的Tohum自闭症基金会大楼为自闭症儿童提供了一对一的教育,并以相同的动机和功能插入了Minecraft。通过我们在游戏中建造的建筑和我们在院子里安装的私人服务器,我们使自闭症儿童有可能在数字游戏中接受教育。 背景 自闭症是一种来自出生的发育特征,在早期表现为沟通障碍。作为Tohum自闭症基金会,我们正在努力克服自闭症儿童所面临的这种特殊性所带来的问题。首先也是最重要的方法是通过教育让自闭症儿童重获新生。如果一个患有自闭症的孩子可以接受特殊教育,他或她可以克服困难,如集中,计划和社会关系。因此,正如我们通过我们的经验所看到的那样,如果教育是可以接受的,自闭症儿童可以在没有帮助的情况下继续他们的日常生活,找到一份工作,甚至在职业生涯中取得巨大成功。这就是我们在寻找一种方法使我们在学校为每个人提供的一对一教育的同时所承担的使命。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在将我们的教育理解转移到数字世界之前,我们研究了以自闭症儿童的数字使用为主题的研究。我们遇到了最广为人知的游戏之一,Minecraft。根据在加利福尼亚大学的PEERS Clinic进行的一项研究,作为数字游戏的Minecraft在自闭症儿童的教育中作为辅助技术发挥了重要作用。Minecraft是一个平台,可以使卷轴世界更容易理解那些难以跟上步伐的自闭症儿童。这就是我们选择这款游戏作为主要频道的原因。我们的目标是通过我们将建立的学校和我们将在那里提供的课程,为所有患有自闭症的孩子提供教育。 描述策略 (投票20%) 作为为自闭症儿童工作的基金会,一直存在两个主要障碍。首先,那些不了解自闭症的人所造成的障碍。其次,缺乏对自闭症儿童的特殊教育,使日常生活变得宜居。 克服这两个问题的主要方法是在一个众所周知的数字环境中,向那些没有意识到自闭症的人发出我们的声音,并使自闭症儿童能够迎接数字世界并利用它。 出于这个原因,我们计划在Minecraft上推出自闭症学校,我们将在世界自闭症意识日4月2日在Minecraft中建立一个真正的学校。 通过这种方式,我们希望成为创新的先驱,这将激励每个在本地和全球范围内为自闭症工作的人。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 在Minecraft上建造自闭症学校之后,我们进行了基础建筑的建筑副本。我们已经确定了游戏中建造的学校花园中的绿色区域作为我们的培训区域。我们计划为游戏中在线的自闭症儿童提供教育。自闭症儿童可以在此范围内使用3D打印机拍摄照片和雕塑课程。绿色区域,如果他们愿意,学习技术素养。重点是,minecraft的规划和构建功能是自闭症儿童更容易理解的现实生活版本。通过这种方式,我们创造了一种新的教育形式,从长远来看,自闭症儿童既容易获得又可持续。而不是传统的媒体形式,我们创造了一个遗产与我们的学校,我们在数字游戏中创建的未来。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们在4月2日自闭症意识日启动了这个项目,作为一个可持续的教育项目,这是6个小时的热门话题。在全国范围内,我们吸引了3000万名观众。在此期间,学校获得了自身容量的3倍。因为我们知道很多孩子需要接受这种教育。现在,所有人都可以访问土耳其唯一的自闭症学校。为了我们的孩子和我们的未来...


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? And that platform was one of the most globally known, famous computer game called Minecraft. We inserted our one on one education given to the kids with autism in Tohum Autism Foundation building in Istanbul, to Minecraft with same motivation and functioning. Through our building constructed in the game and the private servers that we installed in its yard, we made it possible for the autistic kids to have an education in a digital game. Background Autism is a developmental distinctness that comes from birth and shows itself in the early ages as communication disorders. We, as Tohum Autism Foundation, are working to overcome the problems created by this distinctness that kids with autism are having. First and foremost way to bring the kids with autism to life pass through education. If a kid with autism could get a special education, he or she can overcome the difficulties such as focusing, planning and social relations. So, as we have seen through our experiences, if education is accessible, kids with autism can carry on their daily lives without help, get a job and even be brightly successful in that career. That’s the mission we took with us while we were searching a way to make accessible the one on one education that we’re giving in our school for everyone. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We examined the researches centered on the topic of the digital usage by kids with autism before moving our educational understanding to digital world. And we came across to one of the most widely known game, Minecraft. According to a study conducted in PEERS Clinic at the University of California, Minecraft, being a digital game, was playing an important role as a secondary technology in the education of the kids with autism. Minecraft was a platform that can make the reel world more understandable for the kids with autism who were troubling to keep pace with it. That’s the reason behind why we chose this game as our main channel. We aimed to make education accessible through the school we will build and the courses we will give there, for all the kids with autism. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) As a foundation working for children with autism, there have always been two major obstacles. First, the obstacles created by those who are not aware of autism. Secondly, the lack of special education for children with autism to make daily life livable. The main way to overcome these two problems is to make our voices heard in a well-known digital environment, to those who are not aware of autism, and to make it possible for children with autism to meet the digital world and make use of it. For this reason, we plan to launch Autism School on Minecraft, which we will build in Minecraft as a real school, on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day. In this way, we wanted to be the pioneer of innovation that will inspire everyone who will work for autism in both local and global terms. Describe the execution (20% of vote) After the construction of Autism School on Minecraft, we carried an architectural copy of our foundation building into play. We have determined the green area in the garden of our school built in the game as our training area.We have planned to provide education to children with autism who are online in the game.Children with autism would be able to take a Picture and Sculpture course with the 3D Printer if they wanted within this green area and learn technology literacy if they wanted.The focus, planning, and building features of Minecraft were a more understandable version of real life for children with autism.In this way, we have created a new form of education that is both accessible and sustainable for children with autism in the long term. Instead of traditional media forms, we have created a legacy to the future with our school that we created in a digital game. List the results (30% of vote) We launched the project on April 2nd Autism Awareness day as a sustainable educational program, which was in trending topics for 6 hours. With Nationwide coverage we reached 30 million viewers. The school received 3 times the capacity of itself during this time. Because we were aware that a lot of kids need access to this kind of education. Turkey's one and only school for autism is accessable by all now. For our children and for our future...

    Tohum Autism Foundation - Autism School On Minecraft

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 该平台是全球最知名,最著名的计算机游戏Minecraft之一。我们在伊斯坦布尔的Tohum自闭症基金会大楼为自闭症儿童提供了一对一的教育,并以相同的动机和功能插入了Minecraft。通过我们在游戏中建造的建筑和我们在院子里安装的私人服务器,我们使自闭症儿童有可能在数字游戏中接受教育。 背景 自闭症是一种来自出生的发育特征,在早期表现为沟通障碍。作为Tohum自闭症基金会,我们正在努力克服自闭症儿童所面临的这种特殊性所带来的问题。首先也是最重要的方法是通过教育让自闭症儿童重获新生。如果一个患有自闭症的孩子可以接受特殊教育,他或她可以克服困难,如集中,计划和社会关系。因此,正如我们通过我们的经验所看到的那样,如果教育是可以接受的,自闭症儿童可以在没有帮助的情况下继续他们的日常生活,找到一份工作,甚至在职业生涯中取得巨大成功。这就是我们在寻找一种方法使我们在学校为每个人提供的一对一教育的同时所承担的使命。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在将我们的教育理解转移到数字世界之前,我们研究了以自闭症儿童的数字使用为主题的研究。我们遇到了最广为人知的游戏之一,Minecraft。根据在加利福尼亚大学的PEERS Clinic进行的一项研究,作为数字游戏的Minecraft在自闭症儿童的教育中作为辅助技术发挥了重要作用。Minecraft是一个平台,可以使卷轴世界更容易理解那些难以跟上步伐的自闭症儿童。这就是我们选择这款游戏作为主要频道的原因。我们的目标是通过我们将建立的学校和我们将在那里提供的课程,为所有患有自闭症的孩子提供教育。 描述策略 (投票20%) 作为为自闭症儿童工作的基金会,一直存在两个主要障碍。首先,那些不了解自闭症的人所造成的障碍。其次,缺乏对自闭症儿童的特殊教育,使日常生活变得宜居。 克服这两个问题的主要方法是在一个众所周知的数字环境中,向那些没有意识到自闭症的人发出我们的声音,并使自闭症儿童能够迎接数字世界并利用它。 出于这个原因,我们计划在Minecraft上推出自闭症学校,我们将在世界自闭症意识日4月2日在Minecraft中建立一个真正的学校。 通过这种方式,我们希望成为创新的先驱,这将激励每个在本地和全球范围内为自闭症工作的人。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 在Minecraft上建造自闭症学校之后,我们进行了基础建筑的建筑副本。我们已经确定了游戏中建造的学校花园中的绿色区域作为我们的培训区域。我们计划为游戏中在线的自闭症儿童提供教育。自闭症儿童可以在此范围内使用3D打印机拍摄照片和雕塑课程。绿色区域,如果他们愿意,学习技术素养。重点是,minecraft的规划和构建功能是自闭症儿童更容易理解的现实生活版本。通过这种方式,我们创造了一种新的教育形式,从长远来看,自闭症儿童既容易获得又可持续。而不是传统的媒体形式,我们创造了一个遗产与我们的学校,我们在数字游戏中创建的未来。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们在4月2日自闭症意识日启动了这个项目,作为一个可持续的教育项目,这是6个小时的热门话题。在全国范围内,我们吸引了3000万名观众。在此期间,学校获得了自身容量的3倍。因为我们知道很多孩子需要接受这种教育。现在,所有人都可以访问土耳其唯一的自闭症学校。为了我们的孩子和我们的未来...

    Tohum Autism Foundation - Autism School On Minecraft

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? And that platform was one of the most globally known, famous computer game called Minecraft. We inserted our one on one education given to the kids with autism in Tohum Autism Foundation building in Istanbul, to Minecraft with same motivation and functioning. Through our building constructed in the game and the private servers that we installed in its yard, we made it possible for the autistic kids to have an education in a digital game. Background Autism is a developmental distinctness that comes from birth and shows itself in the early ages as communication disorders. We, as Tohum Autism Foundation, are working to overcome the problems created by this distinctness that kids with autism are having. First and foremost way to bring the kids with autism to life pass through education. If a kid with autism could get a special education, he or she can overcome the difficulties such as focusing, planning and social relations. So, as we have seen through our experiences, if education is accessible, kids with autism can carry on their daily lives without help, get a job and even be brightly successful in that career. That’s the mission we took with us while we were searching a way to make accessible the one on one education that we’re giving in our school for everyone. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We examined the researches centered on the topic of the digital usage by kids with autism before moving our educational understanding to digital world. And we came across to one of the most widely known game, Minecraft. According to a study conducted in PEERS Clinic at the University of California, Minecraft, being a digital game, was playing an important role as a secondary technology in the education of the kids with autism. Minecraft was a platform that can make the reel world more understandable for the kids with autism who were troubling to keep pace with it. That’s the reason behind why we chose this game as our main channel. We aimed to make education accessible through the school we will build and the courses we will give there, for all the kids with autism. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) As a foundation working for children with autism, there have always been two major obstacles. First, the obstacles created by those who are not aware of autism. Secondly, the lack of special education for children with autism to make daily life livable. The main way to overcome these two problems is to make our voices heard in a well-known digital environment, to those who are not aware of autism, and to make it possible for children with autism to meet the digital world and make use of it. For this reason, we plan to launch Autism School on Minecraft, which we will build in Minecraft as a real school, on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day. In this way, we wanted to be the pioneer of innovation that will inspire everyone who will work for autism in both local and global terms. Describe the execution (20% of vote) After the construction of Autism School on Minecraft, we carried an architectural copy of our foundation building into play. We have determined the green area in the garden of our school built in the game as our training area.We have planned to provide education to children with autism who are online in the game.Children with autism would be able to take a Picture and Sculpture course with the 3D Printer if they wanted within this green area and learn technology literacy if they wanted.The focus, planning, and building features of Minecraft were a more understandable version of real life for children with autism.In this way, we have created a new form of education that is both accessible and sustainable for children with autism in the long term. Instead of traditional media forms, we have created a legacy to the future with our school that we created in a digital game. List the results (30% of vote) We launched the project on April 2nd Autism Awareness day as a sustainable educational program, which was in trending topics for 6 hours. With Nationwide coverage we reached 30 million viewers. The school received 3 times the capacity of itself during this time. Because we were aware that a lot of kids need access to this kind of education. Turkey's one and only school for autism is accessable by all now. For our children and for our future...



    Tohum Autism Foundation - Autism School On Minecraft










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