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    Warning Spots海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? AAMI警告点结合了多个数据源,以提供世界第一的道路安全信息: Spotify广告使用先进的地理定位来查明驾驶员的精确位置,并提醒他们前方的特定道路危险。多年来,AAMI保险公司一直在收集澳大利亚数千起事故的数据。这些知识与政府报告和新闻中的其他数据相结合,不仅可以帮助我们确定事故热点的确切位置,还可以确定事故热点的主要原因。使用Spotify出色的地理定位功能,我们可以将目标对准接近这些事故热点的驾驶员,并警告他们即将到来的危险。 背景 情况: 澳大利亚道路上有太多可避免的事故。没有人比澳大利亚领先的汽车保险公司AAMI更了解这一点。每年,AAMI都会收集澳大利亚各地数千起道路交通事故的综合数据,并将其纳入年度AAMI撞车指数。然后发布事故火锅的位置和事故的主要原因,以使驾驶员意识到这些危险。 简介: AAMI知道事故数字在漫长的周末和假期中激增。我们面临的挑战是开展道路安全运动,以提醒澳大利亚人要格外小心,尤其是在最危险的地方。我们需要一个创新的解决方案来传达这一重要信息。 目标: 使我们的道路更安全是AAMI所代表的一切的核心。我们认为是时候充分利用我们所有的数据,让我们的道路更加安全,并帮助减少长周末的事故数量。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) AAMI警告点结合了多个数据源,以提供世界第一的道路安全信息: Spotify广告使用先进的地理定位来查明驾驶员的精确位置,并提醒他们前方的特定道路危险。 AAMI在收集了来自澳大利亚数千起事故的数据以及来自政府报告,新闻和其他来源的其他数据后,能够做到这一点。 这些数据使我们不仅可以识别事故热点的确切位置,还可以确定这些事故的主要原因。 Spotify是澳大利亚最受欢迎的音乐网站,有近250万人使用。这些观众几乎完全收听Spotify的移动应用程序,所有用户中的60% 都使用免费的广告资助平台。 使用Spotify的高级地理定位,我们确定了驾驶员的精确位置,将此数据与AAMI的数据进行匹配,以瞄准靠近事故热点的驾驶员,并警告他们前方即将来临的危险。 描述策略 (投票20%) 大多数人在开车时听音乐,尤其是在假期期间长时间开车时。创建和收听公路旅行播放列表已深深植根于澳大利亚文化中,过去在盒式磁带和cd上所做的事情现在主要发生在Spotify上。 AAMI数据显示,向年轻司机的保险销售疲软。但是,30岁以下的澳大利亚人最有可能发生致命的车祸。他们占澳大利亚所有道路死亡人数的四分之一,但仅占有执照的驾驶员人数的15%。 这些观众几乎只收听Spotify的移动应用程序,超过60% 人使用免费广告资助平台。与Spotify合作传递我们的信息是有意义的。 AAMI警告点不是掩盖容易忘记的道路安全信息,而是旨在在正确的时间和正确的位置击中正确的观众,迫使他们注意。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们在3月8日至11日的劳动节长周末启动了AAMI警告点,并在2019年4月19至28日复活节假期进行了第二轮广播。 我们从大洋路沿线的六个高度地理位置开始,大洋路是该国最受欢迎的目的地之一,也是最危险的道路之一。 我们的数据显示,许多不同的危害是每个热点发生事故的主要原因: 狭窄的角落,道路狭窄,粗糙的表面和当地的野生动植物。AAMI的数据还揭示了大多数事故发生的一天中的确切时间 (上午,下午,晚上)。 我们创建了不同的定制消息,以提醒驾驶员在每个选定的热点上的特定危险,并在适当的时间播出。 为了避免将广告重新播放给当地人,我们的Spotify广告受到了频率限制。 AAMI警告点将在每个州2019年7月运行。 列出结果 (投票30%) 到达次数仅限于靠近事故热点的小地理区域内的Spotify听众。 • 在通过我们的目标区域开车的所有Spotify听众中,64% 获得了AAMI警告点,几乎占总观众的3分之2。 ·94% 完成率。参与度远高于average Spotify广告。 • 92% 对AAMI品牌的积极情绪。 • 在40多个国家和国际媒体中刊登。 ·业务影响: 我们的活动是宣传道路安全信息,因此没有具体的销售或业务目标。但是,成功发射后,AAMI警告点现在将在澳大利亚各地提供服务,向驾驶员警告每个州和地区所有重大事故热点的特定危险。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? AAMI Warning Spots combine multiple data sources to deliver a world-first in road safety messages: Spotify ads using advanced geotargeting to pinpoint a driver’s precise location and alert them to a specific road hazard ahead. For years, AAMI Insurance has been collecting data from thousands of accidents across Australia. This knowledge, in combination with additional data from government reports and news items help us identify not only the exact locations of accident hotspots, but also their major causes. Using Spotify’s superb geolocation capabilities, we can then target drivers approaching these accident hotspots and warn them of the oncoming dangers ahead. Background Situation: There are too many avoidable accidents on Australian roads. No one knows this better than AAMI, Australia’s leading motor insurance company. Every year, AAMI collects comprehensive data from thousands of road accidents across Australia, into their annual AAMI Crash Index. Then publishes the locations of accident hotpots and major causes of accidents in an effort to make drivers aware of these dangers. Brief: AAMI knows accident numbers spike over long weekends and holidays. Our challenge was to create a road safety campaign to remind Australians to be extra careful, particularly around the most dangerous locations. We needed an innovative solution to deliver this important message. Objectives: Making our roads safer is at the heart of everything AAMI stands for. We thought it was time time to put all our data to good use, make our roads a little safer and help reduce the number of accidents over long weekends. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) AAMI Warning Spots combine multiple data sources to deliver a world-first in road safety messages: Spotify ads using advanced geotargeting to pinpoint a driver’s precise location and alert them to a specific road hazard ahead. AAMI was able to do this after gathering data from thousands of accidents across Australia, plus additional data from government reports, news items and other sources. This data allowed us to identify not only the exact locations of accident hotspots, but also determine the main causes of these accidents. Spotify is Australia’s most popular music site, used by nearly 2.5 million people. This audience is almost exclusively listening to Spotify’s mobile app, with 60% of all users using the free ad-funded platform. Using Spotify’s advanced geotargeting, we pinpointed the precise location of drivers, matching this data with AAMI’s data to target drivers in close proximity to accident hotspots and warn them of oncoming dangers ahead. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Most people listen to music while driving, especially on long drives over holiday break periods. Creating and listening to a road trip playlist is deeply embedded in Australian culture and what used to be done on cassette tapes and CDs, now happens mostly on Spotify. AAMI data revealed a weakness in insurance sales to young drivers. However, Australians under 30 are most likely to have a fatal car crash. They represent one-quarter of all Australian road deaths, but are only 15% of the licensed driver population. This audience is almost exclusively listening to Spotify’s mobile app, with more than 60% using the free ad-funded platform. It made sense to partner with Spotify to deliver our message. Rather than blanketing road safety messages that are easy to forget, AAMI Warning Spots are designed to hit the right audience at the right time and the right place forcing them to pay attention. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We launched AAMI Warning Spots on Labour Day’s long weekend from March 8-11, with a second round of airings during the Easter break in April 19-28, 2019. We kicked off with six highly geotargeted locations along the Great Ocean Road, one of the country’s most popular destinations and also one of its most dangerous roads. Our data revealed a number of different hazards were the main cause of accidents at each of the hotspots: tight corners, road narrows, rough surfaces and native wildlife amongst them. AAMI’s data also revealed the exact time of the day (Morning, afternoon, night) when most accidents happened. We created different tailored messages to alert drivers of the specific hazards at each of the selected hotspots and aired them at the appropriate time. To avoid re-playing the ads to locals, our Spotify ads were frequency capped. AAMI Warning Spots will run in every state July 2019. List the results (30% of vote) Reach numbers were restricted to Spotify listeners within small geotargeted areas in close proximity to accident hotspots. • 64% of all Spotify listeners driving through our targeted areas were served an AAMI Warning Spot, nearly two thirds of the total audience. • 94% completion rate. Engagement was much higher than the average Spotify ad. • 92% positive sentiment towards AAMI Brand. • Featured in over 40 pieces of national and international media. • Business Impact: Our campaign was an awareness road safety message, and as such there were no specific sales or business targets. However, after the successful launch, AAMI Warning Spots will now be served all over Australia, alerting drivers of specific hazards at all major accident hotspots in every state and territory.

    Warning Spots

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? AAMI警告点结合了多个数据源,以提供世界第一的道路安全信息: Spotify广告使用先进的地理定位来查明驾驶员的精确位置,并提醒他们前方的特定道路危险。多年来,AAMI保险公司一直在收集澳大利亚数千起事故的数据。这些知识与政府报告和新闻中的其他数据相结合,不仅可以帮助我们确定事故热点的确切位置,还可以确定事故热点的主要原因。使用Spotify出色的地理定位功能,我们可以将目标对准接近这些事故热点的驾驶员,并警告他们即将到来的危险。 背景 情况: 澳大利亚道路上有太多可避免的事故。没有人比澳大利亚领先的汽车保险公司AAMI更了解这一点。每年,AAMI都会收集澳大利亚各地数千起道路交通事故的综合数据,并将其纳入年度AAMI撞车指数。然后发布事故火锅的位置和事故的主要原因,以使驾驶员意识到这些危险。 简介: AAMI知道事故数字在漫长的周末和假期中激增。我们面临的挑战是开展道路安全运动,以提醒澳大利亚人要格外小心,尤其是在最危险的地方。我们需要一个创新的解决方案来传达这一重要信息。 目标: 使我们的道路更安全是AAMI所代表的一切的核心。我们认为是时候充分利用我们所有的数据,让我们的道路更加安全,并帮助减少长周末的事故数量。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) AAMI警告点结合了多个数据源,以提供世界第一的道路安全信息: Spotify广告使用先进的地理定位来查明驾驶员的精确位置,并提醒他们前方的特定道路危险。 AAMI在收集了来自澳大利亚数千起事故的数据以及来自政府报告,新闻和其他来源的其他数据后,能够做到这一点。 这些数据使我们不仅可以识别事故热点的确切位置,还可以确定这些事故的主要原因。 Spotify是澳大利亚最受欢迎的音乐网站,有近250万人使用。这些观众几乎完全收听Spotify的移动应用程序,所有用户中的60% 都使用免费的广告资助平台。 使用Spotify的高级地理定位,我们确定了驾驶员的精确位置,将此数据与AAMI的数据进行匹配,以瞄准靠近事故热点的驾驶员,并警告他们前方即将来临的危险。 描述策略 (投票20%) 大多数人在开车时听音乐,尤其是在假期期间长时间开车时。创建和收听公路旅行播放列表已深深植根于澳大利亚文化中,过去在盒式磁带和cd上所做的事情现在主要发生在Spotify上。 AAMI数据显示,向年轻司机的保险销售疲软。但是,30岁以下的澳大利亚人最有可能发生致命的车祸。他们占澳大利亚所有道路死亡人数的四分之一,但仅占有执照的驾驶员人数的15%。 这些观众几乎只收听Spotify的移动应用程序,超过60% 人使用免费广告资助平台。与Spotify合作传递我们的信息是有意义的。 AAMI警告点不是掩盖容易忘记的道路安全信息,而是旨在在正确的时间和正确的位置击中正确的观众,迫使他们注意。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们在3月8日至11日的劳动节长周末启动了AAMI警告点,并在2019年4月19至28日复活节假期进行了第二轮广播。 我们从大洋路沿线的六个高度地理位置开始,大洋路是该国最受欢迎的目的地之一,也是最危险的道路之一。 我们的数据显示,许多不同的危害是每个热点发生事故的主要原因: 狭窄的角落,道路狭窄,粗糙的表面和当地的野生动植物。AAMI的数据还揭示了大多数事故发生的一天中的确切时间 (上午,下午,晚上)。 我们创建了不同的定制消息,以提醒驾驶员在每个选定的热点上的特定危险,并在适当的时间播出。 为了避免将广告重新播放给当地人,我们的Spotify广告受到了频率限制。 AAMI警告点将在每个州2019年7月运行。 列出结果 (投票30%) 到达次数仅限于靠近事故热点的小地理区域内的Spotify听众。 • 在通过我们的目标区域开车的所有Spotify听众中,64% 获得了AAMI警告点,几乎占总观众的3分之2。 ·94% 完成率。参与度远高于average Spotify广告。 • 92% 对AAMI品牌的积极情绪。 • 在40多个国家和国际媒体中刊登。 ·业务影响: 我们的活动是宣传道路安全信息,因此没有具体的销售或业务目标。但是,成功发射后,AAMI警告点现在将在澳大利亚各地提供服务,向驾驶员警告每个州和地区所有重大事故热点的特定危险。

    Warning Spots

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? AAMI Warning Spots combine multiple data sources to deliver a world-first in road safety messages: Spotify ads using advanced geotargeting to pinpoint a driver’s precise location and alert them to a specific road hazard ahead. For years, AAMI Insurance has been collecting data from thousands of accidents across Australia. This knowledge, in combination with additional data from government reports and news items help us identify not only the exact locations of accident hotspots, but also their major causes. Using Spotify’s superb geolocation capabilities, we can then target drivers approaching these accident hotspots and warn them of the oncoming dangers ahead. Background Situation: There are too many avoidable accidents on Australian roads. No one knows this better than AAMI, Australia’s leading motor insurance company. Every year, AAMI collects comprehensive data from thousands of road accidents across Australia, into their annual AAMI Crash Index. Then publishes the locations of accident hotpots and major causes of accidents in an effort to make drivers aware of these dangers. Brief: AAMI knows accident numbers spike over long weekends and holidays. Our challenge was to create a road safety campaign to remind Australians to be extra careful, particularly around the most dangerous locations. We needed an innovative solution to deliver this important message. Objectives: Making our roads safer is at the heart of everything AAMI stands for. We thought it was time time to put all our data to good use, make our roads a little safer and help reduce the number of accidents over long weekends. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) AAMI Warning Spots combine multiple data sources to deliver a world-first in road safety messages: Spotify ads using advanced geotargeting to pinpoint a driver’s precise location and alert them to a specific road hazard ahead. AAMI was able to do this after gathering data from thousands of accidents across Australia, plus additional data from government reports, news items and other sources. This data allowed us to identify not only the exact locations of accident hotspots, but also determine the main causes of these accidents. Spotify is Australia’s most popular music site, used by nearly 2.5 million people. This audience is almost exclusively listening to Spotify’s mobile app, with 60% of all users using the free ad-funded platform. Using Spotify’s advanced geotargeting, we pinpointed the precise location of drivers, matching this data with AAMI’s data to target drivers in close proximity to accident hotspots and warn them of oncoming dangers ahead. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Most people listen to music while driving, especially on long drives over holiday break periods. Creating and listening to a road trip playlist is deeply embedded in Australian culture and what used to be done on cassette tapes and CDs, now happens mostly on Spotify. AAMI data revealed a weakness in insurance sales to young drivers. However, Australians under 30 are most likely to have a fatal car crash. They represent one-quarter of all Australian road deaths, but are only 15% of the licensed driver population. This audience is almost exclusively listening to Spotify’s mobile app, with more than 60% using the free ad-funded platform. It made sense to partner with Spotify to deliver our message. Rather than blanketing road safety messages that are easy to forget, AAMI Warning Spots are designed to hit the right audience at the right time and the right place forcing them to pay attention. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We launched AAMI Warning Spots on Labour Day’s long weekend from March 8-11, with a second round of airings during the Easter break in April 19-28, 2019. We kicked off with six highly geotargeted locations along the Great Ocean Road, one of the country’s most popular destinations and also one of its most dangerous roads. Our data revealed a number of different hazards were the main cause of accidents at each of the hotspots: tight corners, road narrows, rough surfaces and native wildlife amongst them. AAMI’s data also revealed the exact time of the day (Morning, afternoon, night) when most accidents happened. We created different tailored messages to alert drivers of the specific hazards at each of the selected hotspots and aired them at the appropriate time. To avoid re-playing the ads to locals, our Spotify ads were frequency capped. AAMI Warning Spots will run in every state July 2019. List the results (30% of vote) Reach numbers were restricted to Spotify listeners within small geotargeted areas in close proximity to accident hotspots. • 64% of all Spotify listeners driving through our targeted areas were served an AAMI Warning Spot, nearly two thirds of the total audience. • 94% completion rate. Engagement was much higher than the average Spotify ad. • 92% positive sentiment towards AAMI Brand. • Featured in over 40 pieces of national and international media. • Business Impact: Our campaign was an awareness road safety message, and as such there were no specific sales or business targets. However, after the successful launch, AAMI Warning Spots will now be served all over Australia, alerting drivers of specific hazards at all major accident hotspots in every state and territory.



    Warning Spots










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