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    2011 Call for Entries短视频广告营销案例



    2011 要求参赛作品

    案例简介:兰加拉学院和 Rethink 推出新视频,获得 18,000 美元奖学金 温哥华 -- 兰加拉学院和反思学院连续第三年向有抱负的艺术总监和设计师提供 18,000 美元的奖学金。幸运的获胜者将获得兰加拉学院为期两年的沟通和思维 (CID) 项目的全额学费,以及在 Rethink 的实习。 “重新思考在广告界不断表现出色,反过来又激励和影响我们的学生,” 兰加拉的项目协调员约翰 · 纳斯顿 · 斯特莱布莱说。“我们的重点是从学术层面为广告界做出贡献,并将这一理想与构思结合起来 行业的要求创造了一种有益的关系。" Rethink 再次开发了一个鼓舞人心的视频,旨在吸引年轻创意人士,并在网上推广奖学金。去年的视频取得了巨大的成功,浏览量超过 500,000 次,来自主要媒体,甚至是阿什顿 · 库彻的推特。该视频由罗里 · 奥沙利文和乔丹 · 科恩制作,兰加拉大学毕业生克里斯 · 塞拉瓦勒创作,内部制作,可在 Rethink 的 Rethink 网站上找到 “我们希望重新思考奖学金视频今年再次有同样的势头,并激励候选人分享他们的想法,” 重新思考创意总监伊恩 · 格雷斯说。“获得免费学费进入不列颠哥伦比亚省最好的设计和艺术指导项目之一 (以及在 Rethink 的实习) 可能和提交你的投资组合一样容易。" 有抱负的创意人员被邀请提交一本展示他们创造力的黑色精装速写本。获胜者将由 Rethink 的创意总监以及兰加拉学院根据以下标准选出: 清晰度、相关性、新思维以及创意、工艺和执行的质量。书籍必须在 2011年7月1日前提交。 Rethink 是温哥华和多伦多的一家机构,专门从事广告、设计和在线的大创意。该机构在当地、区域和国家的保留或项目基础上为客户处理战略、创意和生产。 Langara College CID 项目是一种现代的整体教育方法,适用于平面设计、艺术指导、广告和创意产业。 兰加拉学院每年为 19,000 多名学生提供大学转学、职业和继续学习项目和课程。

    2011 要求参赛作品

    案例简介:Langara College and Rethink launch new video for $18,000 scholarship VANCOUVER – For the third year in a row, Langara College and Rethink are offering an $18,000 scholarship to aspiring art directors and designers. The lucky winner will receive full tuition to Langara College’s two-year Communication and Ideation (CID) program as well as an internship at Rethink. “Rethink continually excels in the advertising world, inspiring and influencing our students in turn,” says Johnathon Strebly, program coordinator at Langara. “Our focus is to contribute to the advertising community from the academic level and meshing this ideal with the ideation requirements of the industry creates a rewarding relationship.” Rethink has once again developed an inspirational video meant to engage young creatives and promote the scholarship online. Last year’s video was a huge success, with over 500,000 views, pickup from major media, and even a tweet from Ashton Kutcher. Crafted by Rory O’Sullivan and Jordan Cohen, with music by Langara graduate Chris Serravalle, the video was produced in-house and can be found on Rethink’s website at www.rethinkcanada.com/scholarship “Our hope is that the Rethink Scholarship video has the same momentum again this year and inspires candidates to share their ideas,” says Ian Grais, creative director at Rethink. “Winning free tuition to one of BC's best design and art direction programs (and an internship at Rethink) could be as easy as submitting your portfolio.” Aspiring creatives are invited to submit a black hardcover sketchbook that showcases their creativity. The winner will be selected by Rethink’s creative directors along with Langara faculty according to the following criteria: clarity, relevance, fresh thinking, and the quality of the ideas, craft, and execution. Books must be submitted by July 1, 2011. Rethink is a Vancouver and Toronto agency specializing in big ideas for advertising, design and online. The agency handles strategy, creative and production for clients on a retainer or project basis, locally, regionally and nationally. The Langara College CID program is a modern, holistic educational approach to the graphic design, art direction, advertising and creative industries. Langara College provides university-transfer, career, and continuing studies programs and courses to more than 19,000 students annually.

    2011 Call for Entries

    案例简介:兰加拉学院和 Rethink 推出新视频,获得 18,000 美元奖学金 温哥华 -- 兰加拉学院和反思学院连续第三年向有抱负的艺术总监和设计师提供 18,000 美元的奖学金。幸运的获胜者将获得兰加拉学院为期两年的沟通和思维 (CID) 项目的全额学费,以及在 Rethink 的实习。 “重新思考在广告界不断表现出色,反过来又激励和影响我们的学生,” 兰加拉的项目协调员约翰 · 纳斯顿 · 斯特莱布莱说。“我们的重点是从学术层面为广告界做出贡献,并将这一理想与构思结合起来 行业的要求创造了一种有益的关系。" Rethink 再次开发了一个鼓舞人心的视频,旨在吸引年轻创意人士,并在网上推广奖学金。去年的视频取得了巨大的成功,浏览量超过 500,000 次,来自主要媒体,甚至是阿什顿 · 库彻的推特。该视频由罗里 · 奥沙利文和乔丹 · 科恩制作,兰加拉大学毕业生克里斯 · 塞拉瓦勒创作,内部制作,可在 Rethink 的 Rethink 网站上找到 “我们希望重新思考奖学金视频今年再次有同样的势头,并激励候选人分享他们的想法,” 重新思考创意总监伊恩 · 格雷斯说。“获得免费学费进入不列颠哥伦比亚省最好的设计和艺术指导项目之一 (以及在 Rethink 的实习) 可能和提交你的投资组合一样容易。" 有抱负的创意人员被邀请提交一本展示他们创造力的黑色精装速写本。获胜者将由 Rethink 的创意总监以及兰加拉学院根据以下标准选出: 清晰度、相关性、新思维以及创意、工艺和执行的质量。书籍必须在 2011年7月1日前提交。 Rethink 是温哥华和多伦多的一家机构,专门从事广告、设计和在线的大创意。该机构在当地、区域和国家的保留或项目基础上为客户处理战略、创意和生产。 Langara College CID 项目是一种现代的整体教育方法,适用于平面设计、艺术指导、广告和创意产业。 兰加拉学院每年为 19,000 多名学生提供大学转学、职业和继续学习项目和课程。

    2011 Call for Entries

    案例简介:Langara College and Rethink launch new video for $18,000 scholarship VANCOUVER – For the third year in a row, Langara College and Rethink are offering an $18,000 scholarship to aspiring art directors and designers. The lucky winner will receive full tuition to Langara College’s two-year Communication and Ideation (CID) program as well as an internship at Rethink. “Rethink continually excels in the advertising world, inspiring and influencing our students in turn,” says Johnathon Strebly, program coordinator at Langara. “Our focus is to contribute to the advertising community from the academic level and meshing this ideal with the ideation requirements of the industry creates a rewarding relationship.” Rethink has once again developed an inspirational video meant to engage young creatives and promote the scholarship online. Last year’s video was a huge success, with over 500,000 views, pickup from major media, and even a tweet from Ashton Kutcher. Crafted by Rory O’Sullivan and Jordan Cohen, with music by Langara graduate Chris Serravalle, the video was produced in-house and can be found on Rethink’s website at www.rethinkcanada.com/scholarship “Our hope is that the Rethink Scholarship video has the same momentum again this year and inspires candidates to share their ideas,” says Ian Grais, creative director at Rethink. “Winning free tuition to one of BC's best design and art direction programs (and an internship at Rethink) could be as easy as submitting your portfolio.” Aspiring creatives are invited to submit a black hardcover sketchbook that showcases their creativity. The winner will be selected by Rethink’s creative directors along with Langara faculty according to the following criteria: clarity, relevance, fresh thinking, and the quality of the ideas, craft, and execution. Books must be submitted by July 1, 2011. Rethink is a Vancouver and Toronto agency specializing in big ideas for advertising, design and online. The agency handles strategy, creative and production for clients on a retainer or project basis, locally, regionally and nationally. The Langara College CID program is a modern, holistic educational approach to the graphic design, art direction, advertising and creative industries. Langara College provides university-transfer, career, and continuing studies programs and courses to more than 19,000 students annually.

    2011 要求参赛作品


    2011 Call for Entries










    • 项目比稿


    • 创意策划


    • 竞品调研


    • 行业研究



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