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    Premmie Proud短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 这项运动的目标是照亮奇迹婴儿基金会和早产儿父母。然而,我们没有很大的预算来传播我们的信息。我们需要创造一些能在早产儿社区中产生大量公关的东西。谢天谢地,Premmie 骄傲是一个公关成功,现在超过 10,000 名早产儿的父母能够自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。 战略 我们通过奇迹婴儿基金会采访了一批有早产儿的父母。有很多关于婴儿出生时,父母喜欢在社交媒体上分享新闻的讨论。这是一个你可以一次接触到所有朋友和家人的渠道,因此非常适合分享你对新生儿的骄傲。然而,这导致了一个发现,如果婴儿过早出生,人们不会分享。Premmie 婴儿的父母对让孩子接受任何形式的判断感到不舒服,而他们的朋友不确定该说什么或者如何表达他们的支持。这使得社交成为解决个人和社会不适问题的最佳场所,并直接与我们的观众联系。 概要 BabyLove 推出了一系列专为早产儿设计的尿布,为他们提供终极舒适。与此同时,他们正在与奇迹婴儿基金会建立新的伙伴关系,该基金会是澳大利亚支持早产和患病新生儿及其家人的主要组织。我们工作的目标是通过利用这种伙伴关系为 premmie 家庭做一些有用的事情,为 BabyLove 品牌与所有父母产生广泛的善意, 同时也让他们的朋友和家人参与进来,并为所有家庭的大规模接触创造可谈性。 执行 我们创建了 Premmie 骄傲,一个新的社会倡议,鼓励早产儿的父母自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。设计与奇迹婴儿基金会和世界第一合作。婴儿照片分享应用程序,BabyPics,这是 BabyPics 应用程序中手工制作的一系列新的照片覆盖,专门用来与那些只有过早家庭才会经历的时刻交谈, 比如 NICU (新生儿重症监护室) 毕业,做一个 “小斗士”。 结果 在最初的三周,Premmie 骄傲出现在世界各地的博客和新闻网站上 -- 包括澳大利亚广受欢迎的电视早餐节目《日出》 -- 赢得了超过 350万的媒体印象。这部在线发行的电影被观看了近一半万次。我们为奇迹婴儿基金会筹集了 15,000 多美元 (尽管这不是目标)。BabyLove 的品牌知名度提高了 28%。Premmie 骄傲现在是 BabyPics 应用程序的永久部分。但最重要的是,10,000 多名早产儿的父母使用 Premmie 自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。 活动描述 当婴儿出生时,父母喜欢在社交媒体上分享新闻。但是如果婴儿早产,你不会总是听到它。所以 BabyLove,奇迹婴儿基金会和世界第一。婴儿照片分享应用程序 BabyPics 创建了 Premmie 自豪 -- 这是一项新的社会倡议,鼓励有早产儿的父母自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。


    案例简介:Relevancy This goal of this campaign was to shine a light on The Miracle Babies Foundation and parents with Premature Babies. However, we didn’t have a big budget to broadcast our message. We needed to create something that would generate lots of PR to get talked about within the Premature baby community. Thankfully, Premmie Proud was a PR success and now over 10,000 parents of premature babies have been able to proudly share their little miracle with the world. Strategy We interviewed groups of parents with premature babies through the Miracle Babies Foundation. There was a lot of discussion around the fact that when a baby is born, parents love sharing the news on social media. It’s the one channel where you can reach all your friends and family in one go and therefore perfect to share your pride in your newborn. However, this lead to the discovery that if the baby comes prematurely, people don’t share. Parents of premmie babies feel uncomfortable about exposing their children to any form of judgement, while their friends are unsure what to say or how to express their support. This made social the perfect place to tackle this issue of personal and social discomfort and connect directly with our audience. Synopsis BabyLove were launching a range of nappies specially designed for premature babies to provide them with ultimate comfort. At the same time, they were building a new partnership with The Miracle Babies Foundation, Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns and their families. The goal of our work was to generate widespread goodwill for the BabyLove brand with all parents, by leveraging the partnership to do something useful for premmie families, while also engaging their friends and family and generating talkability for mass reach of all families. Execution We created Premmie Proud, a new social initiative to encourage parents of premature babies to proudly share their little miracle with the world. Designed in partnered with the Miracle Babies Foundation, and the world’s no 1. baby photo sharing app, BabyPics, it’s a new range of hand-crafted photo-overlays within the BabyPics app, created specifically to talk to the moments that only premature families experience, such as graduating the NICU (Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit), and being a ‘Little Fighter’. Outcome In the first three weeks, Premmie Proud was featured on blogs and news sites all over the world – including Sunrise, Australia’s hugely popular TV breakfast show – earning over 3.5 million media impressions. The online launch film was viewed nearly half a million times. We raised over $15,000 dollars for the Miracle Babies Foundation (despite that not being a goal). BabyLove saw a 28% increase in brand awareness. And Premmie Proud is now a permanent part of the BabyPics app. But most importantly, more than 10,000 parents of premature babies have used Premmie Proud to share their little miracle with the world. CampaignDescription When a baby is born, parents love sharing the news on social media. But if the baby is premature, you won’t always hear about it. So BabyLove, the Miracle Babies Foundation and the world’s no 1. baby photo sharing app, BabyPics, created Premmie Proud – a new social initiative that encouraged parents with premature babies to proudly share their little miracle with the world.

    Premmie Proud

    案例简介:相关性 这项运动的目标是照亮奇迹婴儿基金会和早产儿父母。然而,我们没有很大的预算来传播我们的信息。我们需要创造一些能在早产儿社区中产生大量公关的东西。谢天谢地,Premmie 骄傲是一个公关成功,现在超过 10,000 名早产儿的父母能够自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。 战略 我们通过奇迹婴儿基金会采访了一批有早产儿的父母。有很多关于婴儿出生时,父母喜欢在社交媒体上分享新闻的讨论。这是一个你可以一次接触到所有朋友和家人的渠道,因此非常适合分享你对新生儿的骄傲。然而,这导致了一个发现,如果婴儿过早出生,人们不会分享。Premmie 婴儿的父母对让孩子接受任何形式的判断感到不舒服,而他们的朋友不确定该说什么或者如何表达他们的支持。这使得社交成为解决个人和社会不适问题的最佳场所,并直接与我们的观众联系。 概要 BabyLove 推出了一系列专为早产儿设计的尿布,为他们提供终极舒适。与此同时,他们正在与奇迹婴儿基金会建立新的伙伴关系,该基金会是澳大利亚支持早产和患病新生儿及其家人的主要组织。我们工作的目标是通过利用这种伙伴关系为 premmie 家庭做一些有用的事情,为 BabyLove 品牌与所有父母产生广泛的善意, 同时也让他们的朋友和家人参与进来,并为所有家庭的大规模接触创造可谈性。 执行 我们创建了 Premmie 骄傲,一个新的社会倡议,鼓励早产儿的父母自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。设计与奇迹婴儿基金会和世界第一合作。婴儿照片分享应用程序,BabyPics,这是 BabyPics 应用程序中手工制作的一系列新的照片覆盖,专门用来与那些只有过早家庭才会经历的时刻交谈, 比如 NICU (新生儿重症监护室) 毕业,做一个 “小斗士”。 结果 在最初的三周,Premmie 骄傲出现在世界各地的博客和新闻网站上 -- 包括澳大利亚广受欢迎的电视早餐节目《日出》 -- 赢得了超过 350万的媒体印象。这部在线发行的电影被观看了近一半万次。我们为奇迹婴儿基金会筹集了 15,000 多美元 (尽管这不是目标)。BabyLove 的品牌知名度提高了 28%。Premmie 骄傲现在是 BabyPics 应用程序的永久部分。但最重要的是,10,000 多名早产儿的父母使用 Premmie 自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。 活动描述 当婴儿出生时,父母喜欢在社交媒体上分享新闻。但是如果婴儿早产,你不会总是听到它。所以 BabyLove,奇迹婴儿基金会和世界第一。婴儿照片分享应用程序 BabyPics 创建了 Premmie 自豪 -- 这是一项新的社会倡议,鼓励有早产儿的父母自豪地与世界分享他们的小奇迹。

    Premmie Proud

    案例简介:Relevancy This goal of this campaign was to shine a light on The Miracle Babies Foundation and parents with Premature Babies. However, we didn’t have a big budget to broadcast our message. We needed to create something that would generate lots of PR to get talked about within the Premature baby community. Thankfully, Premmie Proud was a PR success and now over 10,000 parents of premature babies have been able to proudly share their little miracle with the world. Strategy We interviewed groups of parents with premature babies through the Miracle Babies Foundation. There was a lot of discussion around the fact that when a baby is born, parents love sharing the news on social media. It’s the one channel where you can reach all your friends and family in one go and therefore perfect to share your pride in your newborn. However, this lead to the discovery that if the baby comes prematurely, people don’t share. Parents of premmie babies feel uncomfortable about exposing their children to any form of judgement, while their friends are unsure what to say or how to express their support. This made social the perfect place to tackle this issue of personal and social discomfort and connect directly with our audience. Synopsis BabyLove were launching a range of nappies specially designed for premature babies to provide them with ultimate comfort. At the same time, they were building a new partnership with The Miracle Babies Foundation, Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns and their families. The goal of our work was to generate widespread goodwill for the BabyLove brand with all parents, by leveraging the partnership to do something useful for premmie families, while also engaging their friends and family and generating talkability for mass reach of all families. Execution We created Premmie Proud, a new social initiative to encourage parents of premature babies to proudly share their little miracle with the world. Designed in partnered with the Miracle Babies Foundation, and the world’s no 1. baby photo sharing app, BabyPics, it’s a new range of hand-crafted photo-overlays within the BabyPics app, created specifically to talk to the moments that only premature families experience, such as graduating the NICU (Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit), and being a ‘Little Fighter’. Outcome In the first three weeks, Premmie Proud was featured on blogs and news sites all over the world – including Sunrise, Australia’s hugely popular TV breakfast show – earning over 3.5 million media impressions. The online launch film was viewed nearly half a million times. We raised over $15,000 dollars for the Miracle Babies Foundation (despite that not being a goal). BabyLove saw a 28% increase in brand awareness. And Premmie Proud is now a permanent part of the BabyPics app. But most importantly, more than 10,000 parents of premature babies have used Premmie Proud to share their little miracle with the world. CampaignDescription When a baby is born, parents love sharing the news on social media. But if the baby is premature, you won’t always hear about it. So BabyLove, the Miracle Babies Foundation and the world’s no 1. baby photo sharing app, BabyPics, created Premmie Proud – a new social initiative that encouraged parents with premature babies to proudly share their little miracle with the world.



    Premmie Proud






    广告公司: BWM (澳大利亚 悉尼) 制作公司: Blue Boat




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