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    Art Directed By Nature - 6 Year Wine Collection海报/平面广告营销案例



    自然指导的艺术 -- 6年葡萄酒收藏

    案例简介:陪审团的文化/背景信息 天然葡萄酒爱好者不会对任何形式的广告感到讨厌,它只是使他们与产品保持距离。生产者几乎是一样的: 他们非常喜欢自然,并且回避现成的和批量生产的一切。这是一个毫不妥协的世界。消费者更喜欢他们信任的人推荐的优质,诚实的葡萄酒,这些葡萄酒通常在专门的博览会或酿酒厂中展示。只有事实是相关的。但是一旦他们承认了产品,他们就会变得非常忠诚。因此,产品本身成为生产者实际上可以用来与消费者沟通的唯一手段。 翻译。提供任何文本的完整英文翻译。 每个瓶子上的背面标签: 正面标签上的点显示了葡萄酒生产年份中每月以公升为单位的降雨量。概述从上一年的10月月开始,到当年的收获9月月结束。它是从 从左到右,从左上角开始。 与礼品盒一起发送给分销商的注释: ““ 今年,我将更改Piquentum葡萄酒 (Malvasia,Teran,Refosco) 上的所有标签。我们希望他们通过产品及其包装讲述一个真实的故事…… 关于这一年葡萄园里发生的事情的故事,关于葡萄酒自然的故事。标签新概念的呈现包括来自相同风土和品种的6种不同年份的Malvasia葡萄酒的集合。比较不同的瓶子 (年份) 就足够了,很明显,这些葡萄酒只是自然创造的,在我们这边的一些小帮助下。当我们知道葡萄园里发生了什么,那么我们就可以很容易地理解不同口味的丰富性。干杯!” 告诉陪审团艺术方向。 “我只是在转移自然”,葡萄酒生产商指出,“每年的自然都是不同的。尽管风土相同,品种相同,但我的葡萄酒也是如此。而且,如果由于天气原因,每年的葡萄酒都不同,那么必须贴上标签。自然指导的艺术。 多年来,我们一直在与气象研究所合作收集葡萄园天气状况的数据。人们认为降水量是最能显示每年葡萄酒结构的变量。然后,大自然的行为从字面上被转移到标签上。圆圈代表每个月的降水 (从年份到年份)。 2018年,根据这个概念,制片人决定用新标签替换所有标签。知道他需要一个演示工具,我们通过时间收集了6个季节的集合,并将其发送给相关的分销商。

    自然指导的艺术 -- 6年葡萄酒收藏

    案例简介:Cultural/Context information for the jury Natural wine lovers don’t give a heck about any kind of advertising, it and it just distances them from the product. The producers are very much the same: they are very fond of nature and shy away from everything that is ready-made and mass-produced. It is an uncompromising world. Consumers prefer good, honest wines recommended by people they trust and these are usually presented on specialized fairs or in wineries. Only facts are relevant. But once they’ve acknowledged the product, they become extremely loyal. Thus the product itself becomes the only means the producer actually can use to communicate with his consumers. Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text. Back label on each bottle: The dots on the front label show the amount of rain in liters per month in the year of wine production. The overview begins with the month of October of the previous year, and ends with the month of harvest - September of the current year. It is read in lines from left to right, starting from the upper left corner. Note sent to distributers with the gift box: "“This year I am about to change all my labels on the Piquentum wines (Malvasia, Teran, Refosco). We want them to tell a true story, both through the product and its packaging… The story about what happens in the vineyard during the year, the story about wine’s naturalness. The presentation of the new concept of labels comprises the collection of 6 different vintage years of Malvasia wine, coming from both the same terroir and variety. It is enough to compare the different bottles (vintage years) and it becomes clear that these wines were created only by nature, with some small help from our side. And when we know what was going on in the vineyard, then we can easily understand the richness of different flavors. Cheers!” Tell the jury about the art direction. “I’m just transferring nature”, the wine producer points out, “and each year nature is different. So are my wines, despite the same terroir and the same variety. And if the wines are each year different due to weather conditions, so has to be the label. Art directed by nature. We’ve been collecting for years data on weather conditions in the vineyard, in collaboration with the Meteorological Institute. The amount of precipitation was perceived to be the variable that best shows the structure of wine each year. Then, nature’s behavior has literally been transferred to the label. The circles represent every month’s precipitations (from vintage to vintage). In 2018 the producer decided to replace all his labels with the new ones, according to this concept. Knowing that he would need a tool for the presentation, we gathered through time the collection of 6 seasons and sent it to the relevant distributers.

    Art Directed By Nature - 6 Year Wine Collection

    案例简介:陪审团的文化/背景信息 天然葡萄酒爱好者不会对任何形式的广告感到讨厌,它只是使他们与产品保持距离。生产者几乎是一样的: 他们非常喜欢自然,并且回避现成的和批量生产的一切。这是一个毫不妥协的世界。消费者更喜欢他们信任的人推荐的优质,诚实的葡萄酒,这些葡萄酒通常在专门的博览会或酿酒厂中展示。只有事实是相关的。但是一旦他们承认了产品,他们就会变得非常忠诚。因此,产品本身成为生产者实际上可以用来与消费者沟通的唯一手段。 翻译。提供任何文本的完整英文翻译。 每个瓶子上的背面标签: 正面标签上的点显示了葡萄酒生产年份中每月以公升为单位的降雨量。概述从上一年的10月月开始,到当年的收获9月月结束。它是从 从左到右,从左上角开始。 与礼品盒一起发送给分销商的注释: ““ 今年,我将更改Piquentum葡萄酒 (Malvasia,Teran,Refosco) 上的所有标签。我们希望他们通过产品及其包装讲述一个真实的故事…… 关于这一年葡萄园里发生的事情的故事,关于葡萄酒自然的故事。标签新概念的呈现包括来自相同风土和品种的6种不同年份的Malvasia葡萄酒的集合。比较不同的瓶子 (年份) 就足够了,很明显,这些葡萄酒只是自然创造的,在我们这边的一些小帮助下。当我们知道葡萄园里发生了什么,那么我们就可以很容易地理解不同口味的丰富性。干杯!” 告诉陪审团艺术方向。 “我只是在转移自然”,葡萄酒生产商指出,“每年的自然都是不同的。尽管风土相同,品种相同,但我的葡萄酒也是如此。而且,如果由于天气原因,每年的葡萄酒都不同,那么必须贴上标签。自然指导的艺术。 多年来,我们一直在与气象研究所合作收集葡萄园天气状况的数据。人们认为降水量是最能显示每年葡萄酒结构的变量。然后,大自然的行为从字面上被转移到标签上。圆圈代表每个月的降水 (从年份到年份)。 2018年,根据这个概念,制片人决定用新标签替换所有标签。知道他需要一个演示工具,我们通过时间收集了6个季节的集合,并将其发送给相关的分销商。

    Art Directed By Nature - 6 Year Wine Collection

    案例简介:Cultural/Context information for the jury Natural wine lovers don’t give a heck about any kind of advertising, it and it just distances them from the product. The producers are very much the same: they are very fond of nature and shy away from everything that is ready-made and mass-produced. It is an uncompromising world. Consumers prefer good, honest wines recommended by people they trust and these are usually presented on specialized fairs or in wineries. Only facts are relevant. But once they’ve acknowledged the product, they become extremely loyal. Thus the product itself becomes the only means the producer actually can use to communicate with his consumers. Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text. Back label on each bottle: The dots on the front label show the amount of rain in liters per month in the year of wine production. The overview begins with the month of October of the previous year, and ends with the month of harvest - September of the current year. It is read in lines from left to right, starting from the upper left corner. Note sent to distributers with the gift box: "“This year I am about to change all my labels on the Piquentum wines (Malvasia, Teran, Refosco). We want them to tell a true story, both through the product and its packaging… The story about what happens in the vineyard during the year, the story about wine’s naturalness. The presentation of the new concept of labels comprises the collection of 6 different vintage years of Malvasia wine, coming from both the same terroir and variety. It is enough to compare the different bottles (vintage years) and it becomes clear that these wines were created only by nature, with some small help from our side. And when we know what was going on in the vineyard, then we can easily understand the richness of different flavors. Cheers!” Tell the jury about the art direction. “I’m just transferring nature”, the wine producer points out, “and each year nature is different. So are my wines, despite the same terroir and the same variety. And if the wines are each year different due to weather conditions, so has to be the label. Art directed by nature. We’ve been collecting for years data on weather conditions in the vineyard, in collaboration with the Meteorological Institute. The amount of precipitation was perceived to be the variable that best shows the structure of wine each year. Then, nature’s behavior has literally been transferred to the label. The circles represent every month’s precipitations (from vintage to vintage). In 2018 the producer decided to replace all his labels with the new ones, according to this concept. Knowing that he would need a tool for the presentation, we gathered through time the collection of 6 seasons and sent it to the relevant distributers.

    自然指导的艺术 -- 6年葡萄酒收藏


    Art Directed By Nature - 6 Year Wine Collection










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