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    Sounds of Trauma!短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:赫里兹巴黎释放爆炸性的感官体验: 创伤的声音 想象一下,你是一名老兵。现在回到文明,从战场。我们能假设我们的老兵的生活回到正常的状态吗?在他或她经历了我们中只有少数人能真正认同的事情之前? 每天突然的噪音 -- 气球爆炸 -- 对我们任何人来说都是八哥。现在试着让自己站在我们的老兵的立场上,他每天听到这样的声音?吓了一跳?或者立即想起战场?日常声音是一种强烈的感觉,可以引发一段艰难的记忆 -- 尤其是对我们的老兵来说。 这就是赫里兹努力工作,在大卫 · 林奇基金会创造的创伤 360 体验中展示的: 对我们来说似乎微不足道的声音是多么容易, 对我们的老兵来说可能是战争的声音。从老兵的角度来看,在创伤的声音中,我们现在正在经历每天的声音,就像我们的老兵可能经历的那样。 大卫 · 林奇基金会帮助那些患有创伤后应激障碍的人恢复快乐、健康、富有成效的生活。创伤的声音以一种尖锐的方式说明了摆脱混乱是多么困难,以及我们所有的支持和基金会的工作是多么必要和有价值。 赫里兹与加拿大制作公司 Mile Inn (图片) 和阿波罗工作室 (声音) 合作。Yan Dal Santo (Apollo/Mille Inn 的联合创始人) 被 Herezie 选中导演这部电影,因为他在同一艺术水平上整合了声音和电影制作的独特专业知识。一些镜头在蒙特利尔拍摄,其他部分在纽约拍摄。整个音响制作过程发生在多伦多。一切都与阿波罗巴黎同步。 赫里兹巴黎 ECD 的巴普蒂斯特 · Clinet 说: “我们真的试图展示声音的力量。它触发的记忆和情感是如此强烈。对于从战场回来的士兵来说,生活中的一些日常声音让他们回到了那里。"


    案例简介:Herezie Paris Unleashes Explosive Sensory Experience: Sounds of Trauma Imagine for a moment, you are a veteran of war. Now back to civilization, from the battlefield. Can we assume life for our veteran returns back to normal – as it was – before he or she experienced what only a few of us can really identify with? A daily sudden noise – a balloon pops – can be starling for any of us. Now try to put yourself in the shoes of our veteran who hears a daily sound such as this one? Startled? Or reminded immediately of the battlefield? An everyday sound is one of those strong senses that can trigger a difficult memory—especially for our veteran. This is what Herezie works diligently to demonstrate in its Sounds of Trauma 360 experience created with The David Lynch Foundation: How easily a sound that seems insignificant to us, can be a war sound to our veteran. Created from the point-of-view of the veteran, in Sounds of Trauma, we are now experiencing daily sounds, the way our veteran may. The David Lynch Foundation helps those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder get back to a happy, healthy, productive life. Sounds of Trauma illustrates, in a poignant way, how difficult it is to get rid of the disorder and how necessary and valuable all of our support and the Foundation’s work is. Herezie partnered with Canadian production companies Mile Inn (Images) and Apollo Studios (Sounds). Yan Dal Santo (co-founder of Apollo/Mille Inn) was chosen by Herezie to direct the film for his unique expertise integrating sound and film making at the same level of art. Some footage was shot in Montreal, and other parts in New York. The whole sound production process took place in Toronto. Everything was synchronized with Apollo Paris. Said Baptiste Clinet, ECD of Herezie Paris: "We really try to show the power of sound. The memories and emotions it triggers are so strong. For soldiers who come back from the battlefield, some everyday sounds in life put them right back there."

    Sounds of Trauma!

    案例简介:赫里兹巴黎释放爆炸性的感官体验: 创伤的声音 想象一下,你是一名老兵。现在回到文明,从战场。我们能假设我们的老兵的生活回到正常的状态吗?在他或她经历了我们中只有少数人能真正认同的事情之前? 每天突然的噪音 -- 气球爆炸 -- 对我们任何人来说都是八哥。现在试着让自己站在我们的老兵的立场上,他每天听到这样的声音?吓了一跳?或者立即想起战场?日常声音是一种强烈的感觉,可以引发一段艰难的记忆 -- 尤其是对我们的老兵来说。 这就是赫里兹努力工作,在大卫 · 林奇基金会创造的创伤 360 体验中展示的: 对我们来说似乎微不足道的声音是多么容易, 对我们的老兵来说可能是战争的声音。从老兵的角度来看,在创伤的声音中,我们现在正在经历每天的声音,就像我们的老兵可能经历的那样。 大卫 · 林奇基金会帮助那些患有创伤后应激障碍的人恢复快乐、健康、富有成效的生活。创伤的声音以一种尖锐的方式说明了摆脱混乱是多么困难,以及我们所有的支持和基金会的工作是多么必要和有价值。 赫里兹与加拿大制作公司 Mile Inn (图片) 和阿波罗工作室 (声音) 合作。Yan Dal Santo (Apollo/Mille Inn 的联合创始人) 被 Herezie 选中导演这部电影,因为他在同一艺术水平上整合了声音和电影制作的独特专业知识。一些镜头在蒙特利尔拍摄,其他部分在纽约拍摄。整个音响制作过程发生在多伦多。一切都与阿波罗巴黎同步。 赫里兹巴黎 ECD 的巴普蒂斯特 · Clinet 说: “我们真的试图展示声音的力量。它触发的记忆和情感是如此强烈。对于从战场回来的士兵来说,生活中的一些日常声音让他们回到了那里。"

    Sounds of Trauma!

    案例简介:Herezie Paris Unleashes Explosive Sensory Experience: Sounds of Trauma Imagine for a moment, you are a veteran of war. Now back to civilization, from the battlefield. Can we assume life for our veteran returns back to normal – as it was – before he or she experienced what only a few of us can really identify with? A daily sudden noise – a balloon pops – can be starling for any of us. Now try to put yourself in the shoes of our veteran who hears a daily sound such as this one? Startled? Or reminded immediately of the battlefield? An everyday sound is one of those strong senses that can trigger a difficult memory—especially for our veteran. This is what Herezie works diligently to demonstrate in its Sounds of Trauma 360 experience created with The David Lynch Foundation: How easily a sound that seems insignificant to us, can be a war sound to our veteran. Created from the point-of-view of the veteran, in Sounds of Trauma, we are now experiencing daily sounds, the way our veteran may. The David Lynch Foundation helps those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder get back to a happy, healthy, productive life. Sounds of Trauma illustrates, in a poignant way, how difficult it is to get rid of the disorder and how necessary and valuable all of our support and the Foundation’s work is. Herezie partnered with Canadian production companies Mile Inn (Images) and Apollo Studios (Sounds). Yan Dal Santo (co-founder of Apollo/Mille Inn) was chosen by Herezie to direct the film for his unique expertise integrating sound and film making at the same level of art. Some footage was shot in Montreal, and other parts in New York. The whole sound production process took place in Toronto. Everything was synchronized with Apollo Paris. Said Baptiste Clinet, ECD of Herezie Paris: "We really try to show the power of sound. The memories and emotions it triggers are so strong. For soldiers who come back from the battlefield, some everyday sounds in life put them right back there."



    Sounds of Trauma!





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