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    Aid Media海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 2017年9月20日,波多黎各经受住了近代史上最强大的大西洋飓风的袭击。飓风3月 í a以223千米的风吹过该岛,留下了70,000个没有屋顶的家庭。对于许多人来说,暴风雨仍在继续,因为持续的降雨加剧了紧急状态,紧急防水布和建筑用品的短缺推迟了救济。作为对前所未有的破坏程度的立即反应,并考虑到其主要渠道遭受了严重破坏,波多黎各户外广告协会着手将整个行业交给受风暴影响的人。目标: • 将我们的资源和专业知识用于处理耐候性材料,以使失去屋顶的波多黎各人受益。• 鼓励品牌,协会成员,供应商和志愿者参与其中。• 尽可能多地接触并影响有需要的无屋顶房屋和家庭。 战略 通过这一举措,我们的目标是接触到受3月飓风影响最大的人: 那些失去屋顶的人。其中许多人是老年人,生活在弱势和弱势社区。我们的战略是让品牌和我们的协会成员参与进来,并为他们提供一种直接的方式来真正影响有需要的波多黎各人。 相关性 波多黎各户外广告协会创建了AidMedia,以帮助波多黎各人在其历史上最困难的时刻为品牌提供真正的生活机会。通过这种激活,品牌支持不仅限于鼓励口号,而是变成了具有巨大影响力的即时解决方案。 结果 我们的倡议表明,一个行业有能力在困难时刻重塑自己,并将其资源用于有需要的人。在这些困难时期,我们意识到,当谈到有效性时,唯一真正重要的数字是我们可以提供更好的生活环境的波多黎各人的数量。• 到达了7个受灾严重的城镇: Humacao,Dorado,Caguas,Juncos,Carolina,主要品牌的支持: 拜耳,山姆俱乐部,彪马能源和沃尔玛,其中。• 900额外的防水布直接交给市政市长 • 900多个家庭受到影响 • 1,000多个波多黎各人迄今为止提供了帮助。• 688,695,000的印象将继续引起人们对许多仍然没有屋顶的家庭的认识。 执行 与市政府合作,我们绘制了受重创的社区地图,测量了无屋顶房屋,并创建了在线房屋清单,这些房屋被用作辅助媒体空间-它们的有效性不是通过覆盖范围或印象来衡量的,而是通过家庭的帮助来衡量的。我们能够生产和安装定制的耐候性覆盖物,作为这些房屋的临时屋顶,这些覆盖物由户外材料制成,比联邦紧急事务管理局 (FEMA) 的蓝色防水布更耐用。 CampaignDescription 在这些需要的时候,我们决定将我们的付费媒体变成援助媒体: 一种新的媒体,为品牌提供了一种将其支持信息转化为支持行动的方式,并将户外广告放在最有帮助的地方: 无屋顶房屋。


    案例简介:Synopsis On September 20th, 2017, Puerto Rico withstood the wrath of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recent history. Hurricane María tore through the Island with 223km winds and left over 70,000 families without a roof. For many, the storm went on, as constant rains aggravated the state of emergency, and a shortage of emergency tarps and construction supplies delayed relief. As an immediate response to the unprecedented level of devastation and taking into consideration its main channels sustained heavy damage, the Outdoor Advertising Association of Puerto Rico set out to put an entire industry at the disposal of those affected by the storm. Objectives: • Put our resources and expertise handling weather-resistant material in benefit of Puerto Ricans who lost their roofs. • Encourage brands, Association members, suppliers and volunteers to get involved. • Reach and impact as many roofless homes and families in need as possible. Strategy With this initiative, we aimed to reach the people who were affected the most due to hurricane María: those who lost their roofs. Many of them elderly and living in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Our strategy was to involve brands and our Association members and give them an immediate way to truly impact Puerto Ricans in need. Relevancy The Outdoor Advertising Association of Puerto Rico created AidMedia as a way to give brands the opportunity to truly come to life by helping Puerto Ricans in the most difficult moment of their history. With this activation, brand support was not limited to encouraging slogans, but rather turned into immediate solutions of great impact. Outcome Our initiative showed an industry’s capacity to reinvent itself in moments of difficulty and put its resources in benefit of those in need. In these hard times, we realized that when it comes to effectiveness, the only number that really matters, is the amount of Puerto Ricans we can provide with a better living environment. • 7 hard-hit towns reached: Humacao, Dorado, Caguas, Juncos, Carolina, Camuy and Gurabo • Major brands’ support: Bayer, Sam’s Club, Puma Energy and Walmart, among others. • 900 additional tarps handed directly to municipalitie's mayors • 900+ families impacted • 1,000+ Puerto Ricans helped to date. • 688,695,000 impressions that will continue generating awareness on the many families that still live without a roof. Execution In collaboration with municipal governments we mapped severely hit communities, measured roofless houses and created an online inventory of homes that were offered as AidMedia spaces - their effectiveness measured not by reach nor impressions, but by families helped. We were able to produce and install custom-made weather resistant coverings that served as temporary roofs for these houses, made of outdoor material that is even more durable than the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) blue tarps. CampaignDescription In these times of need, we decided to turn our paid media into Aid Media: a new medium that gives brands a way to turn their support messages into support actions and place outdoor advertising where it can help the most: roofless homes.

    Aid Media

    案例简介:概要 2017年9月20日,波多黎各经受住了近代史上最强大的大西洋飓风的袭击。飓风3月 í a以223千米的风吹过该岛,留下了70,000个没有屋顶的家庭。对于许多人来说,暴风雨仍在继续,因为持续的降雨加剧了紧急状态,紧急防水布和建筑用品的短缺推迟了救济。作为对前所未有的破坏程度的立即反应,并考虑到其主要渠道遭受了严重破坏,波多黎各户外广告协会着手将整个行业交给受风暴影响的人。目标: • 将我们的资源和专业知识用于处理耐候性材料,以使失去屋顶的波多黎各人受益。• 鼓励品牌,协会成员,供应商和志愿者参与其中。• 尽可能多地接触并影响有需要的无屋顶房屋和家庭。 战略 通过这一举措,我们的目标是接触到受3月飓风影响最大的人: 那些失去屋顶的人。其中许多人是老年人,生活在弱势和弱势社区。我们的战略是让品牌和我们的协会成员参与进来,并为他们提供一种直接的方式来真正影响有需要的波多黎各人。 相关性 波多黎各户外广告协会创建了AidMedia,以帮助波多黎各人在其历史上最困难的时刻为品牌提供真正的生活机会。通过这种激活,品牌支持不仅限于鼓励口号,而是变成了具有巨大影响力的即时解决方案。 结果 我们的倡议表明,一个行业有能力在困难时刻重塑自己,并将其资源用于有需要的人。在这些困难时期,我们意识到,当谈到有效性时,唯一真正重要的数字是我们可以提供更好的生活环境的波多黎各人的数量。• 到达了7个受灾严重的城镇: Humacao,Dorado,Caguas,Juncos,Carolina,主要品牌的支持: 拜耳,山姆俱乐部,彪马能源和沃尔玛,其中。• 900额外的防水布直接交给市政市长 • 900多个家庭受到影响 • 1,000多个波多黎各人迄今为止提供了帮助。• 688,695,000的印象将继续引起人们对许多仍然没有屋顶的家庭的认识。 执行 与市政府合作,我们绘制了受重创的社区地图,测量了无屋顶房屋,并创建了在线房屋清单,这些房屋被用作辅助媒体空间-它们的有效性不是通过覆盖范围或印象来衡量的,而是通过家庭的帮助来衡量的。我们能够生产和安装定制的耐候性覆盖物,作为这些房屋的临时屋顶,这些覆盖物由户外材料制成,比联邦紧急事务管理局 (FEMA) 的蓝色防水布更耐用。 CampaignDescription 在这些需要的时候,我们决定将我们的付费媒体变成援助媒体: 一种新的媒体,为品牌提供了一种将其支持信息转化为支持行动的方式,并将户外广告放在最有帮助的地方: 无屋顶房屋。

    Aid Media

    案例简介:Synopsis On September 20th, 2017, Puerto Rico withstood the wrath of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane in recent history. Hurricane María tore through the Island with 223km winds and left over 70,000 families without a roof. For many, the storm went on, as constant rains aggravated the state of emergency, and a shortage of emergency tarps and construction supplies delayed relief. As an immediate response to the unprecedented level of devastation and taking into consideration its main channels sustained heavy damage, the Outdoor Advertising Association of Puerto Rico set out to put an entire industry at the disposal of those affected by the storm. Objectives: • Put our resources and expertise handling weather-resistant material in benefit of Puerto Ricans who lost their roofs. • Encourage brands, Association members, suppliers and volunteers to get involved. • Reach and impact as many roofless homes and families in need as possible. Strategy With this initiative, we aimed to reach the people who were affected the most due to hurricane María: those who lost their roofs. Many of them elderly and living in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. Our strategy was to involve brands and our Association members and give them an immediate way to truly impact Puerto Ricans in need. Relevancy The Outdoor Advertising Association of Puerto Rico created AidMedia as a way to give brands the opportunity to truly come to life by helping Puerto Ricans in the most difficult moment of their history. With this activation, brand support was not limited to encouraging slogans, but rather turned into immediate solutions of great impact. Outcome Our initiative showed an industry’s capacity to reinvent itself in moments of difficulty and put its resources in benefit of those in need. In these hard times, we realized that when it comes to effectiveness, the only number that really matters, is the amount of Puerto Ricans we can provide with a better living environment. • 7 hard-hit towns reached: Humacao, Dorado, Caguas, Juncos, Carolina, Camuy and Gurabo • Major brands’ support: Bayer, Sam’s Club, Puma Energy and Walmart, among others. • 900 additional tarps handed directly to municipalitie's mayors • 900+ families impacted • 1,000+ Puerto Ricans helped to date. • 688,695,000 impressions that will continue generating awareness on the many families that still live without a roof. Execution In collaboration with municipal governments we mapped severely hit communities, measured roofless houses and created an online inventory of homes that were offered as AidMedia spaces - their effectiveness measured not by reach nor impressions, but by families helped. We were able to produce and install custom-made weather resistant coverings that served as temporary roofs for these houses, made of outdoor material that is even more durable than the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) blue tarps. CampaignDescription In these times of need, we decided to turn our paid media into Aid Media: a new medium that gives brands a way to turn their support messages into support actions and place outdoor advertising where it can help the most: roofless homes.



    Aid Media






    广告公司: DDB (波多黎各 Guaynabo) 制作公司: 恒美




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