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    案例简介:概要 国际残疾协会是总部设在法国的领先非政府组织 (前 15 名)。它成立于 35 年前,是帮助难民营难民的第一个任务。该组织面临着一个品牌问题,损害了其信誉和筹款活动: 1) 国际残疾协会这个名字已经失去了英语世界的社会可接受性,因为残疾一词被 “残疾人” 所取代。该组织的名字不再代表其 6 个干预领域的全部内容。我们的挑战: 找到一个文化上合适的名字,将被 60 多个国家采用。洞察: 我们的国际分析显示,该组织的主要利益相关者通常将国际残疾协会称为 “嗨”。我们的解决方案: 替换首字母缩略词 HI 的定义,注入新的含义和灵感。2018年1月24日,这个新名字被揭示并部署到世界各地。国际残疾协会成为人性和包容。 结果 结果由于名称和平台刚刚推出,所有量化结果都悬而未决。但媒体的报道是积极的,总体反应是一致的: 新的名称和平台受到了该组织成员和捐助者的热烈欢迎, 在该组织提供帮助的所有 60 个国家中采用。人类 & 包容现在有一个身份,它传达了它的价值观、活动和总体使命。未来看起来像人类和包容的新身份一样光明。 执行 新标志和品牌平台: 新标志代表了一个强大而普遍的象征: 人类的手。手唤起我们的独特性,但也帮助我们记住我们都是人。这个标志代表了 HI 为有需要的人提供的 “帮助之手”。它也可以被解释为一只举起的手说 “停下来!”!“这个助手标志整合了品牌的首字母缩略词 (HI),同时超越了语言和文化。为了反映 HI 的移情方法,其特点是尊重个性和接近其受益者,品牌平台使用圆形错字和明亮对比的颜色。 活动描述 新名称: 我们的国际分析显示,该组织的主要利益相关者通常将国际残疾协会称为 “嗨”。我们的解决方案: 替换首字母缩略词 HI 的定义,注入新的含义和灵感。国际残疾协会成为人性和包容。这个新名字反映了该组织的核心价值观之一: 人性。它还传达了将经常被忽视的残疾人和弱势群体包括在内的雄心之一。它唤起了一个事实,即喜珍惜差异,反对排斥。


    案例简介:Synopsis Handicap International is a leading NGO (among the top 15) based in France. It was founded 35 years ago and had for first mission to help camp refugees. The organization was facing a branding issue that undermined its credibility and fundraising activities: 1) the name Handicap International had lost social acceptability for the English-speaking world since the term handicap was replaced by “persons with disability” 2) the organization’s name no longer represented the full spectrum of its 6 fields of intervention. Our challenge: find a culturally appropriate name that would be adopted by more than 60 countries. The insight: our international analysis revealed that the organization’s key stakeholders commonly refer to Handicap International as “HI”. Our solution: replace the definition of the acronym HI and inject new meaning and inspiration. On January 24, 2018, the new name was revealed and deployed to the world. Handicap International became Humanity & Inclusion. Outcome Results Since the name and platform have just been launched, all quantitative results are pending. But media coverage has been positive and the overall reaction is unanimous: the new name and platform were welcomed with open arms by the members of the organisation and the donors, adopted in all 60 countries where the organisation is helping. Humanity & Inclusion now has an identity that now conveys its values, its activities and overall mission. The future looks as bright as Humanity & Inclusion’s new identity. Execution New logo and brand platform: The new logo represents a powerful and universal symbol: the human hand. The hand evokes our uniqueness but also helps us remember we are all human. The logo represents the “helping hand” that HI provides to those in needs. It also could be interpreted as a raised hand saying “stop!” This helping-hand logo integrates the acronyms of the brand (HI) while transcending languages and cultures. To reflect HI's empathetic approach, characterised by respect for individuality and proximity with its beneficiaries, the brand platform uses rounded typo and bright and contrasting colours. CampaignDescription The new name: Our international analysis revealed that the organization’s key stakeholders commonly refer to Handicap International as “HI”. Our solution: replace the definition of the acronym HI and inject new meaning and inspiration. Handicap International became Humanity & Inclusion. This new name reflected one of the organization’s core values: humanity. It also communicated one of its ambitions to include people with disabilities and vulnerabilities who are so often overlooked. It evoked the fact that HI cherishes difference and fights exclusion.

    Humanity & Inclusion

    案例简介:概要 国际残疾协会是总部设在法国的领先非政府组织 (前 15 名)。它成立于 35 年前,是帮助难民营难民的第一个任务。该组织面临着一个品牌问题,损害了其信誉和筹款活动: 1) 国际残疾协会这个名字已经失去了英语世界的社会可接受性,因为残疾一词被 “残疾人” 所取代。该组织的名字不再代表其 6 个干预领域的全部内容。我们的挑战: 找到一个文化上合适的名字,将被 60 多个国家采用。洞察: 我们的国际分析显示,该组织的主要利益相关者通常将国际残疾协会称为 “嗨”。我们的解决方案: 替换首字母缩略词 HI 的定义,注入新的含义和灵感。2018年1月24日,这个新名字被揭示并部署到世界各地。国际残疾协会成为人性和包容。 结果 结果由于名称和平台刚刚推出,所有量化结果都悬而未决。但媒体的报道是积极的,总体反应是一致的: 新的名称和平台受到了该组织成员和捐助者的热烈欢迎, 在该组织提供帮助的所有 60 个国家中采用。人类 & 包容现在有一个身份,它传达了它的价值观、活动和总体使命。未来看起来像人类和包容的新身份一样光明。 执行 新标志和品牌平台: 新标志代表了一个强大而普遍的象征: 人类的手。手唤起我们的独特性,但也帮助我们记住我们都是人。这个标志代表了 HI 为有需要的人提供的 “帮助之手”。它也可以被解释为一只举起的手说 “停下来!”!“这个助手标志整合了品牌的首字母缩略词 (HI),同时超越了语言和文化。为了反映 HI 的移情方法,其特点是尊重个性和接近其受益者,品牌平台使用圆形错字和明亮对比的颜色。 活动描述 新名称: 我们的国际分析显示,该组织的主要利益相关者通常将国际残疾协会称为 “嗨”。我们的解决方案: 替换首字母缩略词 HI 的定义,注入新的含义和灵感。国际残疾协会成为人性和包容。这个新名字反映了该组织的核心价值观之一: 人性。它还传达了将经常被忽视的残疾人和弱势群体包括在内的雄心之一。它唤起了一个事实,即喜珍惜差异,反对排斥。

    Humanity & Inclusion

    案例简介:Synopsis Handicap International is a leading NGO (among the top 15) based in France. It was founded 35 years ago and had for first mission to help camp refugees. The organization was facing a branding issue that undermined its credibility and fundraising activities: 1) the name Handicap International had lost social acceptability for the English-speaking world since the term handicap was replaced by “persons with disability” 2) the organization’s name no longer represented the full spectrum of its 6 fields of intervention. Our challenge: find a culturally appropriate name that would be adopted by more than 60 countries. The insight: our international analysis revealed that the organization’s key stakeholders commonly refer to Handicap International as “HI”. Our solution: replace the definition of the acronym HI and inject new meaning and inspiration. On January 24, 2018, the new name was revealed and deployed to the world. Handicap International became Humanity & Inclusion. Outcome Results Since the name and platform have just been launched, all quantitative results are pending. But media coverage has been positive and the overall reaction is unanimous: the new name and platform were welcomed with open arms by the members of the organisation and the donors, adopted in all 60 countries where the organisation is helping. Humanity & Inclusion now has an identity that now conveys its values, its activities and overall mission. The future looks as bright as Humanity & Inclusion’s new identity. Execution New logo and brand platform: The new logo represents a powerful and universal symbol: the human hand. The hand evokes our uniqueness but also helps us remember we are all human. The logo represents the “helping hand” that HI provides to those in needs. It also could be interpreted as a raised hand saying “stop!” This helping-hand logo integrates the acronyms of the brand (HI) while transcending languages and cultures. To reflect HI's empathetic approach, characterised by respect for individuality and proximity with its beneficiaries, the brand platform uses rounded typo and bright and contrasting colours. CampaignDescription The new name: Our international analysis revealed that the organization’s key stakeholders commonly refer to Handicap International as “HI”. Our solution: replace the definition of the acronym HI and inject new meaning and inspiration. Handicap International became Humanity & Inclusion. This new name reflected one of the organization’s core values: humanity. It also communicated one of its ambitions to include people with disabilities and vulnerabilities who are so often overlooked. It evoked the fact that HI cherishes difference and fights exclusion.



    Humanity & Inclusion










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