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    案例简介:概要 几十年来,自然资源保护主义者团结起来反对偷猎者,以拯救大象免于灭绝。这种广为人知的下降给公众留下了这样的印象,即问题正在解决,他们不需要为这项事业捐款。这种错误的成功感大大减缓了对大卫 · 谢尔德里克野生动物信托基金的捐赠 -- 它们同比下降了 17%。当每个人都认为这场斗争已经赢得时,我们的简报是重新激发反对大象灭绝的斗争。我们的目标: 点燃一种新的大众对话 -- 改变对大象困境的认识,而不仅仅是偷猎。增加 10% 的捐赠 -- 扭转 17% 的收入下滑,这样 DSWT 就可以通过保护工作资助其拯救、饲养和释放大象回到野外的努力。增加 10% 的大象收养 -- 这些关系非常有价值,因为他们给了多年的钱,并传播了关于这个原因的信息。 战略 创造了一个互动体验,让人们体验大象隐藏的人性,创造同理心,重新点燃紧迫感,将它们从灭绝中拯救出来。我们没有付费或捐赠的媒体来创造这个想法。DSWT 有以下支持者,但规模不足以产生重新点燃拯救大象的热情并将真正的问题推向前台所需的影响。因此,我们希望劫持领导反偷猎讨论的人和组织的平台。这个想法被有影响力的人和领先的保护组织所播种,促使他们分享这项运动,并在世界大象日制造出一股有助于改变认知的噪音。这意味着我们不仅接触了这个想法,而且有了更大的机会去教育未知的情况。 相关性 在仅仅一个月的时间里,没有付费/捐赠的媒体,《大象你好》产生了全球影响,在 53 个国家获得了 4亿的印象,价值 653万美元。它不仅被覆盖,还被尊崇: “不可思议的新工具将人类短语翻译成大象叫声。” 通过在线邮件; “翻译是一个令人愉快的网站。“ 通过 Cnet。这个想法如此强大,以至于 20 个世界领先的保护组织 -- 包括联合国、野生动物联合组织和自由出生组织 -- 都参与其中,分享了这个想法和信息, 他们的影响被用来改变谈话,不再仅仅是偷猎。 结果 仅在一个月内,由于没有付费/捐赠的媒体,该运动就产生了全球影响,获得了 4亿个印象,价值 653万美元的媒体收入。至关重要的是,我们 75% 的媒体报道包括人类冲突的大象保护情况 -- 这与现有的 2% 的在线报道相比是一个巨大的转变。该运动在 53 个国家进行了报道,媒体达到 2.3亿。它不仅被覆盖,还被尊崇: “不可思议的新工具将人类短语翻译成大象叫声。” 通过在线邮件; “翻译是一个令人愉快的网站。“ 通过 Cnet。这个想法把这个故事从传统的环境友好的地方变成了网络文化。社交媒体的印象是 1.7亿; 对该运动的社会观点超过 900万。重要的是,它把未知的问题带到了首位。我们的大多数媒体报道报道了人类冲突/栖息地丧失的情况,我们需要告诉世界几十年来对偷猎象牙问题的无情关注一瞬间, 这需要时间。但是《大象你好》是如此强大,以至于 20 多个世界领先的保护组织 -- 包括联合国、野生动物联合组织和自由出生组织 -- 都参与其中,分享了这个想法和信息, 他们的影响被用来改变谈话,不再仅仅是偷猎。通过翻译濒危语言,《大象你好》重新点燃了人们对这一衰落事业的热情,DSWT 将获得 110万美元以上的收入,以继续拯救濒危物种。 执行 我们是在世界大象日发起的。谈论大象是一段嘈杂的时间,但这是改变对话并提高对陌生大象保护问题认识的最佳时机。一部名为《大象你好》的在线电影引入了这个想法,通过大象的语言展示了大象的人性,并将人们推向了竞选网站。该网站让人们有机会翻译他们的信息,用大象说话,通过 sheldrickwildlifetrust.org 捐赠和收养大象,并了解大象数量下降的原因。在这个月的时间里,更多的资产 -- 视频、图像、 gif 、声音 -- 在 DSWT 的社交渠道上被推出。该运动在 53 个国家进行了报道,媒体达到 2.3亿 活动描述 我们翻译了一种濒危语言来帮助拯救濒危物种。给了每个人说大象的能力。大象的你好是世界第一的嗡嗡声大象翻译-部分实用程序,部分共享生成器,部分捐赠机制。经过 40 年对大象通信的研究,它使用人工智能和语音识别技术将语音、文本和表情符号翻译成相应的大象情感或表达。


    案例简介:Synopsis For decades, conservationists have rallied against poachers in order to save elephants from extinction. This well-publicised decline has left the public with the impression that the problem was being solved and they do not need to donate to the cause. This false sense of success has dramatically slowed donations to David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust – they had slumped 17% year-on-year. Our brief was to re-energise the fight against elephant extinction when everyone thinks the fight has been won. Our objectives: Ignite a new mass conversation – shift awareness about the plight of elephants beyond poaching. Increase donations by 10% - reverse the 17% slide of revenue so DSWT can fund its effort to save, raise, and release elephants back into the wild through its conservation efforts. Increase elephant adoptions by 10% - these relationships are extremely valuable as they gave money for multiple years and spread word about the cause. Strategy An interactive experience was created to let people experience the hidden humanity of elephants to create empathy and reignite urgency to save them from extinction. We had no paid or donated media available to create reach for the idea. DSWT had a following of supporters, but not enough scale to generate the impact needed to reignite the passion to save elephants and bring the real issue to the fore. We therefore looked to hijack the platforms of people and organisations leading the anti-poaching discussion. The idea was seeded with influencers and leading conservation organisations, priming them to share the campaign and create a burst of noise on World Elephant Day that helped shift perception. This meant we not only got exposure for the idea but got a greater chance to educate about the unknown situation. Relevancy In just one month, with no paid/donated media, Hello in Elephant generated global impact, garnering 400 million impressions across 53 countries, worth $6.53 million in earned media. And it wasn’t just covered, it was revered: “Incredible new tool translates human phrases into elephant calls.” via Mail Online; "The translator is a delightful site.” via Cnet. The idea was so powerful that 20 of the world's leading conservation organisations - including the UN, United for Wildlife, and Born Free - got involved, shared the idea and message, and their influence was used to start to change the conversation beyond solely poaching. Outcome In just one month, with no paid/donated media, the campaign generated global impact, garnering 400 million impressions, worth $6.53 million in earned media. And crucially 75% of our media coverage included the human-conflict elephant conservation situation – a huge turnaround from the existing 2% share of online coverage. The campaign was covered in 53 countries and generated a media reach of 230 million. And it wasn’t just covered, it was revered: “Incredible new tool translates human phrases into elephant calls.” via Mail Online; "The translator is a delightful site.” via Cnet. The idea took the story out of the traditional environment friendly places into internet culture. Social media impressions were 170 million; social views of the campaign were more than nine million. And importantly, it brought the unknown issue to the fore. The majority of our media coverage covered the human-conflict / habitat-loss situation we needed to tell the world A decades-long relentless focus on the issue of poaching for ivory couldn’t be changed in an instant, it would take time. But Hello in Elephant was so powerful that more than 20 of the world's leading conservation organisations - including the UN, United for Wildlife, and Born Free - got involved, shared the idea and message, and their influence was used to start to change the conversation beyond solely poaching. By translating the endangered language, Hello in Elephant reignited passion for this fading cause and will earn over USD$1.1 million for DSWT to continue to save the endangered species. Execution We launched on World Elephant Day. It’s a noisy time to be talking about elephants, but it was the perfect moment to shift the conversation and raise awareness about the unfamiliar elephant conservation issue. An online film, entitled Hello in Elephant, introduced the idea, demonstrated the humanity of elephants through their language, and pushed people to the campaign site. The website gave people the opportunity to translate their message and speak in elephant, donate and adopt an elephant via sheldrickwildlifetrust.org, and learn about the causes of elephant population decline. Over the course of the month further assets - videos, imagery, gifs, sounds - were pushed out across DSWT’s social channels. The campaign was covered in 53 countries and generated a media reach of 230 million CampaignDescription We translated an endangered language to help save an endangered species. And gave every single person the ability to speak elephant. Hello in Elephant is a world-first human-elephant translator – part utility, part sharing generator, part donation mechanism. Powered by four decades of research into elephant communication, it uses artificial intelligence and voice recognition technology to translate voice, text & emoji into the corresponding elephant emotion or expression.

    Hello in Elephant

    案例简介:概要 几十年来,自然资源保护主义者团结起来反对偷猎者,以拯救大象免于灭绝。这种广为人知的下降给公众留下了这样的印象,即问题正在解决,他们不需要为这项事业捐款。这种错误的成功感大大减缓了对大卫 · 谢尔德里克野生动物信托基金的捐赠 -- 它们同比下降了 17%。当每个人都认为这场斗争已经赢得时,我们的简报是重新激发反对大象灭绝的斗争。我们的目标: 点燃一种新的大众对话 -- 改变对大象困境的认识,而不仅仅是偷猎。增加 10% 的捐赠 -- 扭转 17% 的收入下滑,这样 DSWT 就可以通过保护工作资助其拯救、饲养和释放大象回到野外的努力。增加 10% 的大象收养 -- 这些关系非常有价值,因为他们给了多年的钱,并传播了关于这个原因的信息。 战略 创造了一个互动体验,让人们体验大象隐藏的人性,创造同理心,重新点燃紧迫感,将它们从灭绝中拯救出来。我们没有付费或捐赠的媒体来创造这个想法。DSWT 有以下支持者,但规模不足以产生重新点燃拯救大象的热情并将真正的问题推向前台所需的影响。因此,我们希望劫持领导反偷猎讨论的人和组织的平台。这个想法被有影响力的人和领先的保护组织所播种,促使他们分享这项运动,并在世界大象日制造出一股有助于改变认知的噪音。这意味着我们不仅接触了这个想法,而且有了更大的机会去教育未知的情况。 相关性 在仅仅一个月的时间里,没有付费/捐赠的媒体,《大象你好》产生了全球影响,在 53 个国家获得了 4亿的印象,价值 653万美元。它不仅被覆盖,还被尊崇: “不可思议的新工具将人类短语翻译成大象叫声。” 通过在线邮件; “翻译是一个令人愉快的网站。“ 通过 Cnet。这个想法如此强大,以至于 20 个世界领先的保护组织 -- 包括联合国、野生动物联合组织和自由出生组织 -- 都参与其中,分享了这个想法和信息, 他们的影响被用来改变谈话,不再仅仅是偷猎。 结果 仅在一个月内,由于没有付费/捐赠的媒体,该运动就产生了全球影响,获得了 4亿个印象,价值 653万美元的媒体收入。至关重要的是,我们 75% 的媒体报道包括人类冲突的大象保护情况 -- 这与现有的 2% 的在线报道相比是一个巨大的转变。该运动在 53 个国家进行了报道,媒体达到 2.3亿。它不仅被覆盖,还被尊崇: “不可思议的新工具将人类短语翻译成大象叫声。” 通过在线邮件; “翻译是一个令人愉快的网站。“ 通过 Cnet。这个想法把这个故事从传统的环境友好的地方变成了网络文化。社交媒体的印象是 1.7亿; 对该运动的社会观点超过 900万。重要的是,它把未知的问题带到了首位。我们的大多数媒体报道报道了人类冲突/栖息地丧失的情况,我们需要告诉世界几十年来对偷猎象牙问题的无情关注一瞬间, 这需要时间。但是《大象你好》是如此强大,以至于 20 多个世界领先的保护组织 -- 包括联合国、野生动物联合组织和自由出生组织 -- 都参与其中,分享了这个想法和信息, 他们的影响被用来改变谈话,不再仅仅是偷猎。通过翻译濒危语言,《大象你好》重新点燃了人们对这一衰落事业的热情,DSWT 将获得 110万美元以上的收入,以继续拯救濒危物种。 执行 我们是在世界大象日发起的。谈论大象是一段嘈杂的时间,但这是改变对话并提高对陌生大象保护问题认识的最佳时机。一部名为《大象你好》的在线电影引入了这个想法,通过大象的语言展示了大象的人性,并将人们推向了竞选网站。该网站让人们有机会翻译他们的信息,用大象说话,通过 sheldrickwildlifetrust.org 捐赠和收养大象,并了解大象数量下降的原因。在这个月的时间里,更多的资产 -- 视频、图像、 gif 、声音 -- 在 DSWT 的社交渠道上被推出。该运动在 53 个国家进行了报道,媒体达到 2.3亿 活动描述 我们翻译了一种濒危语言来帮助拯救濒危物种。给了每个人说大象的能力。大象的你好是世界第一的嗡嗡声大象翻译-部分实用程序,部分共享生成器,部分捐赠机制。经过 40 年对大象通信的研究,它使用人工智能和语音识别技术将语音、文本和表情符号翻译成相应的大象情感或表达。

    Hello in Elephant

    案例简介:Synopsis For decades, conservationists have rallied against poachers in order to save elephants from extinction. This well-publicised decline has left the public with the impression that the problem was being solved and they do not need to donate to the cause. This false sense of success has dramatically slowed donations to David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust – they had slumped 17% year-on-year. Our brief was to re-energise the fight against elephant extinction when everyone thinks the fight has been won. Our objectives: Ignite a new mass conversation – shift awareness about the plight of elephants beyond poaching. Increase donations by 10% - reverse the 17% slide of revenue so DSWT can fund its effort to save, raise, and release elephants back into the wild through its conservation efforts. Increase elephant adoptions by 10% - these relationships are extremely valuable as they gave money for multiple years and spread word about the cause. Strategy An interactive experience was created to let people experience the hidden humanity of elephants to create empathy and reignite urgency to save them from extinction. We had no paid or donated media available to create reach for the idea. DSWT had a following of supporters, but not enough scale to generate the impact needed to reignite the passion to save elephants and bring the real issue to the fore. We therefore looked to hijack the platforms of people and organisations leading the anti-poaching discussion. The idea was seeded with influencers and leading conservation organisations, priming them to share the campaign and create a burst of noise on World Elephant Day that helped shift perception. This meant we not only got exposure for the idea but got a greater chance to educate about the unknown situation. Relevancy In just one month, with no paid/donated media, Hello in Elephant generated global impact, garnering 400 million impressions across 53 countries, worth $6.53 million in earned media. And it wasn’t just covered, it was revered: “Incredible new tool translates human phrases into elephant calls.” via Mail Online; "The translator is a delightful site.” via Cnet. The idea was so powerful that 20 of the world's leading conservation organisations - including the UN, United for Wildlife, and Born Free - got involved, shared the idea and message, and their influence was used to start to change the conversation beyond solely poaching. Outcome In just one month, with no paid/donated media, the campaign generated global impact, garnering 400 million impressions, worth $6.53 million in earned media. And crucially 75% of our media coverage included the human-conflict elephant conservation situation – a huge turnaround from the existing 2% share of online coverage. The campaign was covered in 53 countries and generated a media reach of 230 million. And it wasn’t just covered, it was revered: “Incredible new tool translates human phrases into elephant calls.” via Mail Online; "The translator is a delightful site.” via Cnet. The idea took the story out of the traditional environment friendly places into internet culture. Social media impressions were 170 million; social views of the campaign were more than nine million. And importantly, it brought the unknown issue to the fore. The majority of our media coverage covered the human-conflict / habitat-loss situation we needed to tell the world A decades-long relentless focus on the issue of poaching for ivory couldn’t be changed in an instant, it would take time. But Hello in Elephant was so powerful that more than 20 of the world's leading conservation organisations - including the UN, United for Wildlife, and Born Free - got involved, shared the idea and message, and their influence was used to start to change the conversation beyond solely poaching. By translating the endangered language, Hello in Elephant reignited passion for this fading cause and will earn over USD$1.1 million for DSWT to continue to save the endangered species. Execution We launched on World Elephant Day. It’s a noisy time to be talking about elephants, but it was the perfect moment to shift the conversation and raise awareness about the unfamiliar elephant conservation issue. An online film, entitled Hello in Elephant, introduced the idea, demonstrated the humanity of elephants through their language, and pushed people to the campaign site. The website gave people the opportunity to translate their message and speak in elephant, donate and adopt an elephant via sheldrickwildlifetrust.org, and learn about the causes of elephant population decline. Over the course of the month further assets - videos, imagery, gifs, sounds - were pushed out across DSWT’s social channels. The campaign was covered in 53 countries and generated a media reach of 230 million CampaignDescription We translated an endangered language to help save an endangered species. And gave every single person the ability to speak elephant. Hello in Elephant is a world-first human-elephant translator – part utility, part sharing generator, part donation mechanism. Powered by four decades of research into elephant communication, it uses artificial intelligence and voice recognition technology to translate voice, text & emoji into the corresponding elephant emotion or expression.



    Hello in Elephant






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