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    Lay´s Maxx SuperclÁsico短视频广告营销案例



    Lay's Maxx superclasico

    案例简介:结果 。超过 4.5 毫米的竞争活动的意见在不到一个月.在竞选期间和之后的一个月 (1月和 2016年2月),YouTube 上最常见的 10 个视频之一..Lay 的 Maxx 销售额超过 30% 的品牌目标。 活动描述 这个想法是用 “la bombonera” 作为舞台来开发有史以来最真实的视频游戏。根据英国《守护者》的说法,这个视频游戏使你能够生活在每个人死亡前必须看到的体育赛事中:我们开发了一个足球视频游戏,在这个游戏中,我们绘制了足球运动员和球员在实际足球场 (La Bombonera) 的场地上控制的球。 执行 执行主要包括将沙发和屏幕,家庭游戏的两个元素,移动到一个实际的足球场。为此,我们邀请了全国最著名的两位玩家来到 “la bombonera”,体验他们一生中最好的游戏体验。使用特殊的软件,我们可以产生一个三维效果,从用户的角度来看,它可以创造和他在家玩时一样的体验。在足球场上,我们设置了 40 台投影仪来绘制球场和看台的 100%,用作屏幕。投影仪被放置在 10 个不同的战略点,以涵盖体育场。整个体验通过脸谱网和推特品牌频道直播。然后,我们在 Lay 的 MAXX YouTube 频道分享了一段视频回顾。最重要的是,著名的足球运动员在他们的个人账户上分享了这段视频。 战略 我们的目标受众,千禧一代,是视频游戏爱好者,他们在这一领域的选择是基于游戏体验的现实主义。所以我们决定给他们提供一个超现实的媒体体验: 我们把他们坐在那里享受视频游戏的典型客厅变成了一个真正的足球场。为了传达这个想法,我们使用了 Lay 的社交媒体渠道,如 Facebook 、推特和 You-Tube,足球影响者也帮助我们扩大了体验。 相关性 我们第一次使用世界上最具标志性的足球场之一 La Bombonera 作为屏幕来开发最真实的现场足球视频游戏。我们使用地图技术在整个体育场直播视频游戏,让千禧一代有机会在更现实的环境中玩足球比赛。 概要 Lay's Maxx 是 Lay' s 小吃中最强烈的版本,因为它的味道、脆度和罗纹质地。为了传达 Lay 的 MAXX 发布,我们必须为我们的年轻目标受众传递这种强度。

    Lay's Maxx superclasico

    案例简介:Outcome . More than 4.5 MM compete views of the campaign in less than a month.. One of the 10 most seen video in YouTube during the month of the campaign and the month after (Jan and Feb 2016).. Lay´s Maxx sales surpass brand objective in a 30%. Campaign Description The idea was to use ‘La Bombonera’ as the stage to develop the most realistic video game of all time. That video game enables you to live the sporting event that every human being has to see before he or she dies, according to ‘The Guardian’ from U.K.,: ‘El Superclásico’ Boca vs. River.We developed a football video game where we have mapped the football players and the ball that the players control on the field of the actual football stadium (La Bombonera). Execution The execution mainly consisted in moving the sofa and the screen, 2 elements of home gaming, to an actual football stadium. To do this we invited the two most famous gamers in the country to ‘La Bombonera’ to live the best gaming experience of their lives. Using special software we could generate a three-dimensional effect that allowed, from the user´s perspective, and create identical experience as the one he lives when playing at home. On the football field, we set up 40 projectors to map 100% of the field and stands, to use as a screen. The projectors were placed in 10 different strategic points to encompass the stadium. The whole experience was broadcasted live through the Facebook and Twitter brand channels. Then, we shared a video recap with the experience in Lay´s MAXX YouTube channel. To top it off famous football players shared that video in their personal accounts. Strategy Our target audience, millennials, are video game fans and their choice in this area is based on the realism of the gaming experience.So we decided to offer them a hyper-realistic media experience: we turned the typical living room where they sat to enjoy the video games into an actual football stadium.To communicate this idea, we used Lay´s social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and You-Tube, where football Influencers also helped us to amplify the experience. Relevancy For first time, we used La Bombonera, one of the most iconic football stadiums in the world, as a screen to develop the most realistic live football video game.We projected the video game live in the entire stadium using mapping technology, giving millennials the opportunity to play a football game in a more realistic context. Synopsis Lay´s Maxx is the most intense version of Lay´s snacks because of its flavor, crispness and ribbed texture.To communicate Lay´s MAXX launch, we had to transmit that intensity with an experience for our young target audience.

    Lay´s Maxx SuperclÁsico

    案例简介:结果 。超过 4.5 毫米的竞争活动的意见在不到一个月.在竞选期间和之后的一个月 (1月和 2016年2月),YouTube 上最常见的 10 个视频之一..Lay 的 Maxx 销售额超过 30% 的品牌目标。 活动描述 这个想法是用 “la bombonera” 作为舞台来开发有史以来最真实的视频游戏。根据英国《守护者》的说法,这个视频游戏使你能够生活在每个人死亡前必须看到的体育赛事中:我们开发了一个足球视频游戏,在这个游戏中,我们绘制了足球运动员和球员在实际足球场 (La Bombonera) 的场地上控制的球。 执行 执行主要包括将沙发和屏幕,家庭游戏的两个元素,移动到一个实际的足球场。为此,我们邀请了全国最著名的两位玩家来到 “la bombonera”,体验他们一生中最好的游戏体验。使用特殊的软件,我们可以产生一个三维效果,从用户的角度来看,它可以创造和他在家玩时一样的体验。在足球场上,我们设置了 40 台投影仪来绘制球场和看台的 100%,用作屏幕。投影仪被放置在 10 个不同的战略点,以涵盖体育场。整个体验通过脸谱网和推特品牌频道直播。然后,我们在 Lay 的 MAXX YouTube 频道分享了一段视频回顾。最重要的是,著名的足球运动员在他们的个人账户上分享了这段视频。 战略 我们的目标受众,千禧一代,是视频游戏爱好者,他们在这一领域的选择是基于游戏体验的现实主义。所以我们决定给他们提供一个超现实的媒体体验: 我们把他们坐在那里享受视频游戏的典型客厅变成了一个真正的足球场。为了传达这个想法,我们使用了 Lay 的社交媒体渠道,如 Facebook 、推特和 You-Tube,足球影响者也帮助我们扩大了体验。 相关性 我们第一次使用世界上最具标志性的足球场之一 La Bombonera 作为屏幕来开发最真实的现场足球视频游戏。我们使用地图技术在整个体育场直播视频游戏,让千禧一代有机会在更现实的环境中玩足球比赛。 概要 Lay's Maxx 是 Lay' s 小吃中最强烈的版本,因为它的味道、脆度和罗纹质地。为了传达 Lay 的 MAXX 发布,我们必须为我们的年轻目标受众传递这种强度。

    Lay´s Maxx SuperclÁsico

    案例简介:Outcome . More than 4.5 MM compete views of the campaign in less than a month.. One of the 10 most seen video in YouTube during the month of the campaign and the month after (Jan and Feb 2016).. Lay´s Maxx sales surpass brand objective in a 30%. Campaign Description The idea was to use ‘La Bombonera’ as the stage to develop the most realistic video game of all time. That video game enables you to live the sporting event that every human being has to see before he or she dies, according to ‘The Guardian’ from U.K.,: ‘El Superclásico’ Boca vs. River.We developed a football video game where we have mapped the football players and the ball that the players control on the field of the actual football stadium (La Bombonera). Execution The execution mainly consisted in moving the sofa and the screen, 2 elements of home gaming, to an actual football stadium. To do this we invited the two most famous gamers in the country to ‘La Bombonera’ to live the best gaming experience of their lives. Using special software we could generate a three-dimensional effect that allowed, from the user´s perspective, and create identical experience as the one he lives when playing at home. On the football field, we set up 40 projectors to map 100% of the field and stands, to use as a screen. The projectors were placed in 10 different strategic points to encompass the stadium. The whole experience was broadcasted live through the Facebook and Twitter brand channels. Then, we shared a video recap with the experience in Lay´s MAXX YouTube channel. To top it off famous football players shared that video in their personal accounts. Strategy Our target audience, millennials, are video game fans and their choice in this area is based on the realism of the gaming experience.So we decided to offer them a hyper-realistic media experience: we turned the typical living room where they sat to enjoy the video games into an actual football stadium.To communicate this idea, we used Lay´s social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and You-Tube, where football Influencers also helped us to amplify the experience. Relevancy For first time, we used La Bombonera, one of the most iconic football stadiums in the world, as a screen to develop the most realistic live football video game.We projected the video game live in the entire stadium using mapping technology, giving millennials the opportunity to play a football game in a more realistic context. Synopsis Lay´s Maxx is the most intense version of Lay´s snacks because of its flavor, crispness and ribbed texture.To communicate Lay´s MAXX launch, we had to transmit that intensity with an experience for our young target audience.

    Lay's Maxx superclasico


    Lay´s Maxx SuperclÁsico










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