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    Where Will 100 000 Condoms End Up?短视频广告营销案例



    100 000 个避孕套会在哪里结束?

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 尽管瑞典人知道避孕套通常是个好主意,但他们并不擅长使用。我们的目标受众 (Stockholmers 20-30) 变得更加粗心,因此,艾滋病毒和其他疾病的数量也在增加。研究表明,问题在于态度。避孕套通常被视为一个尴尬的突破,一个不便。我们来自拉法 (斯德哥尔摩艾滋病预防计划) 的简报是将目标观众转向安全的性行为 -- 让避孕套成为乐趣的一部分。目的是找到一种分发形式和一个能让避孕套变得更性感的想法。 描述促销如何从概念发展到实施: 性总是一个有趣的话题。因此,我们没有关注做爱后如果你不使用避孕套会发生什么,而是关注你可以使用避孕套有多有趣。通过打印 100 个带有数字的避孕套,我们给了每个避孕套一个故事,让那些幸运的人讲述。每个避孕套包装都包含一个编号独特的避孕套和一个鼓励接受者分享避孕套命运的文本,通过在博客 kondom08.nu 上传他或她的故事,100 000 个避孕套成为了信息, 媒体和解决方案。 描述客户和消费者的成功促销,包括一些可量化的结果: Kondom08.nu 被超过 110 名 Stockholmers 访问,超过我们的目标 220%。出版了 500 多个故事,从简短的陈述到色情小说不等。编号的避孕套出现在所有的大报纸、国家电视和广播、成千上万的博客和推特上。这项运动使 37% 的目标受众对使用避孕套更加积极,已经在 7月,衣原体病例比 2008年下降了 13%。这项运动在斯德哥尔摩以外发展起来,在炎热的夏季 10 周内,100 000 个避孕套成为全国头号媒体。很多年轻的瑞典人都上床了。 解释为什么促销方法与产品或服务最相关: 编号的避孕套在斯德哥尔摩的节日、活动中以及在酒吧和咖啡馆通过专门设计的避孕套海报免费发放,其中按编号排列有 20 个避孕套。通过在年轻人交往的环境中分发避孕套,我们让观众更容易谈论和练习安全性行为。通过给每个避孕套贴上一个数字,我们强调了一个事实,即每个避孕套都有一个故事要讲。这些故事由用户自己讲述,这意味着活动的核心是基于用户相关内容的精确措辞。支持打印、游击和病毒。

    100 000 个避孕套会在哪里结束?

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Even though Swedes know that condoms are generally a good idea, they aren't that good at using them. Our target audience (Stockholmers 20-30) has become more careless and, consequentially, HIV and other diseases are growing in numbers. The problem, studies suggest, lies in attitude. Condoms are often seen as an embarrassing break, an inconvenience. Our brief from LAFA (Stockholm Aids Prevention Program) was to the turn the target audience on to safe sex - making the condom part of the fun. The objective was to find a distribution form and an idea which could literally make condoms sexier. Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: Sex is always an interesting topic. So rather than focus on what might happen after sex if you don't use a condom, we focused on how much fun you can have using one. By printing 100 000 condoms with numbers we gave every condom a story to be told by whoever got lucky with it. Every condom-package contained a uniquely numbered condom and a text that encouraged the recipient to share the condoms fate, by uploading his or her story at the blog kondom08.nu The 100 000 condoms became the message, the media and also the solution. Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: Kondom08.nu was visited by over 110 000 Stockholmers which exceeded our goal by 220 %. Over 500 stories were published varying from short statements to erotic novels. The numbered condoms were featured in all the big newspapers, on national TV and radio, in thousands of blogs and twitters. The campaign made 37 % of the target audience more positive towards using condoms, already in July, Chlamydia-cases were down 13 % compared to 2008. The campaign grew outside Stockholm and made 100 000 condoms the number 1 national media during 10 hot summer weeks. Lots of young Swedes got laid. Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: The numbered condoms were handed out free in Stockholm at festivals, events and through specially designed condom-posters at bars and cafés, which contained 20 condoms in number sequence. By distributing condoms in environments where young people hook up, we made it easier for the audience both to talk about safe sex and practice it. And by labeling every condom with a number, we underlined the fact that every condom has a story to tell. These stories, told by users themselves, meant that the heart of the campaign was in exact words based on user-related content. Print, guerilla and virals supported.

    Where Will 100 000 Condoms End Up?

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: 尽管瑞典人知道避孕套通常是个好主意,但他们并不擅长使用。我们的目标受众 (Stockholmers 20-30) 变得更加粗心,因此,艾滋病毒和其他疾病的数量也在增加。研究表明,问题在于态度。避孕套通常被视为一个尴尬的突破,一个不便。我们来自拉法 (斯德哥尔摩艾滋病预防计划) 的简报是将目标观众转向安全的性行为 -- 让避孕套成为乐趣的一部分。目的是找到一种分发形式和一个能让避孕套变得更性感的想法。 描述促销如何从概念发展到实施: 性总是一个有趣的话题。因此,我们没有关注做爱后如果你不使用避孕套会发生什么,而是关注你可以使用避孕套有多有趣。通过打印 100 个带有数字的避孕套,我们给了每个避孕套一个故事,让那些幸运的人讲述。每个避孕套包装都包含一个编号独特的避孕套和一个鼓励接受者分享避孕套命运的文本,通过在博客 kondom08.nu 上传他或她的故事,100 000 个避孕套成为了信息, 媒体和解决方案。 描述客户和消费者的成功促销,包括一些可量化的结果: Kondom08.nu 被超过 110 名 Stockholmers 访问,超过我们的目标 220%。出版了 500 多个故事,从简短的陈述到色情小说不等。编号的避孕套出现在所有的大报纸、国家电视和广播、成千上万的博客和推特上。这项运动使 37% 的目标受众对使用避孕套更加积极,已经在 7月,衣原体病例比 2008年下降了 13%。这项运动在斯德哥尔摩以外发展起来,在炎热的夏季 10 周内,100 000 个避孕套成为全国头号媒体。很多年轻的瑞典人都上床了。 解释为什么促销方法与产品或服务最相关: 编号的避孕套在斯德哥尔摩的节日、活动中以及在酒吧和咖啡馆通过专门设计的避孕套海报免费发放,其中按编号排列有 20 个避孕套。通过在年轻人交往的环境中分发避孕套,我们让观众更容易谈论和练习安全性行为。通过给每个避孕套贴上一个数字,我们强调了一个事实,即每个避孕套都有一个故事要讲。这些故事由用户自己讲述,这意味着活动的核心是基于用户相关内容的精确措辞。支持打印、游击和病毒。

    Where Will 100 000 Condoms End Up?

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Even though Swedes know that condoms are generally a good idea, they aren't that good at using them. Our target audience (Stockholmers 20-30) has become more careless and, consequentially, HIV and other diseases are growing in numbers. The problem, studies suggest, lies in attitude. Condoms are often seen as an embarrassing break, an inconvenience. Our brief from LAFA (Stockholm Aids Prevention Program) was to the turn the target audience on to safe sex - making the condom part of the fun. The objective was to find a distribution form and an idea which could literally make condoms sexier. Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation: Sex is always an interesting topic. So rather than focus on what might happen after sex if you don't use a condom, we focused on how much fun you can have using one. By printing 100 000 condoms with numbers we gave every condom a story to be told by whoever got lucky with it. Every condom-package contained a uniquely numbered condom and a text that encouraged the recipient to share the condoms fate, by uploading his or her story at the blog kondom08.nu The 100 000 condoms became the message, the media and also the solution. Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results: Kondom08.nu was visited by over 110 000 Stockholmers which exceeded our goal by 220 %. Over 500 stories were published varying from short statements to erotic novels. The numbered condoms were featured in all the big newspapers, on national TV and radio, in thousands of blogs and twitters. The campaign made 37 % of the target audience more positive towards using condoms, already in July, Chlamydia-cases were down 13 % compared to 2008. The campaign grew outside Stockholm and made 100 000 condoms the number 1 national media during 10 hot summer weeks. Lots of young Swedes got laid. Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service: The numbered condoms were handed out free in Stockholm at festivals, events and through specially designed condom-posters at bars and cafés, which contained 20 condoms in number sequence. By distributing condoms in environments where young people hook up, we made it easier for the audience both to talk about safe sex and practice it. And by labeling every condom with a number, we underlined the fact that every condom has a story to tell. These stories, told by users themselves, meant that the heart of the campaign was in exact words based on user-related content. Print, guerilla and virals supported.

    100 000 个避孕套会在哪里结束?


    Where Will 100 000 Condoms End Up?










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