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    案例简介:Bupa拉丁美洲和Geometry哥伦比亚给了我们一个很好的理由来接种疫苗: 不合时宜的国歌。2021年8月11日。今天,Bupa拉丁美洲和Geometry Colombia邀请所有拉丁美洲人接种疫苗。在世界各地的制药实验室和政府为满足新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗需求做出巨大努力的时候,成千上万的人没有响应这一呼吁,带来了后果,比如他们的健康和其他人的健康的脆弱性。这种情况正在恶化,整个地区医院中存在的复杂情况没有改善,这延迟了克服我们一年多以来经历的大流行的希望。美洲杯刚刚过去,让世界震惊的是,空荡荡的体育场和露天看台的激情只在记忆中。每场比赛的重要时刻是国歌,这是一种仪式,球员,父亲,母亲,祖母和祖父教小孩子,在每次决斗之前,国家的国歌总是以自豪的方式演唱,直到他们发出声音为止。听者的鸡皮s。国歌将我们所有人作为公民,作为人民团结在一起,邀请我们战斗,捍卫和感受我们的祖国。不幸的是,今年所有这些都无法生存,唯一在球场上唱歌的是球员,而其余的球迷则悲伤地看到了减少歌曲,那首唱得很糟糕的歌曲。所以,Bupa Latam和Geometry决定利用这种情况来提醒他们,回到体育场,在体育决斗中再次支持国旗的最快方法是接种疫苗,为此,在美洲杯的每场比赛中,Bupa使用了球员的原始音频,他们在体育场内演唱了自己国家的国歌。Bupa是医疗保健的国际领导者,已经在拉丁美洲40多年,使人们拥有长久,健康和幸福的生活,创造一个更美好的世界,邀请所有人勇敢,生活,并努力实现自己的目标与安心接种疫苗,多亏了最好的国际医疗保险之一。Bupa不能忽视这种被迫剥夺激情的行为,因为足球在该地区。根据 “我们的数据世界” 的数据,目前,世界上28.3% 的人口已经至少接种了一剂COVID-19疫苗,而在拉丁美洲,平均人数达到人口的43.72%。这就是他们如何与他们的创意机构Geometry Colombia一起制作了3部电影,旨在提高人们对接种疫苗重要性的认识。哥伦比亚Geometry为Bupa制作的电影广告,类别为: 健康。


    案例简介:Bupa Latin America and Geometry Colombia give us a great reason to get vaccinated: Out of Tune Anthems. August 11, 2021. Today Bupa Latin America and Geometry Colombia invite all Latin Americans to get vaccinated. At a time that pharmaceutical labs and governments around the world are making enormous efforts to meet the COVID-19 vaccine demand, thousands are not responding to this call, with consequences, such as the vulnerability of their health and the health of others. This situation is worsening, and the complex situation that exists in hospitals throughout the region is not improving, delaying the hope to overcome a pandemic that we have experienced for over a year. The Copa América has just passed, and it was shocking for the world to see the empty stadiums and the passion of the bleachers only in memories. An important moment in each match is the anthem, a ritual where players, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers teach the little ones that the anthem of a country is always sung with pride before every duel, that their voices rise until they give goosebumps of those who listen. An Anthem unites us all as citizens, as people, invites us to fight, to defend, and to feel our motherland in our veins. Unfortunately, this year none of that could be lived, and the only ones who sang on the field were the players while the rest, the fans, saw with sadness that diminished song, that badly sung song. So, Bupa Latam and Geometry decided to use this situation to remind them that the fastest way to get back to the stadium, to support the flag again in sports duels, is to get vaccinated, and for this, Bupa used the original audios of the players singing Out of Tune Anthems of their country in the stadium during each match of the Copa America. Bupa is an international leader in healthcare that has been in Latin America for over 40 years to make people have long, healthy, and happy lives to create a better world, inviting all people to be brave, to live, and strive to achieve their goals with the peace of mind of being vaccinated, thanks to one of the best international health insurance coverages. Bupa could not ignore this forced deprivation of a passion, as football is in the region. Currently, 28.3% of the world's population already has at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while in Latin America the average reaches 43.72% of the population, according to figures from "Our World in Data. ". This is how, together with their creative agency Geometry Colombia, they created 3 Films that seek to raise awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated. Film advertisement created by Geometry, Colombia for Bupa, within the category: Health.

    Get vaccinated

    案例简介:Bupa拉丁美洲和Geometry哥伦比亚给了我们一个很好的理由来接种疫苗: 不合时宜的国歌。2021年8月11日。今天,Bupa拉丁美洲和Geometry Colombia邀请所有拉丁美洲人接种疫苗。在世界各地的制药实验室和政府为满足新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗需求做出巨大努力的时候,成千上万的人没有响应这一呼吁,带来了后果,比如他们的健康和其他人的健康的脆弱性。这种情况正在恶化,整个地区医院中存在的复杂情况没有改善,这延迟了克服我们一年多以来经历的大流行的希望。美洲杯刚刚过去,让世界震惊的是,空荡荡的体育场和露天看台的激情只在记忆中。每场比赛的重要时刻是国歌,这是一种仪式,球员,父亲,母亲,祖母和祖父教小孩子,在每次决斗之前,国家的国歌总是以自豪的方式演唱,直到他们发出声音为止。听者的鸡皮s。国歌将我们所有人作为公民,作为人民团结在一起,邀请我们战斗,捍卫和感受我们的祖国。不幸的是,今年所有这些都无法生存,唯一在球场上唱歌的是球员,而其余的球迷则悲伤地看到了减少歌曲,那首唱得很糟糕的歌曲。所以,Bupa Latam和Geometry决定利用这种情况来提醒他们,回到体育场,在体育决斗中再次支持国旗的最快方法是接种疫苗,为此,在美洲杯的每场比赛中,Bupa使用了球员的原始音频,他们在体育场内演唱了自己国家的国歌。Bupa是医疗保健的国际领导者,已经在拉丁美洲40多年,使人们拥有长久,健康和幸福的生活,创造一个更美好的世界,邀请所有人勇敢,生活,并努力实现自己的目标与安心接种疫苗,多亏了最好的国际医疗保险之一。Bupa不能忽视这种被迫剥夺激情的行为,因为足球在该地区。根据 “我们的数据世界” 的数据,目前,世界上28.3% 的人口已经至少接种了一剂COVID-19疫苗,而在拉丁美洲,平均人数达到人口的43.72%。这就是他们如何与他们的创意机构Geometry Colombia一起制作了3部电影,旨在提高人们对接种疫苗重要性的认识。哥伦比亚Geometry为Bupa制作的电影广告,类别为: 健康。

    Get vaccinated

    案例简介:Bupa Latin America and Geometry Colombia give us a great reason to get vaccinated: Out of Tune Anthems. August 11, 2021. Today Bupa Latin America and Geometry Colombia invite all Latin Americans to get vaccinated. At a time that pharmaceutical labs and governments around the world are making enormous efforts to meet the COVID-19 vaccine demand, thousands are not responding to this call, with consequences, such as the vulnerability of their health and the health of others. This situation is worsening, and the complex situation that exists in hospitals throughout the region is not improving, delaying the hope to overcome a pandemic that we have experienced for over a year. The Copa América has just passed, and it was shocking for the world to see the empty stadiums and the passion of the bleachers only in memories. An important moment in each match is the anthem, a ritual where players, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers teach the little ones that the anthem of a country is always sung with pride before every duel, that their voices rise until they give goosebumps of those who listen. An Anthem unites us all as citizens, as people, invites us to fight, to defend, and to feel our motherland in our veins. Unfortunately, this year none of that could be lived, and the only ones who sang on the field were the players while the rest, the fans, saw with sadness that diminished song, that badly sung song. So, Bupa Latam and Geometry decided to use this situation to remind them that the fastest way to get back to the stadium, to support the flag again in sports duels, is to get vaccinated, and for this, Bupa used the original audios of the players singing Out of Tune Anthems of their country in the stadium during each match of the Copa America. Bupa is an international leader in healthcare that has been in Latin America for over 40 years to make people have long, healthy, and happy lives to create a better world, inviting all people to be brave, to live, and strive to achieve their goals with the peace of mind of being vaccinated, thanks to one of the best international health insurance coverages. Bupa could not ignore this forced deprivation of a passion, as football is in the region. Currently, 28.3% of the world's population already has at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while in Latin America the average reaches 43.72% of the population, according to figures from "Our World in Data. ". This is how, together with their creative agency Geometry Colombia, they created 3 Films that seek to raise awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated. Film advertisement created by Geometry, Colombia for Bupa, within the category: Health.



    Get vaccinated






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