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    三星 X 勒布朗-“让我们去工作”

    案例简介:条目摘要 勒布朗 · 詹姆斯展示了成为世界上最好的篮球运动员之一的必要性。穿过他的家乡克利夫兰,一个以蓝色科拉德职业道德闻名的城市。 简要解释 上午5:34,勒布朗 · 詹姆斯接到一个人的电话,告诉他需要开始工作,除非他蔑视自己的成就。他回答说,这一切都是为了 “土地”,也就是他的家乡克利夫兰。他和其他人一样开始工作。人们熙熙攘攘地工作,公敌的 “欢迎来到 terrodome” 开始在学校的孩子们离开地铁时玩耍。随着摄像机继续穿过城市的不同区域,建筑工人、办公室工人、电视新闻主播、餐馆厨房工人都在一个长序列中模仿这首歌的歌词。摄像机终于在勒布朗身上休息了,就在一个健身房的门外,他在那里敲打着自己的胸部,唱着被敲打的歌曲的标题。 广告格式其他 这个地方完全是由公敌的 “欢迎来到 terrodome” 驱动的,这是 1990年代早期经典的硬边路线,与蓝领一样具有激励作用。考虑到勒布朗回到克利夫兰的深度和影响,以及这个地方本身的骄傲、遗产和战斗,这个选择是有目的的。这首歌不仅仅是一个配乐,因为歌词是由勒布朗和他的 Clevelanders 同伴在现场作为一个连续的镜头来强调的,将他的世界和他们的世界融为一体。一行一行,歌词与我们穿越克利夫兰的场景和设置相匹配,留下了城市和体育共同的态度、坚持和饥饿的印象。 简要解释 为了宣传新的三星 Gear VR 耳机和勒布朗 “不间断” 的虚拟现实体验,球迷们被邀请进入勒布朗的世界,因为他 grinds 将冠军戒指带到他的家乡克利夫兰。我们跟随勒布朗去上班,无论是在球场内外,paralleled 克里夫兰的坚韧不拔的天性和职业道德。他们团结在一个共同的目标上: 尽一切努力赢得胜利。电影中,一系列的鞭子削减有助于将两个世界融合在一起,强调勒布朗和克利夫兰市之间的团结,因为他们寻求该市 50 多年来的第一个体育冠军。这个地方的男高音与它的音乐相匹配 -- 这是一首来自 20世纪90年代初的硬边公敌歌曲,和蓝领音乐一样具有激励性。 条目摘要 勒布朗 · 詹姆斯在俄亥俄州阿克伦长大 -- 就在克利夫兰郊外。作为一名高中篮球巨星,勒布朗首先被他的家乡职业篮球队 -- 克利夫兰骑士队选中。对于一个 51 年来没有赢得体育冠军的城市来说,勒布朗给了人们新的希望,无论是在运动方面还是在其他方面。但是当他离开去迈阿密踢球时,克利夫兰被摧毁了。直到 2014年他回来,克里夫兰才恢复了活力,勒布朗大胆地宣称,“对我来说最重要的是把一座奖杯带回俄亥俄州东北部。 “为了与勒布朗的回归对俄亥俄州的文化影响相匹配,我们在篮球最大的文化时刻之一: 圣诞节推出了这个景点。90: 讲述了勒布朗和克利夫兰开始工作的故事,第一次跑步是在克利夫兰对金州的比赛中,这是去年总决赛的一场比赛。

    三星 X 勒布朗-“让我们去工作”

    案例简介:Entry Summary Lebron James shows what it takes to be one of the best basketball players in the world. Running through his hometown of Cleveland, a city know for it's blue collard work ethic. Brief Explanation At 5:34AM, LeBron James receives a phone call from a man who tells him he needs to start working, unless he's contempt with his accomplishments. He responds that it's all about getting one for "The Land" also known as his hometown, Cleveland. He begins his work just like everyone else. People are bustling to work and Public Enemy's "Welcome to the Terrordome" begins playing as school children exit the subway. As the camera continues to pass through different areas of the city, construction workers, office workers, TV news anchors, restaurant kitchen workers all mimic the lyrics of the song in one long sequence. The camera finally comes to a rest on LeBron, just outside the doors of a gym where he beats his chest to the title of the song being rapped. Advertising Format Other The spot is driven entirely by Public Enemy’s “Welcome to the Terrordome,” a classic, hard-edged track from the early 1990s, equally motivational as it is blue-collar. This choice was a purposeful one, given the depth and impact of LeBron’s return home to Cleveland, and the pride, heritage, and fight of the spot itself. The song became much more than a soundtrack, as the lyrics are voiced emphatically by LeBron and his fellow Clevelanders throughout the spot as one continuous shot, blending his world with theirs. Line by line, the lyrics pair with the scenes and settings as we journey through Cleveland, leaving an impression of attitude, persistence and hunger, shared by both city and sport. Brief Explanation To hype the new Samsung Gear VR headset and LeBron's "Uninterrupted" VR experience, fans are invited into LeBron’s world as he grinds to bring a championship ring to his hometown of Cleveland. We follow LeBron as he goes to work, both on and off the court, paralleled by the gritty nature and work ethic of the city of Cleveland. They are united in a common goal: to do whatever it takes to win. Cinematically, the series of whip cuts help blend the two worlds together, emphasizing the unity between LeBron and the city of Cleveland as they seek the city’s first sports championship in over 50 years. The spot’s tenor is matched by its music - a hard-edged Public Enemy track from the early 1990’s that is as equally motivational as it is blue-collar. Entry Summary LeBron James grew up in Akron, Ohio - just outside Cleveland. A basketball superstar in high school, LeBron was drafted first overall by his hometown pro basketball team - the Cleveland Cavaliers. For a city that hadn’t won a sports championship in 51 years, LeBron gave new hope, both athletically and beyond. But when he left to play for Miami, Cleveland was devastated. It wasn’t until he returned in 2014 that Cleveland was reenergized, guided by LeBron’s bold claim that “what’s most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.” To match the cultural impact LeBron’s return has had on Ohio, we launched the spot during one of basketball’s biggest cultural moments: Christmas Day. The :90, which tells the story of LeBron and Cleveland getting down to work, first ran during the Cleveland vs. Golden State NBA game - a rematch of the previous year's NBA Finals.

    Samsung X Lebron - "let's Go To Work"

    案例简介:条目摘要 勒布朗 · 詹姆斯展示了成为世界上最好的篮球运动员之一的必要性。穿过他的家乡克利夫兰,一个以蓝色科拉德职业道德闻名的城市。 简要解释 上午5:34,勒布朗 · 詹姆斯接到一个人的电话,告诉他需要开始工作,除非他蔑视自己的成就。他回答说,这一切都是为了 “土地”,也就是他的家乡克利夫兰。他和其他人一样开始工作。人们熙熙攘攘地工作,公敌的 “欢迎来到 terrodome” 开始在学校的孩子们离开地铁时玩耍。随着摄像机继续穿过城市的不同区域,建筑工人、办公室工人、电视新闻主播、餐馆厨房工人都在一个长序列中模仿这首歌的歌词。摄像机终于在勒布朗身上休息了,就在一个健身房的门外,他在那里敲打着自己的胸部,唱着被敲打的歌曲的标题。 广告格式其他 这个地方完全是由公敌的 “欢迎来到 terrodome” 驱动的,这是 1990年代早期经典的硬边路线,与蓝领一样具有激励作用。考虑到勒布朗回到克利夫兰的深度和影响,以及这个地方本身的骄傲、遗产和战斗,这个选择是有目的的。这首歌不仅仅是一个配乐,因为歌词是由勒布朗和他的 Clevelanders 同伴在现场作为一个连续的镜头来强调的,将他的世界和他们的世界融为一体。一行一行,歌词与我们穿越克利夫兰的场景和设置相匹配,留下了城市和体育共同的态度、坚持和饥饿的印象。 简要解释 为了宣传新的三星 Gear VR 耳机和勒布朗 “不间断” 的虚拟现实体验,球迷们被邀请进入勒布朗的世界,因为他 grinds 将冠军戒指带到他的家乡克利夫兰。我们跟随勒布朗去上班,无论是在球场内外,paralleled 克里夫兰的坚韧不拔的天性和职业道德。他们团结在一个共同的目标上: 尽一切努力赢得胜利。电影中,一系列的鞭子削减有助于将两个世界融合在一起,强调勒布朗和克利夫兰市之间的团结,因为他们寻求该市 50 多年来的第一个体育冠军。这个地方的男高音与它的音乐相匹配 -- 这是一首来自 20世纪90年代初的硬边公敌歌曲,和蓝领音乐一样具有激励性。 条目摘要 勒布朗 · 詹姆斯在俄亥俄州阿克伦长大 -- 就在克利夫兰郊外。作为一名高中篮球巨星,勒布朗首先被他的家乡职业篮球队 -- 克利夫兰骑士队选中。对于一个 51 年来没有赢得体育冠军的城市来说,勒布朗给了人们新的希望,无论是在运动方面还是在其他方面。但是当他离开去迈阿密踢球时,克利夫兰被摧毁了。直到 2014年他回来,克里夫兰才恢复了活力,勒布朗大胆地宣称,“对我来说最重要的是把一座奖杯带回俄亥俄州东北部。 “为了与勒布朗的回归对俄亥俄州的文化影响相匹配,我们在篮球最大的文化时刻之一: 圣诞节推出了这个景点。90: 讲述了勒布朗和克利夫兰开始工作的故事,第一次跑步是在克利夫兰对金州的比赛中,这是去年总决赛的一场比赛。

    Samsung X Lebron - "let's Go To Work"

    案例简介:Entry Summary Lebron James shows what it takes to be one of the best basketball players in the world. Running through his hometown of Cleveland, a city know for it's blue collard work ethic. Brief Explanation At 5:34AM, LeBron James receives a phone call from a man who tells him he needs to start working, unless he's contempt with his accomplishments. He responds that it's all about getting one for "The Land" also known as his hometown, Cleveland. He begins his work just like everyone else. People are bustling to work and Public Enemy's "Welcome to the Terrordome" begins playing as school children exit the subway. As the camera continues to pass through different areas of the city, construction workers, office workers, TV news anchors, restaurant kitchen workers all mimic the lyrics of the song in one long sequence. The camera finally comes to a rest on LeBron, just outside the doors of a gym where he beats his chest to the title of the song being rapped. Advertising Format Other The spot is driven entirely by Public Enemy’s “Welcome to the Terrordome,” a classic, hard-edged track from the early 1990s, equally motivational as it is blue-collar. This choice was a purposeful one, given the depth and impact of LeBron’s return home to Cleveland, and the pride, heritage, and fight of the spot itself. The song became much more than a soundtrack, as the lyrics are voiced emphatically by LeBron and his fellow Clevelanders throughout the spot as one continuous shot, blending his world with theirs. Line by line, the lyrics pair with the scenes and settings as we journey through Cleveland, leaving an impression of attitude, persistence and hunger, shared by both city and sport. Brief Explanation To hype the new Samsung Gear VR headset and LeBron's "Uninterrupted" VR experience, fans are invited into LeBron’s world as he grinds to bring a championship ring to his hometown of Cleveland. We follow LeBron as he goes to work, both on and off the court, paralleled by the gritty nature and work ethic of the city of Cleveland. They are united in a common goal: to do whatever it takes to win. Cinematically, the series of whip cuts help blend the two worlds together, emphasizing the unity between LeBron and the city of Cleveland as they seek the city’s first sports championship in over 50 years. The spot’s tenor is matched by its music - a hard-edged Public Enemy track from the early 1990’s that is as equally motivational as it is blue-collar. Entry Summary LeBron James grew up in Akron, Ohio - just outside Cleveland. A basketball superstar in high school, LeBron was drafted first overall by his hometown pro basketball team - the Cleveland Cavaliers. For a city that hadn’t won a sports championship in 51 years, LeBron gave new hope, both athletically and beyond. But when he left to play for Miami, Cleveland was devastated. It wasn’t until he returned in 2014 that Cleveland was reenergized, guided by LeBron’s bold claim that “what’s most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.” To match the cultural impact LeBron’s return has had on Ohio, we launched the spot during one of basketball’s biggest cultural moments: Christmas Day. The :90, which tells the story of LeBron and Cleveland getting down to work, first ran during the Cleveland vs. Golden State NBA game - a rematch of the previous year's NBA Finals.

    三星 X 勒布朗-“让我们去工作”


    Samsung X Lebron - "let's Go To Work"










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